John Travolta sued for sexual battery

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and your factual proof is?

Oh, I obviously don't have "factual proof". But I have read accounts of gay men who have seen him. Whether you choose to believe that is up to you, of course. I believe the accounts but feel free not to.
man, the details in that lawsuit are astounding

but if he got the date wrong, then well ...

and yeah, I have the same question as others, what was plaintiff's penis doing out of his pants if he was there only professionally hmmm?
Who cares if JT is gay or not? And why should it be our concern? Do you enjoy his movies? Live and let live! Enough said.

I agree. I don't care what he does with in his personal life, as long as he's not abusing children or killing anyone...or commiting violent crimes. It's obvs that the court filing is bogus based on the fact that the dude said "oopsie, I got the date wrong".

Don't ya think if John Travolta was all up in your personal business, you might remember then when and where?

I anticipate the cases filed thereafter will be found bogus as well.

I feel for him and his family for the slime that come out of the woodwork to try to extort money out of him.


Oh, this is common knowledge in Hollywood. Yes he is gay and has visited bath houses since the 80s. Why won't he just be honest with his fans? I guess he believes they will reject him and many people don't know the truth and he likes to keep a facade escpecially since his religion doesn't believe in it.

Here's some good reads about John Travolta's preferences:

I guess the reason he isnt honest with his fans is because it isnt their bussiness what he does in his bedroom ,or bathhouse??

If it is true that is. MOO.
There is no smoke without fire, that's what my wise old nanna used to say.

Many have wondered why such rumors always seem to refer to the same group of stars. Why is it always Tom Cruise and never Brad Pitt? Pitt has just as many gay fans. Why John Travolta and never Kevin Costner?

One answer is what you've suggested: that there's some factual basis to the rumors.

But I think it's also possible that once a rumor of this kind takes flight, it lends credibility to additional rumors.

If a gay man claims he was sexually harassed by Brad Pitt, who is going to believe him? But claim it was John Travolta and the story immediately gains some traction and, it appears, a certain number of believers.
I guess the reason he isnt honest with his fans is because it isnt their bussiness what he does in his bedroom ,or bathhouse??

If it is true that is. MOO.

But if it's none of our business, why does Mr. Travolta employ a publicist to make sure we know all about his lovely wife, their home and their children, etc. (Sadly, in the death of his son Travolta had no choice of avoiding media coverage, but that was hardly the start of ads for Travolta's "heterosexuality".)
Actually, there have been rumors that Brad Pitt is gay. Also, George Clooney, Richard Gere, Leonardo DiCaprio, and just about every single other well known actor in the entertainment industry.

Type this into a Google search: " (insert actor name here) gay rumors", and you'll see what I mean. I just did it with the name Brad Pitt and got back 15,500,000 hits.

If this story had broken with the name 'Brad Pitt', or 'George Clooney', or just about any famous person's name instead of 'John Travolta', people would be writing the same things. "Oh, I'm not surprised, I've known he/ she was gay for years. Where there's smoke there's fire. I know so and so who knows so and so and know FOR A FACT that <insert celebrity name here> is gay".

Ugh. I look forward to the day when rumors are not taken as fact, just because they are often repeated. I look even more forward to the day when one's sexual orientation stops being the business of strangers.

"Where there's smoke there's fire"? ~ Not necessarily.
As a user of e-cigarettes, I can tell you that what often looks like smoke is nothing more than water vapor.
I could care less if he is gay, straight, bisexual or asexual. That's his business, between him and his wife who obviously loves him. As long as it is between consenting adults, it's his business.

I think these stories are pretty much made up or not the whole story. The amounts they are asking are ridiculous. I am sure that professional masseuses have been trained with how to deal with a client who wants more than a massage. That's part of being a professional, dealing with people who expect more than you are expected to provide.

So the first guys case fell apart? And the other 2 only sued because the first one did? It's not looking so good for their case. Sounds like they were just jumping on the bandwagon looking for a big cash payday, or some quick hush money.

Is this the first time these masseuses have ever had an issue with a client? Probably not. So why single out JT? Oh that's right, he has money!! Since JT has money, these people were much more traumatized by what they claimed happened. They probably dont care about being right, they just want to get paid. If they wanted justice they would have pressed charges, not filed for millions of dollars.

I hope John pursues them and makes them go to court, proves them to be liars and gets money from them for his troubles.

Why not come forward when it supposedly happened? Why wait? It just looks fishy. maybe they were willing participants and got mad when he no longer wanted their services. Was this the only time they were with him?

I need to know more before I make any real judgements but for now I am just thinking it looks flimsy, ridiculous and like some people out for big money.

And scientology? Well, that just creeps me out. It seems so cult-like and so bizarre. I have no idea why anyone would be so into it. They make some pretty weird claims and bombard public libraries with their books videos and just plain crap. We'd get boxes of it and not even open them. Nobody ever checked any of it out, no one was interested. But that is his religion, and again, that is his business.
Swampmama, I wish I could click on the "thanks" button twice for that post. :)
Carrie Fisher outed him a while back in an interview and if you google "john Travolta gay" there are numerous stories about his escapades and not all of them are nice. In Australia just about everyone I know acknowledges that he is one of the actors who is living a double life and it seems it has been known in Hollywood for years.

I think that in these cases he has taken his "celebrity" status a bit too far and assumed these guys would definitely be up for it. I find that arrogant of him but also think these two are making money of it.

