jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #47 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Her mother and aunt were laughing also.:banghead::banghead:

Seriously?!?! WHAT is wrong with those two women? Anyone have an opinion as to why they behave in such a bazaar manner? Embarrassment? Denial? Can't figure them out.
Katie --------> Any idea what the closed door was about?

Can you ask the lady writing the book if she has the make, size and model info on the knives in the boxes recovered after the search warrant, please!!!!!!!
as i said before i broke the site (lol) she can best be summed up with this quote......

"I will NOT BE IGNORED, Dan!"

thank god she didn't boil napolean

eta not u steely LOL
I wonder what stunt Jodi pulled to be offering Travis lunch as a peace offering. I know he caught her using his phone without his permission earlier that day. Did she sneak in then too? Apparently.

You can't question a psychopath's account, obviously disbelieving it, without getting under their skin. They don't like people not automatically falling for tips and tricks they've literally spent their whole lives honing.

Especially when those ploys have always worked prior. JME
BK, given your experience with one... do you think Juan is getting under your skin? Do you think this is a good approach?
BBM - Exactly! People need to remember that she stabbed Travis 27 times, slit his throat from ear to ear and then shot him and left him to decompose.
I just keep seeing so many people around the internet complain that Juan seems to be bullying a girl, and I want to scream. FGS, she slaughtered a man, stabbed him 20+ times, then slit his throat from ear to ear, then shot him in the face. She's by no means a delicate flower. I'm glad Juan is not being nice just because she happens to sport a vagina. And I don't say that to be crude, it's just how I view the situation.
This was pointed out on HLN so I recorded it for those who don't have it. Watch at the end how she can hardly contain her delight in herself. She thinks her semantics games and poor pitiful me, you mean guy games are working and if I were on that jury, giving up my pay and time with family and friends - I would be ready to load the needle just seeing this.
(PS - not great quality video, just done fast with the digital cam!)

I hope she gets declared a hostile witness.

I sure did catch that.
I don't believe Juan will succeed in getting under Jodi's skin today.

Her sociopathy is on full display.

She's become more comfortable on the stand as the day has progressed.

He may not be getting under her skin, but he is clearly showing what a lying witch she is..

The pieces are coming together. No finger injury, no masturbating to little boys. Oh, and she doesn't cower to any man. :moo:

I AM WORN OUT. I am mentally exhausted. I don't know how Juan will keep this pace up. It took all day to get a yes answer out of her for one question.

I feel like I've run a full marathon while taking the SAT and having major dental surgery all at the same time! Gosh, I don't know HOW Juan can stand dealing with her, but I can only assume he derives great pleasure and satisfaction by speaking for Travis and nailing this sociopath to the wall.
Okay I'm gonna say it... aside from the obvious double standard with the genders and how different this case would be if the victim were female/the murderer were male...

If the circumstances of this case were exactly the same, but JA physical appearance had her looking like the female version of Mr. Nurmi-- NONE of the people who are expressing concern or questioning Juan Martinez's approach or aggressiveness would be doing so. Not the talking heads, not trial watchers, nobody. Many of our sleuthers here wouldn't even make that an issue -- those are the same good folks who are able to embrace men as victims and don't view JA as "more worthy of a victim" because of her appearance.

I'm just saying, I see and hear a lot of comments about how Juan is "treating" poor JA that feed right into the defense strategy that she's a poor, sweet, frail little woman. That he's walking a fine line or crossing the line of what's acceptable in his approach questioning her. To be honest, I'm a little disgusted in that mentality. This is part of the problem, just like JVM and NG covering this trial with the big splashy headline "BOMBSHELL BEAUTY KILLS IN FATAL ATTRACTION MURDER!".

Justice should be blind. Small "attractive" women who commit crimes like this and fictitiously accuse their murder victim of the most heinous things possible without foundation shouldn't be afforded courtesy or society's pity. IMO.

Sorry but this just ticks me off..
Totally agree. We have been salivating for days for Juan to cross her and rip her story to shreds and now all of a sudden he's not being nice enough to her. SMH
But he is going down those ratholes WITH her, biting at her heels. It is like trying to reel in a huge swordfish---you hang on for hours, letting them go this way and that, dive up and down---but they are already HOOKED on the line.

She may feel like she is getting somewhere but she really isn't. He is reeling her in, imo.

I love this :rocker:
Break now wow what a power struggle goin on in there

I can not WAIT to hear your thoughts and accounts of how the jury is reacting to this!!!!!!!!!
I'm trying to look at this from the jury's point of view.

They don't know Jody like we know her.

She might start to appear sympathetic .

Why is Martinez letting even the slightest chance ofArias to look picked on to happen ?

Again I really hope I am wrong

I have only recently started following this trial closely. I've had to play catch up to find out what she says happened and what the prosecution says happened. I do not know Jodi like y'all do. (now CA I can recite blindfolded. lol)

My impression of her on the stand today is that she is a game player, a major manipulator, and I'm sure the jury has to be seeing this. Her selective memory is astounding and the way she smirks and smiles tells it all.
She might be articulate, but she's not smart. "Smart" would be shown by keeping up "the act" and not letting the mask slip.


Don't confuse audacity with smarts. She goes to lengths other people will not (because they have empathy and normal feelings and thoughts). I could word-pick until the cows come home, too. But I wouldn't. Just like I wouldn't kill anyone or massacre their reputation for my own personal gain.
I want to know if Jodi's sheer arrogance comes across in the courtroom like it does on the livestream. She is really amazing. Her smugness, refusal to answer simple questions, game playing and contempt for Mr. Martinez is really on display.

I think she believes she is "winning" each round of questioning with Juan--but she's not! He is a man with a battle plan--he is showing that each and every incident of "abuse" she alleged is a lie. Travis is finally getting his turn.

She is competitive, exacting and vengeful.

Watch how she eyes the jurors.
When he gets to the bottom of this it won't be minitua. She's making it tedious and she is causing this. SHE is creating this.

And the point of this is to prove that she NEVER SAW HIM MASTURBATING TO LITTLE BOYS PICTURES.

Which she fabricated and strung through as a character assassination against Travis throughout her narration.

This is huge.

If he can show that Travis was not a pedophile and she MADE THAT UP to make him look like a bad guy to create sympathy for herself.... byebye JA.

This is completely critical. She's evil.

I would gladly watch days and days of this because Travis was not a pedophile and making that clear to the world is just as important, IMO, as her ending up with the DP. Travis deserves to be remembered for the man he was and not the monster Jodi tried to make him out to be.

Juan is a champion for Travis. He won't mess this up.
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