Josh Takes Boys Camping at Midnight...Again?!

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If he left on Sat. then it has been 4 days since they left to go "camping." You don't leave at midnight to take two little kids "camping" for 4 days without extensive preparation. Food, drinks, clothing. Extra clothing, jackets. Blankets, pillows. Cooking utensils.

For even the most experienced single person camper, prep time for a 4 day trip would be extensive as would the supplies.

Guys I think JP may have run. He should have shown back up by now.

Which is actually good news (as long as he doesn't harm the boys.) He must think that LE got something very important in the last search warrant.


That's what I'm thinking, too. It's been too long...Someone must have seen them somewhere...:eek:hoh:
Yes, and I think it qualifies as child abuse to force them to wake up and go camping for no good reason in the middle of the night.

I hope this opens the door for the Coxes getting custody.

I sent an email to Isabelle Zehnder to see if she has any info about the boys well being.
Scapa, I adore the way you write! Very humorous and visual. If you are not a published author already, I suggest you begin now. RIGHT now! I mean, "screamed himself rigid", "Jolly overnight campout" and "prodding him now and then to keep him vertical", "Manhandled his brother into a jacket." LOL You have shown a very bright light on the ludicrous story of taking two toddlers camping in the dead of night and the deepest of winter! It's exactly the feelings in our hearts and heads, but you found the exact words to describe this farce! Thank you so much!!

Let's pray that LE are keeping track of JP, by vehicle, tracking, cell phone......
I do not trust him with the children, all alone, what will he do?
Where is he?
On the run with boys so no one can get them?
No investigative reporters following JP?
watching SP?
No one saw him camping?
JP is scarey to me, IMO, are the boys safe?
Is JP the suicidal type? and do something to boys?
Someone somewhere has to know something to keep the boys safe.
The first day of school in JPs district is September 1st. I hope LE is following his "camping" trail to make sure everything is ok.
Abc4 is the only media outlet that reported about this camping trip. That makes me wonder. Was SP lying to the reporter?

Did Josh really leave town, and if he did has he gone on the run, as mysteriew suggested? Does Josh have enough money to run? Did he really take the boys with him? Who would harbor him? Is he even capable of ditching the van and living in the woods? That van sticks out like a sore thumb and Josh's face and wimpy demeanor have been all over the news so he would have to lay really low. How would he get money? I don't picture him doing menial labor. I don't picture him working at all.

Has abc4 truly followed up on this story at all? Marcos Ortiz' blog post came out on Saturday or Sunday. No story on the website until Tuesday, no follow up since then.
All of the other media outlets have left this camping story alone.

School starts today. I hope that we'll have some news. It is frustrating to see the media dropping the ball.

If the story is bogus, why don't the other media outlets simply say so? If Josh is really gone, that's a story even if they don't believe he is camping.

Is anyone brave enough to volunteer to go to the Powell's website and see if they have anything to say about the situation?
Unless he's done and disappeared with the boys for real I'm not sure if it matters either way TGIRecovered. He might be midnight camping with the boys or hiding in the back of the house but either way it's an obvious ploy to demonstrate he's such a jolly midnight camper dude IMO.

I am inclined to think he probably did go for real because the boys are old enough to let it slip if they didn't. It might be a good chance to try and insert some false memories about the last time they went midnight camping together. Go someplace that Susan is not at and point to stuff and say, "look boys, do you remember we saw that on the other camping trip, the night your mom ran off", and they look at him in an uncertain manner and say, "yeah, I guess...OK, Dad, whatever you say".
I saw this and tried my own little experiment. Leaving my wife to doze gently in front of "Drop Dead Diva," I bounded into the room of my five year-old, shook him awake for twenty minutes or so, and proposed that we set out into the bush for a jolly overnight camp-out. Next, I sat my toddler on the potty under bright lights, prodding him now and then to keep him vertical, then wrestled him into some sturdy clothes and propped him against a stuffed triceratops while I manhandled his brother into a jacket and half-zipped it, catching the skin of my thumb in the zipper.

