Josh allegedly visits strip club after wife disappearance?

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Talking to himself sounds more like schizophrenic behavior to me, and they are the ones I'd most likely describe as the odd ducks.
Talking to himself sounds more like schizophrenic behavior to me, and they are the ones I'd most likely describe as the odd ducks.

Does anyone know if Josh was taking any psychotropic medications for depression, bipolar disorder, etc. or if he'd ever been prescribed any?
The police do not believe it was Josh. They said they investigated the tip (and others) about his possible whereabouts as they came in. It was Duce's Wild who called them a week later. (Possibly where the Dec 14th story was getting confused on, they called the police on the 14th to report that he had been in on the 7th). By then the driver's licenses which were scanned on the 7th were no longer available. (This was not the investigation's fault, because they investigated when they got the tip).

The police have said Josh had no detectable alcohol on his breath when they interviewed him when he returned home on Monday the 7th. They said the witnesses disagreed, one suggested that the man had longer hair than Josh Powell. Anyway, they were trying to identify an unknown person to them a week after they saw him - and people are very unreliable in identifying people who they are not familiar with.

I thought it was possible that it could have been true, but I believe the police did pursue that lead and trust that they have good reasons to discount it. Who knows, maybe they do know where he was around that time?
Its Utah!; the "strippers" wear snuggies. LOL I thought those were choir gowns, Ray.
What are you two talking about? I'm not familiar with stripper lingo! Lol!

"However, the professor also noted that a good defense attorney would have little trouble shredding the story of Josh Powell in a strip bar.

The first problem: There is no concrete evidence. The surveillance video recordings at "Duces Wild" recycle every seven days. By the time West Valley police detectives were notified, the pictures from the Monday in question had been erased.

Next problem: There's a conflict with the timeline. The bartender at Duces Wild remembers the man identified as Josh Powell arriving at 2:00 p.m. and staying until 4:30 p.m. But Powell family friend JoVona Owings said she called Josh on his cell phone around 3:00 p.m. She believes during their conversation he was in his car, not a noisy bar. Conclusive? No, but it plants doubt in a juror's mind.

What's more, Profession Medwed said the defense attorney would attack the credibility of the witnesses from the bar. "And you know what? You might have some ammunition to discredit them. They were, after all, in this bar in the middle of the afternoon. That's not going to play well with a Utah jury." In other words, the bar is dark and people are drinking ... You can see where a defense attorney would take those facts.

Even more, he would pound away at the fact that identification of Josh Powell came only days later. Sherman, a bar patron who sat next to the man he says was Josh Powell, remembered, "When I saw his face on TV, I said, 'Where do I know this guy from?' And then it came to me that I knew him from the bar." The defense attorney could call expert witnesses who would testify such an after-the-fact identification was "unconscious transference." Professor Medwed said, "So as soon as the news broke of Susan Powell's disappearance -- ABC 4 News in particular -- it's quite possible that the patrons of the bar kind of conflated their recollection of the event with the higher profile image of the Josh Powell - Susan Powell fiasco and they merged the two."

Such a "tainted" memory, he said, "can easily unravel during a skillful defense attorney's cross examination."
Family and friends continued trying to reach the Powells throughout the day, leaving messages on their cell phones.

"Finally, at 4:48 p.m. Jennifer Graves, Josh's sister, received a call from Josh. When she realized Susan was not with Josh, she informed him Susan was missing. While Josh said he was in town it took him nearly an hour to get home.

Josh arrived at the house around 6 p.m. and was greeted by police."

Wow, here is yet a different time line for when Josh was notified that Susan was missing. I've read 3 pm and 4 pm as times when Jovanna reached Josh on the phone and had informed him that the police were at his house, looking for Susan.
There's nothing really odd about this behavior; it's just controlling. It's "you can make me go to your family's gathering but I'm going to ruin it for you by showing up late, acting weird, and in general making it so unpleasant that you'll think twice before wanting to go again."

He had a personality disorder, not a mental illness. Unfortunately, there are more like him and the strip club would be completely in character. He had a secret life, he was a big fraud and his wife was the person who knew it best. Ultimately, she stood in his way of having everything he wanted.

I am going to whole heartedly agree with you!!! I personally have one of these in my family and after 30+ years, I know a anti-social, sociopath instantly. And Josh is one. His happiness is all that "really" matters...

It was reported police could not confirm whether or not Josh actually went to the club because there was no video of that evening available.

"It's not that we don't have a camera at the club," Mitchell said, "It's that we didn’t think to back up the video. It runs for seven days and then, if it's not saved, it's deleted.