Saying all this, I think it is a shame that he has to lie. I, for one dont care that he is gay and love alot of his movies and grew up with Welcome Back Cotter.
To me if anything comes of it I think its about time that Hollywood needs to know that in this day and age the majority of us dont care about sexual orientation anymore and therefore stop suggesting and/or making that these people have to have sham marriages etc.

Oh and also dare I bring up the scientology avenue here............they think homosexuals can be cured.

Agree. Why should John Travolta be cut a break here? Other celebrities and politicians haven't and aren't cut such breaks.

Travolta is a big boy. Knowing he is a celebrity, he and his attorney expect me to believe he cannot hire and/or afford his own traveling and/or personal masseuse? Again, he's a celebrity, a public figure, placing and opening himself up to such risk? Cough. Cough.

Scientologist? Homosexuality can be cured/fixed/corrected? Hmm.

Travolta is a great and talented actor, but give me a break. Not buying it for a second. IMO, not even being John Travolta gives one license to sexually harass the local masseuses any longer. Times have changed.
A break? Travolta wasn't even in a same city on the day the first guy originally claimed this all took place.
Actually, there have been rumors that Brad Pitt is gay. Also, George Clooney, Richard Gere, Leonardo DiCaprio, and just about every single other well known actor in the entertainment industry.

Type this into a Google search: " (insert actor name here) gay rumors", and you'll see what I mean. I just did it with the name Brad Pitt and got back 15,500,000 hits.

If this story had broken with the name 'Brad Pitt', or 'George Clooney', or just about any famous person's name instead of 'John Travolta', people would be writing the same things. "Oh, I'm not surprised, I've known he/ she was gay for years. Where there's smoke there's fire. I know so and so who knows so and so and know FOR A FACT that <insert celebrity name here> is gay".

Ugh. I look forward to the day when rumors are not taken as fact, just because they are often repeated. I look even more forward to the day when one's sexual orientation stops being the business of strangers.

"Where there's smoke there's fire"? ~ Not necessarily.
As a user of e-cigarettes, I can tell you that what often looks like smoke is nothing more than water vapor.

SmartBlonde, I agree with each and every point of your post. Excellent post, IMO.
Lost me on the gay part still but i won't go on with it.

Also, I don't know what you might know of the entertaining business, but being hit on for jobs,or whatever does not constitute the big day to some. It does not mean the first time at rodeo. It may be disturbing. It may mean your job is at risk, it may mean you do not work that day if someone hits on you,and you do not handle it correctly. That is a power play and it can be used.
Having an actor who feels they can disrobe because they are higher up than you may not be an assault but it certainly is not a light situation. It is an awkward situation. It is not like joe, john or sue hitting on you.. It happens in the real world. It is not what I would call a "Walk in the park."


PS this happens in the biz world too.

I was going to say - this happens everywhere especially when one is young and beautiful and some old guy wants a stab at you. It's just that no one on a global scale cares when it happens to unfamous you.

The gay thing - let's put it this way - I don't want to be labeled something I am not. If I'm not gay why would I want people saying I'm gay? In this day and age, if I am gay then I'll say I'm gay and you can say that about me too. Everyone is not gay. :waitasec: Stating the truth about someone is not judging all the people who the statement would be true about. Does that make sense? Just don't tell me and the world I'm gay if I'm not, ya know?
Taking the gay out of this story, I still haven't heard an explanation of the alledged violence or threatening situation the 'victims' were put under.
Did they go to the police immediately after the incidents?
BBM: Um, maybe because they needed to earn a living?

Again, I have no knowledge as to whether the charges against JT are true. But we don't require sexual harassment victims to quit their jobs rather than filing suit, and that's basically what this lawsuit is: a sexual harassment claim.

Whaaa - poor babies. If I had a nickle for everytime some guy said something inappropriate or suggested I go with him or, worse, tricked me into thinking he really cared for me - I'd be a wealthy woman!

I'm just not understanding what the evidence is that these masseurs were pressed or threatened in any serious way. I wish everyone in the world at all times used their best manners and never offended anybody but then I'd be living in the land of Oz.

Some peeps posting sound as if they like hearing about celebrities who are wrongfully accused, as if they owe us some agony for being rich and famous or something.

The lawyer should have done his homework before bringing this case to the media.
BBM: Um, maybe because they needed to earn a living?

Again, I have no knowledge as to whether the charges against JT are true. But we don't require sexual harassment victims to quit their jobs rather than filing suit, and that's basically what this lawsuit is: a sexual harassment claim.

It's not like they have to see him and work for him everyday. They can refuse his phone calls - geesh! Your argument is a huge stretch imo. For those that are truly being sexually harassed on an ongoing basis, need their job and don't know where to turn, I feel for them. This case doesn't even come close to that scenario.
i doubt it even happened ... and who cares if he is gay and frankly im tired of people whining about their sexual rights .. sex should be a couples business not the worlds .. i just fnd it disgusting .. if they are gay and wanna be married then let them...on the other hand people that find that sort of lifestyle disgusting shouldnt have to be subjected to it either .. both sides need to keep it in their houses just my 2 cents .what happened to morals and privacy .. and marriage meaning something anymore
The remaining plaintiff in the sexual battery lawsuit against John Travolta fired his lawyer, but the case could continue with another lawyer and another court, two lawyers told CNN on Thursday.

Gloria Allred confirmed Thursday that the plaintiff known as John Doe #2 has hired her to represent him and possibly file a new legal action against the actor.

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