Jose Baez to read Casey Anthony's Statement regarding her daughter's memorial

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This is the day set to Remember "Caylee Marie Anthony"

N O T ~ ~ ~ KC

Remember that on August 9, 2005 Little Angel Caylee
Marie Anthony was
Born !
* * *
Remember little Children are innocent and
Remember Little Children who die ~ ~ ~ or whose lives are taken early.....

Go Directly to Heaven and they are Happy & Safe & Loved by their
Heavenly Father ! ! !

*** God Bless ALL who mourn for Little Angel Caylee Marie Anthony !

* ~ * ~ * and God Bless A L L ~ ~ ~ who ALSO have lost a
Little Loved One... this time is difficult for you also !

* ~ Remember ~ George, Cindy & Lee Anthony have lost a family member
and they are indeed Grieving and even after the sun goes down on this
Day of Remembering Little Angel Caylee Marie Anthony.... they still have
to go through
MANY, MANY Days of dealing with a trial and the verdict of the
outcome of the case against their own daughter ....
KC ...who is accused of killing her own daughter ~ Little Angel Caylee
who is
their Precious Little Granddaughter ! ! !
My Lord ~ ~ ~ That is a heavy load to bear on their shoulders ! ! !

I send many prayers !
God Bless !

* * * Peace & Love & Happy Memories for this Family ! ! !
KC is about the last person I want to hear complain about her wishes not being carried out. It is a slap at CA and GA, personally, and KC made it public. The worm has turned. Her first and only public statement is to take a crack at her parents who have nearly killed themselves trying to defend her to the public. Is she grateful? No. The first chance she gets, she mocks them. Is she thankful to all of the people who will gather in prayer for her daughter? No.
I think Miss Casey is very, very angry.

She's angry at her family.
She's angry that she's sitting in a jail cell instead of living her life.
She's angry that she's so far out of the loop that it's not even a speck in the distance.
She's angry that law enforcement, the media, and the public has her number.
She's angry that she has no control over any aspect of her existence beyond her weekly order from the jail snack shack.
She's angry at herself for not being clever enough to get away with murder.

And I'd bet money she's angry at little Caylee for putting her into this position in the first place.
Erin Runnion held a big beautiful packed to capacity service for her murdered daughter Samantha. It was in our magnificent Crystal Cathedral and led by Rev Schuller. it was a heartbreaking public event. For those of us that followed this case it was a privilege to see her honored, respected and laid to rest. It was the most moving memorial ever.

What a beautiful church for Samantha's service. She was the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen. I didn't know the service was televised or I would have made it a point to have watched it. I have so much respect for Erin.
Thanks for that link, enzeder.

So Jesse Grund and his parents are also on "The list"?

And the Rev will be going over to Suburban Drive tomorrow?

Cindy miscalculated badly if she thought that by banning people from her service in a fit of personal pique having nothing to do with Caylee, they wouldn't simply step around her and have their own.
LOL- he didnt even want us paying out money for a nice urn. He wanted us to keep his ashes in a large coffee tin.:D

Cremation isnt always a money saver. Laying my dad to rest still cost over 8 grand (lucky my dad wasnt around to see the bill) different to a burial.

Alot of things seem ghoulish until your up close and personal with death. I snipped off some of my dads hair to keep after he died. It was special to me because i always gave him haircuts. and even at the age of 55 and after having chemo he still had a full head of hair. I keep it with his ashes along with the facecloth I used to wash down his body as he lay dying. Weird maybe to some folks, but my last moments with my dad were beautiful and brought alot of closure - not ugly or scary.

Not weird at all. We keep things that make us feel close to our loved one and different things are precious to each one of us. My dad had a red felt hat that he used to always wear outside. I have that because it is so "my dad."
I also kept the little shaving brush that he used to put the shaving cream on his face with before he shaved. It is also so my dad. These things are our memorys of our parent and are our treasures.
That was short, and he didn't say whether or not Casey would be watching the memorial service on television. Although it appears that Casey won't be watching because she didn't want a big public service.

Jose is not attending the service, but says he will attend a private service. I'm wondering if Baez is intending to ask that Casey attend a private service? Or have a private service on close circuit television?

..does she have this right ?

..i know i have seen where inmates are not allowed to go the funerals of their parent(s), siblings, wifes/husbands, children---------b/c they ARE inmates---------what makes her so special ?
....we've seen video of her, crying that "she wants to talk------"just give ME 3 seconds"..!

..gets her big national tv chance---------

..and :
I miss Caylee every day and every minute of every day. I can't be there for Caylee's funeral, but some day I want to go and visit her grave and tell her how much I miss her.

I allowed my parents to be in charge for the funeral for Caylee. I told them I wanted her buried in a casket and I wanted there to be a gravestone so I could go and visit her. I asked them if there could only be a private funeral for just the family.

I know they cremated her. I still don't want a public event with cameras and everybody around for Caylee's service, but I can't stop my parents from doing what they want. I truly hope that it will help them.
..mentions caylee's name 4 times-------------yet says "I" --14 times.

..i still can't believe------------( if she were wrongfully accused ) --that she wouldn't be begging to go to the final memorial for her baby girl.

..i don't think that she would be allowed---( a la' SP)----BUT---she should have cried and pleaded all the same.
You can be cremated and HAVE a funeral. And people can go to the graveside and see the urn and urn holder buried in a plot in a cemetery.

Funeral homes encourage having BOTH a funeral and graveside service even if you are cremated.