Started the car, assembled the raw materials of a few dozen smokes, then woke both kids up again long enough to get them into the porch, at which point the older screamed himself rigid and the younger one dozed back off, and so on, and so on...

The point is, there is no point in taking young kids, even hearty woodsy ones, camping at midnight for anything but the most nefarious reasons, like to get them out of a house where a hellish crime has been committed and must now be cleaned up. It's asinine. They'd have hated it. And to rehearse the whole vicious gesture again is a giant middle finger to LE, media and in-laws, I think.

It also, maybe, is a sign of things starting to slip in bizarroworld Powell.


What did your wife think? If she's like most mothers, I'm sure she didn't appreciate your waking the boys in the middle of the night to go camping!


But, yah, I can see from your experiment it wouldn't be an easy task. I've only done it once and it was excruciating. No it wasn't a camping trip, but a trip to the airport to fly to the UK. Getting him out of that bed at such a late hour (he was 3 at the time) was no easy task. I never did that again!!

Does Josh really want us to believe this is normal behaviour? Jeeezzzz!


What concrens me is that if the boys are in Pullayup and attending school, at least they have a safety net. There would be responsible people, (teachers, school nurse, counselor, administration), having regular contact with the children.

If they are alone with Josh, somewhere away from the scruitiny of police, extended family, child protective services, and a community that knows the situation, they are at the mercy of a man who is clearly not looking out for their best interests, and who has reason to want to keep them from talking. They are alone with a man who is so unstable that he can't keep a job, live on his own, or sustain a marriage. They are alone with a killer, and the oldest boy witnessed at least part of the crime.

LE knows that Josh is a mental and emotional wreck. They know that he could crack at any time. If they were my grandbabies or nephews, I would be in court in a heartbeat, making a fuss until all avenues were exhausted to get those kids away from the Powells. I am sure that some lawyer somewhere would take this high profile case pro-bono. If poeple were sure that donations would be used to save these boys from the Powells, more money could be raised.

It appears that LE and even the Cox's are willing to take a chance with those boys' lives, hoping and praying that Josh won't do something stupid.

IMO, that is a shame.
What concrens me is that if the boys are in Pullayup and attending school, at least they have a safety net. There would be responsible people, (teachers, school nurse, counselor, administration), having regular contact with the children.

If they are alone with Josh, somewhere away from the scruitiny of police, extended family, child protective services, and a community that knows the situation, they are at the mercy of a man who is clearly not looking out for their best interests, and who has reason to want to keep them from talking. They are alone with a man who is so unstable that he can't keep a job, live on his own, or sustain a marriage. They are alone with a killer, and the oldest boy witnessed at least part of the crime.

LE knows that Josh is a mental and emotional wreck. They know that he could crack at any time. If they were my grandbabies or nephews, I would be in court in a heartbeat, making a fuss until all avenues were exhausted to get those kids away from the Powells. I am sure that some lawyer somewhere would take this high profile case pro-bono. If poeple were sure that donations would be used to save these boys from the Powells, more money could be raised.

It appears that LE and even the Cox's are willing to take a chance with those boys' lives, hoping and praying that Josh won't do something stupid.

IMO, that is a shame.

reality is that grandparents have no legal rights.
reality is that grandparents have no legal rights.

I wouldn't expect a court to give Susan's parents any more rights than the law allows. If they, or any other family member were to pursue a custody change, the basis for the custody change would be that Josh is an unfit parent, he is the only named suspect in the case of Susan's disappearance, and he has the children living with his sexually perverted father, who has done all he can to publicly slander their missing mother's character.

I agree that it would not be a slam-dunk, but if an official investigation in to the children's current living situation by the proper authorities could be initiated, there would be a chance that a judge would at least order monitoring.

If a judge saw fit to remove the children for as long as Josh is the only suspect, any family member or even close friends, could petition the court to gain custody rather than allow the boys to be placed in foster care. Public pressure from the community would be high, and the judge would be a precedent setting hero! If the judge refused, he/she would risk being the villain if something bad happens to to Susan's boys.( I wouldn't want to bet my career on Josh and Steve's mental stability!)

