Jury Selection Begins

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Then how are the newpapers all these quotes from the potentials jurors and the judge?
An attorney answered my question: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6333559&postcount=1212"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Legal Questions for Our VERIFIED Lawyers #2[/ame]

I've been wondering how the press knows all this stuff about the jury selection. I'll have to ask that one too.
Panthera, I apologize -- had copied that link to that video to put in that message, and then got distracted :( and missed doing it, now I can't find the video, I'm still looking.

Is jury selection open to the public?

>>WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 (UPI) -- The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7-2 Tuesday that selecting a jury for a criminal trial must be open to the public.<<

Hmmm...is this jury selection open? If so, why are we not hearing more than just the smidgeons we are from the reporters?

Here is some more in the news...

Video... Ryan Dean reporting:

"Some jurors very very nervous" he says...

Twitter Ryan Dean: http://twitter.com/ryanjdean
Casey Nolen: http://twitter.com/CaseyNolen

No video

>>John O'Gara, a Coleman defense attorney, asked most of the questions, at times complaining about prosecutors for their "snide" comments.<<

Huh what? The judge wants the jurors to have to look at Chris right up close?

>>Circuit Judge Milton Wharton consistently asked jurors to look at the defendant and say if they could be fair and impartial. Most said they could.<<

Sheesh judge, they have to be in the room with him during the trial, but do they have to practically sit on top of him? The defense attorneys are sitting about 3 feet from the potential jurors and Chris is sitting with his attorneys.

No video

Juror's response to learning what trial he might be hearing, "Crap, basically"
Wow Wrinkles! That's some interesting stuff! I am really surprised the public can be in there because I would think that some jurors would hold back responses if they know it can be publicized.
Wow Wrinkles! That's some interesting stuff! I am really surprised the public can be in there because I would think that some jurors would hold back responses if they know it can be publicized.

I am very curious about this also. Even though the potential jurors aren't named in the media, just having the press inside some (potential jurors) could be fearful of being identified. MOO
Wrinkles, you got it right. The new Supreme court ruling makes it so jury selection is public unless there's a good reason not to. AZLawyer confirmed it in the Caylee forum.

Who needs attorneys in here when we have Wrinkles on the case? :rocker:
Imo, his attorneys have been very remiss in not getting him to plead this out.
Hello Ohiogirl,

Good to have you join us!

Also, good question for one of our attorneys -- would a defense attorney find it in their or their clients best interest for the client to "plead out" in a case like this? What might it gain? Oh, and must there be an offer of such from the prosecution? Is that an option without an offer?

In my opinion, it is hugely obvious that Chris set this whole thing up to get away with it without having to pay any due. Well, he didn't get away with it, certainly not yet. Why would Chris stop now with a plea? What does he possibly have to lose in going forth in this trial? His pride (caught pulling down his pants in front of a camera for his girlfriend -- will the jurors see that kinda thing)? His personal or business reputation? Fine security guard that guy is, couldn't even secure the life of his own family. Yeah I'll trust to hire him for my security. NOT! Would he ever find a job after this? His business ethics stink, go figure using your employers laptop and bandwidth to send fake threat letters (in reality they were real.) How about his business ethics, using his employers computer to send threat letters... Yeah, I want that guy on my staff as soon as the jury finds him "not guilty" (ain't going to happen). Would Chris lose his friends pleading? Would you want to be Chris' friend? He couldn't be faithful to his wife or his children. You know he murdered his own innocent children, whether or not he goes to prison for it or not, you know it (unless someone else confesses, and that isn't going to happen)! IF Chris has friends, they are either crazy or incredible mercy givers. So, in my opinion, Chris and his attorneys figure he has nothing to lose by "not pleading out" (again, is it even an option?)

As far as I can see, so far, Chris has no intention of admitting what he did. If he did, I am curious what his attorneys would counsel him, "Dude, if you want to live (or live outside prison walls), you have no choice but to let us try to get you off -- you got nothing to lose" (and we have a lot to gain.) In my opinion, Chris' only hope is for a glitch to occur and for him to get out of paying for this whole thing (in some pathetically minimal way, like with his life) by fluke.

Chris loves his own skin so much that he will put a courtroom full of people through all that they will go through just to see if, by some chance, he can save that pinck skin.

