Jodi Arias trial discussion #21 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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O here we go. A belt and a spoon :what:
Damn, throwing her own family that has stood by her under the bus?
Seriously I am soooo pissed off right now. I missed her answer when she was asked if she killed Travis, anyone else get the answer oh pooe thing she's nervous

She said yes, but it was self defense because he attacked her.
In Casey Anthony we had the mythical sex abuse. Now we have the "spanking" defense.

Mmmmmmkay. Whatever.
My God her Mother is sitting right there and she's making abuse claims about her!

Her mother looks shocked she's doing it too ....
JA . . . w/ DA . . .

Did you kill TA on 6/4/08?
Yes I did
Short answer he tried to attack me and I had to defend myself.

Did you ever give interview and say No Jury Will Convict me?
Yes - I was planning on committing suicide at the time

Parents names - Bill & Sandy Arias - married 33 yrs, oldest child of these 2 - she has a 1/2 sister (paternal) who is 5 years older than she. . . Carl - brother is 2 yrs younger, Angela is younger sis (born @ age 13), and youngest Joseph (born when JA was 11 y/o)

From age 7 it was a fairly ideal childhood . . . predominately positive memories of childhood, brother and I lived in culdesac . ,. lots areas to play in . . .. went to theme parks in California, went to private school for 3 years then public school . . . we went to school together - I was held back in Kindergarten so we were in same grade . . . Mom was a dental assistant . . .

Had pets, cats, dog, fish, brother had frogs, played hopscotch and roller skating, . . . we rode bikes a lot, did a lot of camping. . . . speaking quietly . . . very nervous (pulls mike closer to her per Atty request).

Life was pretty ideal up until age 7, seemed like parents would just spank us when we were little to discipline but it got worse - frequency and intensity changed after that . . .that was the first year that my Dad starting using a belt, my Mom started carrying a wooden spoon in her purse . . .
Oh no! The belt and the wooden spoon! Next we'll hear that she was sexually abused throughout her childhood but kept it a secret ... violins please.
omg the wooiden mom had a METAL what? and i got the belt once... never killed anybody
JODI ARIAS takes the stand

--Nurmi asks Jodi how she is feeling right now. Juan objects to the relevance. Nurmi asks Jodi if she every thought she would be in this position and Martinez objects to relevance. Counsel are asked to approach the bench.
--Nurmi asks Jodi if she killed Travis Alexander on June 4, 2008. Answer: "yes I did". Nurmi: why? Answer: because he attacked me and I had to defend myself.
--Nurmi asking about the interview with Inside Edition and saying that no jury would convict her. Jodi is looking at the jury when she talks. She says at the time she made the statement she was planning on committing suicide. She couldn't say she was suicidal at the time because there was a jail officer there and she did not want to be thrown into a cell and stripped down. No jury would convict her because she planned to be dead and those are the most bitter words she will ever eat.
--Jodi is asked about the pronounciation of her surname.
--Now asked about her immediate family. Jodi is the oldest siblings. Parents are Bill and Sandy Arias, they have been married 33 years. Has a half-sister from her father's previous marriage that is five years older. Brother, Carl that is two years younger. Sister, Angela who is 11 years younger. Youngest brother is Joseph who is 13 years younger than Jodi.
--Jodi was born in Selinas California and lived there until she was 12. For the first years of her life it was really good, until about age 7 it was an ideal childhood.
--Was held back in kindergarten, Carl was then one grade behind her.
--When she was younger her Mom used to work as a server. Her Dad owned restaurants. Her mother later became a dental assistant.
--Jodi's interests as a child was pets. She loved animals. Played a lot of hop scotch, rollerskating, rode bikes, went camping.
--Nurmi asks if she is speaking quietly because she is nervous today. Jodi says "yes, I am".
--Her life was ideal up until age 7. At age 7 the discipline started to get more intense. The frequency and the intensity of the spanking was more intense. It was the first year her Dad started using a belt. Mom began to carry a wooden spoon in her purse. Martinez objects to relevance. Counsel approach.
I can't believe she's going to try to boo-hoo her way out of what she did. (Well, I guess I can believe it, but FGS.)
JA: At age 7 my dad began hitting me with the belt, my mom started carrying a wooden spoon in her purse.Cough, cough <ahem, clears throat>what BS
Oh, Please! her mom carried a wooden spoon? Maybe it was the only thing Jodi understood.
Who cares what her mom did, she obviously didn't beat her enough .

but seriously who cares
she's pulling a CA - "my mom and dad beat me"

cry me an effing river. My dad beat my a$$ all the time when I was a kid. I've NEVER killed anyone!!!!!!!!!!
Aww, she was spanked. Well, BFD !! Most of us were at some point and we never stabbed someone almost 30 times, practically decapitated them and shot them
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