Josh Powell's House in WA blows up - Thread #2

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I dont think you can treat everyone as if they would kill their children or a spouse because of a dispute.

BUT-I do think there are many tools available to determine who is likely to. A man who has murdered his wife because she had discovered "the man behind the curtain" and was planning on leaving him, has a high probability of murdering his non custodial children in order to spread as much pain and suffering as possible.

I have so much to say, but I can't get my words out properly. I thought that maybe a bit of sleep would help,.. hugging my children extremely hard and sending them off to school would help.. but...

I prayed all night long that someone, somewhere got an email/text/vm that will lead to Susan.

I know that I am really reaching here, but it's the last silver lining I have in all of this.

God Bless the Cox family; I am not even a family member (just knew vicariously) and I am floored.

Floored... and on my knees praying.

Did I mention I AM GLAD he dead? And heartbroken that he took those two innocent babies with him?

Sometimes it's just too much trouble to breathe. But it is a reflex. And so we all just keep on despite the hurt, the horror, and the WTF moments.
I so appreciate and understand your frustration with everyone who had something to do with allowing these precious children to be victimized and murdered by their own Father. I do not blame the State, nor LE, nor the visitation supervisor, nor a failure in our system. I blame Josh Powell for this horrendous tragedy.

Laws in this country are based upon the assumption that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. There was nothing else that DCFS could do (IMO) in that JP was never charged with Susan's disappearance, murder (?), or even child endangerment when he admitted he took the toddlers camping in a snowstorm (IIRC). CPS could not take away his rights to see his children unless there was evidence he was a significant danger to his children. By not allowing him supervised visits . . . that essentially relates to severing a parental/child relationship without the appropriate legal "termination of parental rights" procedures which allows the parents opportunities to ameloriate the issues that brought the children into (foster/kinship) care.

Furthermore, the children have the right to see their parents as well. For those of you who have followed the Sky Metalwala case, (also in Washington State) we were all rooting for little MM to go home to her Daddy, Solomon (and still are thankful). MM (age 4) was placed into fostercare when her Mom reported little brother Sky (2 1/2) went missing from her car when she left him alone, claiming she ran out of gas. No one had seen Sky for many weeks (if not months) previously. He still has not been found. Solomon's rights to visits with his children were revoked until he completed expensive classes for domestic battery, based solely upon mother, Julia's allegations.

Both cases compare and contrast how CPS and family courts attempt to balance the needs and safety of the child vs. parental rights.

I agree with you but do not understand why the supervised visits were not held in a place of neutrality (ie.. restaurant, park, chuck e cheese, etc..) I do believe there was a failure in the system that this was not reinforced and I do hope that something positive comes out of this vile act in the sense that in the future, when a parent loses custody of their child(ren) that standard of supervised visits in a public place will be reinforced.

Oh there is justice. Facing justice in the next life is far worse than any justice JP could have faced here in this life. There ain't no firemen to put the fire out where he is at now.

His boys are in an entirely different place safe with their mama.

I wish I could believe he will really pay. Maybe someday I will believe that, but right now I don't.

Right now, in this moment in time, I feel like the *advertiser censored* won this last battle.
I dont think you can treat everyone as if they would kill their children or a spouse because of a dispute.

BUT-I do think there are many tools available to determine who is likely to. A man who has murdered his wife because she had discovered "the man behind the curtain" and was planning on leaving him, has a high probability of murdering his non custodial children in order to spread as much pain and suffering as possible.


In one of the many links I read today, I saw where the current court order for a "psycho-sexual evall" prior to the return of the children to his care was recommended by a psychologist previously. Does anyone know if JP underwent a previous psych eval? I totally agree with this given the *advertiser censored* found in the home, the Grandfather in that home and questionable pictures of Susan (unaware), etc.

I find it interesting that JP had complied with all of the CPS and court requirements up to this point but once the psycho-sexual eval was ordered - he blew up the children and himself. What was his greatest fear? Being found out about his involvement with his wife's disappearance (murder?) from his children disclosing (new?) info(althought I am not sure any of this was new info to the involved parties) or some other sinister psycho-sexual issue that was too painful to be exposed?
I agree with you but do not understand why the supervised visits were not held in a place of neutrality (ie.. restaurant, park, chuck e cheese, etc..) I do believe there was a failure in the system that this not reinforced and I do hope that something positive comes out of this vile act in the sense that in the future, when a parent loses custody of their child(ren) that standard of supervised visits in a public place will be reinforced.


I am for one am very glad it was not held somewhere like Chuck e cheese, because that doesn't make it safe at all. Nobody would search him for weapons before he showed up in Chuck e cheese, so how would that make it safe?
Could have been a lot more casualties if they held it in a public place with other people/children around.
I am for one am very glad it was not held somewhere like Chuck e cheese, because that doesn't make it safe at all. Nobody would search him for weapons before he showed up in Chuck e cheese, so how would that make it safe?
Could have been a lot more casualties if they held it in a public place with other people/children around.

I don't think his goal was to kill anyone else. Otherwise, why would he have pushed the social worker away and locked the door? Who really knows though what was going through his evil mind, you could be right.
BBM: I agree ...

I was wondering : is this Judge elected -- or -- appointed ?

If elected, I predict he will lose next go round ... and If it is an appointed position, how long is the appointment ?


I thought the judge was a "she" and not a "he", but I am chronically sleep deprived.