I think of my husband... He and I have fought like siblings for over 40 years, but we love one another. If I had been murdered, with the facts Sheri had (nude, strangled) -- I would not think it odd for my husband to "confess" even if arrested/accused and innocent, just to protect my dignity in death and to not have to view or have shown pictures of my dead nude body in his trial. IF I had been murdered, along with "our" small children, such as these children were murdered in particular, I cannot imagine my husband being alive to face a trial -- he would probably not eat or just die of pure grief.

But...people do (must) live through the deaths of their families at the hands of someone or something...I don't know if they do if they are accused and innocent. Then there is Chris, who doesn't look like he is skin and bones. I guess he gave up his not eating -- his face is not sunken and it looks like he has been doing some squats to keep his legs fit. Maybe he figures he will be out jogging in about 5 weeks or so? Bet he doesn't appreciate the "bulk" look that the vest gives him, just in case he is hoping to look skinnier and more frail than he looks.

Plead, Chris? Yeah, he is pleading to get out of this, that's all, nothing else. Not in my opinion. As for the attorneys advising him to do so, again, I don't know if they have the option OR if they would think that the best advice (not from an attorneys stance, maybe). Wuh oh...I'm rattling on and on again...

Maybe I'm being to logical but why the question about the death penalty anyway??
Illinois doesn't have the death penalty. Inmates that were on death row had all their sentences changed to life without parole.
It seems like much ado about nothing
Maybe I'm being to logical but why the question about the death penalty anyway??
Illinois doesn't have the death penalty. Inmates that were on death row had all their sentences changed to life without parole.
It seems like much ado about nothing

I think they're trying to push it through before July 1, but whether it will stick or not, who knows. I'd think if any case qualified, this one does.

Thank you Wrinkles for keeping us updated. You're doing a great job and I appreciate your hard work.
Thanks to reporters Nick Pistor, Ryan Dean and Casey Nolen...for articles and Twits...

From these pages
Nick Pistor: http://twitter.com/nickpistor
Ryan Dean: http://twitter.com/ryanjdean
Casey Nolan: http://twitter.com/ryanjdean

If anyone knows of any other reporters twittering about the trial OR any trial watchers... Maybe we can gather some of these URLs for news watching.

Yesterday -- April 14th
* Judge ruled that a forensic linguist can testify (Leonard)
* CC's parents were at jury selection yesterday afternoon, they "Exchanged smiles and hellos w/him"
* Chris waives the right to be at jury selection "tomorrow" (which is today the 15th of April)
* Linguistic and handwriting experts can testify, but cannot "opine" that CC authored the threats.

St. Louis Today...Nick Pistor article...
Linguist can testify -- So... "Jurors can hear a forensic linguist testify that murder defendant Christopher Coleman's writing is similar to threatening letters to his family and phrases spray-painted on walls where his wife and sons were slain, a judge ruled Thursday." Evidently Robert Leonard will be able to "describe similarities but not to make a definitive conclusion."

* 27 jurors have made it into the pool (9 more yesterday), the target is 50.
* Defense said it will only need about 1 day for its evidence, plus two or three if there is a conviction and DP hearing.
* Leonard will testify: "Coleman's known writing patterns, grammar and contraction usage are consistent with threats placed in the mailbox of the family home"
* Cyber forensics professor: "...determined that two threatening emails sent to the Coleman family had come from Christopher Coleman's laptop computer, and that the sender had signed in using Coleman's personal ID."

Note: Mr. Leonard will not be allowed to make a definitive conclusion, but the jurors will probably be thinking:

"If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck" AND IF THE DUCK has the opportunity and spells the word "oppurtunity" or "oppertunity" wrong every time and in the same way... Well then, who is going to make the definitive conclusion and who is it that matters on that conclusion?

Note: Evidently a big focus for the defense is trying to keep the "sentence" away from "Death," just in case the DP sticks in Illinois again someday? Now would you like to have to sit and hear the defense harangue fr 2 or 3 days about why CC should be allowed to slurp porridge for the next 50 years instead of die for killing his wife and two little boys?

KSDK Alex Fees reports...

Check out the use of "capital letters"...

>>Those phrases include things such as "you have PAID," and "I saw you LEAVE."<<

Fused spelling... Stuck together words...

>>He gave examples from known Coleman writings as "setup," instead of set up, "goodtime," instead of good time, and "sometime," instead of some time.<<

Pattern of apostrophes...

