JonBenet's Murder Solved, KILLER FOUND

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
ok right thread...

ya iirc, it's fuzzy, (my memory)
but she was in bed when the kids were playing in the alley?
If I stumble upon it I'll get back to ya.
ok right thread...

ya iirc, it's fuzzy, (my memory)
but she was in bed when the kids were playing in the alley?
If I stumble upon it I'll get back to ya.
Yeah, me too. I've been reading about this case for years and there are so many details. I'll look for it too. I took a nap and woke up with an idea about when she was hit on the head, or maybe even molested. Love when that happens. I need to research a variable before I say, but most likely she wasn't well, and it was a virus, perhaps the HFM.
Dr. Steven Pitt, 59, has been shot dead outside his Arizona office Thursday

He assisted in the investigations of the 1996 death of American child beauty pageant queen JonBenet Ramsey

He also worked on the 2006 Phoenix Baseline Killer case, the 1999 Columbine

High School shooting and recently the Maryvale shootings in Phoenix

Police found Pitt dead Thursday at 5:23pm with a gunshot wound

A sketch of the suspect, a white male who fled the scene, has been released

Police spokesman says there is no information on whether the killing is connected to Pitt's work
Was JonBenet feeling sick Christmas day and if so why would the R's deny this?

Was JonBenet feeling sick Christmas day and if so why would the R's deny this?

claudicici - "I came across this part of the 2000 Atlanta Interview with JR.
I remember it was reported that JB was feeling sick Christmas day.
But in this interview JR denys this.I wonder why?

10 Q. (By Mr. Levin) It was brought to
11 my attention fairly recently that a woman I
12 believe named Jean Fortier, F-o-r-t-i-e-r, for
13 the reporter, who are the parents of some
14 children who were over your house on
15 Christmas, and they, they, she, excuse me,
16 said that her children reported to her at
17 Christmas day when they went over to play,
18 they played with Burke but that JonBenet did
19 not play because she was sick. I hadn't
20 heard that before. Is that nonsense?
21 A. Absolutely. I don't know who
22 that is, but we had a whole parcel of kids
23 there all day.
Was JonBenet feeling sick Christmas day and if so why would the R's deny this?

Was JonBenet feeling sick Christmas day and if so why would the R's deny this?

claudicici - "I came across this part of the 2000 Atlanta Interview with JR.
I remember it was reported that JB was feeling sick Christmas day.
But in this interview JR denys this.I wonder why?

10 Q. (By Mr. Levin) It was brought to
11 my attention fairly recently that a woman I
12 believe named Jean Fortier, F-o-r-t-i-e-r, for
13 the reporter, who are the parents of some
14 children who were over your house on
15 Christmas, and they, they, she, excuse me,
16 said that her children reported to her at
17 Christmas day when they went over to play,
18 they played with Burke but that JonBenet did
19 not play because she was sick. I hadn't
20 heard that before. Is that nonsense?
21 A. Absolutely. I don't know who
22 that is, but we had a whole parcel of kids
23 there all day.

Thanks, Tadpole. There’s no reason the kids would lie about that. Also, they didn’t video Christmas morning, perhaps because JBR wasn’t well, and maybe not acting well. Or, maybe Burke was acting up, maybe he hit her on the head Christmas morning and videotaping seizes at that point. What I want to know is how long can someone remain conscious after the type of head injury JBR sustained. From what I’ve read it’s unpredictable.
Has anyone here ever watched the show on TLC called "Long Lost Family"?? Basically adopted people seek their biological parents or vice/versa.... They use to see if they are related to anyone who already registered. They will find cousin matches and then narrow it down that way, at least having a jumping off point to see which families these people are related to. Why do they not do this in cold cases like this one? Whose to say if they ran his DNA, they may find familial matches and narrow it down?
Has anyone here ever watched the show on TLC called "Long Lost Family"?? Basically adopted people seek their biological parents or vice/versa.... They use to see if they are related to anyone who already registered. They will find cousin matches and then narrow it down that way, at least having a jumping off point to see which families these people are related to. Why do they not do this in cold cases like this one? Whose to say if they ran his DNA, they may find familial matches and narrow it down?

They have a similar show over here. How about this for another angle, try to do a dna match via related familial dna?

