John Morgan to depose Cindy A and George A on Monday, 12/22/08

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Guess that will be their Merry Christmas.........what a way to spend the holiday season.........
CA trying to blame Caylee's disappearance on JG and/or AH with LE rather than admit to them about KC's true actions and behaviors in their home surrounding the time Caylee disappeared, behaviors that would warrant CA calling KC a "sociopath" to KC's BF's, actions that would lead CA to telling AH that KC would face jail time if CA couldn't find her fast, actions and behaviors that CA reported in her 911 calls (in fact the main reasons for her to call 911 - not Caylee missing): all these things are what keep me from feeling complete sympathy for CA even at Christmas.

I do feel sorry that they lost a granddaughter, but I think they have done nothing to honor the fact that Caylee is either lost or gone. If they have a tag number to a suspected kidnappers car - give it to LE yesterday. If they have people taking pictures of kids that look like Caylee in every state - get pictures of the adults ANY of these kids are with while they're at it. If you get a free trip cross-country to make an appearance on a nationally syndicated television show, don't insult the intelligence of the public by laying claim that you are FINALLY travelling to follow-up on a tip of your missing granddaughter - sinceuwas...

I could go on about why I personally am a Grinch about the A-Clan this season, I guess because I feel that the greatest gift they can give each other - for once - is the truth. I'm not forgetting the reason for the season, and until the A's do right to honor Caylee by acknowledging the truth they already know to be true (no one is responsible for Caylee's disappearance but KC) I can not feel sorry for how far down they've gone. They are doing it to themselves. JMO.

Very well written. IMO - It's just painful all the way around!! Leaves me almost speechless at times.

Such a tragic and unnecessary loss of a beautiful child! It is just so difficult to wrap my brain around all that has happened since the news of Caylee's disappearance came out. The events that have unfolded have been more of something you would see in some freak horror show and not at all how 99.99999999% of us would handle the situation if our child/grandchild were missing.
Yes they are...truly I can not help but feel bad for them at this time.

I hear ya... but you reap what you sow.

They planted these seeds all along since July 15, and continue to do so.
Unfortunately they will do the same next year, and the year after...
What questions do you suppose he will ask the A's? Will he try to establish that "Zanny" was made to be a real person by the A's through their public statements? Hasn't CA given a description to the media that matches this ZG?
I don't know much about the depo process but what's to keep CA and GA from just giving non-responsive answers? There won't be a judge present to instruct them. Is there any authority during the depo or can it just get totally wild? I'm thinking it won't be productive.
Well, they will be sworn in to answer truthfully. I don't think they can refuse to answer unless it is incriminating to themselves. However, they can always go with the "I don't remember" stance if they don't want to answer.
Well, they will be sworn in to answer truthfully. I don't think they can refuse to answer unless it is incriminating to themselves. However, they can always go with the "I don't remember" stance if they don't want to answer.

I am wondering if any of the replies in the dep can be given to OCSO....and used to impeach previous statements of theirs? Am I making sense?
I am wondering if any of the replies in the dep can be given to OCSO....and used to impeach previous statements of theirs? Am I making sense?

That's a good question. Since they're swearing to be telling the truth I don't see why their statements can't be used elsewhere. Of course, I know absolutely nothing about law, lol!
On a human level, of course I feel bad when anyone goes through a holiday missing a loved one. I woudn't wish that on my worst enemy.

On a practical level, if they would just DO THE RIGHT THING, they could avoid the mess and the focus on their situation. They are so far into denial and/or cover up, that I feel very comfortable in saying "What you sow, you shall reap." They enabled and coddled Casey past the time when she should have put on her big girl pants. They knew Casey was a spoiled brat with no sense of responsibility, yet they didn't call CPS or attempt to get parental rights for Caylee. They have completely thrown common sense out the window, believing lie after proven lie after proven lie from Casey. And yet I'm supposed to feel bad about the culmination of grossly deleterious lapses in judgement for an adult? Absolutely not.

I say this KNOWING my kids aren't angels, anyone that thinks differently of their own offspring is clearly delusional. Mine aren't perfect, but they have been working part time jobs while going to school since they were old enough to work. No money for a movie? No gas for the car? Guess you need to plan your money more wisely in the future. They also know if they are not going to school, working and giving an honest attempt at a future, they can 'let the door hit them where the good lord split them.' I'll be the first to throw them out but I'll also be sobbing like a baby after I close the door. If I have any doubts at all, I can just give a quick thought towards the dysfunctional Ant colony for renewed strength of purpose.

The only person that has my unadulterated sympathy is a little girl who idolized each and every one of them and made the naive mistake in trusting loved adults to keep her safe from harm. RIP little girl.
I don't know much about the depo process but what's to keep CA and GA from just giving non-responsive answers? There won't be a judge present to instruct them. Is there any authority during the depo or can it just get totally wild? I'm thinking it won't be productive.

I think Morgan is used to people trying to be cagey. He will know how to ask questions.

George and Cindy have to answer or plead the fifth. And that leaves the judge/jury free to interpret what and why they can't answer.

That's a good question. Since they're swearing to be telling the truth I don't see why their statements can't be used elsewhere. Of course, I know absolutely nothing about law, lol!

