jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #60 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Last night I was thinking about when Juan was cross-examining Jodi and asked her if her senses were "heightened" during the murder, because typically that is what people experience when feeling threatened. Of course, she stated she had no memory WHATSOEVER.

I used to work in a drug store that was robbed at closing by two armed men in wigs - three of my co-workers, myself and two customers were terrorized with threats and other verbal abuse for 45 minutes while we gathered drugs, hypodermic needles, the cash register contents, watches and jewelry. We were ultimately tied up on our stomachs in the stock room after the phones were ripped out of the walls (no cell phones back then).

My point is - this was over 30 years ago - and I remember ALL of it to this day. I even remember specifically word for word some of the threats while a gun was held to a customer's head, which one of us got what items in the store for the armed men, what I was wearing, what I was called, what the two customers who were caught up in it looked and acted like, the second the robbery was brought to our attention and how (I worked back in the pharmacy). I can give a complete narrative minute by minute all the way up to finally walking out that door several hours later.

I know exactly what Juan was getting at, and I do believe Jodi remembers every second of it, except possibly the couple of minutes when her rage and panic got the better of her and the actual stabbing began and Travis just wouldn't die.

Sorry for the long post. This is what I think about when I can't sleep. The trial. I will be glad when this trial is over. LOL.

Wow. I'm glad you lived to tell about that one. That is just awful.

I was kidnapped when I was 13 years old, and I told my husband the other day that my story and descriptors of the event have not changed at all since it happened in 1983. I remember things being in slow motion, my thinking became crystal clear and I remember being able to size up the man driving the car as being too big for me to fight, I had a certainty that he was going to rape and kill me, I couldn't open the door to jump out since we were on a rural highway road in winter in Minnesota. He grabbed my upper leg/crotch area and started laughing. I hit him with my fist & told him not to touch me again. He began to panic, and I then knew with certainty that I had to calm him down so he would let me out. He kept saying "you're just going to call the police"--long story short, he stopped the car and I ran for about 5 miles on pure adrenalin until I got home.

You don't have memory loss unless you sustained a head injury during the incident, or if you are a soldier on a battlefield.
Am I the only one who gets really nervous until the trial starts? It's like I'm being called to testify or something. I'm probably just a weirdo!

I think most of us want to see her pay for what she did. I get nervous every day because I REALLY want Juan to get her to a point of no return where the discrepancy between the truth and her testimony is glaring, no one could miss interpret it or spin it to be Jodi-friendly.

I literaly get butterflies. So weird.

Last night my 17-year old said Mom, you weren't even THIS obsessed with the CA trial. I said "She didn't get on the stand, I promise you, were she on the stand, I would have been exactly the same way!"
Off topic, but just read that A.Sneiderman wants Sandra Bulloch to play her in a/the movie ! Yipes ! Jodi meet Andrea.
You said this soooo well. It gets to me too. Most people tend to get less mad over time and when they are calm the thoughts they had when they were angry are gone. Not for people like Jodi.

There was no voice of reason in her head. There was no little birdie on her shoulder. There was no conscience whatsoever that told her to turn around and go home and move on with her life without Travis. Time did not heal those relationship wounds for made it worse. She knew Travis was moving on with his girls, friends from the church, UFC nights, Mexico. It boiled in side of her scrambled brain. The more he cut her off the worse it got and then in May she decided Travis deserved to die.

Yes. I think many hardened criminals would be unable to murder in the way she did. She is an evil evil witch.
What is this nonsense about her thinking she'll be aquitted? She's already admitted to killing TA. There is SOME consequence to that regardless of the outcome of this trial. Does she think she might walk away if she can bluff through this?

:) she thinks it will be a hung jury and she will be re-tried in 6 years, and by then she will have worn Mr Martinez down so much he will also add in the lesser charge of Manslaughter for the Jury to pick, and pick that they will and she will get 5 years and be out.

this is from her biggest fan that visits her (the caption on TV swear to god, under his name said Bryan Carr, this is not Jodi's sperm donor)

so i don't know what the sperm donor comment was all about but it did say that.
Good Morning! the links on page one are still not working for me. Would someone please post a link to watch the trial online.

I think most of us want to see her pay for what she did. I get nervous every day because I REALLY want Juan to get her to a point of no return where the discrepancy between the truth and her testimony is glaring, no one could miss interpret it or spin it to be Jodi-friendly.

