Juliette and Jeff from Universal *revisit*

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It's really funny that casey made up Juliette Lewis. I love her band. It is hilarious!:
My guess is that casey heard the name before but does not remember hearing it and does know who Juliette is. So, she thought she was picking a random name, but was not. Lewis is very famous.

Wow. :eek: I had NO idea JL was singing now. Thanks for sharing!
And to make these people less connected, supposedly LA, while doing his "investigation", called the numbers in Casey's phone listed for Jeff and Juliette. LA found out he was calling his neighbors after a who's on first type of conversation and them asking "is this you Lee?".

IMO, if Heather exists, she's lying. If she doesn't, LA is lying.
There was also someone she named that worked at a resturant like TGI Fridays or something. The company had never heard of her. Anyone recall?
There was also someone she named that worked at a resturant like TGI Fridays or something. The company had never heard of her. Anyone recall?

Raquel F. the fictional roomate of the fictional nanny.
A funny thing about JL. When LE asked about her, she said that she works with her at Universal in Event Planning. When they asked her for her number, KC says it changed because she moved. She no longer worked for Universal. Wow, she is not clever, only imaginative.
The silly thing is that Casey said that Jeff lived in Jacksonville. And this Jeff that she knew in high school and that worked at Universal at one time lives in Jacksonville. But when Lee was doing his "investigation" and tracked him down to talk to him...he quickly figured out that what Casey had said about Jeff introducing him to Zani was a lie. After that - Lee seemed to announce that there was a "different" Jeff Hopkins running around Orlando. Hmmmm.
But, let's not forget the story that Casey told her mom...that she was trying out family life with Jeff in Jacksonville. I think even his folks were watching the "kids". So I'm not sure who LA was talking about in Orlando, but it sure doesn't jive with his sister's made up story. Why even announce that there is ANOTHER poor unsuspecting guy?
Maybe KC was referring to other people that she didnt wanna give names too. So we have to figure out who worked with her at Universal during this time. But it has already been stated also that the Universal could also be the ""UNIVERSAL CAR RING SCAM"" Thing also..Is there someone that is involved in that group of friends thats has friends that has children.. (Just a Thought)!

I don't mean to sound ignorant but what is the car ring scam?
KC's version.

J. Michael H. is the name KC gave to LE as someone she worked with at Universal, who had left Universal 7-9 months ago and who had a son, Zachary. Zachary's sitter was Zanny and Zanny babysat at JMH's house for a while. JMH offered KC to have Zanny babysit Caylee at his house too. The house was in Avalon Park and she would "probably" recognize it. She had talked to Jeff about Caylee missing with Zanny.

The truth. JMH was in Orlando and he and KC ran into each other somewhere after June 9th. LE found him. LE told KC that Jeff had been fired in 2002, had no son and did not know a Zanny and had never talked to KC about Caylee being kidnapped, missing or anything of the kind. Lee said it was another JMH.

KC's version.

Juliette also worked at Universal but had moved 2-3 months ago. She was also an event planner for the company. KC had talked with Juliette about Caylee's disappearance, but did not have a phone number for her.

The truth. No one with this name was ever employed by Universal, which is good because it would be hard to explain how she talked to someone for whom she had no phone number and who moved 1-2 months before Caylee went missing. (KC caught this lie herself and stated that Juliette is in the process of moving and travels back and forth to Orlando and her new home.

KC's version.

Rachel F. was one of Zanny's roomates and worked at TGIF's.

The truth.

No R. Farrell ever worked for the TGIF company, despite searches under all sorts of spellings of the names.

KC was made aware of the fact that LE had already learned all of this information when they started talking to her outside her "office" at Universal. It did not phase her and she offered no explanations for JMH, RF, or Zanny.

LE even told her they had viewed the videos at Sawgrass and knew that KC NEVER drove into the complex or to apartment #210 which had been empty since March. Again, she was unphased, except to say that she would meet Zanny at many places to either drop Caylee off or pick her up - for convenience sake.

Her only "absolute truth" (after admitting all the lies) was "I don't know where she's at."
Jeff exists - but he did not know "Zani" - and in fact if I remember correctly he has no children. He went to high school with Casey. I don't think he worked at Universal - if he did it was along time ago. Juliet has never been found...no does she have a work record at Universal.

Edit> I found he did work at Universal but that was way back in high school. I believe he was gone before Casey worked there.

