jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #68*may contain graphic and adult content*

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Is it really helpful for her to show the jury evidence of her moods and her darkness? I would think it just adds to the belief that she shot him out of anger more than self defense.

Arias reads "I just wish I could die... i am of little use to the world right now through no fault of my own." bla bla boa ...

"All of my darkness is a result of my own creation..." well DUH.

This is all NEW so Juan gets to recross her on this stuff.

This stuff sounds to me like a MOTIVE for murder.

I am glad this will be before the jury. The Bolded part by me... nothing is EVER her fault- she even wrote it down.
I'm done watching this trial. It's so boring. Until JM's rebuttal case starts, then I'll watch him and that. And of course the closing arguments for the state. I've already wasted too much time on the defense's drivel. Life is too short for that.

The Jodi show should have been canceled many days ago. Anyone who can make sex that boring should be put away for years.
Did they really just allow her to interpret a self-help book, and ponder what was supposedly her own writing as to her own meaning? About a book she read in 1999?

This is the reason she can text about getting a butt pounding from a man she says she saw acting upon his pedophile desires 5 months later, but cannot write in her own journal? She had her own residence.
And this has to do with justification of self-defense?
I sincerely hope Juan is permitted to re-cross, or is at least not as polite in his rebuttal.

AMEN!! :rocker:
Ya know...I was saying the same thing to hubby. Permission not needed when you're in a relationship where both sides want it! That's the "goal", spontaneity:what:

And what's a better way to wake up to than morning sex? She has said over and over again that she always consented and always enjoyed the sex.

This is mind-nurming how "Larry" Kirk Nirmi is trying to twist consensual sex into brutally abusive rape. And by playing back late night phone sex excerpts which Nurmi said was "made at the behest of Travis" :furious: and then cannot differentiate between fantasy and reality ... :banghead:
yeah, she almost got away with the perfect crime as far as I'm concerned. [nobody else agrees with me on that, tho]

Except for leaving behind her DNA and those photos. . . .uh. . no I still don't agree.
And that makes her bright???:waitasec:




Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage: "an astute businessman".


shrewd - sly - wily - crafty - canny - artful - sharp

I suppose you could say she was astute. But you clearly haven't watched much of her testimony. She often uses large words incorrectly. I think she has some street smarts, but she's no intellectual.
I agree. While I hate hate hate saying anything positive, her vocabulary is quite good. If she would have finished school and decided to do something good with her life instead of being an empty she could have made a positive difference in the world.

Kim Peek, the real life Rainman, had an excellent vocabulary too. And he was smart in many ways, but he could not take care of himself or be self sufficient in life. Jodi's big vocabulary has nothing to do with how intelligent or bright she is. Matter of fact, I believe her behavior speaks otherwise.
I do not include negative thoughts in my journal.
I wrote about wanting to kill myself in my journal.

My take - killing herself is NOT negative. This is good.
OK...will Juan get the opportunity to have his CSI team actually inspect those pages against the journal?

They would be able to easily tell if those pages match the ones that were torn out.

I mean that seems cut and dry to me. I wouldn't take them as evidence from either side unless that was proven one way or another!
there is absolutely NO way to know what she wrote in the pages and/or partial pages that she tore out... she could very well have torn out anything possibly incriminating before or just after murdering Travis.
She is actually very bright....

She is school-smart. She learns big words, sets them to memory then, regurgitates them. That's why she decided to become a sales-person. She speaks well.
That's not innate intelligence. That's parroting skills.

I doubt she could make her way out of a paper bag.

Her IQ is average.

Also, the manner in which she talks is in a 'convincing-mode'. She adds more descriptives than necessary because she's trying to convince her listener.
Most people just convey.
I didn't mean intellectually, Shefner. I meant emotionally.

OK, sorry....maybe that is so.

I have been used before so I can relate in part...and I hated myself for allowing it and for participating in it. For that, I have compassion.

People here are mercilessly cruel. To say, "Die *****!" is horrible for anyone to say to another human being...especially here at Websleuths. It shouldn't be allowed and I'm horrified. That makes us, in some regard, as no better than those who do these heinous things we see here day in and day out.

I hurt for both families. Its terrible that Travis died as he did. No doubt he used Arias. She let it happen and didn't stop it. Did she kill him out of jealousy? Perhaps. It seems logical. But they had been broken up and she was moving why would she be so jealous at this point? Its very sad all around.

No outcome will fix anything. Alexander cannot come back and Arias will pay with her life...whether alive or dead. I do not think Arias will receive the death penalty....but what do I know...
Its very discouraging to see humanity in this state. I'm more disappointed in the bashing I see here than anything else. After hundreds of posts and countless cases over several years, I have rarely seen such.
I don't understand. Why are these torn pages JUST NOW COMING OUT!? Why didn't Nurmi bring them up already? Can Martinez question her on why she changed the reason for not having the abuse and such written in her journal? Can he question when they were written? Because it makes no sense...GAH!
I don't for one minute think TA was a saint and in fact his own words disgust me. However, I do believe JA's could not handle his rejection and plotted and carried out his murder.

She surprised him somehow someway and all this spin is pure baloney and an attempted diversion by the defense that there was NEVER any abuse in this relationship.

Agreed. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. JA fully admitted they were trying to "top" each other and their previous experiences. He was saying things to her that he thought was private, between them. Hubby and I say stuff to each other that I would be mortified if our kids heard.! And we are in our 50/60's. This testimony proves nothing to me!
She loved Travis Victor Alexander so much she brutally murdered him.
Totally OT but why when I try to Thank some posts I get an alert message from the 'web page' but there's no message there? Are some posts made that don't allow you to thank them?

Site has experienced overload today. Try refreshing the page when you hit the "Thanks" button, and it will eventually post.



Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage: "an astute businessman".


shrewd - sly - wily - crafty - canny - artful - sharp

I suppose you could say she was astute. But you clearly haven't watched much of her testimony. She often uses large words incorrectly. I think she has some street smarts, but she's no intellectual.
I believe you misunderstood my post. I did not say she was a bright individual. I was posing a question to another poster. I don't think she is intelligent at all.
I've been here for 5 years....I've learned when its wise to keep my mouth shut! LOL But thanks for the opportunity. Most often, I am in the majority but not today.

No one in my family could stand the site of Jodi Arias when the trial started.....and there are many aspects of both the accused and the victim which are disgusting. But none of us see this as being a clear-cut pre-meditated charge.

It seems everyone here views it as obvious and wastes no time slamming the defense and the accused, while praising the victim. I respect the victim, make no mistake on that...simply because he was murdered and it was horrible. I feel terribly for his family and loved ones. I feel terrible for the Arias family.

Remember that this jury (and I've been on a few) has no idea what is going on in the media circus out here. They are limited to what they see in court. It truly makes a huge difference. I am curious as to how they are perceiving this case.

I do not believe Arias will receive the death penalty...even if she deserves it. I don't know that the threshold of proof beyond a reasonable doubt has been reached in regard to pre-meditation.

I am sure I am not the only one who did not follow this case until part way into the trial. I didn't even know who she was until that time. Stupid THs are not going to sway me one way or the other and I don't follow them much anyway. To me, the evidence is clear and shows premeditation. I think it's unfair to reduce the opinions of posters to a knee jerk reaction, as if there is no thought put into it. As for reasonable doubt? How much evidence is enough?
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