........................So the people at the strip bar recognized Josh, and didn't think to save the video? They didn't think to save evidence of having run his driver's license either, until after it was all erased? Now they are wondering why some people doubt their story?
What could Josh have been thinking on Monday around noon, 12 hours after he possibly killed Susan?​

"What am I going to do now! I've got to go home! People are going to want answers! I wish they would stop calling! I've got to answer the phone. No, I can't! I'll just keep driving. I'll come up with something! OK. I'll answer this one. It's Tim Peterson. I'm not talking to that Kiirsi!"

(Josh picks up the phone around 3:00 when Tim calls again and learns the police have broken into his home and are waiting for him.)

Snipped for space and BBM.

Just clearing this up...Tim Peterson did NOT call Josh on that Monday. He did not talk to Josh at all that day. It was Jovonna who called him that afternoon around 3pm. As far as I understand Jovonna and Jennifer Graves are the only ones who talked to Josh when he was still missing that day. Various news sources have gotten the names mixed up on quite a few occasions.

There was a good article that was just recently published with a good timeline on it is:
grayjay said:
I don't have a dog in this fight, but I think these comparisons are somewhat unrealistic and unfair.

R E A L LY ? _ :confused: _ Please read the following statistics of which you're obviously unaware -- and then explain how and why my comparison is "unrealistic and unfair."

grayjay said:
Four months have not gone by.

What does four months have to do with 3 months of no organized searches for Susan or not raising the miserly $11,000 reward to a sum that would matter?

Four months after Laci was murdered was Peterson's permanent incarceration date. With Susan's ZERO search progress to-date, do you think Josh will be jailed in less than a month?

grayjay said:
The tax base and population density around the suspected crime scene are completely different.

R E A L L Y ? :waitasec:

First of all, Modesto is NOT a suburb of a bigger nearby city. It's a medium sized agricultural town surrounded by millions of acres of farm land.

West Valley City IS a suburb of Salt Lake City. Where one SLC suburb ends another begins. Therefore, the available volunteer-search-force should not be limited by the population of West Valley City.

I would also hope that the LDS church would be especially interested in doing everything possible to find one of their own tragically missing, faithful believers.

As is well known, the cost of living in California is considerably higher than it is in Utah. Therefore cost-of-living should be taken into consideration when comparing [tax bases] - median incomes, (though Modesto's incomes are lower than WVC's, anyway.)




2009 MODESTO POPULATION 211,156 -- but in 2003 during the Laci search it was 203,500



Please explain why Modesto would have a more advantageous "tax base and population density" to diligently solve a disappearance-murder but West Valley City does not.

grayjay said:
You don't know how many searchers and dogs and what other equipment are involved in this case.

You're right, and neither does anyone else who's following the case.

Everyone knew about the Laci Peterson searches because from day one they were organized by FRIENDS, FAMILY and LE -- and thousands of people volunteered to search for Laci with various equipment in various places all over the state.

Would you like to tell me about ONE organized search in Utah for Susan - during the last THREE (3) plus months?

grayjay said:
The average winter daytime temperatures and weather conditions in the two areas are not comparable.

You're right, they're not. However, Californians still searched during cold winter wind and driving rain -- and even in mountain snowdrifts.

There have been countless other missing people lost in snowy, freezing temperatures - even in dangerous avalanche conditions. Searching wasn't always totally abandoned until summertime to look for those missing people.

Most importantly, there have not even been any organized searches of city areas where a body could possibly be hidden. Why weren't the landfills checked? Has Mark Hacking been forgotten so soon?

grayjay said:
45,000 people involved online is less expensive and safer than a bunch of people tracking across the west desert in winter.

Like I said, I'm just sayin'.

That says it all, doesn't it? I would be roaring with laughter if that statement wasn't so pathetically sad for Susan and her two little boys. :mad:

Yes, parking one's butt in front of a computer is cheap and very safe. It also doesn't do SQUAT to find missing Susan. :banghead:

Would you also like to tell me what is too difficult -- too expensive -- and too environmentally dangerous about establishing fund raisers to increase Susan's reward?

I have never, ever seen such a high profile missing person case of a beloved young woman where so little is being done to actually, actively find her. :(

An $11,000 reward after 3 long months is a PATHETIC INSULT! :furious: -- as are ZERO searches! :furious:,_Utah,_California

Snipped for space and BBM.

Just clearing this up...Tim Peterson did NOT call Josh on that Monday. He did not talk to Josh at all that day. It was Jovonna who called him that afternoon around 3pm. As far as I understand Jovonna and Jennifer Graves are the only ones who talked to Josh when he was still missing that day. Various news sources have gotten the names mixed up on quite a few occasions.

There was a good article that was just recently published with a good timeline on it is:

In that article the link to the hair cutting story doesn't work. Does anyone have it?

