Judge Eaton New WESH Trial Analyst

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QUOTE=Softail;6393909]Casey Anthony: Geraldo Rivera promises to ‘raise some hell down there in Orlando’

Snipped from article:

On “Geraldo At Large,” Rivera promised to cover the trial closely. “We’re going to raise some hell down there in Orlando and bust apart some of the preconceived notions that may exist,” he said.

Rivera repeated his view that the first-degree murder charge against Anthony is unwarranted, because so many other women kill their children. Anthony’s trial begins next month. She is charged in the death of her daughter, Caylee.

Rivera said Anthony’s prosecution was “a political decision” by a county prosecutor that “will come back to haunt him and the people of Orange County, Florida.”

Here's what Geraldo is coming to the trial to say - no reason for ICA to be charged with murder when so many women kill their children! What rock did this guy crawl out from under? :loser:

Maybe he can get together with ex-Judge Eaton and do a special? :banghead:
QUOTE=Softail;6393909]Casey Anthony: Geraldo Rivera promises to ‘raise some hell down there in Orlando’

Snipped from article:

On “Geraldo At Large,” Rivera promised to cover the trial closely. “We’re going to raise some hell down there in Orlando and bust apart some of the preconceived notions that may exist,” he said.

Rivera repeated his view that the first-degree murder charge against Anthony is unwarranted, because so many other women kill their children. Anthony’s trial begins next month. She is charged in the death of her daughter, Caylee.

Rivera said Anthony’s prosecution was “a political decision” by a county prosecutor that “will come back to haunt him and the people of Orange County, Florida.”

Here's what Geraldo is coming to the trial to say - no reason for ICA to be charged with murder when so many women kill their children! What rock did this guy crawl out from under? :loser:

Maybe he can get together with ex-Judge Eaton and do a special? :banghead:

I don't even know what to say about this .:banghead:

Maybe something will come along in another part of the world to distract him. :innocent:
Perhaps a bit of psychological warfare???

Thanks, sleuther for all your great sleuthing about Judge Eaton ... very interesting ...

As far as Judge Perry's rulings I think your right and I also think the Judge is not going to give the defense very much time before jury selection to file more motions about the evidence that the Judge does allow at trial ... IMO, Judge Perry knows exactly what he's doing ...
I hope that people do not interpret my "sleuthing" to be part of an agenda or campaign or any sort.

I try to see things from all sides (note I did not say BOTH). As a legal analyst, Judge Eaton "should" be neutral.

I find it helpful to understand his mindset BEFORE his comments and opinions are presented.
Hey Judge Eaton... check it out! The evidence is coming in!!! Justice Little Caylee...is on it's way!


According to state sentencing guidelines, Resh should have been sentenced to a minimum of 12 years in prison.[..]istant State Attorney Stewart Stone had asked for the maximum -- 25 years.

Resh didn't have a driver's license but was driving his roommate's SUV when he ran over the boy. He then fled the scene, made repairs to the SUV and disappeared for several days.

In an order explaining his sentence, the judge wrote that except for the fact that Resh didn't have a drivers' license, fled the scene and tried to repair his vehicle, the crash was simply a terrible tragedy caused by neglect

Judge Eaton gave Resh 1 year in prison and 5 years probation. UNREAL

more coverage at this link.

The State appealed the reduced sentence.......IOW they were pizzed. But it was upheld. I do find interesting the 2 part test used in the basis for a downward departure sentence......wondering if it could be used in KC's case. Read link for info.

WOW, just WOW! Unbelievable! There is something majorly wrong with this Judge Eaton. Majorly wrong!:maddening:
QUOTE=Softail;6393909]Casey Anthony: Geraldo Rivera promises to ‘raise some hell down there in Orlando’

Snipped from article:

On “Geraldo At Large,” Rivera promised to cover the trial closely. “We’re going to raise some hell down there in Orlando and bust apart some of the preconceived notions that may exist,” he said.

Rivera repeated his view that the first-degree murder charge against Anthony is unwarranted, because so many other women kill their children. Anthony’s trial begins next month. She is charged in the death of her daughter, Caylee.

Rivera said Anthony’s prosecution was “a political decision” by a county prosecutor that “will come back to haunt him and the people of Orange County, Florida.”

Here's what Geraldo is coming to the trial to say - no reason for ICA to be charged with murder when so many women kill their children! What rock did this guy crawl out from under? :loser:

Maybe he can get together with ex-Judge Eaton and do a special? :banghead:

Oh, thank GAWD that Geraldo is coming down for KC's trial...now maybe the case will be solved! Blech! :sick::sick::sick:

Frustrated by a Deadbeat Parent? Try Invoking the Dog Law
by Judge O.H. Eaton, Jr

Man gets 10 days probation for sex with 12-year-old in Central Florida
The Associated Press


The above-referenced article by Judge Eaton on deadbeat parents and invoking the dog law is very illuminating:

"True deadbeats have no money or assets. They live off of the income of others, usually day by day, or they rely upon the generosity of friends for assistance through the hard times.

Deadbeats believe they have nothing to lose. They have no job. They have no status. They have no property. They perceive themselves to be creatures deserving of sympathy due to their pathetic state which was caused by the custodial parent who now is to blame for the whole thing."

