John Travolta's son, autism and Scientology

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Who are the neighbors who more than likely only see the child in passing to make a diagnosis of Autism? I mean unless they gave up their medical pratice to work in a resturant they are not quilified to do so. Sure there may be a lot of speculation but there are many disorders that can have the same/similar symptoms to Autism- Fragile -X for one. point being no one here knows what if anything is wrong. No matter what is wrong the parents choice of religion did not cause it. Disorders like Autism have no cure sure you can make progress but unless we are in their house we have no way of knowing if they are working with him or not. One more thing the US was founded on freedom of religion granted I would not pratice scientology but they have every right too.
There is no treatment for autism.
I am no fan of the crazy church of scientology but as the parent of a autistic child I have a HUGE issue with the neighbors (who do not have an autistic child) judging those who do.
I don't think this has a thing to do with their religion.
Who the hell are these people to critisize however the Travolta's raise their disabled child?
There are few childhood issues as difficult as a autistic child hitting puberty.
Anyone who has watched the movie Rainman knows that part of the disorder of autisim involves obsessing over certain tv shows as well as other things.

After having a friend who had an Autistic son, theres NO way I could criticize the Travoltas......friend had him in so many different "traditional" schools for Austism, even ws in experimenal autism program at U of FL Gainsville for a while, she was a loving, concerned Mother, bottom line, today he is in his 20's. they had to put him in a home. Couldnt handle him and it is VERY stressful having an Autistic child, you cant even get a regular babysitter, you need one who knows autistic kids!
There is NO cure for Autism and Im convinced they dont even know what causes it but if they choose to handle it their own way, its THEIR business. I doubt if he is neglected and Im sure it causes them alot of heartbreak.:(
PS There is also alot of money to be made off of it, I was appalled at what the expenses of some of these "traditional therapy" schools and Med centers wanted!!! They also drugged him and he gained ALOT of weight:(
Im not a scientologist but live very close to a Main headquarters, Ive met some of the kids and believe me, they have their heads on straight, they can hold and engage a civilized conversation so whatever they do, they have something they do right.
After having a friend who had an Autistic son, theres NO way I could criticize the Travoltas......friend had him in so many different "traditional" schools for Austism, even ws in experimenal autism program at U of FL Gainsville for a while, she was a loving, concerned Mother, bottom line, today he is in his 20's. they had to put him in a home. Couldnt handle him and it is VERY stressful having an Autistic child, you cant even get a regular babysitter, you need one who knows autistic kids!
There is NO cure for Autism and Im convinced they dont even know what causes it but if they choose to handle it their own way, its THEIR business. I doubt if he is neglected and Im sure it causes them alot of heartbreak.:(
PS There is also alot of money to be made off of it, I was appalled at what the expenses of some of these "traditional therapy" schools and Med centers wanted!!! They also drugged him and he gained ALOT of weight:(
Im not a scientologist but live very close to a Main headquarters, Ive met some of the kids and believe me, they have their heads on straight, they can hold and engage a civilized conversation so whatever they do, they have something they do right.

Scientologists are the most controlling, angry, pushy people I know... They "handle" everyone they come in contact with.. Conversations with them are one sided and if a person disagrees with them they are treated as a "Degraded Being" or a "Suppressive Person" and are quickly dismissed.

Scientology offers "Professional Training Routines" (for a price, of course) that teaches how to be able to ignore anything and everything negative that is brought up in a conversation. They actually have people sitting in chairs directly in front of one another, "bull-baiting" ( hours! It is not possible for a Scientologist who follows the rules of their "religion" to hold a civilized conversation. IMO

Parents that are Scientologists are sometimes forbidden to care for their child because Scientology believes they are not "upstat" and are simply "thetans in small bodies" and do not need their parents to take care of them! They are not even taught academics while attending Scientology schools!
Wow, looking at those pictures Jett really changed. He was really skinny about age 9 or 10; now he is obese. That may be true that he just sits and eats junk food.