Thursday, December 3, 2009: Debbie Caldwell, Susan's friend and daycare provider, went to the Powell home for the evening. Susan had agreed to cut and dye Debbie's hair. Debbie remembers that evening being especially stressful for both Susan and herself. Click here to read an account of what transpired.
Is this the link?

Caldwell remembers a time when she went to Susan's house, just days before she went missing, to have her hair dyed and cut.

Caldwell brought pizza for the family dinner.

Josh refused to help Susan with the boys. The kids began to act up because they were tired. Susan finally put them to bed and went into the bedroom to talk with Josh.

Susan was very frustrated, Caldwell said. Josh disrespected Susan's wishes for the boys to go to bed and got them back up, saying they needed a story.
Is this the link?

Caldwell remembers a time when she went to Susan's house, just days before she went missing, to have her hair dyed and cut.

Caldwell brought pizza for the family dinner.

Josh refused to help Susan with the boys. The kids began to act up because they were tired. Susan finally put them to bed and went into the bedroom to talk with Josh.

Susan was very frustrated, Caldwell said. Josh disrespected Susan's wishes for the boys to go to bed and got them back up, saying they needed a story.

Yes thank you.
Snipped for space and BBM.

Just clearing this up...Tim Peterson did NOT call Josh on that Monday. He did not talk to Josh at all that day. It was Jovonna who called him that afternoon around 3pm. As far as I understand Jovonna and Jennifer Graves are the only ones who talked to Josh when he was still missing that day. Various news sources have gotten the names mixed up on quite a few occasions.

There was a good article that was just recently published with a good timeline on it is:

Saturday, December 5, 2009: The Powell family attended a church Christmas breakfast from about 9 a.m. to noon. Susan then went to work and JoVonna Owings, a friend of Susan's, took care of the children while Susan worked.

Later that evening, around 7 p.m., JoVonna's son went to the Powell home to care for their two young children, Charlie, 4 at the time, and Braden, 2 at the time, while their parents attended Josh's company Christmas party. Josh and Susan returned home at about 10 p.m.

Excellent article OK5. Thank you so much. I didn't remember reading about them going to Josh's Christmas party on Dec 5th. I would love to hear what observations were made about Josh and Susan that night - if any. (Sometimes it's really obvious when a couple is fighting without them saying a word.)
R E A L LY ? _ :confused: _ Please read the following statistics of which you're obviously unaware -- and then explain how and why my comparison is "unrealistic and unfair."

R E A L L Y ? :waitasec:

First of all, Modesto is NOT a suburb of a bigger nearby city. It's a medium sized agricultural town surrounded by millions of acres of farm land.
snipped respectfully,

OK. Let's just assume you are 100% correct.

In my defense, I have been looking at Tooele County as the area of comparison because that is where POI said he went camping.

My error. West Valley City is actually in Salt Lake County. If you compare Stanislaus County with Tooele County, however, it might be a different hill of beans, because right off, on the Modesto page of Wikipedia, it states,
Led by milk, almonds, chickens, cattle, and walnuts, the county grossed nearly $2.5 billion in agricultural production in 2007.
You won't find a similar economy for Tooele County, AFAIK.

I still think it's an unfair comparison, but I concede you are probably correct on all of the statistical facts and I was thinking Laci wasn't found there (in Modesto) either, and was thinking more of the statewide resources.
Snipped for space and BBM.

Just clearing this up...Tim Peterson did NOT call Josh on that Monday. He did not talk to Josh at all that day. It was Jovonna who called him that afternoon around 3pm. As far as I understand Jovonna and Jennifer Graves are the only ones who talked to Josh when he was still missing that day. Various news sources have gotten the names mixed up on quite a few occasions.

I thought Tim Peterson was Susan's neighbor. I guess I got that impression from this:

Neighbors called all day Dec. 7 after his wife was reported missing, and when they finally talked to Joshua Powell, it took him two hours to get home. "He just said he was driving around West Valley City," Peterson said. "He wasn't in a big hurry to get home and find his wife. It's just a really crappy situation."

I'm checking the YouTube video because I swear he said he talked to Josh on the phone.
I thought Tim Peterson was Susan's neighbor. I guess I got that impression from this:

Neighbors called all day Dec. 7 after his wife was reported missing, and when they finally talked to Joshua Powell, it took him two hours to get home. "He just said he was driving around West Valley City," Peterson said. "He wasn't in a big hurry to get home and find his wife. It's just a really crappy situation."

I'm checking the YouTube video because I swear he said he talked to Josh on the phone.

I think I read it was Jovanna's son who first talked to him, then Jovanna.

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