Sounds a lot like ICA, yes? And Baez, too. It's a good read.
Judge Eaton's Comments Included:

The scientific evidence is pointing toward the fact that Casey Anthony knows or had knowledge of the events that took place with this child," Eaton said.
That could affect the number of defenses her legal team can pursue. Eaton said they're now down to three options:

-Claim Caylee's death was not the result of a crime but rather some sort of accident.
-Suggest it was a crime that someone else committed.
-Argue the state failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Caylee was murdered.

While the scientific rulings give the state a significant amount of ammunition as trial nears, Eaton said the science is still circumstantial.
"It does not prove that it was murder, and they have charged her with premeditated murder, and they're going to have to prove that," Eaton said

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/news/27722196/detail.html#ixzz1KwebfwWv
It sounds to me like the judge is being pretty even handed:

"The scientific evidence is pointing toward the fact that Casey Anthony knows or had knowledge of the events that took place with this child," Eaton said.

If he is biased towards the defense then they are in big trouble.
Ok, he stated the prosecution had a clean sweep. Does this mean the odor analysis is coming in?
Ok, he stated the prosecution had a clean sweep. Does this mean the odor analysis is coming in?

I think he might have meant they have a clean sweep without the odor analysis. At least that's what I think. Twenty five minutes to go, and I keep refreshing the docket like mad. I hope he doesn't torture us for another weekend!
Judge Eaton's Comments Included:

The scientific evidence is pointing toward the fact that Casey Anthony knows or had knowledge of the events that took place with this child," Eaton said.
That could affect the number of defenses her legal team can pursue. Eaton said they're now down to three options:

-Claim Caylee's death was not the result of a crime but rather some sort of accident.
-Suggest it was a crime that someone else committed.
-Argue the state failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Caylee was murdered.
While the scientific rulings give the state a significant amount of ammunition as trial nears, Eaton said the science is still circumstantial.
"It does not prove that it was murder, and they have charged her with premeditated murder, and they're going to have to prove that," Eaton said

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/news/27722196/detail.html#ixzz1KwebfwWv


Please understand that I'm not trying to be snarky at all, but all 3 of those options have been discussed on these threads for how long now. Not only that but isn't that the case in every trial?

Please understand that I'm not trying to be snarky at all, but all 3 of those options have been discussed on these threads for how long now. Not only that but isn't that the case in every trial?

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Too funny!!! Um...maybe he has just started reading our threads.......:innocent:

Please understand that I'm not trying to be snarky at all, but all 3 of those options have been discussed on these threads for how long now. Not only that but isn't that the case in every trial?

That's not snarky at all. I think he is staying neutral with just the law right now. I'd actually like to see him offer opinion, and not just spout law left and right. I guess he's not doing that just yet.
That's not snarky at all. I think he is staying neutral with just the law right now. I'd actually like to see him offer opinion, and not just spout law left and right. I guess he's not doing that just yet.

I actually liked his comments - remembering he is an ex-Judge and they tend to say (in general) things in a non-accusatory way or politically correct.

Basically I read him as saying "Don't be a fool Baez. Give up saying your client is innocent and make an effort to save her life". All evidence points to her clearly being involved in the crime - so give up SODDI, claim an accident or do something, anything but claim she is innocent and has no knowledge of her child's death or murder.
I have, more or less, enjoyed Judge Eaton's take on this case. But this just chaps my .... lips.

Did Defense Start Media Frenzy?

Dear Judge Eaton: Don't you think it has been the defense that started this media frenzy, especially them going on "Good Morning America," "The Early Show" and others from the very beginning? And now, hearing them whine about it and causing (the court) to have to go outside Orlando to find a jury, that has put things where they are now (and may cause) a possible delay. -- Sherry

There has been enough whining to go around. Actually, my take on how the case got out of control is when the Orange County Sheriff’s Office arrested Casey before the body was found. They held her on a charge they could not prove, and a judge set bond at $500,000. This for a relatively minor felony charge that usually would be a low bond or a release without monetary conditions. The next thing that happened was the entry of the Texas bondsman with the cowboy hat. It went South from there. -- Judge O.H. Eaton

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/27786629/detail.html#ixzz1LUp4HDm8

First of all, can any body out there name one time when the SAOs have gone on tv, in the media, etc. "whining" about this case? I have been here since day 1 and they have not, to my knowledge, opened their mouths publically. And last time I checked....the cowboy in the black hat was brought in by none other than JB.....
I have, more or less, enjoyed Judge Eaton's take on this case. But this just chaps my .... lips.

Did Defense Start Media Frenzy?

Dear Judge Eaton: Don't you think it has been the defense that started this media frenzy, especially them going on "Good Morning America," "The Early Show" and others from the very beginning? And now, hearing them whine about it and causing (the court) to have to go outside Orlando to find a jury, that has put things where they are now (and may cause) a possible delay. -- Sherry

There has been enough whining to go around. Actually, my take on how the case got out of control is when the Orange County Sheriff’s Office arrested Casey before the body was found. They held her on a charge they could not prove, and a judge set bond at $500,000. This for a relatively minor felony charge that usually would be a low bond or a release without monetary conditions. The next thing that happened was the entry of the Texas bondsman with the cowboy hat. It went South from there. -- Judge O.H. Eaton

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/27786629/detail.html#ixzz1LUp4HDm8

First of all, can any body out there name one time when the SAOs have gone on tv, in the media, etc. "whining" about this case? I have been here since day 1 and they have not, to my knowledge, opened their mouths publically. And last time I checked....the cowboy in the black hat was brought in by none other than JB.....

I have a question....IS the "analyst" smoking crack??
His answers are absurd!!

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