Just one more day, mom...

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Maybe I'm wrong....but weren't Cindy & George taking a vacation during this time so that Casey & Caylee could bond....And, what was causing them not to bond?

This is not true.

Cindy took a vacation during the 31 days and was hoping to spend some time with Caylee and KC but KC didn't bring Caylee home to spend time with her.

Read Cindy's testimony at trial as she explains it there.
Newbie here :)...But I've been reading the board for weeks and I'm so impressed by everyone here.
I feel, as other posters that ICA wanted the "one more day" to stall. She seems like a make it up as I go type and I don't think she was planning on leaving Orlando.

Do *most* sociopaths stay close to their homes? TIA

Early on in the case, I wondered if she was thinking about running off to California as she had a guy friend back there at the time, so I can see that as being on her mind. But would she have wanted to leave TL? She was pretty stuck on him!

And WELCOME! I enjoyed your first post and look forward to seeing you around here from now on! :kimsterwink:

Newbie here :)...But I've been reading the board for weeks and I'm so impressed by everyone here.
I feel, as other posters that ICA wanted the "one more day" to stall. She seems like a make it up as I go type and I don't think she was planning on leaving Orlando.

Do *most* sociopaths stay close to their homes? TIA

A warm welcome aboard! Glad you decided to post....

PS: Can't answer whether most sociopaths stay close to their homes. Actually (<----taken from ICA) I prefer it that way - as long as they're far away from MY home! I have enough drama in my life at the moment thank you very much!!!! LOL
bumping because another thread is starting on the same subject
I have always thought she planned to tell them Caylee was missing, but she was waiting until the last possible minute. I think she was planning to say Caylee was abducted that day, that she had fought and begged, and eventually she would have added her car was stolen too. Then she would let the police look for her awhile, grieve appropriately, and then be the girl with the sad story about her beautiful baby who was stolen and murdered. And hopefully she could weave in something about needing to buy a bunch of stuff at Target and Penney's to appease the kidnapper so Amy wouldn't be so mad.

ICA liked to be perceived as a victim. She told many people stories about the tragic death of Caylee's father, with the most frequent death scenario being that he died on the way to Caylee's birthday party. :tears: She has a tragic miscarriage story :tears:. She has a tragic story of her dad having some kind of stroke and being rushed to the hospital :tears:, her parents impending divorce :tears:, her brother sneaking into her room :tears:. I have no doubt she was formulating a plan to have Caylee's disappearance and then death become part of her tragic story as well. But she couldn't commit to it... yet.

ICA has a history of putting off telling people bad news... i.e. the night before graduation announcing she isn't graduating... 8.2 months pregnant before she tells her parents, getting well into the next relationship before breaking off the former one. She never got around to telling her parents that she lost her job. She is a conflict avoider, and a decision avoider.

I have a relationship in my life with someone like this... someone who puts off making all the hard decisions until they get made for her (so it isn't her fault! There was no other choice!) and who avoids telling anyone things that might make them mad at her or question her decisions. She will wait until she is completely backed into a corner with no other way out before she admits anything, and even then she is probably only telling you part of the story. Which is what I think LA forced out of her 7/16/08... he backed her into a corner and she blurted out a piece of her half-baked idea. Then she was kind of stuck with it.

It seems to me that she was just putting off the day she had to face the music. Each day I suspect she thought "I need to do something about this problem, but everyone will be so upset. Maybe tomorrow. Just one more day." Then she went on with living her life five minutes at a time.

ITA with the people here who think that because no one ever confronted her, she thought she was a great liar. The girl I know is the same way, and if you catch her in a lie, she will spend hours convincing you that you were wrong, that what you saw isn't what you thought you saw, you shouldn't have been snooping around, and btw, she wouldn't have to lie if you weren't always treating her like she could not make her own decisions.

What would she have done with one more day? Nothing useful to her or her defense, but she would probably have come up with a better story which could address more of the actual facts and had less points that could be proven false.
I really like this thread and there are some outstanding posts here .
I am on the fence ..she had 31 days and didn't do anything so I think she would stay near home ...but we are also talking MURDER here so maybe she would have run .
Such a liar though and her mother never checked up . I said that with a straight face. Mother never checked on a 22 year old woman . Cripes
I really think she would have skipped town and I am surprised she did not leave after she killed her baby girl.

I'm surprised she didn't kill herself after she killed her baby.
I think she wanted just one more day to come up with a better solution in regards to explaining her missing daughter and perfecting the story she was to tell. I am not surprised she didn't kill herself because she worships herself!
I think Casey all along kept saying OK tomorrow I will report it but then she knew she would have to take a break from her partying ways- every time she thought about saying something, another fun event would be planned and she would be like one more day... That's how I think she kept track of how many days it had been.. the smell in the car, her mom and dad being aware of something... She just got in over her head and I personally think the nanny kidnapping scheme wasn't fully thought out and was her quick thinking when LA gave her the hypothetical .. she really did not plan what would happen after it happened and I think the premeditation was instantaneous.
So did she have a plan if she had one more day? I don't think so at all.. she had no money, no car so I think it is reminiscent of a child asking for 5 more minutes before they have to wake up in the morning- let me live in my fantasy world one more day...
I think she wanted just one more day to come up with a better solution in regards to explaining her missing daughter and perfecting the story she was to tell. I am not surprised she didn't kill herself because she worships herself![/B]

