John Morgan to depose Cindy A and George A on Monday, 12/22/08

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I'm not wishing hateful things on anyone---I agree it would be sad on anyone and wouldn't wish it on anyone---but reality is that they are more or less out and about buying Christmas gifts, setting a place for the baby and pretending that she is comming on home...she isn't--that is the problem I have--prolonging the inevitable for what purpose????? Dragging innocent kids thru the media proclaiming them to be Caylee....that isn't right--some of those good citizens wanting to grab the Caylee look alikes ---- Please----this isn't right--someone will get hurt over them and their "looking"---I know if someone would have grabbed my kids.....I would be in jail---but I could also promise you this that if it were one of my kids faces plastered all over the media--they would have more on their hands to worry about than kc and zfg....they would be seeing me and my hubby in court....that is what I'm trying to say...

I guess what it boils down to is they should be thinking of memorial for the baby---put her to rest---she isn't comming back--hopefully this came out right...but I wish no harm to them---just that they would accept and move along---

I think you made your point very well and I respect your opinion.
IMO, this depo will solve alot of the questions regarding the parents knowledge of ZFG.

He will be asking them if they've ever actually seen a ZFG, talked to a ZFG, if Caylee ever did, etc...he will determine for LE that there was no ZFG, but I feel not because he's doing the LE's bidding, rather, to settle his suit. So CA who is going along with this whole farce about ZFG is going to have to have her lies straight about the Tampa trip, etc because he will catch her in a lie, NO DOUBT.

Regardless, I'll bet my bottom dollar LE supeona's the depo...because a stud like him, he is going to grill the living hell out of them regarding ALL things ZFG.
aaaah, but let's not forget SHE is not "THE" ZFG!

Case Number: 08-CA-0024573-O Filing Date: 9/24/2008
Case Type: Civil
Case Status:
Status Date:
Current Judge: SPRINKEL, G A IV
Party Details Case Disposition Case Calendar Case Actions Financial Details

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Event Date Event Time Description Location
Calendar Information Is Not Available For This Case

Docket Date Defendant Docket Entry

Lovely that they're scheduled for right before Christmas...sure hope they take place (and really hope that the Anthonys show up without any counsel!)
Since the above states JM does that mean he will be the actual one to take the depostions or could it still be one of the many members of his firm?
George and Cindy are going to have the worst Christmas imaginable. I certainly can't find it in myself to celebrate anything that makes it even more difficult.

They willfully signed up for this.
The few depositions I have observed have been very open--the deposed has an attorney present but it is extrememly rare (from what I've seen) that any question is not answered. It is possible that each one can last hours because the attorney usually starts with the person being deposed back to high school, his or her education, jobs and so on--until finally getting to the facts of the case. CA may be under oath for quite a while.
At the same time I have not seen any action toward charging with perjury but it is used to impune the credibilty of the deposed at trial. This one is only concerning defamation I believe so it probably won't have much to do with KC's criminal charges--there's plenty already on record that impunes her credibilty. That's why we probably won't see her tesitfy at her trial for murder.
I think that since this is such a high profile case, Mr. Morgan himself will be doing the depo's. And from what I understand he's really really good at them.
The few depositions I have observed have been very open--the deposed has an attorney present but it is extrememly rare (from what I've seen) that any question is not answered. It is possible that each one can last hours because the attorney usually starts with the person being deposed back to high school, his or her education, jobs and so on--until finally getting to the facts of the case. CA may be under oath for quite a while.
At the same time I have not seen any action toward charging with perjury but it is used to impune the credibilty of the deposed at trial. This one is only concerning defamation I believe so it probably won't have much to do with KC's criminal charges--there's plenty already on record that impunes her credibilty. That's why we probably won't see her tesitfy at her trial for murder.

