jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 8TH DAY #45 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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And I hope this time the judge reprimands her to 'just answer yes or no' - as many times as necessary, and in front of the jury.

"Will the actress, err, witness, please answer the question."
I hope I don't get kicked off the server like I did yesterday!
I brought my earphones so I can listen while appearing to work ;)
Wow, that diagram of Jodi's story was profound. I couldn't picture how it went down until I looked at it. She had the option of running out the bedroom door and out of the house where Travis couldn't follow her seeing as how he was naked. Instead, she runs into the closet and BACK to him with the gun?! Kinda blows the claim of self defense out of the water.
I read on another site this morning, that it would be closed session court today, and that they suspected Jodi would be asking for the plea deal (LWOP, no appeals) because all her experts said she did so badly yesterday. Is this true? I hadn't heard it anywhere else.

Also, I think Nurmi lost control of her yesterday. They had a plan, a script, they have gone over time after time, but know-it-all Jodi took control, broke free, and did what she thought was best. They say the devil is in the details, and I have never heard details like Jodi gives. She show her true self. It's her right. And she did a wonderful job, making herself look like a liar, speeding herself along to death row.

I can only imagine what it will be like with JM. Nurmi knows she can't be controled. JM doesn't want her under control. I think she may be removed from court in a strait-jacket. (oh, I forgot about the shock belt!) Would that be a show! But, then they would change her plea to insanity, because she just proved it.
I have a lot of thoughts this morning, can't wait for what is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is that possible?
I read on another site this morning, that it would be closed session court today, and that they suspected Jodi would be asking for the plea deal (LWOP, no appeals) because all her experts said she did so badly yesterday. Is this true? I hadn't heard it anywhere else.

Also, I think Nurmi lost control of her yesterday. They had a plan, a script, they have gone over time after time, but know-it-all Jodi took control, broke free, and did what she thought was best. They say the devil is in the details, and I have never heard details like Jodi gives. She show her true self. It's her right. And she did a wonderful job, making herself look like a liar, speeding herself along to death row.

I can only imagine what it will be like with JM. Nurmi knows she can't be controled. JM doesn't want her under control. I think she may be removed from court in a strait-jacket. (oh, I forgot about the shock belt!) Would that be a show! But, then they would change her plea to insanity, because she just proved it.
I have a lot of thoughts this morning, can't wait for what is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if it wasn't in the media I would not believe one iota of that. The state will never offer her a deal. Not ever. She is in till the end now.
I am new here and have been searching for a place to voice my outrage at this pathetic excuse for a trial thus far. I am a survivor of domestic violence, barely made it out with my life, I ran FROM him not TO him and the fact that this disgusting excuse for a human being is lying SO much and the judge is allowing it!!?? I walked away with a broken jaw, ribs arm, cracked vertebrae in my back and I am a police officer. I know the true horror of domestic abuse and I am just SO very angry that this woman is doing what she is. I am more disgusted that it is being allowed to continue. All I can say is I pray the the jury is as disgusted as we all are and that poor Travis (God rest his soul) and his family will get some justice. I don't think there can be justice in this world, I think the death penalty is WAY to humane for a MONSTER like this.

Just my two cents. I think because it's a death penalty case the judge is giving a lot of leeway. If (I believe she will) she is convicted and sentenced to death there will be less grounds for new trial on appeal.
As difficult as it is, I'm hoping this will insure the family won't have to endure another trial sometime down the road.

I don't believe the jury is buying the BS she is trying to sell.

This is a victim friendly site and many of us are crime/abuse survivors, welcome aboard.

Oh a true Narcissistic sociopath thinks she can handle this easily. She won't easily miss an opportunity to be on this stage. She thinks she's stronger and smarter than Juan Martinez.

She would be wrong.

Very true, this is her moment to "shine"
I was laughing at loud at her testimony yesterday. She wants everyone to believe that she has a huge memory lapse about the murder, but when she snaps out of it her first cognizant response is to start creating an alibi? It was comical.
I used to be a jail guard in a different life and inmates were given razors but they were signed out and accounted for. They could go do their shaving but had to return them. They couldn't have them in their call or keep them with them for a length of time. They were meant for when the showered and that is it. They were inspected after to make sure they weren't missing any pieces. Therefore I call bull****.