Also, did Scientology not approve of getting him braces? He does look like he has emotional issues.

The daughter is gorgeous!

Marthatex, you took the words right out of my mouth ! I was looking at those pictures and thinking, he is such a cute little boy, why don't they get his teeth straightened ? And then as time progressed I couldn't believe the transformation from slim to obese in such a short time. He doesn't even resemble himself any more. Poor thing. I can't understand how two parents who are so health and work-out conscious have let their boy gain so much weight. It does lend some credence to the rumor that they let him sit in front of the tv all day playing video games and eating only junk food. How sad. You would think that with all their money , they could do something to help Jett. Don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE John Travolta fan, have been since Grease in the 70s, but what saddens me the most is that from what pictures tell us, they want to keep Jett hidden away, and instead only beautiful, perfect Ella is allowed in photos.

When I saw the cover of the Redbook magazine with John and Ella on the cover, I remember I did ask myself, Why isn't his son there with him too ? I guess maybe now I
know why. How very sad.

I hope Jett can get the treatment he deserves. :(
maybe he has Prader Willi not Autism I really can't get over every one talking badly about this childs looks. Even if you don't approve of their parenting skills you shouldn't make fun of hs weight and teeth. If he is Autistic more than likely he won't allow braces to be put on also KD has a side effect of weight gain and it is not cured you can move from an acute stage to a non-acute stage but the heart still has to be watched. Any one with a heart issue is going to gain weight because they can't be active. Unless you see his medical records you really can't pass judgement and I don't really care one way or another for John Travolta I would just hate for his son to read this and feel bad about himself. Espically if it is KD.
maybe he has Prader Willi not Autism I really can't get over every one talking badly about this childs looks. Even if you don't approve of their parenting skills you shouldn't make fun of hs weight and teeth. If he is Autistic more than likely he won't allow braces to be put on also KD has a side effect of weight gain and it is not cured you can move from an acute stage to a non-acute stage but the heart still has to be watched. Any one with a heart issue is going to gain weight because they can't be active. Unless you see his medical records you really can't pass judgement and I don't really care one way or another for John Travolta I would just hate for his son to read this and feel bad about himself. Espically if it is KD.

No one is making fun of him; just commenting on how his looks changed drastically to obesity, which is a clinical term; and to how he needs braces. He already feels bad about himself IMO; doubt that he would read here.

Childhood obestity is a major problem in the United States now - has increased steadily since 1990. The neighbor had commented that he sat in front of the TV and ate junk food - the photos just confirm this may be true.

I think everyone sympathizes with the child, but not so much the parents If a child is this overweight it can bring on diabetes and other health problems. Obviously the child/parents need some kind of counseling here and/or medical care, including an exercise program or placing the boy into some sort of active sports program he might enjoy. Just going for a bike ride or walk with mom and dad everyday might help; obviously a change to a healthier diet.

Is autism not amenable to any of these activities - I don't really know. I don't know about the KD precluding activity either.
No one is making fun of him; just commenting on how his looks changed drastically to obesity, which is a clinical term; and to how he needs braces. He already feels bad about himself IMO; doubt that he would read here.

Childhood obestity is a major problem in the United States now - has increased steadily since 1990. The neighbor had commented that he sat in front of the TV and ate junk food - the photos just confirm this may be true.

I think everyone sympathizes with the child, but not so much the parents If a child is this overweight it can bring on diabetes and other health problems. Obviously the child/parents need some kind of counseling here and/or medical care, including an exercise program or placing the boy into some sort of active sports program he might enjoy. Just going for a bike ride or walk with mom and dad everyday might help; obviously a change to a healthier diet.

Is autism not amenable to any of these activities - I don't really know. I don't know about the KD precluding activity either.