I literaly get butterflies. So weird.

Last night my 17-year old said Mom, you weren't even THIS obsessed with the CA trial. I said "She didn't get on the stand, I promise you, were she on the stand, I would have been exactly the same way!"


I think you're right. We have a true sociopath on the stand. It's something most of us have never seen before. This is history in the making.
yes, no, I don't know, probably, most likely but not 100%, maybe, I don't know, I don't remember, what's the question?, no, maybe, that's right, that's not right, correct, that's not correct, no, maybe, I don't remember, I don't remember, I don't remember, that's right, that's not right, I don't remember, yes, no, mostly I don't remember. I HAVE HUGE GAPS.

responses to a single question===>symptoms of a scrambled brain and what we're likely to hear today.
I can already hear Nurmi's first question on redirect ...

"Jodi, how did it make you feel when Mr. Martinez was raising his voice in cross-examination ?"
It is looking as if mod coverage is thin at the moment. Therefore, no new thread has been created for today's testimony.
Last night I was thinking about when Juan was cross-examining Jodi and asked her if her senses were "heightened" during the murder, because typically that is what people experience when feeling threatened. Of course, she stated she had no memory WHATSOEVER.

I used to work in a drug store that was robbed at closing by two armed men in wigs - three of my co-workers, myself and two customers were terrorized with threats and other verbal abuse for 45 minutes while we gathered drugs, hypodermic needles, the cash register contents, watches and jewelry. We were ultimately tied up on our stomachs in the stock room after the phones were ripped out of the walls (no cell phones back then).

My point is - this was over 30 years ago - and I remember ALL of it to this day. I even remember specifically word for word some of the threats while a gun was held to a customer's head, which one of us got what items in the store for the armed men, what I was wearing, what I was called, what the two customers who were caught up in it looked and acted like, the second the robbery was brought to our attention and how (I worked back in the pharmacy). I can give a complete narrative minute by minute all the way up to finally walking out that door several hours later.

I know exactly what Juan was getting at, and I do believe Jodi remembers every second of it, except possibly the couple of minutes when her rage and panic got the better of her and the actual stabbing began and Travis just wouldn't die.

Sorry for the long post. This is what I think about when I can't sleep. The trial. I will be glad when this trial is over. LOL.

Wow. I'm glad you lived to tell about that one. That is just awful.

I was kidnapped when I was 13 years old, and I told my husband the other day that my story and descriptors of the event have not changed at all since it happened in 1983. I remember things being in slow motion, my thinking became crystal clear and I remember being able to size up the man driving the car as being too big for me to fight, I had a certainty that he was going to rape and kill me, I couldn't open the door to jump out since we were on a rural highway road in winter in Minnesota. He grabbed my upper leg/crotch area and started laughing. I hit him with my fist & told him not to touch me again. He began to panic, and I then knew with certainty that I had to calm him down so he would let me out. He kept saying "you're just going to call the police"--long story short, he stopped the car and I ran for about 5 miles on pure adrenalin until I got home.

You don't have memory loss unless you sustained a head injury during the incident, or if you are a soldier on a battlefield.

:what: YIKES! Glad you are both okay!
You know, I appreciate this perspective. And although I am personally kind of fascinated with the body language stuff, I hear you on how you would handle it. I don't think it's that black/white. I do find it interesting though that for some time the two closest jurors to her won't look at her at all.

Thanks for your sharing though as all perspectives on this are important. not just the "experts" although I do love Janine Driver. :)
I want to clear this up, because when I say I think body language experts are pedaling woo-woo, it's because I see them as I see the other talking heads - saying whatever gets ratings. My opinion is that body language/body communication is a legit science that is backed up by research; I just don't find talking heads to be legit, for the most part.
:) she thinks it will be a hung jury and she will be re-tried in 6 years, and by then she will have worn Mr Martinez down so much he will also add in the lesser charge of Manslaughter for the Jury to pick, and pick that they will and she will get 5 years and be out.

this is from her biggest fan that visits her (the caption on TV swear to god, under his name said Bryan Carr, this is not Jodi's sperm donor)

so i don't know what the sperm donor comment was all about but it did say that.

Thanks for explaining that.
Thank you!

I don't know why my AZ family isn't working on Ustream

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