JonBenet Ramsey: What Really Happened?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
In the Doc., it was stated by F.B.I. profiler Ron Walker (who went as a behavioral analyst that morning) that he had told Linda Arndt to busy JR with the search of the house. This was done right after learning about JR's hour and a half disappearance. The idea was to busy him and keep eyes on him so that he would not go missing again.

If I remember correctly, I think JR left the house to meet a banker to obtain the special order of bills -- the ransom money. (I think I recall this from Thomas' book).

I don't think JR disappeared -- except maybe to LA. :rolleyes:
There are numerous red herrings and contradictions within this case. However, there are things which we know DID happen.

To review: There was a 911 call from the R house on the 23rd. An amateurish RN that was written within the residence with household items. The RN did not mention JB by name. PR placed a 911 on the 26th, without her naming JB either. PR's tone of voice changed after she wrongly thought that she had hung up, no matter what she actually did say. Despite the RN's warnings, the Rs immediately invited a disruptive crowd to the house, where PR and JR were emotionally distant from one another. The 10AM deadline came and went without reactions from either parent. JR found the body, after which he tried to fly out of CO. The Rs were not searched when they left their house on the 26th. Autopsy results revealed that JB had eaten pineapple between midnight and 2AM, and that she had experienced chronic SA. BR gave a good account of what had occurred to DS and Dr. Bernhard. Eventually, the GJ returned indictments against the Rs, which AH did not pursue.

In murder cases, the person who 'discovers' the body is most likely the killer.
There are numerous red herrings and contradictions within this case. However, there are things which we know DID happen.

To review: There was a 911 call from the R house on the 23rd. An amateurish RN that was written within the residence with household items. The RN did not mention JB by name. PR placed a 911 on the 26th, without her naming JB either. PR's tone of voice changed after she wrongly thought that she had hung up, no matter what she actually did say. Despite the RN's warnings, the Rs immediately invited a disruptive crowd to the house, where PR and JR were emotionally distant from one another. The 10AM deadline came and went without reactions from either parent. JR found the body, after which he tried to fly out of CO. The Rs were not searched when they left their house on the 26th. Autopsy results revealed that JB had eaten pineapple between midnight and 2AM, and that she had experienced chronic SA. BR gave a good account of what had occurred to DS and Dr. Bernhard. Eventually, the GJ returned indictments against the Rs, which AH did not pursue.

In murder cases, the person who 'discovers' the body is most likely the killer.
In murder cases, the person who 'discovers' the body is most likely the killer.
Yes, and the person who staged JonBenet in the wine-cellar.

Yet this still leaves open the possibility that JR was staging explicitly for PR or BR?


Who thinks Fleet White expected to open the wine-cellar door and have JonBenet standing there dressed in her bed-clothes, and saying with a broad smile, You Found Me?

Presumably there was no smell of urine as you stood outside the wine-cellar door, despite JonBenet allegedly releasing her bladder there?

Along with no smell of a dead body, they do have a characteristic smell due to the decomposition process kicking in, curious nobody picked this up, even if only subconciously?

If all you can see in front of you is a dark void then surely you might adjust your own body to allow any ambient light in?

Only Fleet White can tell us what actually happened?

One unaswered question is did JR find JonBenet in the wine-cellar because he put her there after Fleet White looked in, or did Fleet White miss the pile of something because he was looking for a live JonBenet?

I just finished watching a documentary about the Las Vegas shooting, apparently the shooter bet away millions of dollars then decided to kill innocent visitors to the town.

What struck me was how the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department were in the pockets of the local gambling outfits, apparently they bankrolled Clark County Sherrif Joe Lambardo's run for office?

Is this a normal situation in the US? As I'm thinking about JonBenet and was she was denied justice because BPD was influenced by people with money. Could put JR's call to Colorado's governor in a different light, or am I speculating too far?