I thought I remembered seeing either Cindy, George or Lee saying that the Jeff H. that LE contacted (who said not only was ZFG not his nanny but he also did not have any children) was supposedly the "wrong" Jeff H. Apparently there are many Jeff H's in Casey's life. Funny how they had the "wrong" Jeff H and also the "wrong" Zenaida. What a coincidence! Casey's life is just chock full of these odd coincidences. And she thinks no one will notice. Just keep on spinnin' that web o'lies, Case. Oh what a tangled web we weave. She lies and her family swears to it. What a bunch.
The silly thing is that Casey said that Jeff lived in Jacksonville. And this Jeff that she knew in high school and that worked at Universal at one time lives in Jacksonville. But when Lee was doing his "investigation" and tracked him down to talk to him...he quickly figured out that what Casey had said about Jeff introducing him to Zani was a lie. After that - Lee seemed to announce that there was a "different" Jeff Hopkins running around Orlando. Hmmmm.

"Hmmmmmm" is right. Perhaps it's little tidbits like these that are cause for concern that Lee will be charged with something...
And to make these people less connected, supposedly LA, while doing his "investigation", called the numbers in Casey's phone listed for Jeff and Juliette. LA found out he was calling his neighbors after a who's on first type of conversation and them asking "is this you Lee?".

IMO, if Heather exists, she's lying. If she doesn't, LA is lying.

Are you saying that there actually was a "Jeff" and a "Juliette" listed in Casey's cell phone? I thought she claimed to have no phone numbers for anyone. How did these numbers get into her cell phone? This whole thing sounds fishy to me.
But, let's not forget the story that Casey told her mom...that she was trying out family life with Jeff in Jacksonville. I think even his folks were watching the "kids". So I'm not sure who LA was talking about in Orlando, but it sure doesn't jive with his sister's made up story. Why even announce that there is ANOTHER poor unsuspecting guy?

She was "trying out family life" with Jeff H? I thought they were supposedly old friends. She hops from guy to guy, living with Ricardo and then Tony, but in between decides to try out family life with Jeff? Whaaaa?
Juliette seems to have come from the same place as Zannie, the Nannie, which is nowhere anyone can find. Apparently, no such person never worked at Universal or Kodack or any permutation thereof, according to the respective businesses. From what I can tell, no one has ever found her, any location she ever worked or lived anywhere in Orlando, or anyone who knew or interacted with her except that KC said she did. Jeff is a real person but he doesn't have a son named Zachary; he never dated either Zannie or KC. He was apparently an acquaintance of KC's but not really a friend. Hadn't seen her frequently or recently. I forget exactly the last place or time, but he talked to the police and it's in the transcripts. None of the out of town stuff about him Cindy said KC told her is apparently even close and he's neither known Zannie or recommended her services as a babysitter. Since he has no son, he's never used Zannie's services as a sitter. I think he may have worked at Universal but not during the time that KC was there. I also think the police tell that to KC when they're confronting her at Universal about lying about working there. If I recall correctly, he hadn't worked there since 2002.

Well, all of these people's NON-FICTIONAL numbers are OBVIOUSLY on KC's Blackjack, yo! Darn, if we could just find that phone. Gosh that silly KC is just always losing those little suckers, eh?

Juliette also played in a movie with Jennifer Lopez- I have the movie here and seen it about a dozen times and for the life of me can't think of the name of it- Jennifer becomes a victim of domestic violence by her husband and tries to leave town and disguises herself and the child and the husband keeps finding her and Juliette takes the child so Jennifer can later kill her husband, she blackmails him in the end and gets away with the killing as self defense
Well, all of these people's NON-FICTIONAL numbers are OBVIOUSLY on KC's Blackjack, yo! Darn, if we could just find that phone. Gosh that silly KC is just always losing those little suckers, eh?


I was thinking that too-for all the friends KC has/had, she sure seems to not be able to get ahold of any of them. :waitasec:
Juliette also played in a movie with Jennifer Lopez- I have the movie here and seen it about a dozen times and for the life of me can't think of the name of it- Jennifer becomes a victim of domestic violence by her husband and tries to leave town and disguises herself and the child and the husband keeps finding her and Juliette takes the child so Jennifer can later kill her husband, she blackmails him in the end and gets away with the killing as self defense

The JLo and JL movie you're thinking of is ironically called "Enough", which also happens to be the one word I've pretty much assigned to summarize my feelings on this entire case.

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