Josh Powell Money Trail (transfer of 7K)

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I remember this too, but not the creep's name....or his accomplice wife. The mental abuse they put their son thru was unreal. It was really daddy, but the very new bf was called some other name. The child kept insisting it was daddy, but they kept telling him "No, it's xxxxxx" Unbelievable. :maddening:

Exactly. He dyed his hair and told friends/relatives he she had a new boyfriend but would not allow them to see him up close, yet told their child believe it was a different person.

Some people are so sick. I probably would not have thought of JP faking his death if it was not for seeing this and thinking JP would have been too big of a coward to blow himself up.
When JP withdrew the money did he take a cashier's check, or cash???
O/T: Did anyone notice the picture of Charlie's and Braden's bedroom at the Coxes looked like spanking brand new room?

Didn't little Braden accidentally get burned during a recent construction project at their house?

If so, I bet this really got to Josh knowing they were wanting custody. The boys were probably really excited and looking forward to decorating it.
Just a thought I just had...........
could he of paid someone to HELP him with murders/suicide?
or pay someone to stay quiet about Susan?
Would some of his family be in on this?
Is the 1 brother special needs or mentally ill?
Could someone be swayed easy........I'm thinking of Drew P and his troubled step brother.
I am thinking Josh Powell withdrew the $7000 from his account and has it stashed and it will be retrieved by one of his family members.
I think he did it so that it would not be considered part of his estate.

I would like to know how much money was in that bank account and if the $7000 cleaned it out.

I also want to know what other assets he had.

Did he have a recent will?
Honestly, I think this speaks volumes to the controlling, psychotic, PREMEDITATED thought process of this perverse piece of trash.
We've heard bits and pieces to this effect about his behavior towards Susan.
I think this also speaks volumes as to how he planned and plotted Susan's murder.
It almost seems like he got some sort of sick enjoyment from going thru all these "ritualistic" processes.
And, yes....if you're planning on blowing yourself to kingdom come, all the planning, etc is just an exercise in futility. How to turn off the utilities?? Really???
7K is a lot of money, but, IMO, it's not a kings ransom...I could see if it were 70K or 700K and take it out of the bank to avoid taxes, etc for the family, but IS quite bizarre.
Then again, IMO, JP was a "big man" in his own little mind.

Totally agree with the idea of these actions being ritualistic. I think that every action he did leading up to the murder/suicide reinforced the mental state he was in - something he wanted to reinforce. Giving stuff away, shutting off utilities etc are psychologically akin to counting out bullets, cleaning the gun etc before someone shoots themselves. These actions also serve to "lock himself" in to committing the ultimate action. In other words he can't chicken out because he has already done this preparation. Just my opinion of course but I think an insight into what was going on in his mind.
BBM. So, I guess this means Alina will and has been making some money off this?

I don't care if the Cox's do. They need the money for the funerals, etc.

I bet ole Alina will just have Josh creamated, which only costs approx. $2500 and will keep the rest.

I am going to be sick now.

She won't get the money. It is part of Josh's estate. It will be put into an account and it will have to be probated. The first thing that will be paid from that money is burial expenses. I expect that the funds will be extinguished just from that.
O/T: Did anyone notice the picture of Charlie's and Braden's bedroom at the Coxes looked like spanking brand new room?

Didn't little Braden accidentally get burned during a recent construction project at their house?

If so, I bet this really got to Josh knowing they were wanting custody. The boys were probably really excited and looking forward to decorating it.

You are right. It was a brand new room and the carpet was installed only a week ago today. They only got to sleep in there two days.
Less than 7000$ only 6500$....



  • Warrant.PNG
    75 KB · Views: 169
You are right. It was a brand new room and the carpet was installed only a week ago today. They only got to sleep in there two days.

OMG. I didn't know that. Don't you know that probably infuriated that evil monster because I'm sure the kids told him about it.

You now how kids get excited about things and probably didn't think a thing about it to tell him.


  • Comforter.PNG
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Paying the rental fees on a storage unit to keep such a small amount of items...items that do not seem too significant is odd.
Paying the rental fees on a storage unit to keep such a small amount of items...items that do not seem too significant is odd.

I agree. The house he was renting looked plenty big enough to store those things.
Framed photos in a storage unit is super odd to me, personally. Had he of not paid this storage unit, those photos would become property of the storage unit and they auction it off the unit after a certain amount of days past due.

I used to watch "Storage Wars", breaks my heart they are allowed to auction off family photos.

The framed photos could be anything though, and if they were released to the Cox family... well, I am just going to assume they were family photos and not posters of some sort.
If the comforter LE just now recovered from the storage unit has tested positive for blood, and it is Susan's - where has the comforter been for all of this time ? in this very unit ? If the unit was rented before September 2011 LE could have gained access to it with a search warrant for computer related items on the basis of Steven's arrest.
She won't get the money. It is part of Josh's estate. It will be put into an account and it will have to be probated. The first thing that will be paid from that money is burial expenses. I expect that the funds will be extinguished just from that.

What if she or someone else already has the money and the police never find it?
I can't help but think that the toys may have been SP's items to groom children.

Another theory about the $7K: It was SP's money that JP kept in his own bank account to transfer to SP's jailhouse account as needed. To keep the account out of probate and immediately available to SP (SP's own idea if he knew what JP planned to do???), JP emailed instructions to his sister AP on where to find it so that she could resume the transfer duties.

Josh had a lot to say to Alina, sending her FOUR emails that she refused to voluntarily turn over to police:

good ol' Alina ... doing the wrong thing again
I don't think the detailed planning of withdrawing money, giving away toys, and shutting off utilities points to him faking his death or is weird at all. Suicidal people do these things all of the time, planning is a huge part of their process, even if it doesn't make sense to others. It is a way of psychologically preparing to end life. It also doesn't surprise me that others reported that he seemed upbeat and happy in recent weeks.

Giving away belongings, upbeat and happy attitude, closing out affairs are all classic precursor signs in suicidal people. They are actually considered major warning signs and point to danger.

This case has my head absolutely spinning and I am nauseated at the horror that those two little innocent boys endured at the hands of their father. What a selfish, sick and extremely sadistic man he was.


who reported that he's been upbeat & happy? I haven't read that ...
I agree these are all warning signs ... he was closing up shop

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