jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #68*may contain graphic and adult content*

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OK, sorry....maybe that is so.

I have been used before so I can relate in part...and I hated myself for allowing it and for participating in it. For that, I have compassion.

People here are mercilessly cruel. To say, "Die *****!" is horrible for anyone to say to another human being...especially here at Websleuths. It shouldn't be allowed and I'm horrified. That makes us, in some regard, as no better than those who do these heinous things we see here day in and day out.

I hurt for both families. Its terrible that Travis died as he did. No doubt he used Arias. She let it happen and didn't stop it. Did she kill him out of jealousy? Perhaps. It seems logical. But they had been broken up and she was moving why would she be so jealous at this point? Its very sad all around.

No outcome will fix anything. Alexander cannot come back and Arias will pay with her life...whether alive or dead. I do not think Arias will receive the death penalty....but what do I know...
Its very discouraging to see humanity in this state. I'm more disappointed in the bashing I see here than anything else. After hundreds of posts and countless cases over several years, I have rarely seen such.

I don't think it is fair to say that HE USED HER. I think he really liked her a lot in the beginning. He even counseled her to become a Mormon. And helped her in her career. So it was not just about sex.

But I think as he got to know her better, her sociopathy leaked through. And as the relationship went on, he wanted out of the committed relationship. But they continued on as ' friends with benefits.' Is that the same thing as being 'used' ?

I am not sure it is the same thing. Friends with benefits is a two way street. Also, she gave him proof that she was also seeing other people. She sent him texts meant for other people to try and mask him jealous. But why is it considered 'using her' if she is also seeing other people?

I think they had consensual kinky sex in a 'friends with benefits' arrangement. I disagree that Travis used her. JMO
Nope! She's just good at mimicry and memorization. I love words and try to build my vocabulary at every turn, and love making up my own, too. Words are fun to play with.

I only wish I had a better memory so I could remember all the fascinating words I come across. JA had a decent vocabulary, just about what you'd expect in someone who reads a lot, from varying sources on diverse topics.

I don't know if she reads or not. She certainly does not to seem to have 'life' knowledge, and I've never heard her discuss anything with any higher level of understanding. You'd think she would be intensely knowledgeable about photography, better cameras, processes, techniques, equipment, etc. But everything she's said regarding cameras/photography are at the level of everyone who owns a digital camera.

She's cunning more than blessed with above average intelligence, imv.
Exactly, she mimics, repeats, memorizes, then there's her reference to time zones, ie, green-witch, lol,
How do you know its a lie?

I agree this was a crime of passion...and I suppose it could have been self-defense. It is very difficult to prove and if Jodi had said that from day one, we wouldn't be here.

I am surprised that many of the women who have been hurt by men do not have more compassion for Arias. Not compassion for the murder but for more understanding about abuse and how it works.

I do not see the fear that I expected. That could be for any number of reasons. First, that she has not fear because she is lying...and that makes sense because she has lied a lot. could be because she is on medication. Or it could be because the threat is gone. I don't know...and I don't presume to have the answers.

I will step away now....carry on.

There was no *advertiser censored*, no child *advertiser censored* found on his computer or in his house. Just because Travis wasn't "wholesome" doesn't mean she should make up blatant lies about him. He was a human being who had his faults. I'm a woman who's had my fair share of being hurt by men, not once did I make up lies about them being pedophiles, or make up stories of abuse, crawl through doggie doors and peer in windows to spy on them, hack emails and facebooks, let alone go and kill them.
Just my opinion.



Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage: "an astute businessman".


shrewd - sly - wily - crafty - canny - artful - sharp

I suppose you could say she was astute. But you clearly haven't watched much of her testimony. She often uses large words incorrectly. I think she has some street smarts, but she's no intellectual.

I think a prerequisite (for anyone claiming Jodi's superior intellect) should be the testimony where she claims Travis told her that anal, oral, or underwater vaginal sex is not REALLY sex (in Mormon understanding) and she testified that SHE BELIEVED HIM! Yeah- she's a real Einstein that one!
Her journals were looked at...

