Juror questions for Alyce LaViolette: what is your opinion?

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Based on the questions asked by the Jury of Alyce LaViolette how are you feeling?

  • They are paying attention and completely get the state's case

    Votes: 349 68.3%
  • They get it for the most part

    Votes: 103 20.2%
  • They kind of get it: but I am still nervous

    Votes: 43 8.4%
  • They are not buying the state's case and they benefit the defense

    Votes: 7 1.4%
  • Not sure/other

    Votes: 9 1.8%

  • Total voters
Q: If you were to only consider the written conversations and journals, excluding your interviews with Jodi, did you see abuse? Please explain.

Q: What level or degree would you place that abuse?

Q: Considering only the written conversations and journals, can you say you saw it escalate?

These questions worried me. I think there is one juror wanting to believe Jodi was a abused and snapped. These questions also came toward the end. Here's hoping that juror gets booted. The rest of 'em seem to have common sense.

Overall, these were great for the state. But what is that juror thinking? Jodi didn't snap, she premeditated this. Can they not see that by now?
I'm not opposed to the death penalty, but I don't find many cases where I feel like it matters, and this isn't one of them. Spending 12-20 years on mandatory state-funded appeals would probably be a perfect diversion for Jodi, and by the time that process is completed I suspect that the death penalty will be virtually eliminated in the US. I really don't want to see her used as a the poster child for Amnesty International, nor do I think it would be helpful for the Alexander family to have to participate (even as observers) in a long fight to execute her.

By contrast, LWOP means that she gets (I believe) one appeal with state assistance, and then she's done. She can still file others, but she'll have to pay for them, and ultimately none of them will succeed. It'll be a humbling experience for her. I also think that, while she's manipulative and will build friendships initially, she'll eventually tell one too many lies and will find the general population to be a hostile environment.

She not going to fade away. She's going to sell art, write manifestos, and will probably release the "Jodi Arias Christmas Album" at some point. All of that will be easier to take if we aren't subjected (contemporaneously) with candlelight vigils devoted to sparing her life.

Great post, Dr Nick! ITA.......the DP costs the taxpayers way more than LWOP due to appeals, attorney fees, court costs, etc. but I'm not sure most people realize it. Many DP supporters are hellbent on the concept of "revenge" and "an eye for an eye" when it comes to the DP but in reality it is such a costly process, painful for the family to endure, and rarely results in execution anyway.

In the end and decades from now, JA will die in jail a very lonely old lady. Her "novelty" freakshow will have been long worn off and so will any public curiosity about her.

Fortunately, TA's family will keep his memory alive and flourishing.

On Friday, AVL stated that she based her opinion in part on Travis’s blog which included a description of his early childhood. She also made a statement that Travis wanted to marry a Gold Digger. I looked on his blogspot and found this entry. Following are 2 excerpts from his last blog entry.

Travis Alexanders last blogspot entry dated May 18, 2008

“Why I Want to Marry a Gold Digger”

Excerpt #1 : “I have become renowned for being Single unfortunately. Most of my peers have been married for years and have several children. In 5 years I will be the same age as my grand mother when she first achieved that title. As you can imagine from friends and family a like I am constantly getting grilled and lectured over my solitary status. I have countless scouts that out of love and concern, diligently look underneath every rock and tree for a help mate to get me hitched to. Every time I speak somewhere in my introduction the host makes sure to comment, “By the way Ladies he is Single!!!” Followed by the token pity howls, given by those that were let in the room for free. I used to like it in fact. I used to imagine myself as some dangerously handsome tycoon in “Time” magazine as one of the worlds most eligible bachelors. I had a bit of a swagger because of it, a smirk on my face and a pep in my step. Then I turned 30. As I tend to do, I did a little soul searching and realized that I was lonely. A quote from David O McKay kept haunting me. “No success can compensate for failure in the home.” I was a different type of homeless, one with just as few legitimate excuses as the other type bumming for change at a freeway off ramp. Around then I realized it was time to adjust my priorities and date with marriage in mind. Not to ask some one on a date because I planned on marrying them, but to date someone to look for the possibility of marriage with them. This type of dating to me is like a very long job interview and can be exponentially more mentally taxing. Desperately trying to find out if my date has an axe murderer penned up inside of her and knowing she is wondering the same thing about me. That’s usually when I think myself into a panic and start acting weird in consequence to trying so hard to act normal.”