I do believe JR's calls and affluenza played a role in the investigation and search for justice(or lack thereof). It definitely would not be the first time that has happened.
Now as far as FW and the WC. True he could have just simply saw nothing due to nothing was there to see, or due to he was not expecting to see anything. I have found it curious that nobody smelled decomp, but with the state of that basement he may have thought it just something buried within the chaos, (old food from the kids, a dead rodent somewhere in the basement, hell Haffa could have been buried in that mess). However, as far as JB being moved there later I lean towards that may have been discovered in autopsy depend on when and how she was moved. It is not out of the realms of possibility that she could have been moved from one place to the other even if just from one part of the WC to another. I personally feel that she was stashed in there all along and the R's just lucked out that LE never opened and checked the WC, and FW didn't observe her because he was not expecting a dead JB to be in there. After all they were to look for signs of forced entry and things that may be out of their normal place. When John opened that door and yelled out he found JB and then flipped the light on FW knew something wasn't right. I'm betting that their future disagreements and split started FE questions that......Hey John, how did you see JB so quickly before you flipped that light on, and how if you saw just a white blanket did you know it was JB's body?? I looked in there myself and......

Your chatter about moving JBR has me wondering if the head blow occurred at the White's house. There's that time gap between the two injuries that need to be satisfied.

Perhaps from the White's she was taken home and briefly placed on her bed where debris from the rope in the brown bag was sprinkled on her bed since those rope fibers were found on JBR. Thus, implicating JAR. Didn't Burke say his father carried JonBenet to her room when they got home because she was asleep? Knocked out was more like it.

The staging implicates JAR by way of the blue Samsonite bc Jon Benet had fibers from the duvet on her body.

Patsy's sweater fibers are in the garrote and knots. Patsy's handwriting closely matches the RN and, also, she changed her handwriting somewhat after being given a copy of the RN by her lawyers.

JRs black shirt fibers are where she was wiped that night, possibly while at the White's.

The staging implicates Burke via the pineapple and when he's questioned by the psychiatrist he acts as if he's never seen that bowl of pineapple on the table because maybe he hadn't! It could have been staged because JBR ate pineapple at the White's.

JBR was wearing Burke's long johns possibly to implicate Burke again. Also, Burke's tDNA was found on her pink Barbie gown. They tossed Burke's knife into the Wine Cellar. Evil.

JonBenet's wearing the same pony tail holder that was in her hair in the recently released last photo of her taken while at the White's party indicating something bad may have happened at the White's party.

Their friends probably lied about the Rs dropping off gifts after leaving the White's home. I don't trust any of them. Doesn't matter bc they had time to deliver them between the two injuries.

Your chatter about moving JBR has me wondering if the head blow occurred at the White's house. There's that time gap between the two injuries that need to be satisfied.

Perhaps from the White's she was taken home and briefly placed on her bed where debris from the rope in the brown bag was sprinkled on her bed since those rope fibers were found on JBR. Thus, implicating JAR. Didn't Burke say his father carried JonBenet to her room when they got home because she was asleep? Knocked out was more like it.

The staging implicates JAR by way of the blue Samsonite bc Jon Benet had fibers from the duvet on her body.

Patsy's sweater fibers are in the garrote and knots. Patsy's handwriting closely matches the RN and, also, she changed her handwriting somewhat after being given a copy of the RN by her lawyers.

JRs black shirt fibers are where she was wiped that night, possibly while at the White's.

The staging implicates Burke via the pineapple and when he's questioned by the psychiatrist he acts as if he's never seen that bowl of pineapple on the table because maybe he hadn't! It could have been staged because JBR ate pineapple at the White's.

JBR was wearing Burke's long johns possibly to implicate Burke again. Also, Burke's tDNA was found on her pink Barbie gown. They tossed Burke's knife into the Wine Cellar. Evil.

JonBenet's wearing the same pony tail holder that was in her hair in the recently released last photo of her taken while at the White's party indicating something bad may have happened at the White's party.

Their friends probably lied about the Rs dropping off gifts after leaving the White's home. I don't trust any of them. Doesn't matter bc they had time to deliver them between the two injuries.
The time gap between the injuries is one of the many tricky situations in that night's events.

I do not believe that she was asleep upon arriving home. I have trouble believing anything BR states about the events of that evening (or any of the R's for that matter) because we have now learned new details. He stated on Dr. Phil, that he went downstairs with the flashlight after he was thought to be in bed to play with a toy. He also put the flashlight in his room by his father's hand while JR was putting him to bed. The clean as a whistle flashlight no one in the house claimed to know anything about.

As far as implicating JAR, I think they tried to implicate everyone they could think of to add to the confusion.