Everyone who is cremated doesn't sit in an urn in somebody's house or get scattered.

There can still be a headstone and a grave or any and all to visit. My mother-in-law was cremated and we had a funeral, grave and headstone for

You are absolutely right about this, my mom was cremated. She had a full on funeral followed by a burial. The only thing that was different from someone who was not cremated, was there was no viewing at any of her services, including the rosary service that was held the night before the funeral. instead there was a portrait of my mom next to the alter. When my dad passes I guess we'll do it all again, then he will be buried in the same plot as my mom. They share a headstone, with both of there names, date of birth and we'll only need to have my dad's date of death when the time comes. My parents picked out rather traditional metal urns for their ashes to be placed in.

My sister in law was also buried, after cremation. Instead of a traditional urn, her ashes were put in a beautiful wooden box, that had the loveliest carved roses on the top. They had the box of ashes present at the church during the services.
I was truly shocked that JB actually read this statement publically. Had I ever thought he actually knew what he was doing last night would have been when I was proven wrong. Luckily I was standing on the right side of the situation and just shook my head.

This, to me, is the first evidence we've had since she was arrested the first time, that she TRULY had this whole thing projected far into the future. Just as I've said before, I believe she is so delusional and psychotic that she went into "this" (this being the whole plan to get rid of Caylee and blame it on the nanny) convinced that if she just told her story, the one she has imagined far into the future, and stuck with it...what she projected WOULD come true.

Why do I say this? Because first of all if my daughter had been found dead and I WASN'T involved in it, and I was stuck in a jail unable to be part of the grieving process with my family, the only statement I would make would be one of gratitude to the people who have assisted in planning a memorial to my daughter. But I wouldn't even have spoken until AFTER the memorial and I would have only spoken gratitude to those who donated for a beautiful memorial and gratitude to the public for their out-pouring of love for my daughter.

Not KC...her statement is centering on the fact that now her projection is all messed up. It had her "photo-op" (if only in her mind) of the grieving mom at the big headstone. Can't help remembering the pictures of Jon Benet's mother taken at the headstone. KC had this image in her head and now it's all farkled up for her.

Not only do I believe this indicates how she has created this scenario far into the future, but I believe it's indicative that in that scenario she firmly believes she's getting out of jail!
Actually, this statement from KC gives me my first gleam of hope that perhaps she is at least smart enough to realize that the worst thing she could have done in the statement was lie about her innocence and lie about her love for Caylee. How degrading to Caylee's memory for her murderess mother to plead for the killer to come forward, I think KC, as evil as she is, recognizes the atrocity of that. I don't care about the power struggle between KC and CA, but would rather the statement be what it was than to have had to read about how much she loved and missed her daughter and how badly she wanted the murderer found. I think what she didn't say was her way of acknowledging that she murdered her daughter.

I agree with this especially the bolded part. I think that this statement was written by KC and JB was instructed to read it, or else. I wouldn't be surprised that if a plea deal was offered now KC would accept it. JB would not be happy about this but he would have to honor KC's wishes. I think KC has had enough and wants this entire mess over with.

I think that KC, before signing the remains over to the A's, made an agreement with them regarding the disposal of Caylee's remains and the nature of the services that would be held. The A's didn't abide by that agreement, wishing instead the extravaganza we are about to witness today. She is now furious at them. She wanted JB to read that statement to "out" the A's to the world. IMO this is the end of the A alliance.
Sorry if this has already been posted.

Thanks for posting this. All I can say is, Wow.

While I understand not wanting protesters, etc at Caylee's memorial I am baffled by the Grund's not being welcomed. They love Caylee dearly.
I think the funeral should be private...I just hope the memoral today
is just for Caylee not Cindy wanting to be in the spotlight again.
I also hope there is know trouble today there are so many people
that don't like Casey are the family members...I also think LP are
anybody else that wants to have their own memoral that should
be their course ..There are so many people that didn't even know
Caylee that loved her and still love her...It's all about Caylee
After thinking about this all night, I keep coming back to this thought : Leave it to Casey to further inflame people's emotions right before Caylee's memorial service. Didn't think it was possible, but she's managed to do it. I will be sitting here in Tennessee this morning praying that this service will be dignified and sweet and that Caylee's memory will be honored and that people will not create any undue drama or scenes. Bless Caylee and her family that loved her. This service needs to be about her.
I heard there was going to be a duel to the death at dawn and the chosen weapon was 'spite'. Odds on favorite is KC. She already took out Caylee and nearly GA.

From Rev. Grunds blog...

I must also state that I am dismayed by the decision of the leadership of the First Baptist Church of Orlando to host any event where the goal is to heal and restore a community but will also bar people from that community who want to attend under the threat of being removed by security. I cannot find a scriptural verification of such a stance. In fact, what I found was in the Parable of the Lost Sheep in Luke Chapter 15 where the Lord said He would risk leaving the 99 to find that 1 sheep that was lost. His heart has always been for that one person who needed Him. I wonder how He feels to know that someone who might need His comfort tomorrow is not welcome in a place where He is supposed to reside. Instead the area I found that seems to match the spirit of this rule is in John 18:14 where Caiaphas counseled that the needs of the many outweighed the needs of the one. If this memorial was truly about Caylee it would be built around Caylee and a child's love. For the love of Caylee all feuds, disagreements and hard feelings should have been set aside for her. Apparently that is not the case, and for that I sincerely disheartened.

I couldn't agree more...

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