Just one more day, mom...

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The nanny thing too, shows that she doesn't see beyond the tip of her nose IMO.

It worked to stall Cindy for a while but there was not a chance that she wouldn't call the police eventually if Casey continued saying Caylee was constantly with the nanny, and there was even less of a chance that the police would fall for a kidnapper who doesn't exist.

You know I have thought about this case so much... I actually tried to imagine what I would do.... :eek:

What if *I* wanted to take off, leave, not have my parents or in laws have any contact with my kids?

Our Pediatrician would notice them missing before my in laws. :innocent:

MY parents and brother? If they went 24 hours without seeing them, they'd be asking questions. (We have the same family make up as the Anthony's. Me, brother, two parents...other siblings live thousand's of miles away.)

There would not be an acceptable reason for me to not come home.

HOWEVER, even if I did NOT come home...

If *I* was giving them reasons.

If they could get ahold of ME and knew *I* was okay....

These are MY KIDS.

I have SOLE custody.

What right do the grandparents have to call the police on me???

They don't have visitation, grandparent rights, custody... they have nothing.

The fact that they could call the cops and force me to produce my OWN children, who I have SOLE physical custody of, without FIRST going to court to fight me for visitation or custody... would not even occur to me.

Might they try??? Sure. Would the cops do anything?? I wouldn't think they could if I have sole custody.

I doubt it occurred to Casey either. I think she thought that she could use the babysitter story because she was the Mom. Tell the cops that her Mom was overbearing and nuts... and she didn't want her child around her.

Without the smell in the car, without her committing any other crimes, if she had left the state, if Cindy hadn't actually found her and she hadn't claimed kidnapping... it might have worked. At least for a while.
I'm not sure what the procedure is but I think the police sometimes do welfare checks on children if a grandparent or another worried relative calls and says s/he thinks that the children are missing or endangered because all contact suddenly ceased. They wouldn't do anything to force the custodial parent to allow a meeting between the relative and the grandchild without a court order but I would expect them to contact the parent and try to establish that the children do still exist and are okay. Many children would never have been reported missing if not for non-custodial relatives alerting the police.

But I have thought the same. If she had staged a fight with her parents and said that she didn't want to have any contact with them any more and please don't bother to call, she was going to move out of state with Caylee, she got a dream job in Hollywood etc. she could have got her parents to resign to their fate. If the stinky car and Caylee's belongings left behind didn't give her away it could have lasted for a while.

But it would have required for her to think ahead and she'd need some money to replace the income from stealing from the parents. Maybe even get a job.
I think kc was trying to leave the state. That's why she was calling Mark H in California.
She just had no money to get there and was hoping he would pay for her ticket perhaps...but yes, the car was the big problem for her
My heart and soul goes out to the entire Anthony family on the loss of beautiful Caylee. It is not up to anyone to judge their actions, as none of us know, and God forbid, ever will know how how we would react to a devastating loss.

It does perturb me to no end that no one stood up to ICA very early on, especially in regards to a supposed "nanny". There is a definite diffference between a babysitter and a nanny- a nanny would normally be someone who comes into the child's home and stays there full time, whereas a babysitter usually watches the child only for a designated period of time. Why would no one question ICA about a nanny or think that she should would even have funds for a babysitter, much less a nanny...this is just ridiculous. (IMHO only)

Bless the Anthony family.
Maybe it all depends on how many "one more days" CA had already allowed her. Perhaps KC was accustomed to saying that and then have CA not follow up.

Cindy says, "But, I've already given you 30 days."

Is this the "bonding time" between Casey & Caylee?
Maybe I'm wrong....but weren't Cindy & George taking a vacation during this time so that Casey & Caylee could bond....And, what was causing them not to bond?
If I remember correctly, this occurred after Cindy drove into the parking lot of a police station, only to find it closed. It was a courthouse only open from 9-5 to pay traffic tickets.

