JonBenet Ramsey Foundation Did Nothing To Protect Children:Moneymachine 4 Ramseys

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snowqueen said:
Marc Klaas benefited from the fact that he didn't live in the house with Polly, and Mark Lunsford had good sound advice and support from many sources including Elizabeth Smart's dad. The van Dams put everything they had on the line because they knew they lived a lifestyle that many would question.

Other than the fact that these families had children who "disappeared" the circumstances - IMO - are not comparable. Would as much suspicion have fallen on the Ramseys - with the evidence that exists - if JonBenet had been found outside their home?

Klass was still under suspicion and cooperated with the cops to clear his name...the Ramseys hired DEFENSE lawyers. So you think if Klass had been in the house that night he'd hire defense lawyers or simply refuse to clear his name?

Wether Klass was in the home or not he had to clear his name with the cops....something the Ramseys refused to do....instead the Ramseys hired a Public Relations person.

And we allllll know what good detectives Public Relations people make.
The van Dams put everything they had on the line because they knew they lived a lifestyle that many would question. from Snowqueen.

Okay I'm confused here, what on earth do you mean?

Other than going out with friends to the bars a few times, like many couples their ages, what did they do that couldn't benefit from a public relations firm?

Heck the Van Dams were in a position to promote 'bogus' charities like the Ramseys but didn't. The Van Dams took the high road and didn't promote themselves on tv with bogus publicity driven fake charities.
Show Me said:
Yeah but the know, can't stand to have their 'comfort' zone invaded with annoying questions from the heck with finding the killer if it is going to make John and Patsy uncomfortable.

John's 'We'll do anything to find the killer' means absolutely nothing.
This is your post.........thus, my response about the van Dams (who BTW are admirable people).
Show Me said:
Still confused. What exactly are you saying?
My point re: "annoying questions from the cops" - is that there were things about the vanDams lifestyle that they knew the police would find out about that could cause suspicion (which it did). The same was not true for the Ramseys.
snowqueen said:
My point re: "annoying questions from the cops" - is that there were things about the vanDams lifestyle that they knew the police would find out about that could cause suspicion (which it did). The same was not true for the Ramseys.

I disagree... John and Patsy were known to drink. John had an affair, which broke up his first marriage to Lucinda. John was ripping off Access Graphics by 'storing' some old records in his airplane hanger and charging Access Graphics to pay for his hanger.

And of course John and Patsy thought nothing of starting bogus charities....

Anne Rule knew Ted Bundy before anyone suspected he was a serial killer....she thought he was a nice guy.....

People were shocked when Susan Smith killed her children...she was so nice and a good mother.

You can't go on how 'nice' someone seems...
Show Me said:
The van Dams put everything they had on the line because they knew they lived a lifestyle that many would question. from Snowqueen.

Okay I'm confused here, what on earth do you mean?

Other than going out with friends to the bars a few times, like many couples their ages, what did they do that couldn't benefit from a public relations firm?

Heck the Van Dams were in a position to promote 'bogus' charities like the Ramseys but didn't. The Van Dams took the high road and didn't promote themselves on tv with bogus publicity driven fake charities.
Oh my - you're the better for not experiencing it - but I've been on a forum dominated by people who were furious about the vanDam lifestyle and figured they had to be murderers or complicit in their daughter's death because of it. No amount of evidence against the real killer would change that.

The VanDams on occasion used a little bit of marijuana, and had a slightly open marriage with IIRC, one married couple that was their friends. They didn't mention that initially to the police, but when it was clear that their daughter was really missing (after a few hours, IIRC again), they came clean on all of it, so the police didn't find out on their own.
Show Me said:
I disagree... John and Patsy were known to drink. John had an affair, which broke up his first marriage to Lucinda. John was ripping off Access Graphics by 'storing' some old records in his airplane hanger and charging Access Graphics to pay for his hanger.

And of course John and Patsy thought nothing of starting bogus charities....

Anne Rule knew Ted Bundy before anyone suspected he was a serial killer....she thought he was a nice guy.....

People were shocked when Susan Smith killed her children...she was so nice and a good mother.