****His statement about dating an axe murder is so eerie and so so sad. Was he subconsciously talking about JA?

Excerpt #2: “There is a phrase with a stigma attached I find interesting, “Gold Digger”. Now I obviously don’t like the stereotypical Gold digger. The phrase “Gold Digger” has come to mean in our society a man or a woman who marries for money, usually as an easy road to material gain with out any effort or productivity of their own. To reap what you have not sown is no better than a thief, mooch or a looter. However I couldn’t think of a better phrase to describe what I desire in an Eternal Companion. I want someone to love me for the Gold that is with in me and is willing to dig with me to extract it. I heard someone once say, “Speak to the king within the man and within the man the king will appear.”

**** It appears ALV’s definition of Gold Digger is not the same as Travis’s. Did she even read this blog. This clearly shows her lack of objectivity, shoddy work product and bias. She told the jury that he wanted to marry a Gold Digger to give a negative impression of Travis. It is obvious she only read the title and not the blog entry itself.

If anyone wants to get a sense of the real Travis, take a look at his blogspot when you have time. He is no way near the type of person the DT is trying to paint him.

Wonder if this is what made Jodi snap and is when she started making plans to kill him?
Now that her testimony is completed, before Alyce spends another minute of her life fretting about being "cyber terrorized" it is my hope that she will take the time to have someone point her to youtube so she can sit and watch her own testimony. All of it.

Using the words of Jodi, "Mark my words" Alyce will be a Fox News or HLN contributor within 6 months of this trial. Maybe even get her own talk show! She knows there is a pot of gold at the end of this hail storm. She isn't worried about having a practice when she gets back. She wants to be a star and she will very likely get her wish. Once america finishes tearing her down it will build her back up. Much like the disgraced Mark Furman, Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Boez, Marsha Clark and many others.... They are all retired now, rich and on t.v. every time I turn it on. Sadly, TA is just being used as a stepping stone to many of the people in this case. Books, books, books. Money, Money Money.
I voted that I'm nervous.

I am new to the trial, and to the apparent oddity that is Alyce LaViolette. And I'm new here too, so go easy on me for my lack of knowledge about subjects that have probably already been presented thus far.

If Alyce is trying to use Jodi as a brass ring of sorts, she has failed to do one thing which is make herself look credible and respectable. As someone has posted, nearly everyone from the OJ trial went on to have broadcast careers. But this Alyce is not doing what any of them did -- she is testifying that an admitted murderess suffered from domestic violence and is thus excused from her actions. I can overlook everything about Alyce personally and look at the core of what she is tasked with doing, and to me it is so far afield even a pelican in flight cannot catch what she is throwing out. She is blaming the victim, and without one whit of testimony from him she is telling the jurors how he felt and thus describe how he acted. The man is dead, he can't defend himself from the accusations she is making about him.

If she is trying to make a new career out of accusing people who can't defend themselves, she's lost me as a viewer if she ever does get a show or ends up on any of the networks.

The reason her testimony makes me nervous is because if I were on the jury, I would not be able to decide premeditation or not because the truth STILL has not been told. I wish the prosecution had more evidence -- the gun, or any written statement from Jodi saying "I'm going to kill you" even in jest. All Alyce is doing is fanning the fires to add to the smokescreen that the defense team has set up.
Welcome Outa The Loop,
I think Juan has proven everything he needs to prove for 1st degree and we havent even started the rebuttal yet.
Dr Nick, I agree with you about DP and LWOP. LWOP would be so much harder on ja because she would not get any more attention. IMO ..this would drive her crazy.

I realize the family wants the DP and support them for how they feel.
Welcome Outa The Loop,
I think Juan has proven everything he needs to prove for 1st degree and we havent even started the rebuttal yet.

