Jurors names to be released on or after 10/25

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I am wondering about something: WHY is Judge Perry STILL "protecting" the Jury ?

They are NO LONGER in Judge Perry's JURISDICTION ! The Jury's "duty" has been "completed" !

Does Judge Perry realize that the Jury did NOT have any "respect" for his "admonitions" ?

Does Judge Perry realize that the Jury OBVIOUSLY discussed the case during sequestration ... and that the Jury obviously started "deliberations" before Jury Instructions were read to them ?

- 10 1/2 hours deliberating - minus "comfy" breaks -- for a 6 week Trial ...
- The Jury did NOT ask for one piece of evidence ...
- The Jury did NOT ask one question -- an explanation of any instruction, etc.

Absolutely NO WAY ...

It is My Opinion that "something" happened with that Jury, and I believe the people have a "RIGHT" to know the TRUTH !

I sincerely hope this matter is being investigated ...

And if it is NOT being investigated, I will have lost ALL FAITH in the Judicial System as well as Judge Perry and the State Attorneys of Florida !


"Thanks" is just not enough. Maybe THANKS to the power of 10?
I wish that "reasonable doubt" vs. "shadow of a doubt" had been explained to the jurors a bit more clearly.
I watched the closing argument and also wonder if Caylee got lost in the arguments of defense vs. state.
Was it better to close with a picture of FCA's tattoo of "bella vita" or would it have been better to close with photos of Caylee, the haunting sound of her singing "You Are My Sunshine" and reminders of this little girl whose life was lost, way too soon, in search of "Bella Vita."
These and other questions haunt me as, in my opinion a killer is living in our midst. The jury did their job based on what they heard. They should not be penalized for doing what they thought was the right thing even though I don't agree.
That is going to have to be good enough for me.
All of this is my own opinion and thank goodness you do not have to agree with me.
Hugs to all.

IMO, Caylee has been lost in all of this anyways. Its become speculation and chatter about George and Cindys marriage and stuff that does not matter. That does not matter when it came to the last day she was alive.

And are some really not aware how many one time CONVICTED killers walk amongst us? Its not like Dahmer was found not guilty.
I don't think anyone wishes any harm to the jurors, but I think they should have to complete a homework assignment ...

Read this article (already posted in a couple of other WS forums):


Then, stand up in front of the media and admit you made a mistake in this case by finding FCA not guilty of the major charges ....

Thank you.

That needs to be posted on every website, every wall, and every empty space that can be found or created in every corner of a round world.

There will always be people who can't guess the puzzle without all the letters -

Cas_y Anth_ny is n_t inn_cent.
I have come to the decision that I don't even want to know their names, nor do I want to hear anything they have to say. I agree that they would be forced to read that law.com article, but they won't because they can't understand big words. They will have to live with their decisions when (notice I did not say "if") KC reoffends and ends up back in prison. The article articulated very well many of my opinions, but the main one for today is that I would have been able to stomach their decision better if they had at least taken the time to actually go over the evidence that was presented to them. Not one question was asked to the judge. You cannot convince me that they were able to go over everything in 10 hours. It was disrespectful to Caylee, PERIOD.

This is an interesting article, includes some thoughts on the jury, and there is a second page that I suggest not skipping.

Just one little blurb:

"It is said that in the Casey Anthony case we should not blame the jurors. I agree - we shouldn't. That is like buying lemmings as pets and then being surprised when they act lemming like. Those jurors were preferred by the defense team for a reason and they performed as expected."

Great article, full of useful information-- I especially enjoyed this section about the type of jurors on this case:


What kind of jurors do jury consultants and thus defense attorneys prefer in homicide cases? Perhaps better not to offend by looking instead at who usually doesn't get selected: College graduates especially those with graduate degrees. The more years you were in college the lower the chance a jury consultant wants you for that jury. Firemen are out as are police officers. They prefer to keep Republicans out and members of the NRA. If you own or have owned several successful companies you won't be selected. If you have a job where you manage a lot of people and need to make difficult decisions everyday, they don't want you and the same goes for human resource officers for large firms.

If you read Scientific American, Nature, Science, The Economist, or International Affairs, you need not worry. I could go on and on. One could argue, perhaps they just don't want to burden these already busy folks? Interesting argument - but it is vacuous. For in fact, as you read the qualities of those that defense wants off the jury, we get a sense for the kinds of folks whom they prefer.


Well put, sir, well put.

(There are many interesting articles there, thanks for the link!)
Don't forget that they arrived dressed up the second day, so that makes me believe that they already had the decision the day before.