This is how they caught the Golden State Killer, via, an open source dna site,i.e. folks just upload dna.
DNA profiles from ancestry websites helped identify the Golden State Killer suspect

So why has the DA for Boulder not done the same for the dna found on JonBenet? Can Websleuths' members download the public dna profile and share it with, anyone members think this might fly?

JonBenet's Murder Solved, Star Magazine Jan 8th 2018, Excerpt

Your annual confession is buried in the middle of the magazine next to the celebs' face lift before and after photographs.


This whole case is a bit messy to be honest. This may be part of the story but definitely not the whole. There are still some gaps missing. One thing that is for sure is that this was a sudden thing and not a well planned out crime.
There is no stick figure, those are palms creases, not red ink drawings. And there is a fresh bruise on the butt of her palm. I don't see 'bumps'.

It is MOST likely that she drew on her own hand. KISS.
They have a similar show over here. How about this for another angle, try to do a dna match via related familial dna?

This is how they caught the Golden State Killer, via, an open source dna site,i.e. folks just upload dna.
DNA profiles from ancestry websites helped identify the Golden State Killer suspect

So why has the DA for Boulder not done the same for the dna found on JonBenet? Can Websleuths' members download the public dna profile and share it with, anyone members think this might fly?


A Comparison of GEDmatch and the FBI’s CODIS Database

CODIS and 'GED' data are not compatible.(thirteen core loci vs 20 atDNA STRs; mtDNA or ySTRs in some cases)

Last test on JBR forensics, 'touch dna', results were within CODIS.

Need larger dna sample for genealogy type tests.
y-str ? wrt sample size, will have to read more.
( 3 of the male individuals are known,
and how many men are in JK's foreign faction 'cell')
ADD: "There are six unique and unidentified genetic profiles – five male profiles and one female profile."

Forensic use of Y-chromosome DNA: a general overview
Last edited:

A Comparison of GEDmatch and the FBI’s CODIS Database

CODIS and 'GED' data are not compatible.(thirteen core loci vs 20 atDNA STRs; mtDNA or ySTRs in some cases)

Last test on JBR forensics, 'touch dna', results were within CODIS.

Need larger dna sample for genealogy type tests.
y-str ? wrt sample size, will have to read more.
( 3 of the male individuals are known,
and how many men are in JK's foreign faction 'cell')
ADD: "There are six unique and unidentified genetic profiles – five male profiles and one female profile."

Forensic use of Y-chromosome DNA: a general overview

Thanks for the informatiion. My understanding of dna is minimal. So there is not enough dna to look for a familial match, the R's got lucky there since a match could rule folks in or out.

Ya, got lucky, BUT
There is always forensic dna that is conserved for future tests and the advancements in amplification of dna occur each year.
UK I sent you a pm wrt homogeneous dna,
a Q & A,
Did you ever have time to consider the observation?
Let me guess: John doesn't believe in the death penalty for her killer & thinks we should "take it easy" on him because we're all sinners or some crap. LOL. Like he said about the first confessor back in '06.

I remember his lack of rage or any emotion when that creepy perv came forward. It was so telling. Imagine if some pedophile who had been in Thailand ACTIVELY MOLESTING kids flew to America to confess to killing your daughter. Even if you suspected he was lying, wouldn't you yell, cry, something to show your disdain? John was just kinda like "Welp, moving on." :eek:

Dont mind my dodgy art work

personal observation based on a photo vs. investigative report and autopsy

sorry i dnt understand where that stick figure came from.. the point is if that was true, why it was never mentioned in the post mortem exam...
i think we just need to follow the evidence and not create one..

based on the search warrant

(1997 January 30 thru February 5, 1997, at 12:10 P.M.)

the body (including the pubic area) was visually examined (as per protocol) using black flourescent light ..
can someone "cliff notes" this discussion?

it seems like all these confessions and reporting of confessions are confusing and frankly very crowded........

i said this elsewhere, but some male sex addict semi-derelict did not write that ransom note. it seems highly plausible it was written by a women and someone who was skilled at writing good copy quickly and without revision.... oh... like a journalism major. was anyone involved with the R's a journalism major?. yes, that's rhetorical

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