You can't go on how 'nice' someone seems...
Nothing wrong with taking a drink. Quite a few marriages end in divorce and the fact that John Ramsey had an affair does not a killer make.

Business people do strange things regarding expenses, and if what he did was acceptable to the IRS I have no problem with it. That's just like people "claiming" part of their residence for business purposes.

I have no problem in understanding that what they intended to do with regard to the foundation in JonBenet's and Beth's names did not work out.
When you lose just about everything you have you sometimes can't meet commitments. Most people understand that.
snowqueen said:
I have no problem in understanding that what they intended to do with regard to the foundation in JonBenet's and Beth's names did not work out.
When you lose just about everything you have you sometimes can't meet commitments. Most people understand that.

Yeah can't meet commitments...just keep going on tv bragging what great works they are doing for YEARS! The Ramseys feel good enough to tell LKL and everyone what wonderful they want to do with the foundation, but when it comes to doing anything the Ramseys lose all focus, energy or whatever.

But you are intitled to your opinion as I am to mine.
At a Supporters of Child Molesting Murderers board?

Rock on, RiverRat!

Would as much suspicion have fallen on the Ramseys - with the evidence that exists - if JonBenet had been found outside their home?

Hard to say.

I have no problem in understanding that what they intended to do with regard to the foundation in JonBenet's and Beth's names did not work out.

Neither do I: because the average American isn't THAT stupid!

Queenie, have I got something for you! You wanted the inconsistencies, right. I got the big one! This is the ever-lovin' lulu! Oh, you're gonna love this!

Never mind that it took Patsy two years to answer the question about how her fibers got tied into the knots of the garrote. Her answer was:

"I had my whole body on her body."

But in DOI, John writes that he'd already covered the body with the second blanket.

I agree,you certainly can't go on how 'nice' someone appears to be.
Had JB been found outside,with no RN,and no evidence to point to any occupants in the house...I think it would have been a lot harder to connect them to it.As it stands...especially re:the ransom note...that is the absolute STUPIDEST piece of work I have ever read ! It's obviously nothing more that an excuse for having a dead body in the house.To go round and round on this one....dead body in house--ransom note written to point away from family--dead body in house--ransom note written to point away from family...I could go on...
As far as it being written by a 'young male moviegoer'....think not!!! It was obv. written by a Hollywood-ized PR..just like the FBI said..a middle age southern female.Since when do young guys who kidnap,molest and murder young girls be so kind as to refer to their 'foreign faction' associates as 'gentlemen',and even be so nice as to remind them to 'be rested' and to 'be sure to bring an adequete size attache to the bank'??? (oh yes and, don't forget your lunch,dear !! ..too motherly !)
...a young male wouldn't say that ! ..get real !!!
After 10 yrs,I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE STILL HERE reading about ppl who are still even considering the intruder theory!!! The RN alone tells the truth on that one..add in the pineapple,the fiber evidence,the parents lies and behavior.....I could go on again....
IMO,there should be a pre-graduation test on the RN...pass if you think it's fake...FLUNK if you think it's real !!!!
..and in the words of Forrest Gump ...'and that's all I have to say about that.'
SuperDave said:
Rock on, RiverRat!
Never mind that it took Patsy two years to answer the question about how her fibers got tied into the knots of the garrote. Her answer was:

"I had my whole body on her body."
Well, even I know that fibers can't get into knots after they have been tied. Why would anyone ask Patsy that question?
snowqueen said:
Well, even I know that fibers can't get into knots after they have been tied. Why would anyone ask Patsy that question?

Cause maybe Patsy had something to do with the death of her daughter?
Show Me said:
Cause maybe Patsy had something to do with the death of her daughter?
That's what they were trying to prove, yes, but never did. Finding fibers anywhere in a house from anyone living in said house is not unusal. Patsy's house, Patsy's clothes, Patsy's child.
snowqueen said:
My point re: "annoying questions from the cops" - is that there were things about the vanDams lifestyle that they knew the police would find out about that could cause suspicion (which it did). The same was not true for the Ramseys.
So, if you have something to hide, you should come clean. If you have nothing to hide, you should lawyer up and clam up.

