jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #68*may contain graphic and adult content*

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Can't they refute that these pages were actually written and ripped out back then? Can't we get someone to test the date of the ink to prove she just wrote them? Please??? This is crazy!

Certainly they could compare the pages, I would think that if the original pages were not acid-free or whatever there would be a color change.
I am sure I am not the only one who did not follow this case until part way into the trial. I didn't even know who she was until that time. Stupid THs are not going to sway me one way or the other and I don't follow them much anyway. To me, the evidence is clear and shows premeditation. I think it's unfair to reduce the opinions of posters to a knee jerk reaction, as if there is no thought put into it. As for reasonable doubt? How much evidence is enough?

I am not putting down the opinion of other posters so please do not think that. I am only stating my own feelings about the case. I am alone in my feelings here, apparently. I never, ever, said that other posters had a "knee-jerk reaction."
How does she remember what she THOUGHT about one day in August 2007?!

here again her memory is great when it serves her. but ask about killing ta and i can't remember. we are all weary hoping that the jury notices these things. jmo
Is it really helpful for her to show the jury evidence of her moods and her darkness? I would think it just adds to the belief that she shot him out of anger more than self defense.

Arias reads "I just wish I could die... i am of little use to the world right now through no fault of my own." bla bla boa ...

"All of my darkness is a result of my own creation..." well DUH.

This is all NEW so Juan gets to recross her on this stuff.

This stuff sounds to me like a MOTIVE for murder.
Jodi repeats that she is suicidal throughout the entire timeframe of this relationship. At first I didn't agree that she was a borderline personality (no evidence of sex abuse in her past). Now I think she is, and a suicidal stalker on a mission to kill Travis then kill herself.

But like many abusers she manages to kill him and chickens out on her own death. This just furthers the agument for premeditation.
She is school-smart. She learns big words, sets them to memory then, regurgitates them. That's why she decided to become a sales-person. She speaks well.
That's not innate intelligence. That's parroting skills.

I doubt she could make her way out of a paper bag.

Her IQ is average.

Also, the manner in which she talks is in a 'convincing-mode'. She adds more descriptives than necessary because she's trying to convince her listener.
Most people just convey.

She is cunning and a glib liar but that's all. If she were really intelligent, she would be a successful psychopath yet her history shows someone who is wholly dependent on others just to survive and meet basic needs. She's absolutely lowbrow, IMO.
Is Nurmi really helping her any here?

Are any of the things that he is pointing out any kind of proof of Travis being abusive?

The moods she is writing about are her own problems. NOT anything overt that Travis did.

How is this helping her in any way with the jury? To me, it just paints her out to be a woman with mental health issues. There is nothing that was offered today that says Travis
created those problems. He might have suggested a that cruel or unusual in any way? Especially given her admissions that she usually did whatever he asked of her sexually to please him.
If I murdered every ex-lover that fantasized about a 3-some --I would be a serial killer.
Some folks are going to give themselves an aneurism or heart attack. Seriously! JA will be in prison the rest of her life. She will not walk out a free woman from this. Step away from the edge! If you have to take a long break for your health, please do so.

This is not the CA trial.

This is a bunch of useless drivel. The jury is not going to acquit her.

Relax. In 5 years when she's sitting in a cell somewhere this will alllll fade away.... she's done. She's toast.

But think about the CA trial. With my whole heart, I believe the prosecution proved CA murdered little Caylee. The jury did not do their job. With my whole heart, I believe the prosecution has proven that JA slaughtered TA. We will wai to see if the jury does its job. I was devastated when CA walked. I lost faith in our justice system and defense attorneys in general. I canno even comprehend how JA could ever walk. We will see.
Ha!! Dr Glass took down the post where she called Travis disgusting ... Guess she got the message.
Juan can bring in a hand writing expert....they can tell if the entries were written at the same time.....

Her journals were looked at...

The Scientific Examination report is showing that 12 known samples of JA's writing were used to compare to the journal writings. In conclusion it showed the writings all matched.. but... in the journal dtd 4/13/08 - 7/14/08 it showed that on page 30 there is some discernible indented writing that developed, whose source is unknown.
I am not a nay sayer. I was referring to the leniency of the judge and the tactics of the defense. But if you prefer that I occupy a separate bench, so be it! Guess worries are not allowed on this bench.

The judge is following the law and providing latitude to the defense, at her discretion, and within the law. She, like most everyone else in the legal profession, knows that none of this is really helping Arias and none of it will explain away a murder. It allows the defendant the benefit and removes judicial error claims. The defendant can't claim she isn't getting a "fair" trial.

A few sex tapes and sex letters will not get a jury to believe JA acted in self-defense. There's no bridge to cross to that. The defendant admitted multiple times she enjoyed what they did and considered it a compliment. There's no way to spin 29 stab wounds, a gun shot, and a throat slash ear-to-ear as acting in self defense. Even her team knows that.

The best they can hope for is she gets LWOP rather than the DP. That's what they are really fighting for. They know she's not walking out of prison.
I saw that pic of Jodi's huge "darkness". It was terrifying. She had a whole lota darkness in her when she drove across state lines to go kill an ex.
If defense rested, what happened to the DV and psych experts?
Glad I decided to skip streaming the trial today and just pop in here to see if it was worth Youtubing. Thanks y'all, you saved me several hours of hair pulling today!

Sorry for those of you who actually had to watch that drivel!
But think about the CA trial. With my whole heart, I believe the prosecution proved CA murdered little Caylee. The jury did not do their job. With my whole heart, I believe the prosecution has proven that JA slaughtered TA. We will wai to see if the jury does its job. I was devastated when CA walked. I lost faith in our justice system and defense attorneys in general. I canno even comprehend how JA could ever walk. We will see.

FCA didn't confess nor take the stand.
And that makes her bright???:waitasec:

Nope! She's just good at mimicry and memorization. I love words and try to build my vocabulary at every turn, and love making up my own, too. Words are fun to play with.

I only wish I had a better memory so I could remember all the fascinating words I come across. JA had a decent vocabulary, just about what you'd expect in someone who reads a lot, from varying sources on diverse topics.

I don't know if she reads or not. She certainly does not to seem to have 'life' knowledge, and I've never heard her discuss anything with any higher level of understanding. You'd think she would be intensely knowledgeable about photography, better cameras, processes, techniques, equipment, etc. But everything she's said regarding cameras/photography are at the level of everyone who owns a digital camera.

She's cunning more than blessed with above average intelligence, imv.
No need to test ink...they can easily either match or not the rips in the pages.

I would think that CSI would need to examine them, right?
it looked like to me that she didn't have the other part of the page, but rewrote the beginning of the page that Juan read the other day and then added the extra...
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