Jurors and Voir Dire in the Casey A. Case

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7.The Importance of Developing Cause Challenges
8.Making and Defending Neil Challenges
Here's a good one.... http://jurylaw.typepad.com/deliberations/sample_juror_questionnair.html

Deliberations' library of sample juror questionnaires

A website dedicated to litigation consulting and includes a library of juror questionaires from some pretty famous cases!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Including the case against Cyril Wecht, OJ, Phil Spector and more.

Additionally...there are links to a number of blogs and articles on some really facinating topics.
I thought His Honor said a jury consultant wasn't needed...CMason has experience along with His Honor they can get an unbiased jury panel...

Interesting I stumbled upon this jury questionaire....all dated 12/15/2008...

1. Have you heard seen news reports about the Casey Anthony case?

2. If yes, what do you know about the case?

3. How much news coverage have you seen?

4. Do you know who Jose Baez is?

5. What are your opinions of Mr. Baez?

I wonder if this is a usual question for prospective jurors to answer..I know I was picked and had to fill out a questionaire but it didn't have the defendants counsels name on it nor where there an opinion of defendants counsel...so unusal for me...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

As I recall, that was Andrea Lyon's brainchild ... and it was a unusually lengthy one with many personal questions that I don't think are normally allowed ... I recall it asked for their SS# ...
The defense wanted to send these questionnaires to prospective jurors to send back ... IMO it was to run background checks on all of them ... but I could be wrong ...
Doesn't matter, Judge Perry said he wasn't found of questionnaires and he would be asking questions of all of them also ... IIRC
Here's a good one.... http://jurylaw.typepad.com/deliberations/sample_juror_questionnair.html

Deliberations' library of sample juror questionnaires

A website dedicated to litigation consulting and includes a library of juror questionaires from some pretty famous cases!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Including the case against Cyril Wecht, OJ, Phil Spector and more.

Additionally...there are links to a number of blogs and articles on some really facinating topics.

Interesting sleuther ... I started reading some of the questionnaires and, wow, they seem pretty extensive ...
So I went back to Andrea's suggested questionnaire from back when Strickland was the judge and some of the questions that stood out to me that I thought were out of bounds (and ones I would not want to answer) to ask potential jurors:

Full Name
Full Address
Home Phone
Business Phone
Previously Divorced (how many times)
Political Preference
Religious Preference
Medications you're on and the reason you take them


And I believe this was a proposed questionnaire for the fraud charges ... I can't even imagine what they would come up with for the murder trial
I'll continue to look at questionnaires in other cases ... but I think these questions are way too personal and certainly not anonymous ... JMO

I take back what I said about Andrea's questionnaire being lengthy, apparently 30 some pages seems common for murder trials
richard gabriel-----jury consultant plus----jail visit with kc july 30/2010 for 1 1/2 hours ( along with JB, JBarrette, and DorothyCS.)


Richard Gabriel is the President of Decision Analysis. Since 1985, Mr. Gabriel has been a leader in the field of jury research, jury selection, and litigation communication in nearly a thousand trials in both the civil and criminal arenas across the country.

Mr. Gabriel has assisted counsel in the O.J. Simpson, Heidi Fleiss, Phillip Spector, Enron Broadband, and Whitewater trials, and is currently working with attorneys in the Casey Anthony matter.

..he's also the guy who is the 'mock jury foreman' in the upcoming 48 hours special.

Decision Analysis.

..there are many interesting links on their site-----who we are----what we do----etc..

Trial Strategy Preparing a witness to increase credibility by Richard Gabriel

"If you are allowed, get the witness on his feet to describe a demonstrative exhibit or to calculate a formula on a white board."

(i do believe we witnessed JB using this tactic during the recent hearings.)

http://www.decisionanalysisinc.com/inde ... &Itemid=65
---What We Do ---------In Court---

Jury Selection ---Juror Questionnaire & Voir Dire Design ---Trial Monitoring ---Mirror Juries

http://www.decisionanalysisinc.com/inde ... &Itemid=66
Jury and Decision Research

Understanding Jurors’ Perceptions and Speaking the Jurors’ Language
VerdictPoint: Harnessing the Dynamics of Jury Decision Making
RiskPlan: Developing Case Risk Assessment and Damage Analysis
Tabloid Journalism: The Juror as Investigative Reporter
What They Don’t Say: Understanding Juror Expectations and Needs
Using Mock Trials and Focus Group Research to Test Case Issues and Develop Case Themes

Jury Selection

What Makes Jurors Tick?
Strike Strategy: Voir Dire Tactics and Skills
Lightning Round: Getting Critical Information in Time Limited Voir Dire
The Plan: Systematic Jury Selection Strategies
"What Does it Mean?" – Interpreting Non-Verbal Signals in Voir Dire

" He has appeared regularly on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, CNBC, and NPR as a commentator on high profile trials and is regularly interviewed by national legal publications on jury decision making and trial communication issues".
I thought His Honor said a jury consultant wasn't needed...CMason has experience along with His Honor they can get an unbiased jury panel...