It all makes sense now....
Show Me said:
Klass was still under suspicion and cooperated with the cops to clear his name...the Ramseys hired DEFENSE lawyers. So you think if Klass had been in the house that night he'd hire defense lawyers or simply refuse to clear his name?

Wether Klass was in the home or not he had to clear his name with the cops....something the Ramseys refused to do....instead the Ramseys hired a Public Relations person.

And we allllll know what good detectives Public Relations people make.

If the Ramsey's were serious about finding the killer of their daughter....why didn't they become a Childrens Victims Advocate....(like John Wash...and Klass)? Instead they just wanted to crawl into the woodwork, and hope that it all would just go away. Why isn't John Ramsey doing every single thing in his power to help to find the killer? Why not let John Walsh do a story on the case...on "America's Most Wanted"....or on the show "Cold Case Files"? Anything to get the story back in the spotlight, because maybe, just maybe someone would come forward about that mysterious "intruder". Why doesn't John want more attention on this case? I will tell you why...because he knows who killed his daughter...and who helped to stage a cover up. He already has the answer to his supposed question.
Ames said:
If the Ramsey's were serious about finding the killer of their daughter....why didn't they become a Childrens Victims Advocate....(like John Wash...and Klass)? Instead they just wanted to crawl into the woodwork, and hope that it all would just go away. Why isn't John Ramsey doing every single thing in his power to help to find the killer? Why not let John Walsh do a story on the case...on "America's Most Wanted"....or on the show "Cold Case Files"? Anything to get the story back in the spotlight, because maybe, just maybe someone would come forward about that mysterious "intruder". Why doesn't John want more attention on this case? I will tell you why...because he knows who killed his daughter...and who helped to stage a cover up. He already has the answer to his supposed question.

How right you are Ames!
I second that Ames ! I think they did refuse to do AMW,even tho John Walsh said he would go out of his way to make sure they were treated fairly????
Well, even I know that fibers can't get into knots after they have been tied.

My point exactly!

Why would anyone ask Patsy that question?

Well, actually, they didn't. They TOLD her that they were there, not so much how they got there. My bad.

Finding fibers anywhere in a house from anyone living in said house is not unusal. Patsy's house, Patsy's clothes, Patsy's child.

Except she herself said that she never wore those clothes in the basement. OOPS again!

I agree,you certainly can't go on how 'nice' someone appears to be. Had JB been found outside,with no RN,and no evidence to point to any occupants in the house...I think it would have been a lot harder to connect them to it.As it stands...especially re:the ransom note...that is the absolute STUPIDEST piece of work I have ever read ! It's obviously nothing more that an excuse for having a dead body in the house.To go round and round on this one....dead body in house--ransom note written to point away from family--dead body in house--ransom note written to point away from family...I could go on...
As far as it being written by a 'young male moviegoer'....think not!!! It was obv. written by a Hollywood-ized PR..just like the FBI said..a middle age southern female.Since when do young guys who kidnap,molest and murder young girls be so kind as to refer to their 'foreign faction' associates as 'gentlemen',and even be so nice as to remind them to 'be rested' and to 'be sure to bring an adequete size attache to the bank'??? (oh yes and, don't forget your lunch,dear !! ..too motherly !)
...a young male wouldn't say that ! ..get real !!!
After 10 yrs,I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE STILL HERE reading about ppl who are still even considering the intruder theory!!! The RN alone tells the truth on that one..add in the pineapple,the fiber evidence,the parents lies and behavior.....I could go on again....
IMO,there should be a pre-graduation test on the RN...pass if you think it's fake...FLUNK if you think it's real !!!!
..and in the words of Forrest Gump ...'and that's all I have to say about that.'

What more needs to be said.
JMO8778 said:
I second that Ames ! I think they did refuse to do AMW,even tho John Walsh said he would go out of his way to make sure they were treated fairly????
Yep, I believe that it was Patsy (surprise, surprise) who didn't want John Walsh to do a story (on "America's Most Wanted") about the case. Which is my point....why didn't they do everything in their power to get this case spotlighted? Geez...someone may actually come forward with some information. The only reason, that I can think of...for a parent to not want their daughter's murder spotlighted on "America's Most Wanted"....or any other show...would be because they DO/DID not want anymore information to come out....because they...the parents...are the murderers.

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