I hope Juan Martinez has some real experts on tap, instead of these fakirs that have cost the state of AZ great gobs of money. Stupid question, but has anyone found the gun or have all parties given up looking for it? Is it just another of Jodi's lies that she tossed it into the middle of the desert?
This is the way I feel about the DP. I want the jury to vote for the DP so Jody can be in a cell by herself thinking about the day she's going to die! Then after 7 years of that the state can change it to LWOP and let Jodi know she will never be a free person again...
I think the fact a member of the jury payed close enough attention to ask this question is very telling. I agree, her answer was rubbish. Also insulting I think to the juror who asked. They know what they saw and for her to downplay it as if she was looking at her friends. Also would make them wonder why she thinks its acceptable to bring your fan club from elementary school to watch you testify in a very serious death penalty case. ya know.

Also what i like about knowing they are indeed watching the defense table. They must be picking up on the dirty looks JA is giving to Juan and others in the gallery, along with the eye rolls, and just her general "confident and smarter than all" attitude.

I think the jurors questions show that they are really paying attention and not buying into ALV's extremely biased assessement. I am just a bit dissapointed that the question about her looking and smiling at Jodi did not really go far enough. Yes' there was something going on between them but there was also a lot of "non verbal communication" between ALV and JW. Her saying she didn't realise she was doing anything and that she was just looking at her friends is just rubbish as it is clear enough to see on camera.

Assuming the Jury can still remember the States case, (!) and they remember the witnesses who spoke about JA and how strange and obsessed she was, well, then they had ALV pegged as an out of touch, slogan slinging mediocre person within the first 2 hours. However, after the first 15 minutes of Juan's cross they came to the realization that she was a biased hired gun who wouldn't know a text from an instant message if it bit her in the a$$. There are so few people these days that can wear the title "Hero" but I've got a good feeling we are going to have 12 Hero's very, very soon. God Speed.
What are everyone's thoughts on sentencing... if Arias doesn't get death, will you be disappointed? Will that be seen as a loss for Juan?

I would be fine if she got LWOP. And if that's what happens Juan didn't fail, and I bet Travis' family would feel the same. Just get this case to the jury stat!:please:
Now that her testimony is completed, before Alyce spends another minute of her life fretting about being "cyber terrorized" it is my hope that she will take the time to have someone point her to youtube so she can sit and watch her own testimony. All of it.

Then, maybe just maybe, she will get a clue as to why there has been such heavy criticism coming her way.

I am certainly not one to advocate any type of threat - ever, against anyone- but in terms of honest criticism, people have the right to voice their opinion of this woman's public testimony.
It was disturbing in many, many ways.

Trouble is, ALV doesn't think she did anything wrong. She has shown herself to be so close-minded every damn step of the way. It will dawn on her, soon I hope, that everything she worked for was lost through her own doing. And Jodi Arias can claim another victim, although this one was willing...
I must ask, why did Alyce permit her "friend" to release information to the press about her Emergency Room visit, along with such details as her diagnosis?

In order to garner sympathy to distract from her own bad behavior. It's a transparent tactic.

For example, one woman conning the skeptical community, Rebecca Watson, feels free to make disparaging and often sexist remarks, but she has made a career out of giving convention speeches about how mean people were to her on the internet alluding to "rape and death threats" that she never gets around to providing evidence of. Mostly, people are just reacting to her being an annoying narcissistic pill.

Recently a woman at a tech conference, Adria Richardson overheard two guys behind her making a joke about "having a big dongle" (a dongle is a computer component, she either didn't know that or, as it didn't serve her outrage, didn't care). She took it on herself to take a picture of the guys, tweets how sexually harassed she felt, had them escorted from the conference and eventually fired. The backlash against her ended with her own firing. Running the playbook, she began focusing on how harassed and threatened she felt.