At any rate, this "judge" is the one who set this tragedy in motion. JMO.
the comment about "Mommys in the mine looking for crystals" is one of the things that prompted the ababdonded mine shaft searches back awhile ago...its not just coming out

This was a rumor almost from the very beginning. It started in the comments under an a person who said they knew an investigator on Susan's case and he stated it was a remark one of the children had made during their being questioned. Never mentioned by LE, or an attorney before, IIRC. LE did state that it was questionable "interview" with the children, because it would be hard for the children to distinquish if the memory they were expressing was current or from another trip the family had made in the past.
Most of you were blessed with children and even grandchildren. I wasn't. I wanted children so much and yet never had a child.

It just breaks my heart to hear of people who WERE blessed with children and then killed them.

What a selfish act that can't be forgiven.

:hug: That could have been written by me as well.

RodArquette Rod Arquette
Just got word that Chuck Cox, Susan's father will join me on the show @405 this afternoon. #fb!/RodArquette

Rod Arquette
@RodArquette Salt Lake City
Listen to the Rod Arquette Show, weekdays 4pm-7pm on 105.7 KNRS. It's three hours of news, opinion & conversation about what really matters to Utah.

4:05 would be mountain time............5:05 Central Time.........6:05 Eastern and 3:05 west coast. Here

Who is Rod Arquette?

We know already what the judge will say-the judge will say the decision was made with the best possible information available and that this outcome couldnt have been predicted.

We hear it every time one of the pieces of paper fails to protect the innocent life it is supposed to protect.

God Bless and keep this case worker-at least she is alive to bear witness. To fill in the blanks. At least she can give context to this horrific act.

What the judge has to say and what the judge actually feels are probably two totally different things. As someone pointed out above JP would have found a way to do this somehow, someway.
I wish I could believe he will really pay. Maybe someday I will believe that, but right now I don't.

Right now, in this moment in time, I feel like the *advertiser censored* won this last battle.

Maybe he won the battle temporarily. He inflicted more pain on Susan's parents than anyone should endure. The pain he caused extends far beyond Susan's family and friends to those in the family court, the childrens friends.....

However, this battle and pain is temporary. Life is short, sometimes refered to as the blink of an eye. A time will come when Susans parents are reunited with Susan and their grandbabies. I hope some sense of peace comes to them knowing they are safe with their mother and their being apart is only temporary. If I were in there shoes it is the only thing that would keep me going, though it would still be incredibly difficult.

This whole thing makes me so sick. My heart is weeping for the entire Cox family, for their friends and loved ones, for the boys friends, teachers and classmates, for all of the detectives who tried so hard, and also for the social worker and judge (who will also have to second-guess for the rest of their life). So many people have been affected by this.

Josh was a sick, evil man. He is the only person deserving of blame in all of this. I firmly believe that he would have found a way to come to this type of an ending regardless of where a visit took place, who supervised, etc.

May Susan and her boys rest in peace. And may those who love and miss them be able to find comfort in the rough days ahead.
May he burn in hell for this

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I wish I could believe he will really pay. Maybe someday I will believe that, but right now I don't.

Right now, in this moment in time, I feel like the *advertiser censored* won this last battle.

I think we are wavering right now trying to make sense of the senseless. In time it will pass. Otherwise he has won.
I think there are some people who are just so evil that nothing can or will stop them from achieving their goal. The particulars don't matter, what the system did or didn't do is irrelevant. If not this way, JP would have done it somewhere else in some other way. I really believe the ending would be the same if he'd had a completely supervised meeting in a very public place; he just would have used a different method. So I blame JP and only JP. There was no way to stop him.


He would've found a way eventually. IMO there is no one to blame but Josh Powell.
I dont think you can treat everyone as if they would kill their children or a spouse because of a dispute.

BUT-I do think there are many tools available to determine who is likely to. A man who has murdered his wife because she had discovered "the man behind the curtain" and was planning on leaving him, has a high probability of murdering his non custodial children in order to spread as much pain and suffering as possible.


I think the simple fact he was labeled a POI should of gave CPS pause in how they handled 'visits'. I understand that in a lot of these cases you don't even have that luxury (parent being a suspect or POI) but here you did.
I don't think his goal was to kill anyone else. Otherwise, why would he have pushed the social worker away and locked the door? Who really knows though what was going through his evil mind, you could be right.

I agree it wasn't his goal but if he had to meet them in a public place like a restaurant, I really doubt that would have stopped him, since nobody would check him for weapons. The other people there potentially could have ended up as collateral damage. The only way to have safe visitations would have been in courthouse where he would be searched for weapons before allowed in (and even that probably isn't a guarantee he couldn't have tried something, but at least it would have been safer).
This whole thing makes me so sick. My heart is weeping for the entire Cox family, for their friends and loved ones, for the boys friends, teachers and classmates, for all of the detectives who tried so hard, and also for the social worker and judge (who will also have to second-guess for the rest of their life). So many people have been affected by this.

Josh was a sick, evil man. He is the only person deserving of blame in all of this. I firmly believe that he would have found a way to come to this type of an ending regardless of where a visit took place, who supervised, etc.

May Susan and her boys rest in peace. And may those who love and miss them be able to find comfort in the rough days ahead.

I agree. If the Cox's had succeeded in keeping sole custody of the boys, imo, Josh would have tried to kill the entire family. He would have set fire to their home or done a home invasion, imo. He was never going to let those boys escape from him. :rose:
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