But do the a's have an atty????? what if they couldn't find one????? we all know they lost a good one---I'm sure that amongs the Fl. lawyer pool things may have been said about listening and really following thru on what someone tells/directs you to do...some parties don't get "no comment" or walking away...heck even JB is finally catching that little phrase....albeit should use it more often----

I believe that they will answer that "yes there was nanny named ZFG" and "yes she was hispanic-black" and "yes she gave Casey a hair iron" and "yes Caylee did talk about Zanny" but "no, we never saw her because Casey/MotY, handled the nanny herself" and "no we never said that your client is the ZFG".
IF and thats a big IF..CA/GA retain counsel for this will be interesting to see if its Bozo. He has no obligation to THEM to be there, but he may want to offer his services (lol) so they have the right story to go off from...remember, a depo is like a one pass can't take/put back what you already have taken/said...
Somehow I don't think that this depo will take place. The A's will postpone it for one reason or another. If by chance it does go forward, I have no reason to believe the A's will give truthful answers to the questions.
On a human level, of course I feel bad when anyone goes through a holiday missing a loved one. I woudn't wish that on my worst enemy.

On a practical level, if they would just DO THE RIGHT THING, they could avoid the mess and the focus on their situation. They are so far into denial and/or cover up, that I feel very comfortable in saying "What you sow, you shall reap." They enabled and coddled Casey past the time when she should have put on her big girl pants. They knew Casey was a spoiled brat with no sense of responsibility, yet they didn't call CPS or attempt to get parental rights for Caylee. They have completely thrown common sense out the window, believing lie after proven lie after proven lie from Casey. And yet I'm supposed to feel bad about the culmination of grossly deleterious lapses in judgement for an adult? Absolutely not.

I say this KNOWING my kids aren't angels, anyone that thinks differently of their own offspring is clearly delusional. Mine aren't perfect, but they have been working part time jobs while going to school since they were old enough to work. No money for a movie? No gas for the car? Guess you need to plan your money more wisely in the future. They also know if they are not going to school, working and giving an honest attempt at a future, they can 'let the door hit them where the good lord split them.' I'll be the first to throw them out but I'll also be sobbing like a baby after I close the door. If I have any doubts at all, I can just give a quick thought towards the dysfunctional Ant colony for renewed strength of purpose.

The only person that has my unadulterated sympathy is a little girl who idolized each and every one of them and made the naive mistake in trusting loved adults to keep her safe from harm. RIP little girl.

It is very hard for Grandparents to get custody of Grandchildren from what Ive read....unless they were able to PROVE KC was a negligent Mom and you know everyone has said she seemed like a good Mother, no one came forward and said: this didnt shock me, she was a horrible Mum, right?
You cant blame them for not having custoday, they probably took alot of care of Caylee anyways, bought her food, kept her on med Ins, bought her clothes, she always looks very well cared for. With all the cases out there, do you think DPC wouldve taken Caylee away and given her to the Anthonys? They had no LEGAL rights:(
IF and thats a big IF..CA/GA retain counsel for this will be interesting to see if its Bozo. He has no obligation to THEM to be there, but he may want to offer his services (lol) so they have the right story to go off from...remember, a depo is like a one pass can't take/put back what you already have taken/said...

don't know if he can do that---that would really qualify as a conflict of interest I do believe.....I don't think anyone in that office can represent them due to conflict of interest....I also think they have even ruled out "pro-bono" services offered by anyone out of just lets say being nice...think that MN tried but couldn't do it...and that to me says alot......but then again what do I know!!!!!

It is very hard for Grandparents to get custody of Grandchildren from what Ive read....unless they were able to PROVE KC was a negligent Mom and you know everyone has said she seemed like a good Mother, no one came forward and said: this didnt shock me, she was a horrible Mum, right?
You cant blame them for not having custoday, they probably took alot of care of Caylee anyways, bought her food, kept her on med Ins, bought her clothes, she always looks very well cared for. With all the cases out there, do you think DPC wouldve taken Caylee away and given her to the Anthonys? They had no LEGAL rights:(

But, for me the one nagging aspect of these doting grandparents that I cannot resolve in my head is why they did not have ANY info on the nanny. Absolutely no emergency addresses or phone numbers! I don't know any Grandparent (in most cases aunts and good friends also) who don't know where their grandchild is while Mommy is "working". Especially, when said mother and child are living in their home and being supported by them!
They should have hired a PI back then to follow KC around and find out what was really going on and how their little granddaughter was being cared for.:bang:
But, for me the one nagging aspect of these doting grandparents that I cannot resolve in my head is why they did not have ANY info on the nanny. Absolutely no emergency addresses or phone numbers! I don't know any Grandparent (in most cases aunts and good friends also) who don't know where their grandchild is while Mommy is "working". Especially, when said mother and child are living in their home and being supported by them!
They should have hired a PI back then to follow KC around and find out what was really going on and how their little granddaughter was being cared for.:bang:

I wonder about that, too. These days they do background checks on Nannys and especially with Georges LE background!!
But, I have a feeling cindy wanted custody. Didnt someone say a counselor recommend she file for it? And then that starts a big fight between Mother and Daughter.
How do you deal with a kid like KC?
I think George WAS trying to follow KC the one day but lost her on the highway. PLUS Cindy was working full time, ugg what a mess!
the bottom line is, KC is responsible for all of this......she was grown up and should take responsibility for what happened to Caylee. Poor Caylee:( headstrong as she was, I do not believe the story how Cindy forced her to keep Caylee, I just dont believe that!
She couldve signed up rights as a Mother.
But yes, Im with you. I cant believe they didnt try and meet the "babysitter:.
So, now that the deceased body of little Caylee has likely been found, I wonder whether or not the 12/22/08 depositions will go forward, or whether John Morgan will allow a continuance, which I expect that the Anthonys and/or their attorney, Brad Conway, will request.

Link establishing that Mr. Brad Conway is, as of today's date, an attorney representing CA and GA:,0,6109837.story

It is possible that Mr. Brad Conway was retained for limited purposes only, which purposes may or may not include the upcoming depositions, but he's the only attorney whom I can find named in the news as of today's date re: currently representing CA and GA.

He does practice CRIMINAL LAW.
New case info for Civil Matter: 08-CA-0024573-O, as of December 16, 2008:

It appears that John Morgan is SERIOUS about these depositions, which were filed on December 1, 2008, and the returns for which were filed Tuesday, December 16, 2008.
These SUBPOENAS indicate the depositions will be VIDEOTAPED, which I'd imagine Mr. Brad Conway will be hearing about shortly from George and Cindy, and I'm presuming he has already, ths the comments to the news stations that his clients "wouldn't be appearing."

SNIPPED: "...Also new in the case, the attorney representing George and Cindy Anthony says his clients will not sit down with attorney John Morgan for a deposition in the Zenaida Gonzalez lawsuit that should happen on Monday...."
Click below, and it's the fourth paragraph from the bottom:
Morgan clearly gave ample notice, but I won't be surprised if the new lawyer for the A's seeks a delay or files a motion for a protective order to keep them from going forward. New attorney who isn't up to speed, recent (potentially soon) confirmation of their granddaughter's death, etc. I think a judge would grant it. If not, absent immunity, would they testify under oath right now, or plead the fifth?
Morgan clearly gave ample notice, but I won't be surprised if the new lawyer for the A's seeks a delay or files a motion for a protective order to keep them from going forward. New attorney who isn't up to speed, recent (potentially soon) confirmation of their granddaughter's death, etc. I think a judge would grant it. If not, absent immunity, would they testify under oath right now, or plead the fifth?

Deleted to prevent filling the thread up with posts correcting my information when I've already agreed that I was.....w-w-w-wr-wrong.

(for those, like me, who post as they go along rather than reading ahead)
A witness in a civil case can not plead the fifth UNLESS it jeopardizes them in an ongoing criminal case. There are no criminal cases pending against the A's. In other words, Casey can plead the fifth in the civil case, her parents can not.

That's not true. If the question posed to a civil witness seeks information that could subject he/she to prosecution for a crime, you may invoke the Fifth Amendment. There does not have to be a bill of information or an indictment pending against the deponant.

Moreover, this is precisely why the Anthonys, who are rumored to be seeking immunity from the state, would be seeking such immunity. They know that they'll have to either (1) answer the questions, or (2) invoke the Fifth Amendment. If they haven't been able to negotiate immunity, and they have some incriminating information, divulging same or invoking the 5th draws LE's attention to them like a heat seeking missile (not that they haevn't done so already, just a saying that their counsel, Mr. Conway, will not allow them to put themselves int he hot seat any further if he can help it.)

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