The above, like LaViolette, feel eminently qualified to be the arbiter of male behavior -- as a subset of being arbiter of all things through nonsensical post-modernist "context" -- at all times and in all places and especially in conversations they weren't invited into. That may be what happens when a person never really grows up and thinks everyone is a stuffed animal at their own personal tea party.

Alyce LaViolette is simply doing the same thing. She went into court, lying and misrepresenting in order to at least mitigate the punishment of a violent murderer, slander the name of the victim and act out her own contemptuous fantasies of her own competence. Rather than owning the outrage against her, she has decided that she is beyond reproach and is, in fact, a victim.

Articles have come out about the reviews of her book as as sort of internet lynching, as if the "theory" of her writings can be separated from the "practice" of her testimony. We can't know how many people have been hurt by LaViolette by either following her biased advice, her family court testimony, and the groups she runs, but I suspect this case is simply the tip of the iceberg. The only thing left for the shameless is to play victim.

Guys can do the same thing, but women tend to get more sympathy in this tactic due to a sort of benign sexism where women are seen as less accountable and more deserving of protection. Of course, real women, like real men, suck it up and own their actions.

It's essentially the sympathetic blackmail version of saying "Hey, look, a squirrel!"
The jurors who asked questions of ALV get the State's case without a doubt. Hopefully others on the panel do as well.
Using the words of Jodi, "Mark my words" Alyce will be a Fox News or HLN contributor within 6 months of this trial. Maybe even get her own talk show! She knows there is a pot of gold at the end of this hail storm. She isn't worried about having a practice when she gets back. She wants to be a star and she will very likely get her wish. Once america finishes tearing her down it will build her back up. Much like the disgraced Mark Furman, Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Boez, Marsha Clark and many others.... They are all retired now, rich and on t.v. every time I turn it on. Sadly, TA is just being used as a stepping stone to many of the people in this case. Books, books, books. Money, Money Money.

BBM: The only problem is that the camera really doesn't like ALV. Perhaps with a lot of professional make-up and do-overs she may appear sporadically on HLN to shed her "views" on other equally mentally unstable defendents on trial. But....

there are prettier faces in which they can use to face the cameras and ALV isn't one of them.
**** It appears ALV’s definition of Gold Digger is not the same as Travis’s. Did she even read this blog. This clearly shows her lack of objectivity, shoddy work product and bias. She told the jury that he wanted to marry a Gold Digger to give a negative impression of Travis. It is obvious she only read the title and not the blog entry itself.

Strange, isn't it, that she didn't get that it was "a catchy title", huh?
I am new here. (I just found this forum a few days ago and am intrigued by it)! As far as ALV ...I am surprised JA's lawyers didn't brief her better. She so obviously did not want to say one word against JA. It makes me think JA's lawyers are not that smart or they would have prepared her to at least come across as being unbiased. I was just shocked at her lies on the stand. It was a great moment though on Friday when the judge told ALV she didn't want to hear about her personal problems or something to that affect. I wish the jury could have heard that.
She also considers him not being as well off as he presented to JA as deception. She mentioned him borrowing money or not having money anytime she could sneak it in. Another thing that bothered me about her testimony is how she made it seem as if it was TA's fault for making himself seem successful and "powerful" when they first met. The whole thing about being in a special VIP section at the PPL event, and getting her a dress to wear, etc etc. She didn't see JA being drawn to this as her being a golddigger, but instead she made it seem like JA was powerless to resist the persona he presented and how dare he not be everything he seemed to be at first glance. Even then she spoke as if JA was some kind of victim.

AVL must have been watching too much "pretty woman" with the emphasis on the dress and Travis' "riches."
The more and more Alyce testified and clarified and backtracked, the more and more strange I found her to be.

Perhaps she has just been at it too long. Time for her to fade off into that retirement that isn't very good after 34 years in the field. (And who, in their right mind, is interjecting very personal information about their retirement benefits into their on-the-stand testimony in a murder case?)

I think her closed door hearing had something to do with why she really wanted to testify, to make money. Do you know how much money you need to retire comfortably in CA? Her equivocations about her CV demonstrate that there was "secondary gain" involved in her own testimony.

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