The Scientific Examination report is showing that 12 known samples of JA's writing were used to compare to the journal writings. In conclusion it showed the writings all matched.. but... in the journal dtd 4/13/08 - 7/14/08 it showed that on page 30 there is some discernible indented writing that developed, whose source is unknown.

how can anyone say WHEN these pages were written? she was still writing phony s**t in her journal after travis was dead. can an expert say specifically whether these are the same age as the posts before and after them?
My husband thinks Jodi is guilty and said she should get the death penalty. But he thinks she's going to walk. In his opinion, the defense slandering Travis plants a seed in the jury's mind that deviant, duplicitous Travis hid his "true" self from everyone other than Jodi who saw a side no one else was privy to.

He doesn't actually believe that..he just said he thinks that was the defense are going for and that it just might work.

I told him there's no way she will ever see freedom again. Ever. And the defense tactics won't work. Husband said, 'That's what you said about KC.'

I suggested that he leave the room and go have sex with himself.
Is Nurmi really helping her any here?

Are any of the things that he is pointing out any kind of proof of Travis being abusive?

The moods she is writing about are her own problems. NOT anything overt that Travis did.

How is this helping her in any way with the jury? To me, it just paints her out to be a woman with mental health issues. There is nothing that was offered today that says Travis
created those problems. He might have suggested a that cruel or unusual in any way? Especially given her admissions that she usually did whatever he asked of her sexually to please him.
If I murdered every ex-lover that fantasized about a 3-some --I would be a serial killer.

Yes and would anyone think anything was odd at all about Travis' behaviour if he was not a Mormon? I realize he was struggling with his own issues because he was but there was no domestic abuse situation here. They didn't even live in the same state when they were "official" and then broke up. If she thought he was being demanding sexually or demeaning her in any way then she had no reason not to stay away from him.

She has/had no thoughts of her own. Everything she wrote she was ripping off from others IMO. Because she wanted to make herself believe she was an intellectual.

She has an astute vocabulary....but a flat affect.

Thank for this. I wanted to post about it in my last post but forgot.

The idea that someone with the extensive vocabulary that Arias has doesn't know how to write in coded or vague language is absolutely laughable. She didn't have to go into details about anything that Travis did to her, even if she was worried about writing about it extensively would mess with her "law of attraction." Something as simple as, "Something disturbing happened today, but I refuse to focus on that. I am going to instead talk about the positive things in my life," would have gone a long way, but to not even reference it at all? That is just is far fetched to me.

As far as the pages about her suicidal thoughts, I've written things like that before, and when I go back to reread them, I do rip them out because I hate seeing my pain in writing. But, what do I do next? I THROW IT AWAY! I tear the pages into little pieces and stuff it in a trash bag where it can't be read. lol. Why was she holding on to pages of her journal that she tore out? It's still, technically, in her possession, regardless of whether or not it was in her journal. I mean, good grief. :banghead:
I agree with you Shelby, I think she's pretty bright. Articulate and quick thinking. She committed her crime stupidly but that doesn't mean she's a stupid person.

Schuby, I don't often disagree with you, but in this case I do. It's her use of big words incorrectly. A truly intelligent person would be willing to admit to themselves that they don't understand the word. They know they can learn it, so it's not a big deal to them. I think this is just more of her mimicking behavior. JMO
Not even CLOSE... imv.

I think you are right, but Jodi is a once in a lifetime gift. I don't think FCA is in a league with her in terms of quantity of lies...but FCA had better quality. Andrea is just annoying, really, and a little outrageous. Oh, and dangerous...
I work with people who are emotionally abused also.

My heart goes out to you and others. Glad that you were able to escape your situation.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I was a domestic relations paralegal for Legal Aid for more than 10 years. Then I became the director of a crisis line/battered women's non-profit. I wrote many grants to fund domestic violence reduction programs and have even been a conference speaker (and yes, expert witness).