The debris that was found on JBR from the rope may have been from an earlier staging before she was placed in the WC in the early hours of that morning. She was wrapped in a blanket allegedly from the dryer. The duvet, rope, and suitcase, may have been a part of an earlier staging as well.

The pineapple helps to determine TOD, I do believe it was eaten there in the R's home. Burke may have acted like he knew nothing of the pineapple. However, in that same interview, he claims one of the snacks they have before bed sometimes is pineapple with milk.

There may have been an argument of some sort while at the White's or another event that led to the actions that happened in that home that night only the R's and W's know and neither is telling. Also, the friends they dropped gifts off to that night could have lied. Who knows? Again, I have to follow the TOD determined by the autopsy here and it just wouldn't make sense to me to go home bash the child on the head, then go and drop off some presents to friends with holiday cheer, then go back and strangle and begin to stage her a time or possibly two. Plus I do not believe that would line up with the timeline because that would be a late-night drop-off. Their friends and neighbors shut down all communications with anyone after the initial investigation from my understanding and changed a story or two so I don't put a lot of faith in their comments either.
BR is implicated as on the scene but yet by all the R's accounts of that night until the morning when he is woken to be whisked off to the white's he is distanced from JBR in the comfort of his room sound asleep through it ALL. Kinda odd to me. At every turn, BR is distanced from JBR as much as possible yet implicated as being there at the WC scene. Why would one implicate him then turn around and distance him?
It makes more sense to me if he was there and all efforts were made to remove him. That's just my opinion though. The cleaning and redressing of JBR IMO, was done to try and reduce evidence. Although, it seems some of that redressing caused more questions and suspicion and left a little evidence.

Where are the rest of those bloomies, and why did the red-dresser choose such a large pair to put on JBR?

Who did peek in those presents?

What was BR playing with and for how long did he stay downstairs? Which level is downstairs? What time did he actually go to bed?
The time gap between the injuries is one of the many tricky situations in that night's events.

I do not believe that she was asleep upon arriving home. I have trouble believing anything BR states about the events of that evening (or any of the R's for that matter) because we have now learned new details. He stated on Dr. Phil, that he went downstairs with the flashlight after he was thought to be in bed to play with a toy. He also put the flashlight in his room by his father's hand while JR was putting him to bed. The clean as a whistle flashlight no one in the house claimed to know anything about.

As far as implicating JAR, I think they tried to implicate everyone they could think of to add to the confusion.

The debris that was found on JBR from the rope may have been from an earlier staging before she was placed in the WC in the early hours of that morning. She was wrapped in a blanket allegedly from the dryer. The duvet, rope, and suitcase, may have been a part of an earlier staging as well.

The pineapple helps to determine TOD, I do believe it was eaten there in the R's home. Burke may have acted like he knew nothing of the pineapple. However, in that same interview, he claims one of the snacks they have before bed sometimes is pineapple with milk.

There may have been an argument of some sort while at the White's or another event that led to the actions that happened in that home that night only the R's and W's know and neither is telling. Also, the friends they dropped gifts off to that night could have lied. Who knows? Again, I have to follow the TOD determined by the autopsy here and it just wouldn't make sense to me to go home bash the child on the head, then go and drop off some presents to friends with holiday cheer, then go back and strangle and begin to stage her a time or possibly two. Plus I do not believe that would line up with the timeline because that would be a late-night drop-off. Their friends and neighbors shut down all communications with anyone after the initial investigation from my understanding and changed a story or two so I don't put a lot of faith in their comments either.
BR is implicated as on the scene but yet by all the R's accounts of that night until the morning when he is woken to be whisked off to the white's he is distanced from JBR in the comfort of his room sound asleep through it ALL. Kinda odd to me. At every turn, BR is distanced from JBR as much as possible yet implicated as being there at the WC scene. Why would one implicate him then turn around and distance him?
It makes more sense to me if he was there and all efforts were made to remove him. That's just my opinion though. The cleaning and redressing of JBR IMO, was done to try and reduce evidence. Although, it seems some of that redressing caused more questions and suspicion and left a little evidence.

Where are the rest of those bloomies, and why did the red-dresser choose such a large pair to put on JBR?

Who did peek in those presents?

What was BR playing with and for how long did he stay downstairs? Which level is downstairs? What time did he actually go to bed?