Cindy called 911 and learned that her home address was in the county sheriff's jurisdiction, not the city of Orlando, and she would have to go home and call 911 from there.

It was during that call to 911 that Casey can be heard saying, "Just give me one more day."

I think that "one more day" may have been used to pull one more ruse. We know that later that night into the wee hours of the morning of July 16th, Lee went to Tony's apartment to get Casey's belongings. Among her belongings was Casey's wallet and it contained about $100 dollars. Cindy pocketed that money, even though it was probably what was left of what Casey stole from Amy.

With that $100 dollars, Casey might have left Orlando. She couldn't risk her mother calling the police, so she would have to hold Cindy at bay by coming up with another story.

Casey could have gotten a bus ticket out of Orlando, but I doubt she could go too far with only $100. I don't think she'd be able to make it to MH in California. Maybe she'd head to Tampa or maybe down to Miami. She's skilled at theft, and would be able to make enough money to survive and would make friends with a local crowd and live off them.

Her biggest threat would be keeping Cindy from calling the police. She might have told Cindy she gave Caylee to the bio dad to raise.

She told Cindy that bio Dad had died, so that would be out.

I can see her heading for Miami with the club scene down there, she wouldve loved it...getting a job at a strip club, etc.
My heart and soul goes out to the entire Anthony family on the loss of beautiful Caylee. It is not up to anyone to judge their actions, as none of us know, and God forbid, ever will know how how we would react to a devastating loss.

It does perturb me to no end that no one stood up to ICA very early on, especially in regards to a supposed "nanny". There is a definite diffference between a babysitter and a nanny- a nanny would normally be someone who comes into the child's home and stays there full time, whereas a babysitter usually watches the child only for a designated period of time. Why would no one question ICA about a nanny or think that she should would even have funds for a babysitter, much less a nanny...this is just ridiculous. (IMHO only)

Bless the Anthony family.

Arent Nannys also trained, I think some have degrees in child psychology. Babysitters are people who watch them but dont really have any training.
She ws just pretentious wasnt she?
Arent Nannys also trained, I think some have degrees in child psychology. Babysitters are people who watch them but dont really have any training.
She ws just pretentious wasnt she?

Yes, you are absolutely correct...thank you. A nanny would definitely have some type of training for that position, especially since they would be intimately involved with the child on a very regular basis, whereas a sitter is just that, an untrained sitter for a designated period of time. ICA certainly was pretentious...did no one think about her ability to hire a "nanny"? Come on...IMHO only.

Bless the Anthony family.
One thought I had was that she'd tell Cindy that she was going to get Caylee, but then she'd head out to California to her friend Mark, telling Cindy that she'd taken Caylee with her.

That's what have always assumed, from the first time I heard this.
There is absolutely no way Cindy would have "resigned to her fate."

If Casey told Cindy she was moving Caylee out of the state, Cindy would have taken Casey to court for custody, in a heartbeat,

With the right judge... she would have had a case. Cutting all contact with the grandparents who have essentially raised the child wouldn't be healthy.

I also think Cindy would know that Casey would not move and take Caylee... because Casey would have to take care of Caylee all the time.

Just like my family knows I wouldn't take off with mine... because I wouldn't deprive them of family. I bend over backwards to make sure family sees them. Drive 4 hours round trip when my in laws are in town and 12 hours round trip when they are not. My in laws have driven to us 3 times in 9 years.

Cindy did know her daughter... to some extent. Casey moving out of state would have raised huge red flags. I think that's why Casey just kept stalling.

I guess a welfare check is possible... I'm trying to think of a situation where one was requested for a minor child and it happened. Aside from the Baby Grace/Precious Doe situations I can't think of one. Family has always been told "the parents have the right to not allow you to see the children... you will need to go to court unless you have evidence they are in danger."

I'm not sure what the procedure is but I think the police sometimes do welfare checks on children if a grandparent or another worried relative calls and says s/he thinks that the children are missing or endangered because all contact suddenly ceased. They wouldn't do anything to force the custodial parent to allow a meeting between the relative and the grandchild without a court order but I would expect them to contact the parent and try to establish that the children do still exist and are okay. Many children would never have been reported missing if not for non-custodial relatives alerting the police.