Interesting I stumbled upon this jury questionaire....all dated 12/15/2008...

1. Have you heard seen news reports about the Casey Anthony case?

2. If yes, what do you know about the case?

3. How much news coverage have you seen?

4. Do you know who Jose Baez is?

5. What are your opinions of Mr. Baez?

I wonder if this is a usual question for prospective jurors to answer..I know I was picked and had to fill out a questionaire but it didn't have the defendants counsels name on it nor where there an opinion of defendants counsel...so unusal for me...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Do you have any idea where this came from?
Interesting sleuther ... I started reading some of the questionnaires and, wow, they seem pretty extensive ...
So I went back to Andrea's suggested questionnaire from back when Strickland was the judge and some of the questions that stood out to me that I thought were out of bounds (and ones I would not want to answer) to ask potential jurors:

Full Name
Full Address
Home Phone
Business Phone
Previously Divorced (how many times)
Political Preference
Religious Preference
Medications you're on and the reason you take them


And I believe this was a proposed questionnaire for the fraud charges ... I can't even imagine what they would come up with for the murder trial
I'll continue to look at questionnaires in other cases ... but I think these questions are way too personal and certainly not anonymous ... JMO

I take back what I said about Andrea's questionnaire being lengthy, apparently 30 some pages seems common for murder trials
I remember JP referring to CM's questionnaire...and its length. I got the impression that JP wasn't all that impressed. I hope he establishes stringent guidelines.
Do you have any idea where this came from?

Juror Surveys Call Casey’s Attorney “Rat,” “Jerk”
February 2010---------snipped----

An ambulance chaser and a rat,” is how one potential juror described Jose Baez in court. Eyewitness News obtained juror surveys from other cases Baez, Casey Anthony’s attorney, has defended.

--baez juror questionaire/survey December 2008 trial--

--baez juror questionaire/survey November 2009 trial--

WFTV's legal expert talks about Jose Baez's reputation after reviewing jury surveys from two of his trials. (02/05/10)
..at the May 6/2010-- budget hearing----judgeP doesn't say that they can't have a jury consultant---just that the JAC isn't going to pay for one.

Jury Consultant Portion:
( HUGE thank you to pam 1569 for transcribing the hearing )

judgeP: go ahead.

JB: I am not aware as to whether the state will be retaining one, but I have a strong suspicion that they will.

I think because of this case and its uniqueness and not just the huge number of media attention that it has received but the overwhelming fact to which include those to include unity involvement and in the both search for Caylee Marie Anthony as well as the types of protestors came out to the Anthony home and the numerous outrage that the media has portrayed Ms. Anthony, the light that the media has portrayed her.

I think this is certainly someone that would be essential given the uniqueness of this case and I know that your honor has cited multiple times of the uniqueness to this case I do know that there have been state cases court appointed were used in jury as well and we would be asking for the same in this case.

judgeP: Ms. Drane you have anything to say about the state’s use of a jury consultant?

LDB: Mr. Ashton and Mr. George will be serving as my jury consultants your honor.

judgeP: Mr. Baez you have your co-counsel Mr. Cheney Mason and Mr. Cheney Mason has been practicing law for more years that he will probably willing to admit that he is that age. He has picked numerous juries been involved in many high profiled cases and has been to my understanding now recognized as one of the most pre-emanate criminal defense attorneys in this nation and I have presided over at least on first degree murder where Mr. Mason was lead counsel.

Mr. Mason travelled with me to Leon County to pick a jury. Jury consultants in my estimation it is not a fundamental right under due process clause either of the United States Constitution nor the Florida Constitution.

The only requirement by law is that in selecting a jury that you have the opportunity to question that juror and that your client be present and that your client has an opportunity to voice whatever opinion your client wants to voice as to whether or not that juror should be retained or excused. Whether it is a challenge for cause or whether it finds a pre-emtary challenge." Denied.
UGH! Great! :maddening:

I just watched the video from HLN in the News Thread. Now, I'm starting to think they are not going to be able to seat a jury in 4 - 5 days. :maddening: Maybe they need to move that up? :waitasec:
I was wondering how long everyone thinks the upcoming jury selection could take. IIRC, jury selection took several months in the O.J. Simpson case. I'm really looking forward to this trial starting in earnest, so I hope it doesn't take that long. What do you think?