At every turn, BR is distanced from JBR as much as possible yet implicated as being there at the WC scene. Why would one implicate him then turn around and distance him?
Exactly, why bother if he was intentionally flung under the parent's staging bus?

From memory when BR was leaving the house he never bothered asking where am I going, am I going on vacation, etc? Yet he takes his nintendo with him!

Also BR claims to know how JonBenet was killed despite him allegedly being shielded by his parents, who say they told him no details about JonBenet's death.

The pineapple timeline is a red-herring, since if it was consumed at the White's then JonBenet would have digested it by the time she reached her home, and likely used the toilet as a consequence.

The pineapple is last item consumed by JonBenet it is last through her digestive system, preceded by the food eaten at the White's party.

From memory Coroner Meyer confirmed this at the autopsy?

JonBenet was awake when she arrived home, not only does BR say so, but JonBenet has two ponytails dressed on her head, she never set out for the White's with those, check her Last Photograph.:


No sign of ponytails there.

Patsy likely dressed JonBenet's hair, told her to get dressed for bed and prepared a pineapple snack for both children, or the sequence was reversed.

JonBenet will have dressed in the same bedclothes she wore the night before, i.e. a pink top and bottoms. The pink pajama bottoms have gone misssing, possibly down the same route her size6 underwear worn to the White's went?

Nothing happened during the pineapple snack otherwise the mess would have been staged away, so it was all forgotten about, i.e. of no consequence.

So whatever happened JonBenet made it to her bed, she is not going down to the basement in her pajamas, a place she does not like, as it is cold, wet, and damp.

From BR's perspective Christmas Night should really just be a continuation of Christmas Eve when JonBenet and Burke shared a bedroom.

Lots of new toys to play with, sweets, snacks, and cans of carbonated soda to consume, whats not to like?

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Science tells us that JBR ate pineapple late 12/24- or early 12/25 because it was still in her digestive tract at the time of death.

This is the first time I've read that PR denied JBR ate pineapple in the hours before she disappeared from her bed. With her own fingerprints on the pineapple bowl on the table in the Ramsey home, why would PR deny the child ate pineapple? Just to keep JBR in her bed until the intruder took her out of her room?

JonBenet Ramsey's Death: Pineapple Found in Autopsy Is Key for Expert
<snip>What was BR playing with and for how long did he stay downstairs? Which level is downstairs? What time did he actually go to bed?

1. He was playing with a new Xmas toy which required some assembly.
2. I don't know how long he stayed downstairs.
3. All of the new Xmas gifts would've been on the 1st/ground floor.
1. He was playing with a new Xmas toy which required some assembly.
2. I don't know how long he stayed downstairs.
3. All of the new Xmas gifts would've been on the 1st/ground floor.

So says JR, even Patsy was not certain about that!

BR downstairs can also encompass the basement. Could be he returned downstairs to fetch a pair of Bloomingdale's from a set he saw earlier that day when he was opening the gifts, i.e. the size-12's looked just like what JonBenet had been wearing?

BR admitting going back downstairs after everyone else is in bed is plain weird. Especially to play with some toy that I thought was down in the basement?

If he had said, Oh, I just went downstairs to fetch some cans of soda that would fly, but playing with some toy late in the new day, with nobody to share it with, along with leaving your hot nintendo upstairs, defies credibility.

With BR's forensic evidence linking him directly to the wine-cellar, including his knife and footprint, who can rule out the nuclear option that he moved JonBenet down to the basement?

With all the talk about playing with a toy as simply a cover for his actions?

From memory when BR was leaving the house he never bothered asking where am I going, am I going on vacation, etc? Yet he takes his nintendo with him!

Fleet was there. Why would Burke need to ask where he was going when either his dad or Fleet would've told him?

Also BR claims to know how JonBenet was killed despite him allegedly being shielded by his parents, who say they told him no details about JonBenet's death.

If Patsy caught John and her daughter in a sex act, do you think there wouldn't have been any screaming, yelling, and crying? Do you think that he wouldn't have heard his parents say something?

JonBenet was awake when she arrived home, not only does BR say so, but JonBenet has two ponytails dressed on her head, she never set out for the White's with those, check her Last Photograph.:


No sign of ponytails there.

Yes, there is. It is being held by the red/black/white hairtie. This type of ponytail is made by gathering hair from the top of the head and the sides. This hair is fastened together separately from the hair on the back of the head.

