JP's keys

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There seems to be some misinformation floating around on the money Casey stole from her grandfather.

Casey did not purchase a new phone with that money. She used it to pay her bill. They were about to shut off her phone as you can see by the calls she was getting from the ATT collections (which she had stored in her phone as "Universal"). She used that check to pay off that bill, but when she was caught she told her grandmother that she used it to purchase a new phone and that Universal was going to pay her back.

I know it is hard to keep track of her lies when trying to sort out the facts. Ugh! I seriously detest this evil sociopath.

I thought that at first too, but since she went online and gave Amy's checking account number and paid her bill, she evidently did not use that money to pay her cell bill. The check for her cell bill to be paid by Amy's personal check was in the first documents.

There were two blackjacks in her drawer in the cabinet in her room which LE took when Caylee's remains were found. There was also another phone.
I thought that at first too, but since she went online and gave Amy's checking account number and paid her bill, she evidently did not use that money to pay her cell bill. The check for her cell bill to be paid by Amy's personal check was in the first documents.

There were two blackjacks in her drawer in the cabinet in her room which LE took when Caylee's remains were found. There was also another phone.

What :eek:! How did I miss this about 3 phones being taken from caseys room!! Back to the docs!!!

Thank's Turbo!
I always wondered why in the world JP had been so under the radar, not even questioned by LE, since his home was one of the last places Caylee spent time, but I believe he was interviewed after all right, and his interview hasn't been released?

I think his interview has not been released. There are a number of interviews which have not been released. If they are still investigating something which was told in that interview, they do not have to release it.

Since JP seemed to really dislike and distrust KC, I am prone to think he told them some things about drugs or his knowledge of drug use. That would not have to be released, because it would be turned over to the DEA and the feds are under NO OBLIGATION to release anything to the defense and a state court can't make them.
If JP was the father of Caylee, I think it is obvious why he wouldn't like Casey or Jesse. If Casey is sleeping with both of them at about the same time and neither of them know about each other and all the sudden a baby is involved, I'd imagine there would be some uh tension. I'm glad JP was brought up again though, I definately think his interview being left out is no couincidence.
It's very odd that an interview with him has not yet surfaced! He seems to be the only one who had her figured out...It'll be interesting to find out what he has to say when it (hopefully) does come out.

When documents/evidence/etc are released, always look for what is missing, that should obviously be there. Often it is being held back for a reason, usually that it is something still under investigation.

There is surely an interview with JP. They are sluggish in releasing it to the defense for some reason... investigating some aspect of it still? Or is it part of some future charge against Casey? In any case, yes, it should be interesting.

I also believe there is much more to AH's interviews. Remember she said would have "so much" to tell LE. As a matter of fact, I think there may be subsequent interviews to several of those already released that will be very illuminating. I think there is another interview with Shirley, Cindy's mom. Tony L. also.

There should be another shoe to drop regarding the fingerprints on the duct tape. That was purposely left cloudy to date, I feel.

Also possibly a report on the Gatorade bottle, maybe, maybe not. It could have been unrelated trash.
I very seriously doubt JP is the father, I always have. Kc would have had an easy street is that was the case since JP seems to come from money. The state will pay for a paternity test. I think if there was any possibility that Kc knew who the father was at all she'd have had child support coming in.

I read about the phones in the docs but I don't remember any of the three being the elusive Blackjack. One thing I do feel is interesting about the phone, and this is my take on it, is that LE didn't seem to question Kc's friends about whether or not she had one. At least I don't remember reading it in any of the docs we've had thus far, granted it's been a long time since the first doc dump. I think it's time to go read through all of the docs again to freshen up my mind.

Stellasmommy, I can't put his last name here and it's in the link name, but just add the last 4 letters of his last name to this link :) (Though of course it's set to private now, but you can see him there.)
Here's another picture


some of his and friends' videos, just a few out there now
Yes, since JPC seems to come from "money" one may ask "what's the problem then?" Problem...Cindy A is the problem. Never forget that this woman is control freaK to the highest degree. Can you not hear her telling KC to keep her pregnacy a secret so JPC didn't find out and HIS family couldn't/wouldn't sue for custody?
The fact that they KEPT the secret after poor little Caylee's death makes them (the A's )really sick minded. JMHO.
CA didn't learn all her life lessons in Kindergarten. She never learned how to share.

I very seriously doubt JP is the father, I always have. Kc would have had an easy street is that was the case since JP seems to come from money. The state will pay for a paternity test. I think if there was any possibility that Kc knew who the father was at all she'd have had child support coming in.