Also, how long do you think the trial will last?
I think HHBP will run a very tight ship and not allow lengthy questionaires or other things that will cause delays. I think this will be done much more quickly than OJ's or other high profile trials. I hope HHBP will keep to the timeline he has set so this does not drag on and on. One question if anyone knows: Will ICA be housed in the local jail (at night) while the jury selection takes place in the mystery county?
I was wondering how long everyone thinks the upcoming jury selection could take. IIRC, jury selection took several months in the O.J. Simpson case. I'm really looking forward to this trial starting in earnest, so I hope it doesn't take that long. What do you think?

Also, how long do you think the trial will last?

Judging by the time the recent Frye and suppression hearings took, I doubt this trial will be completed in 6-8 weeks. Best guestimate would be 3 months, minimum. As for Jury selection, getting a jury in a week seems rather optimistic. But Judge Perry's is using a system which strikes jurors as they come up so I suppose it's possible. We know this Judge has no problem with 8 hour days. The main problem will be finding 18 or so people who can put their lives and families on hold for a few months.

I've always felt Baez wanted to make legal history and claim the sunshine laws, had forever tainted the whole of Florida against one Casey Anthony. She's special dont ya know and Baez has the clippings to prove it. :floorlaugh:

Judge Perry has since educated Mr Baez as to the requirements of seating an impartial jury and particularly that he is not legally prohibited from doing so in Orange County.

I think that time, the law and this Judge have "thwarted" Mr B from further delaying this trial or sabotaging jury selection. Your girl is going to trial Jose and it will be sometime in May. :woohoo:
I was wondering how long everyone thinks the upcoming jury selection could take. IIRC, jury selection took several months in the O.J. Simpson case. I'm really looking forward to this trial starting in earnest, so I hope it doesn't take that long. What do you think?

Also, how long do you think the trial will last?

A few differences between OJ and CMA. He was from California and a national celebrity. She is an insignificant grifter from Florida and only she and her lawyers think she is a celebrity. :giggle: Judge Ito v Judge Perry :floorlaugh: The original Dream Team v Baez and Mason. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: Marcia Clarke v Linda Drane Burdick. :floorlaugh:

I think J Perry will make his decision on the eventual venue around the 4th day of Jury Selection. He said if they were making progress, they would likely stay more than a week. If progress is too slow and the new location is becoming tainted by news media, he will come back to Orange County.
Judging by the time the recent Frye and suppression hearings took, I doubt this trial will be completed in 6-8 weeks. Best guestimate would be 3 months, minimum. As for Jury selection, getting a jury in a week seems rather optimistic. But Judge Perry's is using a system which strikes jurors as they come up so I suppose it's possible. We know this Judge has no problem with 8 hour days. The main problem will be finding 18 or so people who can put their lives and families on hold for a few months.

I've always felt Baez wanted to make legal history and claim the sunshine laws, had forever tainted the whole of Florida against one Casey Anthony. She's special dont ya know and Baez has the clippings to prove it. :floorlaugh:

Judge Perry has since educated Mr Baez as to the requirements of seating an impartial jury and particularly that he is not legally prohibited from doing so in Orange County.

I think that time, the law and this Judge have "thwarted" Mr B from further delaying this trial or sabotaging jury selection. Your girl is going to trial Jose and it will be sometime in May. :woohoo:

I agree. Judge Perry is not going to put up with any tactics to cause the DT to delay, delay, delay anymore. No more tricks. 3 years of waiting has been much to long. I believe the judge wants this circus to be over. He has been patient beyond believe, very fair and weighs out everything. I think Judge Perry will be showing more authority and will take no more BS. IMO
I know this. This trial will be particularly draining for all of us. Most of us have been here since day 1. At least we have each other to support and get us through the ups and downs and all the craziness we will continue to witness until Caylee GETS HER DESERVED justice. Then we can all rest.
I agree. Judge Perry is not going to put up with any tactics to cause the DT to delay, delay, delay anymore. No more tricks. 3 years of waiting has been much to long. I believe the judge wants this circus to be over. He has been patient beyond believe, very fair and weighs out everything. I think Judge Perry will be showing more authority and will take no more BS. IMO

I think that's the way it will be,also. Things will be much tighter once the jury is seated.
I agree. Judge Perry is not going to put up with any tactics to cause the DT to delay, delay, delay anymore. No more tricks. 3 years of waiting has been much to long. I believe the judge wants this circus to be over. He has been patient beyond believe, very fair and weighs out everything. I think Judge Perry will be showing more authority and will take no more BS. IMO

Plus I think CJBP would like to be done with all this, so his life can somewhat get back to normal. The poor man spends very little time with his family and has given up on his treadmill....I would hate to see something medical happen to him due to the stress and length of this trial.

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