<snip> JonBenet will have dressed in the same bedclothes she wore the night before, i.e. a pink top and bottoms. The pink pajama bottoms have gone misssing, possibly down the same route her size6 underwear worn to the White's went?<snip>

BR downstairs can also encompass the basement. <snip>

His brand new toy which he wanted to assemble was on the 1st/ground floor where everyone else's Xmas gifts were- not in the basement. Why do you keep insisting that his brand new toy would've been in the basement when everyone else's gifts were on the 1st/ground floor?

<snip>If he had said, Oh, I just went downstairs to fetch some cans of soda that would fly, but playing with some toy late in the new day, with nobody to share it with, along with leaving your hot nintendo upstairs, defies credibility.<snip>

He was playing with his new remote control car earlier that day. Was he supposed to be playing with his new Nintendo instead? Why can't he want to spend some time with each of his new gifts?
Fleet was there. Why would Burke need to ask where he was going when either his dad or Fleet would've told him?

If Patsy caught John and her daughter in a sex act, do you think there wouldn't have been any screaming, yelling, and crying? Do you think that he wouldn't have heard his parents say something?

Yes, there is. It is being held by the red/black/white hairtie. This type of ponytail is made by gathering hair from the top of the head and the sides. This hair is fastened together separately from the hair on the back of the head.


Fleet was there. Why would Burke need to ask where he was going when either his dad or Fleet would've told him?
So who said anyone told Burke where he was going? The point being he never bothered to ask, i.e. he knew it was a faite accompli, no questions required!

Fleet White in a statement to Boulder Police dated 12/29/1996, Excerpt
Linda Arndt: "What was Burke told about why he was coming over to your house?"

Fleet White: "He didn't, he wasn't told anything. Not a thing. I don't remember telling him anything. The only person who would have told him anything was me, and I, as far as I know, and I, I did leave the bedroom. It's possible that John told him something, but if he did, I have no knowledge of what it was. Other than John Ramsey, the only person who could have told him anything about the situation would have been me."

If Patsy caught John and her daughter in a sex act, do you think there wouldn't have been any screaming, yelling, and crying? Do you think that he wouldn't have heard his parents say something?
Sure he would, BR said he could hear fridge running downstairs.

Yes, there is. It is being held by the red/black/white hairtie. This type of ponytail is made by gathering hair from the top of the head and the sides. This hair is fastened together separately from the hair on the back of the head.
Sure, but there were two ponytails itemized by Coroner Meyer one above the other, with different colored ties.
His brand new toy which he wanted to assemble was on the 1st/ground floor where everyone else's Xmas gifts were- not in the basement. Why do you keep insisting that his brand new toy would've been in the basement when everyone else's gifts were on the 1st/ground floor?

He was playing with his new remote control car earlier that day. Was he supposed to be playing with his new Nintendo instead? Why can't he want to spend some time with each of his new gifts?

His brand new toy which he wanted to assemble was on the 1st/ground floor where everyone else's Xmas gifts were- not in the basement. Why do you keep insisting that his brand new toy would've been in the basement when everyone else's gifts were on the 1st/ground floor?
I keep insisting as what Burke Ramsey returned downstairs for might be totally different from what you suggest.

Burke Ramsey likely found his birthday gift , the Lego Toy? In the basement Christmas Day afternoon, so that's the toy I'm thinking about.

He was playing with his new remote control car earlier that day. Was he supposed to be playing with his new Nintendo instead? Why can't he want to spend some time with each of his new gifts?
Because it's late at night, possibly even the morning of the 26th December, everyone else is in bed, it's been a long, long day, remember BR and JB were up early to view their gifts, an evening at the White's etc, so everyone will be very tired.

In short BR's explanation is not kosher, it does not fly.

So who said anyone told Burke where he was going? The point being he never bothered to ask, i.e. he knew it was a faite accompli, no questions required!<snip>

His father, an adult, would've told him before he even needed to ask.

<snip>Sure, but there were two ponytails itemized by Coroner Meyer one above the other, with different colored ties.

True, and the one fastened at the nape could've been fastened later that night after they got home, possibly to get the hair out of the way for the strangulation.
His father, an adult, would've told him before he even needed to ask.

True, and the one fastened at the nape could've been fastened later that night after they got home, possibly to get the hair out of the way for the strangulation.