Ha! Well you sound pretty good to me. So I guess if all they say is "I can't remember" then that won't bode well for them as the ZFG case wends its way through the system. I guess.
I think Morgan is used to people trying to be cagey. He will know how to ask questions.

George and Cindy have to answer or plead the fifth. And that leaves the judge/jury free to interpret what and why they can't answer.


Thanks! I didn't see this before I posted ...
I'm not wishing hateful things on anyone---I agree it would be sad on anyone and wouldn't wish it on anyone---but reality is that they are more or less out and about buying Christmas gifts, setting a place for the baby and pretending that she is comming on home...she isn't--that is the problem I have--prolonging the inevitable for what purpose????? Dragging innocent kids thru the media proclaiming them to be Caylee....that isn't right--some of those good citizens wanting to grab the Caylee look alikes ---- Please----this isn't right--someone will get hurt over them and their "looking"---I know if someone would have grabbed my kids.....I would be in jail---but I could also promise you this that if it were one of my kids faces plastered all over the media--they would have more on their hands to worry about than kc and zfg....they would be seeing me and my hubby in court....that is what I'm trying to say...

I guess what it boils down to is they should be thinking of memorial for the baby---put her to rest---she isn't comming back--hopefully this came out right...but I wish no harm to them---just that they would accept and move along---


Not saying anyone is wishing any ill will on anyone. I harbor alot of mixed emotions concerning the A's. Yes, alot if it is anger...most of the civilized world knows this angel is dead and pray she one day gets a proper burial.

I just wish folks would try to express thier anger, angst, or disdain, in a little more tactfull manor.

I know it is hard, I, myself have been guilty of rant without taking a moment. I love this site, and think it has alot of class, and so many wonderful members that have a common thread...JUSTICE.

That said, I am anxiously awaiting any trial that the A's take the stand and place thier hand on the Holy Bible....I suspect it will give us a more clear picture of what really happened to Caylee Marie.
I feel sorry for JM. The man may know how to handle a witness with "non-responsive" answers in a courtroom with a judge as referee, but trying to get a straight yes/no answer out of CA without a gavel in the room may wear him down. I'm not worried about her pleading the fifth, I'm worried about JM getting anything remotely useful out of all the run-on sentences she will cover him with.

I read another poster quote a popular line from comedian Ron White a while back, and it's aptly repeated here: "(CA) has the right to remain silent, what (she) lacks is the abilility."
I fully believe they have made a mess of things and continue to do so, however its Christmas time and regardless of what their part is or continues to be in all of this what a horrible time of year to have lost their grandaughter.

They did not lose their granddaughter at this time of year...they lost her half a year ago...

I can imagine worst Christmases. I would imagine all the other families out there who have missing children, and who have actually done everything they can to help LE find their children, who we have probably never heard of, will be having worse Christmases than the A's.
Maybe this deposition can be Cindy and George's light bulb moment.
Let us hope...

I don't know much about the depo process but what's to keep CA and GA from just giving non-responsive answers? There won't be a judge present to instruct them. Is there any authority during the depo or can it just get totally wild? I'm thinking it won't be productive.
I believe you must answer the questions in a deposition or assumptions can be made about your non-responsiveness...I am not 100% certain, but I believe they MUST answer...and truthfully as an oath will be sworn...
I feel sorry for JM. The man may know how to handle a witness with "non-responsive" answers in a courtroom with a judge as referee, but trying to get a straight yes/no answer out of CA without a gavel in the room may wear him down. I'm not worried about her pleading the fifth, I'm worried about JM getting anything remotely useful out of all the run-on sentences she will cover him with.

I read another poster quote a popular line from comedian Ron White a while back, and it's aptly repeated here: "(CA) has the right to remain silent, what (she) lacks is the abilility."

I do know that they cannot plead the 5th...

Case Number: 08-CA-0024573-O Filing Date: 9/24/2008
Case Type: Civil
Case Status:
Status Date:
Current Judge: SPRINKEL, G A IV
Party Details Case Disposition Case Calendar Case Actions Financial Details

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Calendar Information Is Not Available For This Case

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Lovely that they're scheduled for right before Christmas...sure hope they take place (and really hope that the Anthonys show up without any counsel!)

Way to go John Morgan, I like this guy!
IMO, this depo will solve alot of the questions regarding the parents knowledge of ZFG.

He will be asking them if they've ever actually seen a ZFG, talked to a ZFG, if Caylee ever did, etc...he will determine for LE that there was no ZFG, but I feel not because he's doing the LE's bidding, rather, to settle his suit. So CA who is going along with this whole farce about ZFG is going to have to have her lies straight about the Tampa trip, etc because he will catch her in a lie, NO DOUBT.

Regardless, I'll bet my bottom dollar LE supeona's the depo...because a stud like him, he is going to grill the living hell out of them regarding ALL things ZFG.
They haven't told the truth so far so what makes him think they will start now?
under oath with DIRECT questioning..not like police interview where she rambles so long she never answers the question. An atty wont put up with that crap. Hes going to nail the jello to the tree....."YES OR NO, CINDY...DID....."

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