Jury Duty? Would you?

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Would you be able to serve on a jury for this trial?

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Sounds mean (or does it?) but I actually would lie (you know like Casey) and say I could remain neutral, and then prove her guilty :crazy:
Yes, I admit that would be bad when a juror came out of the jury box and played "smack down" on KC. :eek:

For some reason, I've fanatasized about jumping out of the juror box and tackling her, saying I'll take away her computer if she doesn't talk!!
I'm really not a violent person, but people who harm innocent children or animals are the devil incarnate IMO of course:behindbar
When asked if i ever heard of this case--I would say no. Then i would sit back and vote guilty. Casey would get what she derseves under the law-Guilty by a jury of her peers-Juriors that LIE
Sorry, I didn't mean to scare everyone......I would never do such a thing, but it never hurts to dream...I could sit in this jury, I do think she's guilty, but remember it has to be beyond any reasonable doubt. I'm sure that's exactly what JB will try to inject, any doubt he can come up with.
I would be on the jury in a heart beat. It would be a honor to be part of our Judicial System.

But I am fairly sure when I walk in the court room wearing my Squirrel Costume and ask, When can we Fry the SPITEFUL B@TCH they would excuse me. :mad:
Casey who?? What?? Anthony??? Who's Caylee??? Nope, don't know a thing about the case. I don't follow the news, sorry.

By the way, Bex, I want that avatar - that is me!!!!!! What a riot!


Ha, ha. I bet there are going to be a lot of people who try that. :)
This topic is SO ironic because guess what I got in the mail last week?

Yup, a jury questionaire! HAHAH
I live in AZ and the Warren Jeffs trial is getting ready to start in my county! THAT would be very interesting because my great gf was the president of the LDS church many years ago, and YES he was a polygamist! My family eventually left the church and raised us kids in a different faith, but BOY it would sure be an experience to see this trial go down. These people are some STRANGE characters! Can you say....brainwashed and cultish?

Id love to serve on the CA trial, but Im afraid I wouldnt be able to be partial. Ive watched this whole mess too closely and definitely have strong opinions about it.:behindbar

I just got a jury questionnaire in the mail Fiday too! I honestly have no idea what cases are to be heard soon here. The last time I had jury duty it was a murder trial. I sat thru a week of testimony and pictures - returned from lunch on Friday and the guy changed his plea. Not before hearing from the two young teen witnesses who had to relive it all again though.
I would be on the jury in a heart beat. It would be a honor to be part of our Judicial System.

But I am fairly sure when I walk in the court room wearing my Squirrel Costume and ask, When can we Fry the SPITEFUL B@TCH they would excuse me. :mad:

I could always say no haven't heard of this case, I was in Puerto Rico!
I forgot to add that I do believe I could be impartial and judge it on evidence alone.
Of course I could never sit on that jury!

I'm not a betting type, but I would sure bet $$$ that she is a cold blooded murderer!
No doubt in my mind!
I would love to be on the jury for this case, but Im in Ohio.

...the same here...I'm from Ohio as well:)...however, I strongly believe that I would be able to put my 'emotions' a side and perform the jury duty honestly, with open mind. IMO, JB will try to select male's for defense side from jury pool...I'm not saying that male's are 'not educated':)...just the motherhood issue is more 'emotional' for woman and could impact the outcome drastically...would be interesting to see how jury select go's...:)
I think anything is possible.
I also think most things are just "probable."

I know i would never be selected for jury duty because I have heard of the case prior to the jury questioning.

But, then again, who in FL hasn't?
...the same here...I'm from Ohio as well:)...however, I strongly believe that I would be able to put my 'emotions' a side and perform the jury duty honestly, with open mind. IMO, JB will try to select male's for defense side from jury pool...I'm not saying that male's are 'not educated':)...just the motherhood issue is more 'emotional' for woman and could impact the outcome drastically...would be interesting to see how jury select go's...:)
I tend to think that JB will go for the female jurors. It would be more difficult for a woman to see another woman being able to kill her child with no remorse, imo.
I would be honored to be one of the 12 people who exacts justice for Caylee.
I want to think I would be impartial...really. Just my personality. But the more I think about it...ahh, I think she is sooo guilty.

If I get a jury summons...ahhh someone in my family is really ill. Help me here. Which one of you is my new brother, sister, spouse? Oh, and you have to have some really bad disease, lol.
There's no way I could serve on that jury....without trying to smack her.:furious:
The Judge who presides over jury duty here does not allow excuses! I watched as he told people to cancel their elective surgeries, find other caregivers for their terminally ill family members, and he even told one person to close their business down or find someone to work! He had no mercy at all. It was ridiculous the hardship he made people endure for jd!
The Judge who presides over jury duty here does not allow excuses! I watched as he told people to cancel their elective surgeries, find other caregivers for their terminally ill family members, and he even told one person to close their business down or find someone to work! He had no mercy at all. It was ridiculous the hardship he made people endure for jd!

Lol. I REALLY needed that today. You always make me laugh, I just don't tell you often enough! :)
No. I would have to recuse myself.

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