jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #46 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Wow thread is moving fast

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That isn't. Had it with IS and the talking heads of HLN at night. JVM just said that when Juan brought up the dumb sister remark that everyone would side with Jodi by him being a bully. Oh boo hoo!
And JC must not like men, with the exception of Cheney Mason! They are all paid to make outrageous comments. Are there ANY intelligent, honest journalists anymore? Is this what they have come to?
I admit that Jodi scared me right out of the box today! She is a freaking nut case. But Juan has proved himself. He is brilliant.

Beth Karas. I like her and her reporting style. The rest I can watch but take what they say with a grain of salt. :)
Hi- not sure about how I feel about the skipping around. You may be right, it's so early so I'll see how confused I get by tomorrow lol.

In regards to the rabid dog approach, I can only say it doesn't turn me off (yet), and not for any other reason than I sat in a civil trial for almost a week. It was long and tedius and I was almost grateful that the defense came off like a pit bull for most of the time, chipping away forcefully. It made me feel like "finally, someone's taking this seriously and we're gonna get to the bottom of this whole mess". After sitting through Arias' mundane drivel for so long, I suspect Juan's approach will be a breath of fresh air.

My opinion
She showing that she is very aggressive! Doesn't back down! Not afraid to challenge a man! Not the timid jodi ! We have watched for 8 days.
She's not coming across as timid! Not even close to coming off as a victim. I think the jury will see! That ! She does NOT show nervousness! NOT and not at all Like the other jodi she tried to portray to the jury,
JC predicting long deliberations.

if this case was being tried in harris county, tx, the jury would be back in about an hour.

"Houston in da house", and you are right, we would be back in a hour:rocker:
When is Dr Drew on? HLN?

Also, JA is SO nervous! :jail:

"The sex was good" HOLY CRAPATOLY!!
Oh, probably right. But I think I would expect that of any prosecutor. I mean, who wouldn't get a little frustrated with any witness who is so obstinate and defiant .

Not to mention having to watch her lie/ spout off nonsensical details for NINE straight days- and having to bite your tongue the entire time.
Seeing Jodi on the stand today should leave no doubt that if Travis even looked at her funny, or said something even slightly offensive, she was all over him for it, one of those types to keep you up at night to argue about it.

IMO it's easy to lie when you have no moral compass never mind a conscious.

The trick is to look and sound convincing which IMO Jodi Arias is not capable of doing precisely because she is an empty vessel.

I'm waiting for her to trip over one of her bigger lies especially as Juan focuses in on the actual killing.
OMG Weebles you are just the BEST! I missed this whole morning and I really appreciate you taking the time to write this down!

The state starts with getting her to admit (saying?) her sister's dumb? Was her sister there in the court room? What was the point of that??

The Point
The double standards to which JA holds; i.e., if she does something like disparaging 3rd parties why does she say that Travis is evil for engaging in similar behavior?

JA replied that it wasn't the same when TA criticized her grandfather's name, as when she characterized her sister as "dumb and stupid". Ergo, no double standard.

JM came right out of the chute with this, but JA didn't shrink back at all. In fact, she gave it right back to him, telling him why he was wrong. In her mind, he and the jurors simply needed to rationalize it the same way she did, apparently.
Hi Websleuths,

I don't know about you, but I have been glued to the livestream of the Jodi Arias trial online and I've been watching the prosecutor Juan Martinez grill Jodi Arias all morning. I admit that he is a breath of fresh air and a shot of energy after the lethargic pace of defense attorney and possible teddy bear Kirk Nurmi. But still, I have some issues with Martinez' approach.

Btw, the best live stream I have seen so far is Wild About Trial. They have the documents, a live reporter in the courtroom tweeting, and all the background info for reference while you watch.

I am a criminal defense attorney in California, which of course doesn't make my opinions correct but it does provide some exposure to different styles of prosecutors. I generally think Martinez is doing a great job of presenting Jodi's inconsistent testimony and developing the persona of Jodi as a jealous ex-lover.

