Jury Duty? Would you?

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Would you be able to serve on a jury for this trial?

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I would. But they wouldn't pick me...because I know she's GUILTY.
No way I'd be allowed on the jury. As far as change of venue, you guys (up in Orlando) just had one of our big cases tried up there (Michael Hernandez - the kid that killed his friend in the bathroom at middle school) - yep that case happened in Miami and was moved to Orlando. Soooooooooooooo - I am so hoping this case gets moved to Broward, I'm only 5 minutes from the courthouse and I would be there EVERY SINGLE DAY - plus I could come back and report to all you guys here!!!! There is very little reporting going on down here about it. I keeping my fingers crossed.

My first instinct was that the case would move to Miami if anywhere in FL. It's a big city, lots of crime and action--the defense would love it.

I would LOVE to sit through the trial but as far as being a juror, ummmm don't think so~!~
So if this case is ever tried it's safe to say it will be out of state?

Not out of the state Private Eye, but I'm thinking they well may try and get a "Change of Venue" That's one of the reason's OJ Simpson got off. That trial should have been tried in the Brentwood Court District and believe me that jury was hand picked.........

They could move this one to timbuktoo...they will lose. There is not ONE SINGLE alternative to ponder! Kidnappers? Who, what, where and why? NOTHING.
I would do it and would love to do it...
but I couldn't. I just have invested too much into learning everything and I am 98% sure my mind is made up as to if she is guilty or not...There isn't a lot that could sway me right now unless Caylee showed up on the doorstep.
As much as we speculate and theorize on here I do respect our court of law. Even though I have followed this case I could most certainly be impartial. I could never live with myself otherwise, sitting on a jury with a verdit already in my mind. Web blogs and courtrooms are 2 differnent things. But i am confident the DA's office will present a hell of a case. But I could only convict if those facts are airtight and I have no doubt in my mind.
I would do it and would love to do it...
but I couldn't. I just have invested too much into learning everything and I am 98% sure my mind is made up as to if she is guilty or not...There isn't a lot that could sway me right now unless Caylee showed up on the doorstep.

If it's any comfort to you...I doubt that there is a lot that would sway ANY jury at this point. I mean really, WHAT are the alternatives? Are there any? We've sussed up every possible bizarre and obscure scenario here for over two months and there is NOTHING that is remotely feasible. Save for another immediate family member being involved, of course. That's it.

I don't see why it would be. That is a large city and believe it or not, most people have little or no information about the case. They see the missing signs and read a few things along, but the majority of people have little to no prior knowledge.

We had a heinous capital crime here not long ago and I was called for jury duty. They dismissed me because of my close association with LE and the courts, but I sat through most of the questioning of jurors and almost none of them knew much at all about it.

In large cities, that is not much of a problem - just the defense tries to make it one.

I beg to differ with ya there........Turbo. Orlando's new stations, 2, 6, 9, 13 and 35 all have electronic versions of their news and every smidgeon of news, video, transcript and audio file is out there at this very moment for anyone to see at anytime. Every talk radio station within a range of 60 miles has open discussion at some point every day. Everyone knows about this case. That being said, I believe she'll be tried in Florida but not in Orlando. She may get her trip to Tampa yet, compliments of the State of Florida.

I could serve on a jury for this case. It's all in how the case is presented. That's what you have to deal with, innocence or guilt according to what evidence you've been given at that time.
I agree with you. In most cases that I have followed I really believe that I COULD be impartial. Not This One :behindbar

Yep, there are a lot of high profile cases I feel I could have remained impartial, Blake & Ramsey case come to mind. Not this one.
I do think there are a lot of people who are not following it though. I know I have mentioned it to people & they don't have a clue what I am talking about. Look how many working people there are who have no access to computers or the work computer would not allow access to internet ( mine wouldnt) & then run around all evening with school age kids. I doubt they have as much time to follow it as I do. I have no doubt they can seat an impartial jury in Orlando. I bet each of us knows folks who don't even watch the news. I can't imagine not watching the news but I do know people who never do nor do they read the paper daily. Those will be the people seated, not people like us who have followed the case.
I'd opt out because the jury is supposed to be "a jury of peers". I don't consider Casey my peer.

You must have a real job, a real conscience or both. :cool:
I couldn't do it. I have already decided she's as guilty as sin.
No way I'd be allowed on the jury. As far as change of venue, you guys (up in Orlando) just had one of our big cases tried up there (Michael Hernandez - the kid that killed his friend in the bathroom at middle school) - yep that case happened in Miami and was moved to Orlando. Soooooooooooooo - I am so hoping this case gets moved to Broward, I'm only 5 minutes from the courthouse and I would be there EVERY SINGLE DAY - plus I could come back and report to all you guys here!!!! There is very little reporting going on down here about it. I keeping my fingers crossed.

Oh that would be awesome............an insider report........:woohoo:
If it meant I would get to spend time watching YM on the stand for days...I would be totally objective and listen to all testimony then decide solely on the facts of the case. ;)

I just love it when someone makes me smile during all this.......you crack me up sometimes! thanks!
but , hey, I'm not so sure you would be able to slow your pulse rate down enough to sit there........(winkin' back atcha'! :)
I could not sit in as a juror, I know in my heart she is guilty, and I do not for one second believe it was an accident JMO Action speaks WAY louder than words....

I chose that I could remain neutral. Based on everything I've seen thus far in the case, I do believe her to be guilty and I believe Caylee to be deceased. However I am a fair person and would go into it with an open mind, listen to both sides of the story and remain objective. I am the type of person who isn't set in my ways, and I am very open minded about everything. Not in the sense that I'm naive....just not afraid to admit when I'm wrong I guess you could say. For example, I have always considered myself to be a republican, however I have recently changed my mind, LOL. I am sort of on the fence in political terms now, I still believe in some things that are typical "republican views" but some that I believe in are "democratic views".
I could not sit in as a juror, I know in my heart she is guilty, and I do not for one second believe it was an accident JMO


Well, I think she may have OD'd Caylee on chloroform, but under the law, that's murder 1 and no accident. Casey may view that as accidental however.

I am sort of on the fence in political terms now, I still believe in some things that are typical "republican views" but some that I believe in are "democratic views".

Let me guess, fiscally conservative, but leading a little more Independent/Liberal in other areas? That's pretty much where I find myself these days anyway. Of course, this White House is far from fiscally conservative.

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