>>examples such as "dont'," instead of don't, "wont'," instead of won't, and "doesnt'," instead of doesn't.<<

Pattern of the use of "U" instead of "you"

Here is an article about the handwriting expert who will be able to testify in limited way...


Guess CC is tired of a work day. You know the kind, sitting across from people in a court room, creeping them out, hearing them say that they could sentence someone to death if they found them guilty of the murder of a wife and two small children, that kinda thing.

So he has waived his right to sit in jury selection today? Wonder why?

Now for the big question... How many people think that CC will shave his head for the trial, i.e. so that he looks like he did when he murdered his wife and children? Everyone that thinks he will, raise your hand and say "i DO"...yeah RIGHT.
Casey Nolen's twitter: http://twitter.com/CaseyNolen

Nick Pistor: http://twitter.com/nickpistor
Ryan Dean: http://twitter.com/ryanjdean

New article...
This article is on how to pick a jury in Perry County.

>>Those potential jurors are held in the second story of the Perry County Courthouse until it is time to be questioned, then they are escorted downstairs by a deputy to a courtroom populated by five lawyers, two clerks, four bailiffs, a judge, news reporters, a true crime author, spectators and a court reporter to take it all down.<<

So who is the true crime author?

Also in the article...and there is more...

>>Monroe County State's Attorney Kris Reitz is seeking the death penalty against Coleman under the following eligibility requirements:

* there was a victim under the age of 12.

* the murder was premeditated and calculated.

* there was more than one victim.<<
In this article, we hear about one prospective juror...

"Would it help if I said I really don't want to do this?" said one woman. The defense said, "We wouldn't have any jurors," if that was enough to excuse a person.

When the judge asked another woman to look at Coleman and promise she could be impartial, she said "I think you're asking a lot of people to do that."

To which he replied, "I can tell this has been an emotional drain... I'm sorry I had to put you through this."

How can this be?

How can there be a smile in his parents -- not today, not during jury selection for the trial of their son, the accused murderer of their own grandsons and daughter in law? I don't get it, my husband doesn't get it?

Photos from the video taken by Channel 5, KDSK seen by clicking this link

Apparently the camera man said "Smile" in this shot OR Chris' mom felt that it was the appropriate thing to do at the moment they were near the camera man and about to round the curve going away from them.

Oh my gosh!!! I just realized she is in a wheel chair. Didn't we see that with Scott Peterson's mother? Didn't someone in this forum suggest that kind of thing could happen?


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I agree, Wrinkles.

They look like they are enjoying themselves. I'm beginning to understand their son a bit more.
The Coleman's left the court during questioning...

During the day one juror said she didn't think she could give CC a fair trial, she has watched the news and thinks he's guilty. Evidently, Chris' father looked at the floor and shook his head. Is he disgusted, "My son can't get a fair trial, I just know it?" or Does he realize Chris' boat is sunk -- people "get" Chris' guilt (it doesn't take a scientist.)

Okay, I would NEVER want to be cruel to someone who really needs a wheel chair, but I wonder if any of the people local to the Coleman's has seen Chris' mom riding in a wheel chair on a regular basis before April 1st? Before April 7th?

Wheelchair shot...and all 4 of these people were joking and smiling as they emerged on the porch. Who are the accompanying women?

Again, credit to KDSK for the video and snap shots.


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They are probably ladies from their church. I believe the church raised money for Chris Coleman's defense.

Well, they will have to sit through all the sexting and emails and the accounting of the mental torment Sheri endured at the hands of their son and his Dog Track mistress.

Not to mention the autopsy photos.

Will they be smiling then?
Greeting St. Mary's Mead,

Who they are, I am not sure. One thing is for sure, those who support Chris as in "he didn't do it" will have a very rude awakening when indisputable evidence is presented in trial. They will not longer be able to say "tried in the press" which is assuredly what they are saying now. Do they not realize that the press reported "facts" about this case?

What do they do with Chris logging on and writing threat letters and then his family dying? What do they do with the pictures of Tara? What will they do with the wedding invitations when they see them? And so on...

IF they can sit through the trial and hear/see the evidence, unless they are completely deluded, there will be no more smiles such as we saw in that video, not from the same people.

What might be your bet that IF the news reporters describe Chris' family/friend reactions to photos, that none of them will look up at them?
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