However, I have two primary critiques about his cross-examination thus far. One is stylistic and one is tactical:

First, he has a very abrasive tone and tends to come off as too aggressive and almost violent. He looks sometimes like a junkyard dog about to be let off the chain. It can be effective to be forceful and put Jodi on the defensive, but with his level of intensity he risks losing the jury. The defense only needs to get one juror to avoid a conviction, and the more Martinez viciously attacks her the more sympathy a juror may have for Jodi. He can ask the same questions without always having his fangs out.

Second, he is jumping around way too much in his questioning. In my opinion he should be methodically going through all of Jodi's lies and inconsistent statements. Instead he is skipping around from one time to the next so that it's difficult for the jury to follow along. Jurors may be understanding that Jodi wasn't telling the truth, but Martinez is making it difficult for them to put those lies within the context of the narrative.

This is only day 1 of the cross-examination, and I am really interested to see what happens next.

How does everyone else feel about the testimony so far?

Welcome. And I somewhat agree with you. My emotional side wants JM to break that chain and chew JA's leg off.

But I admit I was having trouble following. That could be because my feeds kept freezing up. I like his toughness, and from some of the videos we have seen of Mr. Martinez in action, this is his style. I think JA stayed up all night preparing for this. She is one piece of work. I don't think it can last, however.
Beth Karas. I like her and her reporting style. The rest I can watch but take what they say with a grain of salt. :)

as katiecoolady so wisely said and i completely agree: i worship at the church of beth karas :floorlaugh:

god i'm going to miss her........let's pray someone is smart enough to snap her up quickly :please:
Seeing Jodi on the stand today should leave no doubt that if Travis even looked at her funny, or said something even slightly offensive, she was all over him for it, one of those types to keep you up at night to argue about it.


LOL. You mean like me? The argument isn't over until you say I'm right. :floorlaugh:
I'm an only child, I have a key to my parents home. We are back and forth all the time to each others homes. I would never ever just walk in unannounced! I was raised better!

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i agree with you i always call before i visit anybody. she had no boundaries. imo that kind of behavior starts in early childhood.

also if you believe ja and she knew ta had a gun. (lie) i would think she would be cautious creeping around the back of his his house. jmo
From what little I've seen, I'm liking what Jeff Gold has to say on HLN. Don't recall seeing him before, but he's made some great points imv.
Anita richman is in the house and gonna be on dr drew tonite!!!! Lunchtime now more later

Great to here!

I swear just as they broke for lunch I was daydreaming about replacing. The TH's with ny fave websleuthers! Dreams do come true!

I remember looking for every post by Anita during the Isabel search. Will be great to see her on TV.
Oh my DOG: JVM just said JM's style is a "strategic error" concerning JA calling her sister dumb.

I don't think it was about whether JA called her sister dumb or not. JA answered JM with something like, "Well I called her dumb and stupid."
JM came back with, "I didn't ASK you about stupid, I asked you about dumb." (paraphrasing).

In my mind, JM was setting the stage for who would be in charge, not whether JA insulted her sister (but it was convenient to prove that she wasn't above name-calling, which she pretends to be overly offended by when it happens to her).

That's why I think he came out of the gate with that - and I think JVM on HLN isn't thinking much.

I also think that Nurmi did JM a favor concerning his more 'passionate' style - by droning on in the same tempo for days on end. I think people (and jurors are people) were looking forward and welcome the change of pace.

Plus, the jury has seen JM in action before, so this is not a surprise to them. Hopefully they are more perceptive than JVM.

THANK YOU. I was coming to post the same things about JVM and her missing the whole point. Imo, he wasn't criticizing her for calling her sis dumb. He was talking about the double standard. Jodi was putting TA down for saying rude things and for seeing other people, while she herself was doing the same things. JVM missed his entire point, imo.

And it is laughable for her to call JM out on making 'strategic tactical errors' imo. How many murder trials has she prosecuted?
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