Children with Autism tend to bite so if that is the problem getting braces would be an issue. KD can lead to congestive heart failure and other cardiac issues so his physical activitywould need to be limited. By the way I know obesity is a clinical term that's why I said maybe he has prader willi which causes extreem hunger and obseity.
Children with Autism tend to bite so if that is the problem getting braces would be an issue. KD can lead to congestive heart failure and other cardiac issues so his physical activitywould need to be limited. By the way I know obesity is a clinical term that's why I said maybe he has prader willi which causes extreem hunger and obseity.

I can't see how Prader Willi could be confused with Autism. People with Prader Willi have unique physical features that are evident to anyone who sees them (almond shaped eyes, short stature, small hands and feet.. etc). My SIL has Prader Willi and there is no way anyone would mistake her for being Autistic!

I understand you felt people were putting Jet down and were trying to protect him but I really don't think that's what anyone was doing. I also don't think these wise folks would confuse Prader Willi and Autism.

I'm also a bit confused as to why you refered KD and Prader Willi together in your last post... the two are not comorbid.... or have I missed some newer research?
Children with Autism tend to bite so if that is the problem getting braces would be an issue. KD can lead to congestive heart failure and other cardiac issues so his physical activitywould need to be limited. By the way I know obesity is a clinical term that's why I said maybe he has prader willi which causes extreem hunger and obseity.

I am not sure where your getting your information but children with autism do not tend to bite any more than other children.
Marthatex, you took the words right out of my mouth ! I was looking at those pictures and thinking, he is such a cute little boy, why don't they get his teeth straightened ? And then as time progressed I couldn't believe the transformation from slim to obese in such a short time. He doesn't even resemble himself any more. Poor thing. I can't understand how two parents who are so health and work-out conscious have let their boy gain so much weight. It does lend some credence to the rumor that they let him sit in front of the tv all day playing video games and eating only junk food. How sad. You would think that with all their money , they could do something to help Jett. Don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE John Travolta fan, have been since Grease in the 70s, but what saddens me the most is that from what pictures tell us, they want to keep Jett hidden away, and instead only beautiful, perfect Ella is allowed in photos.

When I saw the cover of the Redbook magazine with John and Ella on the cover, I remember I did ask myself, Why isn't his son there with him too ? I guess maybe now I
know why. How very sad.

I hope Jett can get the treatment he deserves. :(

I MUST reply to this post.... I think it is critical and harsh to judge these people... If Jet is Autistic I would imagine that a photo shoot and many other public places would be very upsetting to him... WHy would someone subject their child to that if it would agitate him needlessly?
Also the drugs used for many autistics almost always cause weight gain not to mention that puberty itself often does that.

I would also like to know what "treatment" you think he needs?
Who is to say they did not have him in ABA therapy when he was younger?
ABA is not neccessarily done by a pshyciatrist its more of a way of teaching so I don't know if it would be against Scientology.
I MUST reply to this post.... I think it is critical and harsh to judge these people... If Jet is Autistic I would imagine that a photo shoot and many other public places would be very upsetting to him... WHy would someone subject their child to that if it would agitate him needlessly?
Also the drugs used for many autistics almost always cause weight gain not to mention that puberty itself often does that.

I would also like to know what "treatment" you think he needs?
Who is to say they did not have him in ABA therapy when he was younger?
ABA is not neccessarily done by a pshyciatrist its more of a way of teaching so I don't know if it would be against Scientology.

As Scientologists, they may not allow him to take any drugs, so perhaps the weight gain is merely genetics and poor diet.
As Scientologists, they may not allow him to take any drugs, so perhaps the weight gain is merely genetics and poor diet.

That is true but it also should be noted that many autistic children are just overweight. Some are not well coordinated and being active is difficult.. also some are obsessive about food and it would be difficult to control their diet (especially at 14) without riskin a HUGE tantrum and you do not want a mansized 14 YO having one of those.
No one is making fun of him; just commenting on how his looks changed drastically to obesity, which is a clinical term; and to how he needs braces. He already feels bad about himself IMO; doubt that he would read here.

Childhood obestity is a major problem in the United States now - has increased steadily since 1990. The neighbor had commented that he sat in front of the TV and ate junk food - the photos just confirm this may be true.

