Josh Duggar charged with Receipt/Possession Child Sexual Abuse Material, 29 April 2021 #2

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I wondered if Josh would claim it was fake material. Nowadays, they can digitalize videos so real looking, you wouldn't be able to tell if it was fake or not. What if some of the CSAM Josh had downloaded was fake? Did a search. It doesn't matter. It's still illegal. This warning popped up on the search page. That was enough for me.

Yeah, I don't want to click on anything, either. I don't want to see it and I don't want it anywhere near my computer.
But what is fake CSAM? Not really children being assaulted? A scenario in which people would digitally craft what only seems to be CSAM? That sounds terrible, too. Of course it would be better if no actual children were forced into this, but it's just as sick to create it and just as sick to download it and view it. Ugh.
Yeah, I don't want to click on anything, either. I don't want to see it and I don't want it anywhere near my computer.
But what is fake CSAM? Not really children being assaulted? A scenario in which people would digitally craft what only seems to be CSAM? That sounds terrible, too. Of course it would be better if no actual children were forced into this, but it's just as sick to create it and just as sick to download it and view it. Ugh.

There was a Special Victims Unit episode -- yeah not an ideal source -- that included an acknowledged *advertiser censored* producer explaining to Elliott how he used age-progression software as age-regression software to turn material produced with legal aged participants into more safely marketable & profitable CSAM.

Maybe someone can locate facts about this instead of a story line....

Doesn't help Anna or the kids sadly, or any of Josh's earlier victims.

jmho ymmv lrr
I had thought someone on the first thread posted an article stating most federal cases are plead out. I’m going on memory here though. This one is a federal case.

My past post about federal pleas:

The Feds DO NOT arrest anyone without iron clad proof, unlike regular law enforcement.

This could be one reason why there is such a long gap between his computer raid and the arrest warrant on him. They got exactly what they need.


Only 2% of federal criminal defendants go to trial, and most who do are found guilty

Last edited: May 7, 2021
I think the internet and digital age has contributed to so much evil. It is so easy for these creeps to hide behind a screen and live out their evil desires. And no, I don’t think they ever even think about that poor child on the other end and what they are going through. JMO
They can hide behind their wive's, who turn a blind eye,and Bibles too, because the judge allows it. "Not a danger" my *advertiser censored*. MOO
Yeah, I don't want to click on anything, either. I don't want to see it and I don't want it anywhere near my computer.
But what is fake CSAM? Not really children being assaulted? A scenario in which people would digitally craft what only seems to be CSAM? That sounds terrible, too. Of course it would be better if no actual children were forced into this, but it's just as sick to create it and just as sick to download it and view it. Ugh.
Some forms of anime p**n , fanfiction, and written 'stories' without attached imagery may fall into this category (fake CASM).
Would you bail out your son from jail with charges like this? Gotta say, Bud, you are on your own.

JB Duggar has not only bailed Josh out of jail, he found the best attorney possible, and found him a place to live while he is out on bail. Impressive.

Is that being a "good parent"? Or enabling? At what point should parents let adult "children" be "adults", and be responsible for their own actions?
I don't want to click on much of anything in this thread. I wouldn't want anything showing up on my computer.
I wondered if Josh would claim it was fake material. Nowadays, they can digitalize videos so real looking, you wouldn't be able to tell if it was fake or not. What if some of the CSAM Josh had downloaded was fake? Did a search. It doesn't matter. It's still illegal. This warning popped up on the search page. That was enough for me.

Child sexual abuse imagery is illegal
If you see sexually explicit images or videos of minors on the web, please report it below. Learn more
Report at
Call hotline: 1-800-843-5678
I think he will go to trial trying to prove his innocence in any way he can. I also think investigators have all they need to convict him.
They seemed pretty general, wanting truth and justice. Not alot different then parent's general statement.


When Josh takes his plea deal, maybe to a lesser type of charge,

then we will see if the siblings minimize it or not. Too easy for them now to say they want truth justice.... blah blah .... We shall see when it comes right down to his guilty plea. My opinion is yes, 100%, a (guilty) plea deal will happen.

If not, then his attorneys are miracle workers....

2 cent point of view
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When Josh takes his plea deal, maybe to a lesser type of charge,

then we will see if the siblings minimize it or not. Too easy for them now to say they want truth justice.... blah blah .... We shall see when it comes right down to his guilty plea. My opinion is yes, 100%, a (guilty) plea deal will happen.