Thanks for the insight. I thought it was really weird that she was allowed (or so she says) to buy a bunch of Advil AND have a razor. Really?? I highly doubt that, Miss Priss.
This murderer will not walk. Unless you're talking about straight in to death row. Yes, she will walk there. Well, limp, because she will be in shackles.

:nono: That's what we thought about KC.

I was confused yesterday when KN kept on the things JA did after the crime. She behaved like a cold-blooded murderer, trying to protect herself. Why would the defense see any benefit in exposing that?

No matter how hard you try you can't polish a turd. At least they tried. :what:
Is it wrong that I'm trying really hard to have my 1 year old and my 2 year old synchronize their naps today so I can watch the trial? We'll see if they cooperate :D

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy sIII (so please excuse the typos!)

Don't search for chloroform or put Zanny the Nanny in charge of the tykes.

(I still seethe when I think about the murderess freed by the Pinellas County Twelve)
Is it wrong that I'm trying really hard to have my 1 year old and my 2 year old synchronize their naps today so I can watch the trial? We'll see if they cooperate :D

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy sIII (so please excuse the typos!)

mine never would have agreed......they would be up at 4:30 am-barely nap during day....first can't remember--(twins)----worth it but co-operation NEVER
Great catch. Her testimony was that she remembered nothing after the gun shot. Nothing AT ALL about the stabbing, slashing. Then she remembered putting the heinous weapon in the dishwasher.


Well, she did kind of equivocate about that. She might have remembered putting the knife in the dishwasher, or maybe she was remembering some other random time she put a knife in a dishwasher.

Is it wrong that I'm trying really hard to have my 1 year old and my 2 year old synchronize their naps today so I can watch the trial? We'll see if they cooperate :D

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy sIII (so please excuse the typos!)

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that, in fact I would treat my kiddies to a nice morning in the park filled with chasing them around like a crazy woman just to tire them out, bring them home (singing songs all the way if I were driving so they wouldn't fall asleep in the car), feed them a snack, settle them in bed with a story and send them off to sleep....rush out and watch the trial.

It would all have to be perfectly timed. LOL Luckily, mine are all grown now so I don't have to worry about it. Though I do miss the youngster cuddles and kisses. :)
I was laughing at loud at her testimony yesterday. She wants everyone to believe that she has a huge memory lapse about the murder, but when she snaps out of it her first cognizant response is to start creating an alibi? It was comical.

It would be comical if she didn't make me so angry that I want to punch her in the face. I don't know how his family can sit there and listen to that drivel every single day and not stand up and scream at her.
Don't search for chloroform or put Zanny the Nanny in charge of the tykes.

(I still seethe when I think about the murderess freed by the Pinellas County Twelve)

I think we all do.......that she didn't even get any of the smaller charges...
JA's did not feel safe after June 4th so she goes camping with a group of guys, her being the only female?
Thank you ALL for such a warm and kind welcome! :) If there was any abuse in this whole thing, it was Travis. I wish he would have followed his instinct as he obviously knew she was bad news. But, like I stated as a survivor, they always lure you back in. Nothing against men, I have a FANTASIC husband now, but sex will always prevail especially if it is a woman that is willing to go all out, which she obviously did and lead him into a lethal trap. :( Just want to say, you all are WONDERFUL, so good to read exactly what I and my fellow officer's know is totally false on her part and has become just disgusting. Again, thank you you all are GREAT and have wonderful insight and thoughts...good to be able to read what I am thinking :)
Welcome Jenny and I am a survivor of 18 years of domestic violence and I have the same frustration with this case and with JA as you do. It is very upsetting and anyone who has been abused knows she is pure evil and lying.

I'm also a survivor of domestic abuse, I've have had the same frustration and outrage. I would never have run TOWARDS my ex, ever - and I sure wouldn't have "popped in" at his house - I kept as far away as possible.
Yes, she is purerly evil, and her use of real trauma that some have actually gone through makes me sick to my stomach.
I was laughing at loud at her testimony yesterday. She wants everyone to believe that she has a huge memory lapse about the murder, but when she snaps out of it her first cognizant response is to start creating an alibi? It was comical.

No it-shay!!!! I mean really?? Her first cogent thought is: "the sun is coming up and where are my shoes" and "let me stop to drink a cosco water bottle because I am so very thirsty"!!!
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