John Ramsey speaks

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I'm wondering what leads LS could generate, and the story about the penny necklace, It's obvious how deeply LS was affected by the murder of JBR.
I just saw it as rhetoric.
In any event,his opinion is worth about .02,that's all I can say.So it's worth about the value of the pennies,nothing more..if even that (IMHO).
I think he can take that necklace off someday, when and if he decides to examine his own conscience and come clean on the reasons he invented that silly intruder theory for the Ramseys.
One other thing I could never understand about John and Patsy Ramsey was the fact that after the ransom note was discovered and JonBenet was found murdered in the wine cellar, how in the world could you let your other child, Burke, who was only 9 years old at the time, ever leave your side for even a minute. Yet, they both did just that. He wasn't with law enforcement, he was with friends of the Ramsey's. In such a critical time, how are they so confident as to who their friends and who aren't? Odd, unless of course they knew they had no reason to fear for Burke's safety.

I go back and forth on this action...On one hand, I wouldn't want my daughter to leave my side. If one child is worth $118K, how much would both of my children be worth?

On the other hand, I think the whole scene would be terrifying for the sibling and getting the sibling away from the scene might be less traumatic. A child inside the house the night of the murder could also interfere with the story. "Yes, we had pineapple last night. Don't you remember mom? JB had pineapple because you didn't want her to have more sweets before bed."
I go back and forth on this action...On one hand, I wouldn't want my daughter to leave my side. If one child is worth $118K, how much would both of my children be worth?

On the other hand, I think the whole scene would be terrifying for the sibling and getting the sibling away from the scene might be less traumatic. A child inside the house the night of the murder could also interfere with the story. "Yes, we had pineapple last night. Don't you remember mom? JB had pineapple because you didn't want her to have more sweets before bed."

It definitely is not mentioned anywhere that John and Patsy were overly concerned about Burke's safety during this time. I definitely understand them not wanting him to be around the house for obvious reasons, but wouldn't they absolutely insist that he be guarded by law enforcement at all times? Yet, he was given to friends of the Ramsey's to be watched over. Assuming from the ransom letter that the perpetrators knew quite a lot about the Ramsey's (from the amount of bonus money John received, the way the ransom note was written in regards to how lenient the kidnappers were... by this I mean how the demands gave the Ramsey's options as to when the money could be obtained by John... would suggest that they knew the Ramsey's). I personally believe Patsy wrote this letter. It is definitely that of a female writer in any case, and I just can't see how a female even if they were accompanied with a male suspect would break into a multi-millionaire's house, stay there for quite a while, use their own stationary inside the house and write this ransom letter, and not have some concerns that maybe somebody inside the home would wake up or an alarm would go off.

The one line in the ransom letter that is beyond ridiculous is where it states: "If we monitor you getting the money early, we might call you early to
arrange an earlier delivery of the money and hence a earlier
delivery pickup of your daughter."

Kidnappers don't negotiate or give wiggle room like this as to when money is picked up or delivered. Their freedom is based on a strict outline under their terms, not how the Ramsey's want it to go.

Here is a pretty good link on the ransom letter that has some interesting analysis after each line and paragraph:
Here's an example of a real ransom note:

We have your kid. We'll call you. Call police and she/he's dead.

Sometimes in a real kidnaping there isn't even a note. Just a missing child and then a phone call follows.
Here's an example of a real ransom note:

We have your kid. We'll call you. Call police and she/he's dead.

Sometimes in a real kidnaping there isn't even a note. Just a missing child and then a phone call follows.

Yep: 'everything about Patsy was Texas-sized', including, apparently, her ransom notes.
It definitely is not mentioned anywhere that John and Patsy were overly concerned about Burke's safety during this time. I definitely understand them not wanting him to be around the house for obvious reasons, but wouldn't they absolutely insist that he be guarded by law enforcement at all times? Yet, he was given to friends of the Ramsey's to be watched over. Assuming from the ransom letter that the perpetrators knew quite a lot about the Ramsey's (from the amount of bonus money John received, the way the ransom note was written in regards to how lenient the kidnappers were... by this I mean how the demands gave the Ramsey's options as to when the money could be obtained by John... would suggest that they knew the Ramsey's). I personally believe Patsy wrote this letter. It is definitely that of a female writer in any case, and I just can't see how a female even if they were accompanied with a male suspect would break into a multi-millionaire's house, stay there for quite a while, use their own stationary inside the house and write this ransom letter, and not have some concerns that maybe somebody inside the home would wake up or an alarm would go off.

The one line in the ransom letter that is beyond ridiculous is where it states: "If we monitor you getting the money early, we might call you early to
arrange an earlier delivery of the money and hence a earlier
delivery pickup of your daughter."

Kidnappers don't negotiate or give wiggle room like this as to when money is picked up or delivered. Their freedom is based on a strict outline under their terms, not how the Ramsey's want it to go.

Here is a pretty good link on the ransom letter that has some interesting analysis after each line and paragraph:
Burke was questioned by LE at the White's for about 40 mins. that morning,and JR had the nerve to get angry about it and even say in their book that it was against CO. law for them to do that.Any innoocent parent would have been oh-so-grateful LE was there,and had spoken to him,since they didn't even bother to ask if he'd even seen or heard anything unusual that night.
I am so surprised that this note has not been placed more in the public so that if the Ramseys had written anything else, people could bring it forward as just the word hence seems to be used quite frequent with them with things that they write or in conversation. That poor little girl.
Okay Dave. Lets ignore the fact that people in LE are also IDI.