The publicity of this case will set back the movement to protect abuse survivors. For everyone liar like Jodi, hundreds of thousands never get to tell their own TRUE stories.

I am sorry for what you went through, and I celebrate your courage.
My fear is that this jury will want concrete, viewable evidence that JA premeditated this killing. The CA jury did not try to connect the dots. I am afraid that that will happen again. I can remember when circumstantial evidence rarely won trials. Then the tide changed and it was sufficient. Now due to our society's fascination with crime dramas, forensics, etc. some juries want a time stamped photo of the murder in progress (well we have that here) for a conviction of even 2nd degree. I worry about the premeditation aspect. I am afraid the jury will want it all handed to them. I pray that common sense is their yardstick. She admitted killing him. But the planning or premeditation aspect worries me.

Circumstantial evidence is everything that isn't a confession or an eye witness to the murder. That includes blood, hair, fiber, fingerprints, footprints, DNA, etc.

And here we have direct evidence to the murder (confession finally and photographic evidence) in addition to a mountain of circumstantial evidence.

Premeditation has already been proven. In the mere seconds that JA claims to have "gone back into the closet instead of running out the other door, to get the gun she remembered" that time alone, she made a decision and the decision was to get and use that gun. her story is fictitious as anyone can see, but even in Her fictional tale she still "premeditated" the murder.

Juan will pound this home to the jury during his closing.

She's toast.
I don't think it is fair to say that HE USED HER. I think he really liked her a lot in the beginning. He even counseled her to become a Mormon. And helped her in her career. So it was not just about sex.

But I think as he got to know her better, her sociopathy leaked through. And as the relationship went on, he wanted out of the committed relationship. But they continued on as ' friends with benefits.' Is that the same thing as being 'used' ?

I am not sure it is the same thing. Friends with benefits is a two way street. Also, she gave him proof that she was also seeing other people. She sent him texts meant for other people to try and mask him jealous. But why is it considered 'using her' if she is also seeing other people?

I think they had consensual kinky sex in a 'friends with benefits' arrangement. I disagree that Travis used her. JMO

Agree. If she didn't like the friends with benefits agreement, she didn't have to engage in the sex. Didn't she live in CA? So she really didn't have to even see him or talk to him. The only person who made Jodi feel like used toilet paper is herself.
By the way Shefner, you do realize she is claiming self defense and not crime of passion- right?
How does it bash someone to play back their own words?

Neither of these individuals is very wholesome....let's just put it that way.

The issues for me are:

(a) I don't believe he knew he was being recorded - this was supposed to be a private conversation

(b) it is unfair to play only one participant's words - if a tape such as this is entered into evidence to be played for the jury, it should be in its entirety
Jodi kept mentioning how she was "happy" when Travis "paid complete attention" to her. When he didn't, when he tried to live his life, she was not happy anymore & she had to stalk Travis and his dates, and hanging around Travis' home uninvited, and look at Travis' phone, and email and MySpace and it goes on and on.

When Travis decided that paying full attention to Jodi was toxic for his soul, he thought he could ask Jodi to stop bothering him. That was his mistake. Jodi's a soul stealing, tattle-tale telling, gleeful, menacing, all-about-the-anal PSYCHO.

She needs to be destroyed by the State of Arizona.

Are you suggesting that she needs to be flushed down the toilet "like a used piece of toilet paper"?
But think about the CA trial. With my whole heart, I believe the prosecution proved CA murdered little Caylee. The jury did not do their job. With my whole heart, I believe the prosecution has proven that JA slaughtered TA. We will wai to see if the jury does its job. I was devastated when CA walked. I lost faith in our justice system and defense attorneys in general. I canno even comprehend how JA could ever walk. We will see.

As time has gone on, I can see (but do not agree) how the jury could say they were not convinced how Caylee died. There were not enough "lesser included" charges to get some kind of conviction. I believe this trial is much different and really think JM will get a conviction!
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