I read about the phones in the docs but I don't remember any of the three being the elusive Blackjack. One thing I do feel is interesting about the phone, and this is my take on it, is that LE didn't seem to question Kc's friends about whether or not she had one. At least I don't remember reading it in any of the docs we've had thus far, granted it's been a long time since the first doc dump. I think it's time to go read through all of the docs again to freshen up my mind.

A Blackjack (made by Samsung) and a Blackberry (made by RIM) are two different brands of phones.

(ETA a few more facts since people were confusing the two phones) In January 2007 Research In Motion, creators of the BlackBerry handhelds, filed suit in United States federal court claiming the BlackJack trademark was too similar to the BlackBerry mark.[6] They allege Samsung has named their smartphone with a word beginning with "Black" just to mislead the customers that would come to the cellphone stores with the intention to purchase a BlackBerry. A month later the two parties settled out of court.[7]

The successor to the Blackjack is the Samsung BlackJack II. It is available in the U.S. for AT&T and in Canada for Rogers.

Universal Studios uses Blackberry phones not Blackjack.

LE found and listed two (2) Samsung Blackjacks in a drawer in KC's room in that last search.
If JP was the father of Caylee, I think it is obvious why he wouldn't like Casey or Jesse. If Casey is sleeping with both of them at about the same time and neither of them know about each other and all the sudden a baby is involved, I'd imagine there would be some uh tension. I'm glad JP was brought up again though, I definately think his interview being left out is no couincidence.

One of my personal pet peeves...It's NOT JP. The dudes name in initals is JPC.
He did not meet KC until after Caylee was born. It is NOT him.

What do you mean by this post, Turbo? That he's definitely not the father or that this picture is not him? ha ha

Well, the pic is him. As for if they knew each other prior to the birth of Caylee, I'm not positive yet either way. As for whether he's the bio dad or not, I'll leave that discussion to the thread on that subject :)

Or did you mean you believe it's definitely not his key?
One of my personal pet peeves...It's NOT JP. The dudes name in initals is JPC. Thank you. quote]

We've used JP and JPC interchangeably on this thread since the beginning. We use first initials for some of the witnesses, like KM or KMT instead of KMTC, since she's the only person with that first name so far. :) In the case of JP since friends all call him by those initials and it's so recognizable as his name, that's probably another reason we've used it so much for him in this case.

If we were going to use all of JP's initials, I guess we would actually need 4.
We've used JP and JPC interchangeably on this thread since the beginning. We use first initials for some of the witnesses, like KM or KMT instead of KMTC, since she's the only person with that first name so far. :) In the case of JP since friends all call him by those initials and it's so recognizable as his name, that's probably another reason we've used it so much for him in this case.

If we were going to use all of JP's initials, I guess we would actually need 4.
...and isn't the thread "JP's Keys"? Makes sense to me.
We've used JP and JPC interchangeably on this thread since the beginning. We use first initials for some of the witnesses, like KM or KMT instead of KMTC, since she's the only person with that first name so far. :) In the case of JP since friends all call him by those initials and it's so recognizable as his name, that's probably another reason we've used it so much for him in this case.

If we were going to use all of JP's initials, I guess we would actually need 4.

Not sure what you mean by ALL 4 initials. JPC will suffice. Are you new here? JPC has been established for quite awhile now....

For Kio. Kio or KM would be appropiate. Or KMC. To add the "T" is to confuss things. T being her maiden name and all.
Well, one thing we can say for sure is that Casey didn't steal his phone - Casey bought her BlackJack ($354) with the stolen check from Shirley P - on the grandfather's account.

When Shirley found out, she confronted Casey with it, and Casey told her that Universal required them to have those phones, but didn't have the money to buy them all (WTF), so they were to buy them and then Universal was going to reimburse them for the phones. (This was in the last batch of Discovery documents.)


Interesting point. And we can infer when that theft from KC's grandfather took place: According to CA's brother's emails, the family outrage over that theft was pretty fresh around the time of the Father's Day visit. (I'm sure police have the records of when KC bought that new phone, and of when the theft from KC's grandfather's account occurred.) This leads me to conclude that she stole the money to buy a new cellphone right around mid-June. And... surprise! What else happened around mid-June? Caylee was murdered by "someone". So KC's action in buying the new phone leads me to think that she did make some cover-up plans around mid-June. So what was she planning to cover up? (ahem!) If she is the murderer (IMO she is), then this would show consciousness of guilt.
Well, one thing we can say for sure is that Casey didn't steal his phone - Casey bought her BlackJack ($354) with the stolen check from Shirley P - on the grandfather's account.


I thought she had an overdue cell phone bill and that's the money she used to pay that bill?

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