John Gardner Pleads Guilty to Murders of Amber Dubois and Chelsea King

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What would work for me is if the taxpayers of the State of California would not have to pay for this person's incarceration for the remainder of his life. The money is better spent elsewhere.
Wow, this is amazing. I am very thankful that the families won't have to go through a trial and the taxpayers of CA will be saved for further debt. Now if only Chris Coleman, Casey Anthony, Misty Croslin and others could follow along and admit their guilt!

Did I read it correctly that the King family had to agree to life without parole before Gardner would lead LE to the body of Amber?
I could hardly believe it when I was on my way home and I heard the court hearing and Gardner pleading guilty to each introduced charge. It made me cry. I can't even imagine how it made Chelsea's and Amber's family feel.

Just imagine, Amber's family didn't even find out about this until yesterday. Bless them all. :rose:

Wow, this is amazing. I am very thankful that the families won't have to go through a trial and the taxpayers of CA will be saved for further debt. Now if only Chris Coleman, Casey Anthony, Misty Croslin and others could follow along and admit their guilt!

Did I read it correctly that the King family had to agree to life without parole before Gardner would lead LE to the body of Amber?

phillp and nancy to that list
What would work for me is if the taxpayers of the State of California would not have to pay for this person's incarceration for the remainder of his life. The money is better spent elsewhere.

exactly! Now we have to pay to feed him and put a roof over his head for the rest of his life! Let his mother support him!
Wow, this is amazing. I am very thankful that the families won't have to go through a trial and the taxpayers of CA will be saved for further debt. Now if only Chris Coleman, Casey Anthony, Misty Croslin and others could follow along and admit their guilt!

Did I read it correctly that the King family had to agree to life without parole before Gardner would lead LE to the body of Amber?

No, the agreement was that the information that Gardner lead LE to Amber's body would not be used against him in court. They could use any evidence gathered at the scene. No agreements were made regarding Chelsea King.
Wow, this is amazing. I am very thankful that the families won't have to go through a trial and the taxpayers of CA will be saved for further debt. Now if only Chris Coleman, Casey Anthony, Misty Croslin and others could follow along and admit their guilt!

Did I read it correctly that the King family had to agree to life without parole before Gardner would lead LE to the body of Amber?


He led the DA and investigators to the body with the condition that it couldn't be used against him in court, only crime scene, etc. evidence could. There was not enough for a case.

Brent and Kelly King only found out yesterday about the option of LWOP. They agreed yesterday for the reasons posted above in my text with his statement.

ETA, the DA's intonation made it clear they would have gone for the DP in both cases has they thought there was any chance to get ::any:: conviction in Amber's case at all, but that without being able to even state that JAG had led them to the body (something that Brent King said wouldn't have ever been made public without this agreement) let alone not having sufficient evidence, it had become apparent in the last days and weeks that if the DA wanted a conviction for JAG in both cases, the only way to do it was this way.
I'm glad this part is over for both families. And glad this monster is finally off the streets for good.

RIP Amber
I would rather have seen him get the death penalty, because I believe he deserves it.

I am comforted though, that Amber and Chelsea's families will be spared the long, drawn-out trials that are so typical when these murderers are trying to defend their own lives.

I had hoped for so long that Amber was still alive. It really broke my heart to finally find what really happened to this beautiful, sweet girl with her whole life ahead of her.
Something about being taken right before Valentine's Day, and she had the money to buy her lamb........ it was just so unfair that this monster snatched her from her family and her life.

Rest in peace, dear Amber Leeann...... :rose:

Rest in peace, dear Chelsea....... :rose:

You will not be forgotten.
I have never seen anything happen so quickly!
I'm thrilled to see it- the world has still stopped though for the families of Amber and Chelsea, I hope this is the start of closure for them.
Wow, that press conference has me in tears. Although the decision had to have been heartwrenching for the Kings, I think it was the right one to make. I don't think a trial would have made anyone feel any better about the loss when all is said and done. They are all (both families) amazingly strong and compassionate people. My heart breaks for them.

Yet details of how Gardner was tied to the murder of 17-year-old Chelsea and how he abducted another murder victim — 14-year-old Amber Dubois of Escondido — may remain unanswered until after Gardner’s June 1 sentencing, if not longer.

Deputy District Attorney Kristen Spieler said outside the courtroom that her office would honor a request from both families to keep silent about the case — and ask other law enforcement officials to do the same.

Moments after San Diego Judge David Danielsen lifted the gag order Thursday, San Diego County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Jan Caldwell said Sheriff Bill Gore would stay silent about the case.

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