I am wondering about something: WHY is Judge Perry STILL "protecting" the Jury ?

They are NO LONGER in Judge Perry's JURISDICTION ! The Jury's "duty" has been "completed" !

Does Judge Perry realize that the Jury did NOT have any "respect" for his "admonitions" ?

Does Judge Perry realize that the Jury OBVIOUSLY discussed the case during sequestration ... and that the Jury obviously started "deliberations" before Jury Instructions were read to them ?

- 10 1/2 hours deliberating - minus "comfy" breaks -- for a 6 week Trial ...- The Jury did NOT ask for one piece of evidence ...
- The Jury did NOT ask one question -- an explanation of any instruction, etc.

Absolutely NO WAY ...

It is My Opinion that "something" happened with that Jury, and I believe the people have a "RIGHT" to know the TRUTH !

I sincerely hope this matter is being investigated ...

And if it is NOT being investigated, I will have lost ALL FAITH in the Judicial System as well as Judge Perry and the State Attorneys of Florida !

Here we go with the "the public is crazy" nonsense. NO acts of violence have happened to anyone known to be on the jury or to the defense team or FCA. Why keep perpetrating this fallacy? I don't understand it.

Did I mention violence?? I don't think so.

Considering the anger towards the jurors expressed right here on this forum, and watching the angry mob outside the courthouse, I would say that the threat of violence is very much a possibility. However, even if no one intends them any physical harm, they still don't need to be harassed by the media or threatened by the public.
Apparently Judge Perry was aware of threats, or he would not have imposed a cooling off period.
And the really difficult thing is that so do we. It stinks to high heaven but what are we going to do? Stew and be angry the rest of our lives???
It is what it is. Nothing is going to change the jury decision. Threats of harm, running them out of town, causing them great family pain will not change the decision.
We need to try and get over this. Refuse (boycott) any attempt for FCA and her family or any attempt by juror's to profit off of the death of Caylee.
Money talks and none of them will get any of mine. My money goes to organizations that truly work on behalf of the children. That is the best I can do as I strive to honor Caylee.


Well said!
Did I mention violence?? I don't think so.

Considering the anger towards the jurors expressed right here on this forum, and watching the angry mob outside the courthouse, I would say that the threat of violence is very much a possibility. However, even if no one intends them any physical harm, they still don't need to be harassed by the media or threatened by the public.
Apparently Judge Perry was aware of threats, or he would not have imposed a cooling off period.
great post, ITA.
Great article, full of useful information-- I especially enjoyed this section about the type of jurors on this case:


What kind of jurors do jury consultants and thus defense attorneys prefer in homicide cases? Perhaps better not to offend by looking instead at who usually doesn't get selected: College graduates especially those with graduate degrees. The more years you were in college the lower the chance a jury consultant wants you for that jury. Firemen are out as are police officers. They prefer to keep Republicans out and members of the NRA. If you own or have owned several successful companies you won't be selected. If you have a job where you manage a lot of people and need to make difficult decisions everyday, they don't want you and the same goes for human resource officers for large firms.

If you read Scientific American, Nature, Science, The Economist, or International Affairs, you need not worry. I could go on and on. One could argue, perhaps they just don't want to burden these already busy folks? Interesting argument - but it is vacuous. For in fact, as you read the qualities of those that defense wants off the jury, we get a sense for the kinds of folks whom they prefer.


Well put, sir, well put.

(There are many interesting articles there, thanks for the link!)

When I had jury duty and was "on call" for about a month, a co-worker who had a lawyer husband told me I probably wouldn't get picked because I'm an artist and they don't like "free thinkers."

It wasn't until my last day of being "on call" that I was selected. Most of the people on my jury had already served together on several trials. And sure enough, I ended up being the opposition to the (modsnip) who shamelessly pronounced: I don't care what those people do as long as they keep it to themselves. Another (modsnip) complained about people who come to America and don't speak english. For real. As if there's an exemption in the law for home invasion when the victims speak english with an accent. Sorry for the mini rant. It's been almost twenty years and it still bothers me.
When I had jury duty and was "on call" for about a month, a co-worker who had a lawyer husband told me I probably wouldn't get picked because I'm an artist and they don't like "free thinkers."