If not, then his attorneys are miracle workers....

2 cent point of view
Why would they offer a plea deal? What info would he have to trade?
Why would they offer a plea deal? What info would he have to trade?

You do not have to trade information for a plea deal. The Feds, basically like the State, will over-charge you so you plead guilty to at least one count and they drop the rest.

Josh will plead to only one count and his attorneys will get that charge as low as possible. Low as in the degree of the charge. Felony 1st degree, Felony 2nd degree, Felony 3rd degree and so on....

Ideally you get to plead to a Misdemeanor ... Not in this instance.

There is no way Josh goes to trial. Also expect his attorneys to file Continuous Motions meaning no July trial .... Continuous .... until finally the plea.

How Many Continuances are Allowed in a Court Case? …

...2 Cent point of view....Only........!
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When Josh takes his plea deal, maybe to a lesser type of charge,

then we will see if the siblings minimize it or not. Too easy for them now to say they want truth justice.... blah blah .... We shall see when it comes right down to his guilty plea. My opinion is yes, 100%, a (guilty) plea deal will happen.

If not, then his attorneys are miracle workers....

2 cent point of view
I can’t imagine what a ‘lesser charge’ would be and I hope a prosecutor would not agree to that.
I can’t imagine what a ‘lesser charge’ would be and I hope a prosecutor would not agree to that.

What degree are his 2 charges? Guess I need to research it.

In general, a plea includes dropping of other charges and or a lowering of the degree of the charge like 2nd degree to 3rd degree, felony 4 to Misdemeanor.
From what I read of the bond hearing, the judge acknowledged that ordinarily it wouldn't be talked about in the hearing, but since the family had publicly acknowledged that Josh had molested his sisters, they couldn't pretend like those facts weren't known. And the judge did mention that history concerned her.

That being said, I doubt they would be allowed to talk about that during the trial itself. MOO
I dislike this Judge’s decision but she likely didn’t have a choice. At least she noted in the record his admission to molesting his sisters even if there is no record of a criminal charge. She acknowledged it for the record. Laws need to be changed and Federal law must mandate that sex offenders be charged with federal crimes, held to the highest standards and kept in jail until adjudication.
Lock them up and throw away the key. IMO
I dislike this Judge’s decision but she likely didn’t have a choice. At least she noted in the record his admission to molesting his sisters even if there is no record of a criminal charge. She acknowledged it for the record. Laws need to be changed and Federal law must mandate that sex offenders be charged with federal crimes, held to the highest standards and kept in jail until adjudication.
Lock them up and throw away the key. IMO
I wish she had not mentioned the previous admission to the molestation of his sisters. How would she have known that if Josh had not been a reality TV star? That admission will have no bearing on the facts presented in this case, if it was to go to trial. In addition, he was charged with a federal crime.

Agree, he should not be out on bail.

Yes, indeed, specifically, the control issue. If we look at this bit from Duggar daughter Jill, what was life like for Josh, especially after the teen molestations and young adult *advertiser censored* viewing:

"In October the couple [Jill and husband] revealed that they'd been estranged from her family for some time.

"Our control to choose what jobs we were allowed to accept and even where we were allowed to live was taken away from us," Jill explained to People. Their decision to leave Counting On "didn't go over very well with anyone." But, she added, "We knew we had to pull out completely to reevaluate and get our bearings."

A family statement chalked the rift up to "differences of opinion and perspective" and expressed hope that all would be mended soon."

Michelle and Jim Bob might not live with their adult children and families in a fundamentalist compound, but they sure do exert an awful lot of control over them, as if they do. Given that they even micromanage what their grown daughters wear (no pants!), it'd be interesting to see how Jim Bob treated Josh as the first born, as a child, before all this happened. Yes, Josh is responsible for his own actions. His relationship with his controlling father, IMO, aggravated his situation.
I dislike this Judge’s decision but she likely didn’t have a choice. At least she noted in the record his admission to molesting his sisters even if there is no record of a criminal charge. She acknowledged it for the record. Laws need to be changed and Federal law must mandate that sex offenders be charged with federal crimes, held to the highest standards and kept in jail until adjudication.
Lock them up and throw away the key. IMO
And if/when they are released, they need to be monitored for a loooong time. At least now he’ll be on the Sex Offender Registry, hopefully for life.
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