BBM You're right, of course, she really does worship herself.
I think Casey all along kept saying OK tomorrow I will report it but then she knew she would have to take a break from her partying ways- every time she thought about saying something, another fun event would be planned and she would be like one more day... That's how I think she kept track of how many days it had been.. the smell in the car, her mom and dad being aware of something... She just got in over her head and I personally think the nanny kidnapping scheme wasn't fully thought out and was her quick thinking when LA gave her the hypothetical .. she really did not plan what would happen after it happened and I think the premeditation was instantaneous.
So did she have a plan if she had one more day? I don't think so at all.. she had no money, no car so I think it is reminiscent of a child asking for 5 more minutes before they have to wake up in the morning- let me live in my fantasy world one more day...

Yup. She kept putting off whatever whackadoodle plan she had concocted in her head because she was having too much fun. Putting her plan in action would have required she face Ma&Pa Anthony and she wanted to be with TonE. "The plan" whatever it was would have required her to sustain the ruse and pretend to be the traumatized/grieving mother of a missing toddler and that was more work than she wanted to expend. Not when there was TonE, Fusion nights, BBQ's, and fun events for her to attend. Remember this was the "happiest" she had been in a long time. I believe that once she got that "call me major prob" text from Cindy on July 15, she sprang into action and started deleting everything on the laptop. At that point even KC figured she better spring her plan into action. She was totally caught off guard by Cindy when she sleuthed out her hideaway. Hence, the sloppy ZFG kidnapping story.
I think KC would have completed what I believe was her original plan, kill one parent and frame the other. KC told friends CA had a sore neck and couldn't watch Caylee, told friend her Dad had a mini stroke, (neckbreaking, chest trauma, shovel searches) told TL in one more day I will have my house. One parent dead, one in jail, and KC has the house. Just give her one more day. She'll figure out the rest as she goes along. CA better be glad LA was there at the house when CA picked her up and brought her home.
What would she have done with one more day? Nothing useful to her or her defense, but she would probably have come up with a better story which could address more of the actual facts and had less points that could be proven false.

I think she would have used "one more day" to convince her parents not to call the police. Tell the story of Zanny taking away Caylee and won't give her back. But Caylee is probably okay because I just talked to her. If we go to the police now the people with Zanny or even Zanny herself might hurt Caylee. We need to protect her and I need some time to go to some places to try to find her. I think I can do it. I think we can get her back without help from the police. Mom, you just need to believe everything I'm telling you. Give me the car keys and I'll start to go looking for her.

I don't know if she would move the body to a better hiding place or leave it where it was.
I think she would have used "one more day" to convince her parents not to call the police. Tell the story of Zanny taking away Caylee and won't give her back. But Caylee is probably okay because I just talked to her. If we go to the police now the people with Zanny or even Zanny herself might hurt Caylee. We need to protect her and I need some time to go to some places to try to find her. I think I can do it. I think we can get her back without help from the police. Mom, you just need to believe everything I'm telling you. Give me the car keys and I'll start to go looking for her.

I don't know if she would move the body to a better hiding place or leave it where it was.

I have mostly the same opinion.

When I was a teen, many moons ago, my mom found a bit of marijuana in my sibling's bedroom. When confronted, he too asked for "one more day.". Until that point, mom planned to flush it. After the comment, she called the police. So, like my sibling, I think ICA planned to finish what she'd started with that day. IMO, of course.

Btw, long time reader, random poster.
Just one more day mom until I can either convince you of just one more elaborate lie or I can steal enough money to hop on a plane to California and convince Mark that he's Caylee's father and that I have willingly given her into adoption to protect her from my family''s dysfunction...Just one more day....

This is so so true. All the concocted stories on this and other sites, it's as if people can't see what is right in front of them.

If she wanted to run, she could have told her mother, OK I'll get her right now, and had someone drive her anywhere near transportation ducked into a mall and run away. She would have LEFT.

The girl had no idea what she was doing. She's still evil in my opnion but this was NOT PLANNED>
The body disposal wasn't planned, doesn't mean the murder wasn't!:snooty:
I think she asked for one more day because she was caught by her mom and hadn't thought up a plausible explaination for Caylee's disappearance. Which is another reason that I think she didn't intentionally kill Caylee. She had no plan worked out at all. It seems to me that she made up the entire lie as she sat with Lee in her room and he made her realize that she had no choice about avoiding what she'd done because her mom had called the police and they were on their way. So she began spinning the Nanny abduction story.

Nothing in those 31 days resembles a thought out plan. Her actions were lying, avoidance, and denial; but there was no plan to escape or even to bury her daughter so no one would find her. She had dumped Caylee's body only a few blocks away from the Anthony's home. It was sure to be discovered and it was, in only a few months.

I still think she accidently caused Caylee's death and (for reasons known only to her and Mr. Baez) continues to refuse to admit it. IMO
"One more day, Mom!" Was just to get Cindy off her back, I doubt she had a plan or even cared, she would have went back to Tony's and attempted to dodge Cindy as long as she could....telling lie after lie but Cindy wasn't having any of it.

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