jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #68*may contain graphic and adult content*

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I think this is going to backfire on Nurmi.

This is such a constant, abundant focus on sex, sex, sex (without any proof of abuse or deviance) that people (including/especially the jury) are more than likely to just start tuning it out.

It's not shocking, it's not relevant, and he's succeeded in making sex intensely boring.

Unless that's his objective, I'd call this a massive fail.

I'm still wondering how her poor abused "broken" in January left finger left a bloody left palm print on Travis's wall in June? :banghead:
I have it on with no sound. I can not take it. Not until they are done all this stuff which is no defense for slicing a man's throat open.
That's ok the sound is turned off in the courtroom right now anyway lol
I get the feeling she broadcast this elicit recording to someone TA knew. This would account for his rage in the text message/email in which he called her 'evil' and a 'sociopath' and that she 'scammed' him and that 'she was the worst thing that ever happened to him'. He went on to threaten to expose secrets of hers to her family IIRC.

I think it would have to be something as horrible as that for him to have finally flipped with her.
I agree with you. I also think that this judge is out to lunch if she is allowing this to be submitted.
Well, the jury has already heard the tape, now they are going to wonder why it is being played without all of the comments Jodi was making. She led that conversation the entire time, he was quiet too long and she started in there is silence then suddenly she's talking about the time she fell asleep on his chair and the thing he did to her.

SHE brought it up...
I am SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully the jurors will remember the full tape and how she was just as much involved in it all.
JA working herself up for the second playing when the jury comes back. Disgusting.
Bu, bu, but.....this is Nurmi forte, dear! This is his claim to fame.

His website:

In an ironic way, this clown is only helping to solidify in the jurors' mind of Jodi's guilt!
A cold calculating heartless murderess deserve an attorney like this. So let him carry on.

That is revolting! And Nurmi has the nerve to try to insinuate that TA was a pedophile! Sick B*ST*RD!
Exhibit 509 titled 50 shades so pedestrian!
She is ALLOWING it!!! I am SHOCKED!

why? she's allowed nurmi to do whatever the hell he wants since this trial started? ask the same questions multiple times, lead, misstate the evidence, etc. he's gotten away with murder in this courtroom, IMO.
I'm floored.

She's letting it in.

There IS a special place in hell for Jodi. And her attorney.

It shouldn't be played. But I say let them play it.

It WILL backfire. She's literally just pushing the needle in herself.
I get the feeling she made this elicit recording for the sole purpose of blackmail or shame. She asks him to repeat certain salacious parts pretending she hasn't heard clearly. She wanted no doubt to exist. I believe she threatened to or actually broadcast the recording to someone TA knew. This would account for his rage in the text message/email in which he called her 'evil' and a 'sociopath' and that she 'scammed' him and that 'she was the worst thing that ever happened to him'. He went on to threaten to expose secrets of hers to her family IIRC.

I think it would have to be something as horrible as that for him to have finally flipped with her.

My feeling is she already did tell someone. Maybe the Bishop.
She is allowing it. Holy smokes. But I have yet to see her not allow any exhibit. Anyone see that?

Didn't she not allow JA's pre-implant booby pics during JM's cross?? Her "medical" photos conveniently taken by Darryl Brewer..?
Jodi's thrilled...

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You're kidding me.
Just her side of the story?
REALLY judge, really!?


What Juan needs to do if the Judge lets him recross is put up only her trash talk.:furious:

This is so biased.
Gonna have to hear/see it again since it was admitted!

Wonder why though? They've heard it all before?

I wonder if any jurors tried to slip out a side door during the break
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