I know we're starting testimony but wanted to post this before we get too deep into it....
Last night I was thinking of how ridiculous she sounds when saying --
my lies were not intended to benefit me. That's not why I lied. That's incorrect.
Right. And the dog in my avatar is typing all of my posts.
So- here's what I'm going to do today. I need one of her frequently-said-phrases.
"I can't remember." "Sometimes yes, sometimes no." "That's not what I'm saying."
I'm going to attempt to keep track (or if anyone keeps track) of how many times she repeats this phrase. Each time she does I'm going to donate $1 to a Victim's Rights non-profit organization anonymously in memory and honor of Travis.
It's one of the only ways I can take her lies to benefit someone else.
If anyone has any suggestions for a phrase and is good at keeping count of her lies, let me know. Thanks