It's been done before in other cases. Even if it has never happened in Utah before, there is always a first time and as long as there is a chance, I think it is unacceptable to not even try.:twocents:
I wouldn't expect a court to give Susan's parents any more rights than the law allows. If they, or any other family member were to pursue a custody change, the basis for the custody change would be that Josh is an unfit parent, he is the only named suspect in the case of Susan's disappearance, and he has the children living with his sexually perverted father, who has done all he can to publicly slander their missing mother's character.

I agree that it would not be a slam-dunk, but if an official investigation in to the children's current living situation by the proper authorities could be initiated, there would be a chance that a judge would at least order monitoring.

If a judge saw fit to remove the children for as long as Josh is the only suspect, any family member or even close friends, could petition the court to gain custody rather than allow the boys to be placed in foster care. Public pressure from the community would be high, and the judge would be a precedent setting hero! If the judge refused, he/she would risk being the villain if something bad happens to to Susan's boys.( I wouldn't want to bet my career on Josh and Steve's mental stability!)

It's been done before in other cases. Even if it has never happened in Utah before, there is always a first time and as long as there is a chance, I think it is unacceptable to not even try.:twocents:

and it takes way too much money for a typical person. lawyers are not happy until you sign your house over to them.

this is the legal system, not the justice system.
I'm thinking is that the children are older, and able to talk, ask questions and such. Maybe they asked some questions about camping that night. Suppose JP wants to solidify in his children mind that "See we do go camping, we did go camping that night" this way they if asked by other kids or anyone they will repeat what JP wants them to say.

Or he did move to another location, probably sought out a town that has inexperienced LE
and it takes way too much money for a typical person. lawyers are not happy until you sign your house over to them.

this is the legal system, not the justice system.

Is money more important than a child's life? There are many people who would be willing to contribute to a fund to assist the Coxes in the pursuit of getting their grandsons back. That said, the onus is on them to pursue this avenue.

It is possible that the powells are playing head games w/the Cox family. Last weeks antics didn't play well so now they will use fear. Bottom line is that, as the encounters at Lowe's shows, jp is not a nice man and he is willing and able to act in public as if the Coxes are bad people and the boys have to be kept away from them. We know that is not true but the boys have to be going through hell; their natural instinct is to be nice to their grandparents.

Lowe's encounter @ this link:
Is money more important than a child's life? There are many people who would be willing to contribute to a fund to assist the Coxes in the pursuit of getting their grandsons back. That said, the onus is on them to pursue this avenue.

It is possible that the powells are playing head games w/the Cox family. Last weeks antics didn't play well so now they will use fear. Bottom line is that, as the encounters at Lowe's shows, jp is not a nice man and he is willing and able to act in public as if the Coxes are bad people and the boys have to be kept away from them. We know that is not true but the boys have to be going through hell; their natural instinct is to be nice to their grandparents.

Lowe's encounter @ this link:

i'm putting a question out there to all readers--how many of you (non-lawyers and people who live paycheck to paycheck) have been to court to fight on behalf of a child? and if so, how was that experience?
JP is still around. He brought Charlie to school for the first day today.
Been following this for a while and I finally decided to register just cause I had this to say.

1) What proof is there that SP is even telling the truth? Just seems like if people start disappearing and he's telling the media they've gone somewhere, I'd think twice before believing him.

2) Midnight camping. To be honest, heading out to camp at midnight is weird, but it's not THAT weird. Some people are up at odd hours, and unfortunately their kids will often follow suit. What IS weird is unplanned camping in the winter during a blizzard. So Josh and boys leaving at midnight to camping during a Washington summer doesn't really change anything, other than make it look like they're trying to prove something.

Personally I doubt they went anywhere. SP has a great story... oh, those crazy kids, they're staying at my house and they went out at midnight to go camping. But really it's SP who is at the center of this whole affair. But that's just my opinion. For all I know these people are just absolute deviants and Susan really did run away. I know one thing. I sure wouldn't blame her.

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