TX TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #49

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I respect everyone's views but I just can't wrap my head around the targeted theory.

If targeted, why not kill Missy at her house, or close to her house? If targeted, they'd know her hubs was out of town. If targeted, they'd know the reason Missy was going to the church: to lead an exercise class i.e. they'd know several people were going to be there.

I can't find the images now, but I remember when this case was more fresh, someone mapped out the route from Missy's home to the church using Google street view. So many quiet, near-desolate spots along the way from her house to he church, where she could've been ambushed easily. I just can't make sense of the plan being to ambush Missy at the church that morning. I mean, even killing her in the church parking lot would make (slightly) more sense than smashing out a ton of glass and wandering around inside the church waiting for her.
I respect everyone's views but I just can't wrap my head around the targeted theory.

If targeted, why not kill Missy at her house, or close to her house? If targeted, they'd know her hubs was out of town. If targeted, they'd know the reason Missy was going to the church: to lead an exercise class i.e. they'd know several people were going to be there.

I can't find the images now, but I remember when this case was more fresh, someone mapped out the route from Missy's home to the church using Google street view. So many quiet, near-desolate spots along the way from her house to he church, where she could've been ambushed easily. I just can't make sense of the plan being to ambush Missy at the church that morning. I mean, even killing her in the church parking lot would make (slightly) more sense than smashing out a ton of glass and wandering around inside the church waiting for her.
I'm not really married to either theory, but it is possible to target someone and not know where they live or personal where abouts of their family. It honestly could have been someone from the yoga class or previous member of the yoga class. It could have been someone mad at the church and Missy was collateral damage. The only thing standing in the way of me being completely on board with untargeted attack is the disguise. It's a little above and beyond for just a burglary or ransack. A balaclava a grungy clothes probably would suffice for a trespass and ransack of a church. JMO
I'm not really married to either theory, but it is possible to target someone and not know where they live or personal where abouts of their family. It honestly could have been someone from the yoga class or previous member of the yoga class. It could have been someone mad at the church and Missy was collateral damage. The only thing standing in the way of me being completely on board with untargeted attack is the disguise. It's a little above and beyond for just a burglary or ransack. A balaclava a grungy clothes probably would suffice for a trespass and ransack of a church. JMO
I agree with not being particularly married to any one idea in this case. For me, I’m leaning toward against the idea this was an untargeted attack because missy said in the weeks prior she felt like she was being stalked or watched. MOO for now since I don’t have a quick link ready.
Missy was, afaik, stalked at her gym and therefore felt unsafe there and wasn't herself the last time, she worked out (owners said so, as far as I remember). She got a creepy message on LinkedIn, which frightened her and which she showed to her friend. Her husband feared for her safety at the camps and bought her or bought with her a gun for self-defense.
It isn't useful to know, but I just today was thinking, whether she went (with BB?) to the SFWA, where during the night of her murder a Nissan Altima (?) was aimlessly cruising around. Does someone know, when it was, that Missy got her gun?
This case gives me chills. I was up late last night watching a deep dive on it. Something about the murderer strolling through a darkened, empty church along with the footage of the Altima randomly turning its lights on and off, driving around, and then parking...chilled to the bone.

I'm not sure where I lean as to if this was targeted or not.
Well the good news is if it was planned, the killer is dumb as dirt and just used up all his luck on this one. That looks like a Harley Davidson sticker on the bumper of the Altima.
If targeted, why not kill Missy at her house, or close to her house? If targeted, they'd know her hubs was out of town. If targeted, they'd know the reason Missy was going to the church: to lead an exercise class i.e. they'd know several people were going to be there.

If Missy was targeted, the church makes far more sense than elsewhere.

Harder to break into a house with multiple occupants and nearby neighbours vs a somewhat isolated, unoccupied church without being detected in situ, greater chance Missy would be able to access firearm for defence and utilise her greater familiarity with her surroundings, higher likelihood of witnesses (her daughters, then neighbours). Gunshot sound more likely to be heard by family or neighbours so LE could be notified/get there quicker. Amount of quick exit routes - less viable / level of traffic lower so getaway vehicle may stand out more? If, as I lean towards, they were trying to frame the scene as a burglary gone wrong, this may be a harder sell if it occurred at her house, crime may immediately seem more personally motivated etc. Outside chance - but maybe the perp didn't want her daughters to be the ones to find Missy?

Why not near house - harder to kill when on the move and no fixed location, harder to plan; more variables to account for to avoid detection, smaller window of opportunity. An idle thought - if she had been killed on her driveway, the case would be perhaps be similar to Liz Barraza.

If targeted they likely would know how much earlier Missy would be there at the church to set up before anyone else arrived, knew she would have to unlock the church so toilet facilities were available or would be situated under the awning. It was a location they could arrive at BEFORE Missy arrived, to get prepared. It was a place that could be cased in more detail than her home without suspicions before the crime, and the day of the crime. E.g. they could attend the church - in whatever capacity - to learn the layout, drive around it, sit in the car park across the road at different times of the day to check traffic etc. with an easier cover story than accessing Missy's house (unless they were already intimately familiar and had a legitimate excuse to be there).


I'm not married to the targeted theory, but untargeted makes far less sense to me. Because it doesn't make sense that the perp was there to steal stuff - they probably wouldn't have worn so much bulky clothing to hide their appearance, they would've actually taken valuables, they would've been in and out as fast as possible.

If they broke in to LARP as SWAT or wanting to be "tacticool", I don't think that's reflected in their lackadaisical wandering. They were not pretending to breach and clear along the halls, they weren't using tools or weapons in a way that LE or a video game character would in the footage we've seen.

If they broke in just for the thrill/to cause property damage/idle exploration and they were worried that there was a witness to their crime, why murder Missy - and make the crime FAR more severe in the process - rather than just run away? So it seems most logical that the murder would have likely occurred in the moment when they were panicked, right?

But from what I remember, Missy was shot AND also had multiple puncture wounds to the head and chest from a "tool". While possible if simply surprised, it seems like overkill; why continue the attack with a different weapon? That goes beyond spur of the moment reaction. Why not get the hell out of there as soon as she was down if the perp's main fear was being caught?

So, if untargeted... Maybe the person was there to kill someone that morning, they just didn't care who? But then if they were at the church at that time, they would have to know the class was on that morning, otherwise what potential victims could there be there, at 4am at a church? Therefore, if the perp knew there was a class on, they would also know the class was guaranteed to continue OUTSIDE even if it was raining. So why break into the church wearing SWAT gear and remain inside, waiting for them to arrive, when it was far more likely that all the possible victims would remain outside? It would be far harder to get away, way more likely people would see you than say, taking pot shots when they were grouped together outside.
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But While possible if simply surprised, it seems like overkill; why continue the attack with a different weapon? That goes beyond spur of the moment reaction. Why not get the hell out of there as soon as she was down if the perp's main fear was being caught?

"from what I remember, Missy was shot AND also had multiple puncture wounds to the head and chest from a "tool"."

You misremember.

We know Missy was killed by being shot. We were told there were "puncture wounds." But we were not told those puncture wounds were in addition to shots.

Technically, a bullet wound is a puncture wound, since it punctures the skin.

LE repeatedly (and to this day) danced around giving details of how she was killed, and given that, "puncture wounds" may have been used (in a SW, not a PC) to be misleading.

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