It wasn't until my last day of being "on call" that I was selected. Most of the people on my jury had already served together on several trials. And sure enough, I ended up being the opposition to the (modsnip) who shamelessly pronounced: I don't care what those people do as long as they keep it to themselves. Another (modsnip) complained about people who come to America and don't speak english. For real. As if there's an exemption in the law for home invasion when the victims speak english with an accent. Sorry for the mini rant. It's been almost twenty years and it still bothers me.

Thank you for fighting the fight. :heartbeat:
Don't forget that they arrived dressed up the second day, so that makes me believe that they already had the decision the day before.

Yes ... they sure did dress up as was reported by the MSM ... and FOR WHAT ? They did NOT do the "expected interview" so WHY did they get dressed up ? :waitasec:

I know that the Court cannot go "back in time" ... but the "Red Flags" were there if you go back and look at the Jury's behavior in "another light".

Judge Perry "bent over backwards and sideways" to accommodate this Jury, including a "plush" hotel ... special sporting events for their viewing including the requested "pretzels" ... special requests for dinners ... outings ... they were treated like "royalty" !

The "least" they could have done is HONESTLY DO THEIR JOB they were selected to do !

Again ... I want to know WHY Judge Perry is still PROTECTING the Jury since they are OUT OF HIS JURISDICTION ? And I am wondering when October 25 rolls around, if Judge will extend it again ?

Wishful thinking ... but I hope an "investigation" is going on that ... if NOT ... I will lose all faith in the Judicial System !


So, the jurors or those who are concerned for them, are worried that a person with less than golden morals might decide to do something to hurt them? Are they worried that Casey hurt Caylee? Are they worried that Casey will hurt again? She isn't free to go out and be a good upstanding member of society, is she?

If what people were worried about was dangerous persons on the street, then maybe 12 people shouldn't have let one free.

So, the jurors or those who are concerned for them, are worried that a person with less than golden morals might decide to do something to hurt them? Are they worried that Casey hurt Caylee? Are they worried that Casey will hurt again? She isn't free to go out and be a good upstanding member of society, is she?

If what people were worried about was dangerous persons on the street, then maybe 12 people shouldn't have let one free.


Heh, maybe they're worried that KC thinks they like her... yep, they may be the only ones after she wears out her DT. :crazy:
I don't care one wit what happens to any of the people involved with this case, and that includes the jury.
All of the ADULTS involved in this case have had free will to make each and every one of the choices they have made, unlike Caylee who was just a baby and counted on ADULTS to protect her.

If anything happens jury, don't worry-there will be a trial and I am sure as chit the guilty person will be brought to justice. :innocent: Don't worry jurors! If anyone hurts you, you can just call the police and tell the truth and you will be helped and the guilty person, or persons will pay...I am sure what ever jury there is will do their job just like Caylee's jury did...right? That is how is works, right? Someone hurts an innocent person and then all of us upstanding sane folk make sure they pay for their crimes and cannot hurt anyone else...right?


It will be interesting to see what legislative changes are made, including any related to jurors. State Representative Scott Randolph of Orlando seems to be working on drafting bills for some of it, from proposing jurors should not profit, to a:

' ""Juror Protection Act," which would keep jurors' names secret unless they chose to identify themselves.

A similar proposal was being pushed by the Florida Civil Rights Association, but its version would keep juror names sealed only for a "reasonable cooling-off period."

The civil rights group's version also would make it a crime to contact any juror who has "publicly made clear that they do not wish to be contacted." The group is trying to find a legislative sponsor."


JMO they should work to adapt some of the Canadian laws.
with all the conflicting forensic testimony how could they have discussed any of it in detail? did it not occur to them the SA had experts who touched, smelled, handled, viewed and documented the evidence. the DT had experts who saw photos at best. that alone would take me all day to compare the conflicting testimonies. plus think about all that needed discussed to deliberate if they REALLY wanted to obtain justice AND give Casey a fair trial. what a waste of the attorneys time to reseach and interview for 3 years to have all of it tossed out without nary a conversation. i get dismissing some evidence but this jury threw out everything on the assumption.."well she could have drowned". "if you dont know the crime you cant decide the punishment" ugh the behavior afterwards doesnt add up to drowning! there was plenty of circumstantial evidence presented that needed at least a passing glance before just saying drowing was possible therefore i cannot convict. if the jury didnt discuss the list below what do they possibly have to say to anyone? they need to just fade away. i wouldnt never have voted guilty OR not guility until i discussed the following...