But I have thought the same. If she had staged a fight with her parents and said that she didn't want to have any contact with them any more and please don't bother to call, she was going to move out of state with Caylee, she got a dream job in Hollywood etc. she could have got her parents to resign to their fate. If the stinky car and Caylee's belongings left behind didn't give her away it could have lasted for a while.

But it would have required for her to think ahead and she'd need some money to replace the income from stealing from the parents. Maybe even get a job.
Arent Nannys also trained, I think some have degrees in child psychology. Babysitters are people who watch them but dont really have any training.
She ws just pretentious wasnt she?

All of ICA's new friends were either young college students or young professionals. ICA was, for all intents and purposes, a high-school drop out (too lazy to complete that last fraction of a credit) who was an unmarried single mom that was too lazy to work and had been stealing thousands of dollars from her parents to maintain her prodigious cellphone bills and keep up with the happy partying her friends who had less responsibilities could maintain.

All of her lies that are not concerned with covering up something she did, or being a victim, all seem aimed at creating a social status for herself equal to or above her friends. She was an important event planner, she had the kind of supervisory experience that allowed her to intimate to others she was a "shot girl manager", she had a nanny she paid $400 a week to hire, she was getting ready to take over the mortgage on her parents house, and I'm sure a host of other things she told people to look important and accomplished for her age. Some witnesses we haven't heard from have said her tall tales go way back into childhood. One can only imagine the kinds of things she told kids to make herself look wonderful and important back then. I'm thinking she hinted at royalty in the family tree....
She was not smart at all. Had she gotten rid of the body before it started to smell in the car, she may could have pulled off the kidnap story. I don't think she thought the car would be towed, but stolen instead or if towed I doubt she knew they would contact the owner. I just don't think she thought it out at all. Once she had killed her baby girl, she had hoped it would just go away and she would not have deal with it at all. I still say Caylee was in the trunk when ICA went off on GA about the gas cans, IMO.
Casey said this to Cindy at the time of the 911 calls. I'm just curious - what do you think Casey planned to do if she had that extra day, if Cindy had agreed to wait a day?

One thought I had was that she'd tell Cindy that she was going to get Caylee, but then she'd head out to California to her friend Mark, telling Cindy that she'd taken Caylee with her.

I just wonder what she thought she could do in a day that would solve the problem.


She was going to kill Cindy and George. I have no doubt at all. I think she was planning to kill them all along.
If she was a true criminal mind, ICA would have gotten rid of the body immediately and headed out of town. She could have either contacted her parents afterwards that she'd left with Caylee or she could have remained silent.

But ICA wasn't going anywhere. She didn't really go anywhere the weeks she was hiding out from her parents and lying about the Nanny. She was still in Orlando!

Look, she had a car she needed to get around in and she leaves it in a parking lot, smelling like a dead body at a place where there were signs posted cars left would be towed. She didn't have a plan it seems for that car afterwards.
She had no idea just when her parents would be notified and would go to retrieve that car.

It wasn't until her parents discoverd the car and got a whiff that the hammer fell on ICA. She had no plan for that either.

One more day was just a phrase or excuse that was a habit for her. And she must have believed her parents would go along. That's what she was trying for - an instant relief at that time.

However, it is my belief that George and Cindy, after smelling the car and finding Casey's car seat and her backpack in the car had a strong idea something was up. Where ever Caylee was, she should have had her car seat and backpack with her.

I don't think Cindy went after Amy for help find ICA because of the car being abanded and towed, or over any money ICA may have taken, she went on a search, with Amy leading the way, for one reason - to find out why they hadn't seen their granddaughter for so long. Same reason Cindy sent Lee out to search and find ICA earlier.

Her parents knew something wasn't right when it came to Caylee.

this is a great post and clearly explains what most people see as Cindy's erratic behavior.

