jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #70*may contain graphic and adult content*

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Yesterday was my first exposure to Nurmi, other than his objecting to almost everything JM said to Jodi. Is his chronic use of "Okaaay" just a Nurmi tic, or is he signalling to Jodi to shut up?

His pause button to have time to dream up something else to ask.
For a week...and very, very likely ONLY to attempt to have her forgeries (the 10 letters) admitted into evidence.

I'm sure she still feels like she's pulling the strings, from behind the stage...
i think KCL mentioned that the victim's family has their own bathroom/waiting room

I was a witness for the prosecution in a murder trial. As a witness I couldn't be in the courtroom during other testimony but during lunch and breaks we would all be in the courthouse cafeteria together--his (the defendant's) family and us -myself and a couple a friends who were also testifying- it was very awkward but ultimately his parents didn't do anything wrong. They were there to support their son and we felt very bad for them.
I have the Seal on AZfamily - do I need to try another place or is the Seal being displayed at other sites??

Sadly they are prompt to finish court at 430pm so that jodi may eat her dinner.

They aren't nearly as respectful for the jurors start of the day...(rarely on time)

Why can't JM make a statement, ala Nurmi, as a definitive START time?
For those who wonder about L. Kirk Nurmi.

Law Offices of L. Kirk Nurmi
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of committing a sexual offense?
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any accusation that you committed a sexual offense.
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Sexual Exploitation of a Minor • Sexual Abuse • Molestation of a Child

At the Law Office of L. Kirk Nurmi we understand that you do not have to commit a sexual offense to be accused of being a sex offender. We understand that innocent people can be accused of sex crimes such as sexual assault, sex conduct with a minor or sexual exploitation of a minor, or any sex offense with very little evidence. We also understand that being accused of committing such a crime is devastating and daunting. However, we also understand that the legal consequences are very serious and that if you are accused of a sex crime you need an attorney who has the experience and knowledge needed to provide you with an aggressive defense. Our results speak for themselves:

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Sexual Exploitation of a Minor (10 counts) – not guilty on all counts
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Call (602) 285-6947 Today

So if you find yourself accused of such a crime and you seek competent aggressive representation call our office at (602) 285-6947 for a Free Telephonic Consultation.

Law Offices of L. Kirk Nurmi
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Phoenix, Arizona 85016

(602) 285-6947

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Wow. Sex. SEX! Sex. Seeeex. Sexual! Sex sex sex sex. Sexual assualt. Sexual misconduct. Sexual Exploitation. SEX!!!

Jeez, Nurmi. We get the picture already.
Chris Williams ‏@chriswnews
#JodiArias spectators in place. Only had just enough to fill seats this AM. Must be 1st day w/o line for #Arias in a while

Because no one wants to go in there to listen to her beat Travis into the ground any more than she already has.

How many times is she going to be able to beat Travis up? It's like we are all standing around watching someone beat an animal and can do nothing to make it stop. It's truly sickening.
For a week...and very, very likely ONLY to attempt to have her forgeries (the 10 letters) admitted into evidence.

PLUS she got to phone two prospective DT witnesses. With no supervision, I'm sure.
Any bets one of the ones she called were Matt Mc???
I can't understand only 4 days a week, these delays, long lunch breaks, court ending at 4:30 p.m. Just can't.

Rose the Judge has other cases/trials on her docket. ALL of my trials in the years I've worked in litigation have one dark day. Normally its so that the Judge can hear motions on their other cases. Most of the time they are either Monday or Fridays. I have one case now where the motion days are Tuesday. And most Courthouses now close at 4:30 pm.
Lunch for the jurors in one hour and 15 minutes!

Wasn't court supposed to start at 12:15 today as well?
I've heard counsel refer to a 'victim's room' so I'm thinking they have a bathroom specifically for them. I can't imagine they would want the two families intermingling too much.

Just my thoughts. :)

They do have a special victim's room which includes it's own bathroom for that very reason. That was by design with a focus group including Victim Advocates that asked for that very thing, among others.
I wanna know how they manage (the families) manage when taking bathroom breaks. Bumping into each other at the sink, say.

IIRC katiecoolady wrote once that there were separate facilities for the victims
Maybe it's just me, but I think by the time she recorded that tape, she didn't want him anymore and was engaged in her revenge. I think she was out to destroy him then, and when she went to Mesa on June 4th as well. I only began to feel that way yesterday. Before, I thought she might have gone there and hoped to rekindle/extend something with him, still wanted to be with him, etc. But now, I think her "love" had turned to 'terminate' and everything she did after that point was to act out her delusion of grandeur, her sense of superiority, dominance, etc. Very cold and calculated and arrogant. And terminate him she did.
I agree. Psychopaths are like rabid dogs and their targets bones. They don't and won't relinquish their targets until and unless they decide to (usually because they've located a new target), or are refrained from doing so through incarceration or death.

If they're bent on their target's destruction they will do anything in their power to ensure such. Jodi's denigration of Travis even after his death is a very clear example.
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