jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #46 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Vinnie says don't leave, order pizza if need be. lol

I apologize if this has been covered but I just logged on and am a bit confused. A female anchor on HLN just stated that trial begins at 1:30pm ET today. Is this true? Or is it 12:30pm usual time?
Hear me out. If Jodi had a helper, like a strong man to do the dirty work. Jodi draws a blank to cover up the fact there was another person. Could she take this secret to her grave or does she wait until judge sounds the gavel?

I think she would have ratted him out for a deal within seconds, JMO
Not diminishing the pain and suffering


This has got to be one of the most thrilling cases for IS to go out on. How many times do we get the defendant testifying AFTER confessing?
I always felt the reason why Jodi stayed with Travis even when she knew she was just a booty call is that te relationship is not about sex at all. It was about competition. I see great glee in Jodi when she uses her big words. This would be extremely empowering to a high school dropout to match her self-assumed clever wits against a man whom everyone hailed as being so successful and bright. Outsmarting Travis seemed to be Jodi's only goal in life. From the snooping, the hacking, the stalking and the coverup. She welcomed each new drama or conflict because it set the stage for the perfect battle ground to showcase to herself her awesomeness. She needed the drama, she needed the conflict - so she could excercise her wits and continuously feed her never satiated starving ego. It wasn't sex. She wanted to win.

Interesting theory...

I think that she was competitive alright, and constantly comparing herself -- but mostly to the women in Travis's life.

I believe that she wrote the John Doe 'whoredom' email, and I think it's because she was consumed with jealousy.

I do believe it was about the sex, but only insofar as she believed the sex could be a way to shackle him to her, and that's because I believe that she clearly wanted to marry him, to own him and to possess him. A means to an end, quoting JA here from so many times yesterday, "so to speak."

I don't see how anyone could listen to that recorded call with her talking about how the two of them were the perfect 'freaky' Mormon couple and that they would never be able to 'get their freaks on' with any other LDS-ers.

She wanted to be seen on his arm, at his side, caring for and diapering their children and so forth.

His many girlfriends and his upcoming trip to Cancun with another woman were the final straws.

If she couldn't have him, nobody would.
Breaking news from the courthouse ;)


Love it!!
Praying for Travis' family and friends
Justice for Travis

For those of you expressing concern about JM's cross: chill out. He's been at this for decades. As I've said earlier, he's had most of this cross prepared for years. Adding in the lies she's spewed on the stand is icing on the cake. He will do a great job.

Thank you. I have said that all along.

He will do a great job.

I expected it yesterday, but today FOR SURE, I bet she starts pretending to hyperventilate or faint or something to disrupt Juan questions.
She's scared I think.
What I see in that pic of his eye is just the flash and what looks like striped shirt on what is thought to be Jodi and a guy is the different colors in his eye.
I'm saying prayers for Juan and TA's family and I'm also praying that the jury is able to see the truth. I hope Jodi's lies are all exposed and her testibaloney (love that word!) gets ripped to shreds.
I had a nightmare last night that Jodi reached a plea deal with the State to avoid cross and that's what the closed hearing was all about. I was apprehensive of turning up it was that real.

So glad it was just my REMagination getting carried away! :biggrin:
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

Juan Martinez is in the courtroom stretching and wandering around the courtroom. He is chit chatting with the court reporter. #JodiArias

Prayers for the Alexander family and the prosecution team. Buckle up y'all! It's time to go
Don't they stand there while the prisoner takes them to make sure they are using them???

if she did have them--why not just take all of them at once instead of this for three days bit....then the razor but being thoughtful of the person below her, had extra sheets....PLEASE :furious:
Evening Everyone :seeya:

Now it is finally time for Juan to represent Travis.

Lets see how good her memories are today, when she doesn't have 4 years to learn a script and someone leading her through it.

I hope he pulls every crappy lie to bits she has told.
I have a feeling today is gonna be one of those days you watch over and over and over again!
Hear me out. If Jodi had a helper, like a strong man to do the dirty work. Jodi draws a blank to cover up the fact there was another person. Could she take this secret to her grave or does she wait until judge sounds the gavel?

It was her and her alone. There is the picture of her dragging him.
Here's the thing that sent me over the edge yesterday, two things actually.

First, it feels like the defense TRICKED the jurors. The opening statement said she HAD TO kill TA, and then we heard all this blah blah blah blah. They lead the jurors on making them believe she was going to explain. I think her feigning memory loss must be infuriating to those poor patient jurors. If she had memory loss, they should have said that and been up front about it in the opening statement.

The second thing is, she just isn't sorry. There isn't even an attempt to fake remorse, except for herself.

"I can't talk to him at night anymore"..."I didn't want people to think I wasn't normal"..."I was afraid"...but NOTHING, zip, zed, nada about being sorry for him being left to decompose in the shower for 5 days.


Hey, JB made several comments that he never proved and the jury bought it. :dunno:

I wonder if Juan is going to start out being nice until she starts being evasive. The jury might not like an attack dog from the start. JMO
Not diminishing the pain and suffering


This has got to be one of the most thrilling cases for IS to go out on. How many times do we get the defendant testifying AFTER confessing?

I have been watching criminal cases for over 20 years. I have never seen one this exciting.

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