Cindy could not put it in words, but by the grace of God, she followed her mothrly instinct and her mind forced her to process the tiny pieces of this horror until her mind could accept the whole picture.

I strongly believe that it was God that lead Cindy to amy that day on a the dire path to find Caylee. And it was God that lead that helped Cindy make the 3rd 911 call, imagine how this would have ended without it.

If Casey was as much of a con as she hoped to be, her family would have never called for help and Caylee would have disappeared in isolation- casey could have moved on to a new life, new friends and no one would have known. Caylee was not connected to anyone but the anthony's, no play group, no "peer' friends, no pre-school, NO NANNY....

If Cindy hadn't made those calls no one would have asked a single question.

I imagine Cindy regrets that call from time to time, but her sorrow would have lead to pure hatred of her daughter eventually.

Cindy has been a hero- regardless of the road it took her to get there.
I don't think KC is all that smart. Just manipulative, deceitful and in-your-face when she doesn't get HER way. No one ever really challenged her in her life, for whatever reason. She had to believe LE would believe her bull and let her off the hook for this , just as her family had believed her for all those years.
Do any of you think she may have been smart enough to realize after her death-scented car was home the gig was up. One more night/day would have afforded her time to retrieve the duct tape from the dump site.
Weeks later there was an exchange of mails regarding "immunity"..
but that too would have been null and void once they found the duct tape so Casey/Baez never pursued it further.
I think Cindy was working hard at finding ICA and building a legal case against her to take Caylee during the 31 days (despite what she says). Who the heck calls and reports gas cans missing? I believe they did it because they already knew ICA took them and wanted it on record, which they would prove she took them later. And the money. The same reason in which CA wants to press charges for a stolen vehicle, even though it was already recovered. and then says in the background of the police call to ICA:
Cindy: Because my next thing will be down to child (inaudible) and we'll have a court order to get her. If that's what you want to play, then we'll do it, and you'll never
Casey: Well, that's not the way I want to (inaudible)
Cindy: Well, then you have --
Casey: Give me one more day.
Cindy: No, I'm not giving you another day. I've given you a month.

At this point, I believe CA was hellbent on having her arrested and taking Caylee. It was after this that she realized that Caylee was dead and the game plan shifted.

I agree pip. In the 1st 911 call CA mentions she has an Affidavit
from her bank. I think the Anthonys were definitely going to start legal proceddings when they found out about the car and the stolen $$$.
I agree, she had no plan. This was impulsive and possibly accidental. But definitely not well planned.

I have always wondered why Casey waited to move Caylee's body... and it is one of the reasons I don't think it was planned days in advance.

I don't think she knew what to do with a body once she killed someone.

Killers often go where they are comfortable, Caylee's body was left somewhere that Casey was comfortable.

I have always wondered why Casey did not put the body where it would never be found.

Honestly, during those first 5 months my thought process was "this is Florida... this girl grew up there... I could get rid of a body in Florida so that it would be destroyed... there is no hope they will find Caylee's body."

Why wouldn't she put a body in a swamp... lake... other body of water?

Because she hadn't thought for weeks "where is the best place to put a body?"

If she HAD planned it more in advance we wouldn't be sitting here... because there would have been no smell in that car, no probable cause for a murder charge and that little girl would have never been found.

This is so so true. All the concocted stories on this and other sites, it's as if people can't see what is right in front of them.

If she wanted to run, she could have told her mother, OK I'll get her right now, and had someone drive her anywhere near transportation ducked into a mall and run away. She would have LEFT.

The girl had no idea what she was doing. She's still evil in my opnion but this was NOT PLANNED>
Newbie here :)...But I've been reading the board for weeks and I'm so impressed by everyone here.
I feel, as other posters that ICA wanted the "one more day" to stall. She seems like a make it up as I go type and I don't think she was planning on leaving Orlando.

Do *most* sociopaths stay close to their homes? TIA

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