His father, an adult, would've told him before he even needed to ask.
Burke says in his 1998 Interview that his father told him JonBenet was missing but he already knew this from a policeman who entered his room searching for JonBenet. Burke told him that JonBenet would be hiding somewhere downstairs.

John eventually broke the bad news to Burke at the Fernies:

Burke Ramsey's 1998 Interview, Excerpt
DS: When did you really find out that Jonbenet was -- was dead?

BR: Mm, (inaudible) at the Fernies’ house…


BR: And I was-- I thought Jonbenet was gonna be there, I thought they had found her. So I came in, got excited, and almost relieved...

DS: Uh huh.

BR: And I saw everyone was sad inside and my dad told me that Jonbenet was in heaven.

DS: What did you do?

BR: Started crying. Like, sobbing and - build up to a cry.
So Burke's timeline is after the fact.

True, and the one fastened at the nape could've been fastened later that night after they got home, possibly to get the hair out of the way for the strangulation.
Who knows. It's more likely JonBenet was wide awake after arriving back, Burke says so, the pineapple says so, as does her dressed hair, e.g. two ponytails?

This was a sponsored and paid for, Ramsey Media production. So bent in John's favour.
In the second article linked there's a video titled "The Murder of JonBenét Ramsey: One of the Most Mysterious Cases in American History: Documentary."

The 37:25 mark, shows an image from Steve Thomas' final report. The word prior to Dr Seuss at the top of the image is the word "adult".
Fair warning: It's not easy to read.

The adult Dr Seuss book was inside of the blue Samsonite suitcase.

1st image I captured a few years ago. The 2nd image is from the video.

View attachment 277059 View attachment 277060

Inside the suitcase, JARs bedding had his dried semen, a sham and the adult Dr Seuss book with his name written in it. Seuss only wrote one adult book.

"Seven Lady Godivas: The True Facts Concerning History's Barest Family." It includes nude drawings.

Seven Lady Godivas: The True Facts Concerning History's Barest Family: Seuss, Dr.: 9780394567792: Books

IMHO, this adult book of nude drawings, along with the bedding with JARs semen, indicates he may have been the one assigned to groom JBR. Hence, prior molestation on JBR began here ... with JAR. It's a generational tradition in those families.

Thomas was not pleased bc the suitcase was not tested for dust. Why wasn't he concerned about the adult book inside the luggage? IIRC, incredibly, the book was returned to JAR and not kept as evidence in the case.

Something evil surrounds this case that haunts me.
You’re saying that JR and his son, JAR were both grooming JB?
“It’s a general tradition in those families”

That seriously gives me the cold chills. But I think you could be right. And PR did her part in turning JB into a miniature sex symbol with how she made her up for those pageants.
I feel pure disgust.
You’re saying that JR and his son, JAR were both grooming JB?
“It’s a general tradition in those families”

That seriously gives me the cold chills. But I think you could be right. And PR did her part in turning JB into a miniature sex symbol with how she made her up for those pageants.
I feel pure disgust.

Only my opinion follows:

There were rumors that Elizabeth was, through psychotherapy, revealing details of being molested by JB which, in turn, led to her untimely death.
There were rumors that PR had been just a little bit molested by her father. A book written by Dr Andrew Hodges about Patsy who played on a softball team with her friends, including PriscillaWhite, is insightful. Their team's name was Moms Gone Bad, iirc. The book helped me to understand the behavior and personality Patsy possessed and why.

A Mother Gone Bad: The Hidden Confession of JonBenet's Killer: Hodges, Andrew G.: 9780961725518: Books

On one of these threads for JB, I posted two images: One of Patsy wearing a black and white gown and JBR wearing a black and white pageant costume. Like mother, like daughter. The photos may have come from Dr Hodges' book, iitc.

Elizabeth's 1992 death investigated by Boulder Investigators
(A photograph of Beth was framed and hung in John's bathroom)
JonBenet probers look at half-sister's death

Boulder, Colo., police investigating the death of 6-year-old beauty princess JonBenet Ramsey have asked for copies of autopsy and police reports on an apparently routine traffic accident in Downers Grove Township that led to Ramsey's half-sister's death.
Aaholm would not say whether investigators had been to Chicago or whether they planned to interview people here.


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