I'm aware of that. But they are in the vast minority, from what I can gather. Moreover, there's the whole credibility issue.

And the ones that aren't still haven't made a case.

Tell you what: give them an actual chance, and we might all be surprised. I can go on for some time about that.

Using Mark Fuhrman as a source is quite a joke.

What makes you say that?

I really wish we would know more on what LE is doing now. Just like you, I want justice.

There's something we can agree on.

But I believe they exonerated the Ramsey's for more reasons that they have told us.

Of THAT, I have no doubt. I've posted some of those very "reasons" here many times.

But not many are listening. And that includes an owner of this site who thinks the handwriting is 100% match.

My suggestion is you take it up with her. As for the 100% match, she's not the only one thinks that. Not by a DAMN sight!
I'm aware of that. But they are in the vast minority, from what I can gather. Moreover, there's the whole credibility issue.

Tell you what: give them an actual chance, and we might all be surprised. I can go on for some time about that.

What makes you say that?

There's something we can agree on.

Of THAT, I have no doubt. I've posted some of those very "reasons" here many times.

My suggestion is you take it up with her. As for the 100% match, she's not the only one thinks that. Not by a DAMN sight!

Just finished Furhrman's new book. I loved his comments on the Ramsey's. Another example of the truth NEVER coming out, IMO, due to brick walls hemming the truth in.
Originally Posted by ames
hey, lol..i thought that was a spider pig. Homer sings..."spider pig, spider pig....does whatever a spider pig does". Lol


I have so many cats I got confused,LOL.
Since when is Smit a "forensic specialist"? He most certainly is not. He is a detective who engaged in unprofessional behavior, letting his religious beliefs get in the way of dealing with this case. Smit has NO credentials as a forensic specialist as far as I know.
Since when is Smit a "forensic specialist"? He most certainly is not. He is a detective who engaged in unprofessional behavior, letting his religious beliefs get in the way of dealing with this case. Smit has NO credentials as a forensic specialist as far as I know.

Yep,that was a good one.He's a broken record not a forensic specialist. But I would love to ask him(again)how does a stun gun exclude the R's,especially BR.Must be a tempting toy for a 9years old especially if he's not allowed to touch it,like it happened with the knife.
I'd overlooked the 'forensic specialist' bit. That moniker must gall the genuine forensic scientists who have spent decades getting the education to call themselves specialists. It's actually misleading imo of him to allow himself to be described in this way. What he means is that he will assume anything at the crime scene is of the crime scene.
I'd overlooked the 'forensic specialist' bit. That moniker must gall the genuine forensic scientists who have spent decades getting the education to call themselves specialists. It's actually misleading imo of him to allow himself to be described in this way. What he means is that he will assume anything at the crime scene is of the crime scene.

It galls me, all right. The worst part is when you start believing your own press.
Yep,that was a good one.He's a broken record not a forensic specialist. But I would love to ask him(again)how does a stun gun exclude the R's,especially BR.Must be a tempting toy for a 9years old especially if he's not allowed to touch it,like it happened with the knife.

And let's not forget that a manual or video for a stun gun WAS found in the R home. JR admitted it was theirs, but because it was in Spanish, obviously THEY couldn't have used it. I have never seen where LE questioned the R about why they would even have such an item in their home, especially when the stun gun itself was never found. (removed by the R that night- removed by Aunt P? In the golf bag that JR HAD to have?)
Makes the involvement of the brother(s) a wee bit more likely.
And let's not forget that a manual or video for a stun gun WAS found in the R home. JR admitted it was theirs, but because it was in Spanish, obviously THEY couldn't have used it. I have never seen where LE questioned the R about why they would even have such an item in their home, especially when the stun gun itself was never found. (removed by the R that night- removed by Aunt P? In the golf bag that JR HAD to have?)
Makes the involvement of the brother(s) a wee bit more likely.

I will always blame Meyer for this one.Those abrasions or whatever they are seem to be a big part of the puzzle.But on the other hand the R's lawyers and the DA people :)banghead: ) did everything they could to stop more tests on the body.
I like to watch Dr.G's show.Whenever there's suspicion of foul play she just doesn't just write down "abrasion"......what kind of abrasions?what could have caused them?where are they located and what could that mean?etc.
Was just reading some parts of JR's interview re the stun gun and came across this:

"JOHN RAMSEY: Yeah. On a

16 scale one to ten, how certain are you that

17 that was involved, a stun gun was

18 involved?

19 LOU SMIT: Personally? Other

20 people don't think it's quite that high.

21 It's really hard to determine different

22 things, but just from what we know, and I

23 won't get into all the things on that, it

24 very consistent with that, some things

25 have to be explained. Now whatever


1 follows or going to be done on this from

2 this time on, I don't know exactly. But

3 again --"

You couldn't make this up!Looks like JR is the one manipulating and conducting this interview.
That was the biggest mouthfull of babble from Smit. He just danced all around it. But that was the R style, too. Dance and weave. They shoulda been boxers.

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