jury instructions
understanding of reasonable doubt
finding out if i need cause of death or motive to render verdict
the lesser charges
CA's perjury
how to make chloroform
chloroform found in the trunk
hair banding - evidence or junk science
adipocere on paper towels
factoring in how much the trunk was cleaned by CA
cadaver dogs
31 days
drowing theory flaws and possibilities
duct tape still in position
triple bagged with anthony home products
im such a good liar
jail house videos
1st call to home
zanny the nanny
universal interview
she's close - i feel it
trash vs garbage
a smell that wont go away - discuss WHO smelled it and under what circumstances
trunk stain - again how much was cleaning a factor
1 blowfly leg - again how much was cleaning a factor
1 hair in trunk with banding - again.....(lead back conversation to if it is strong science, another 30min)
sitting in jail for 3 years for a drowning
not calling 911 under any circumstance - hmm could that be considered agg child abuse? better get clarification from judge since it is failure to render aid
blockbuster on the evening of Caylees death (given by DT)
lack of greiving
lack of ANY emotion for Caylee except a few dry tissues
crying only for Casey
if they dont find her guess who gets to spend the rest of her life in prison
maybe im a spiteful beotch
reviewing the photobucket uploads and my space photos during the 31 days
asking for "one more day"
shocking story of abuse only to be dismissed mid trial
RK calling 911 several times
why GA was "on trial" if he was never charged with anything and was cleared by investigators
DC going to practically the remains site after meeting with Casey and working for CA
while stating "there is another black trash bag" as he slices them open and digs in the dirt on a psychic tip
the pet burials (oh yeah, THAT they discussed to blame GA)
mandible still in place
the borrowing of a shovel
trying to figure out what the heck the gas cans were all about
KC lying to every person over every situation
the giddyness KC emitted while toying with her parents on Caylee coming home soon
GA's pleas for KC to speak with the FBI if she didn't trust LE
all of LA's garbeled testimony
Dr G vs Dr Spitz testimony
leaf litter testimony vs DT saying body was not there the whole time
CA phone records not matching her story of calling GA about the ladder being up
trying to piece together a timeline for June 16th for KC and GA
asking what time GA went to work on the 16th
discussing the towyard incident
RC testimony and why her story changed
Dr Vass and collegues vs DT experts
1+1=2 testimony (KC was last person seen with Caylee)
suicide note
911 calls by CA with finally KC saying in backgroud "i have nothing to say to them" then coldly to operator..my daughter has been missing for 31 days"
unfit mother testimony vs MOTY

even without.....
diary entry
Kiomarie testimony
the $200k
TL saying "Caylee couldnt spend the night" and Boy children only
a list of all phone and text activity neatly laid out like on acandyrose
Shirley's depo and emails
jailhouse letter's of delusion
snot head
the big fight
the massive amounts of theft
the photos we saw of the trunk stain under lights
smelling the cans
all the unheard depositions........

the jury still had plenty to lead them to a conviction of one of the felonies
pure lazyness and the grand ego to think they did the constitution a great honor by not judging someone for their actions and evidence presented. (ironic they did judge casey to make their decision AND GA, just judged improperly IMO)

im also upset that the alternate is going to use this case in his lesson plan! talk about milking it. this man has no business trying to convince the students this was the correct way to render a fair verdict. i would drop his class if i were a student.
So, the jurors or those who are concerned for them, are worried that a person with less than golden morals might decide to do something to hurt them? Are they worried that Casey hurt Caylee? Are they worried that Casey will hurt again? She isn't free to go out and be a good upstanding member of society, is she?

If what people were worried about was dangerous persons on the street, then maybe 12 people shouldn't have let one free.


I believe Casey killed Caylee. Putting jurors health and safety at risk is wrong, regardless of their decision imo. Putting the jury process at risk is wrong imo.
No matter what I think of the jurors, and I think they failed, I don't see any point in knowing their names.

We already heard from some of them, and even though they thought that by speaking out they would excuse themselves, they made it even clearer just how much they failed and how wrong their decisions were. If the others wanted to speak they would have by now and what are they going to say anyway? They will never admit to any wrongdoing, certainly not after seeing this backlash.

Knowing who they are will only entice stalkers and that's wrong too.
If there was anything hinky that went on in deliberations, and I believe that there was, I wish one of them would have the courage to speak out but I don't see that ever happening.

Just my :twocents:
Again ... I want to know WHY Judge Perry is still PROTECTING the Jury since they are OUT OF HIS JURISDICTION ?

my guess is that HHJP is honourable, unlike the jurors. two wrongs dont make a right.

I dont think the jurors are any physical danger at all but I am sure they'll be harassed. I will withhold my opinion on harassment :)
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