This is so true and I agree with every part of your statement. I read a very interesting article from the NYT:
And it hit me that The Anthonys probably knew something was wrong with CA when she was young, but didn't know she was a psychopath. So many traits of the the child in the article reminded me of CA. This whole family tiptoes around their son just like The Anthonys tiptoed around Casey making sure to never confront her of her fake job and fake nanny or ever upset her in fear of her temper tantrums. In this case the family was wise enough to test their son over and over again because they knew something wasn't right.
The boy in the article demanded and took what he wanted, but as he got older he used lies and manipulation to get what he wanted. The doctors making up the study said psychopaths will do ANYTHING to get what they want, ANYTHING. So even though the jurors could not fathom a woman would kill her child to go out with her boyfriend, it's a real fact that it's reasonable in a psychopath's mind to kill her child to go on a date.
I just hope CA never kills another child again because as a former CA juror, I don't think I could ever live with the guilt that my choice (which only took 1 day by the way and without ever looking at one shred on evidence) was the key facror in murdering a human being.