I think everyone sympathizes with the child, but not so much the parents If a child is this overweight it can bring on diabetes and other health problems. Obviously the child/parents need some kind of counseling here and/or medical care, including an exercise program or placing the boy into some sort of active sports program he might enjoy. Just going for a bike ride or walk with mom and dad everyday might help; obviously a change to a healthier diet.

Well said, marthatex. That was exactly what I meant with my post above. I am not being harsh towards his parents, nor do I mean to judge them, but it is a shame to see a little guy so very obese. There are obese people in my family, so I know what a struggle it is like for them. I would never make fun of this child. :twocents: I still stand by what I said: There must be some type of treatment for him. God, I sincerely hope so.
I MUST reply to this post.... I think it is critical and harsh to judge these people... If Jet is Autistic I would imagine that a photo shoot and many other public places would be very upsetting to him... WHy would someone subject their child to that if it would agitate him needlessly?
Also the drugs used for many autistics almost always cause weight gain not to mention that puberty itself often does that.

I would also like to know what "treatment" you think he needs?
Who is to say they did not have him in ABA therapy when he was younger?
ABA is not neccessarily done by a pshyciatrist its more of a way of teaching so I don't know if it would be against Scientology.

Amraa, the treatment I was talking about was for his obesity. I know virtually nothing about autism, so I wouldn't dare give my opinion on that subject. However, there are treatments for obesity that would make him lose weight and restore his health. I am not being harsh towards his parents nor am I making fun of his condition. Just stated my opinion like everyone else. :twocents:
That is true but it also should be noted that many autistic children are just overweight. Some are not well coordinated and being active is difficult.. also some are obsessive about food and it would be difficult to control their diet (especially at 14) without riskin a HUGE tantrum and you do not want a mansized 14 YO having one of those.

Amrann, you are so right. Im thinking some of these people have never been around a severely autistic kid. To do a photo shoot with him? Would be next to impossible. The one I was around, he still defecated in his pants once in awhile at age 12!! To tke them out when they are younger is hard, the severe temper tantrums they can have (I suspect because of their inability to talk much) causes other people to stare and make rude remarks. My friends son started out looking normal, just a kid who threw horrible temper tantrums so bad, if they wanted to go out, I would go over and watch him, I saw him on a daily basis, but I cant tell you how many babysitters she went through, they dont want to deal with their problems and people with kids like this believe me, they need a break!!
I feel sorry for the Travoltas, it cant be easy and if Jett is severe, eventually he ill have to be put in a home, my friends couldnt handle a 6 ft tall autistic kid, yes they grw just like any other kid. Oh and another thing, my friends autistic son used to open the door and RUN I mean RUN, she had to run after him and catch him, they can be quite wild and uncontrollable.
Braces? Theyd have to put him to sleep to just get them on probably.
Anyways, I feel sorry about the entire situation, John Travolta is a very nice person and Ive known lots of Italian fathers, they adore their kids, hes the same.
Amraa, the treatment I was talking about was for his obesity. I know virtually nothing about autism, so I wouldn't dare give my opinion on that subject. However, there are treatments for obesity that would make him lose weight and restore his health. I am not being harsh towards his parents nor am I making fun of his condition. Just stated my opinion like everyone else. :twocents:

Thank you Ticamom for clarifying:) I misunderstood but like I replied to Jeana if the child is Autistic treatment for obesity is not as doable as some may think (although of course that is a case by case basis)
Feddup I totally relate to all you posted:)

You should join us on the "What is Autism?" thread in the Jury room.
Your expierence with your friends child gives you a VERY unique perspective.

Although my son is still only 12 I totally understand all that you posted about your friend's child.

Spazkat9696 thank you for replying you should join our thread as well.
I still do not agree about the biting and I have personal experience too.

I will concede to this ... Autistic children may bite at a later age but I disagree that it is more or that in general as a group they are more prone to biting.

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