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Hey Scandi!! This same officer also discovered the body of Nicole Tessa on 12/21/2010 - shortly after she went missing - two days, I believe?? She had only been married for a short period of time (four months???) and her husband looks good for her case. In any case, I do not think it is involved with the LISK.... just intersting that Officer Mallia and his amazing dog have found so many bodies!!! I think I would like both of them if I met them in RL. As a Ws'er , nothing is off of the table for me. :)


Oh yes, that's what it was. Blue would have to be one of those exceptional dogs, like Eddie or Keela in England, although allot of a Human Remains Recovery Dog is the handler and their training.

I agree this last fact has nothing to do with LISK, but then nothing is off the table for me either. I wonder what Blue's track record is from 2005 to Dec 2010 when he found the 1st LISK body?
I wonder if Blue and Officer Mallia were involved in the early search for SG?
I am trying to verify that Mari Gilbert received a call from the doctor's Landline. Can anyone point me towards a link that mentions this?

Thanks quiet girl for this thread. IIRC, there is no mention that Shannan's shirt was found, so you might want to edit your post in that regard.

. . . and I read a link saying her jeans were ripped ~ not mangled. Want me to go find the link?

Yes, thanks Quiet Girl for the thread. LE doesn't have to tell us anything, so the shirt - maybe it is un-mentioned on purpose, right? {sp :banghead:}
After more than a month, since SG's belongings were located and a month since her remains were recovered, there is still NO OFFICIAL COD.

Neither SCPD nor any LE agency has said anything further on SG's case. The last word from any LE agency was the Dormer Press Conference which was followed the next day or so by the bizarre MG (with her lawyers) press conference.
MW left her phone behind.

Is this a fact?

Somewhere in the forum I read she was like, attached to her phone at the hip, but in this video the narrator says;

"Like Megan, Amber left behind her phone..."

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0Bd7QJcdWk&feature=player_detailpage#t=913s"]Americas Serial Killer True Stories P2 - YouTube[/ame]

I put a high importance on Modus Operandi.

Young Richard Ramirez tries to rape a woman in a hotel, where he works. Husband arrives, beats the s..t out of him.

Years later;
Serial Killer Richard Ramirez breaks into homes and first thing he does; "kill the man of the house."

MB and MBB had their phones with them. (If you are not clear on MBB, you can listen to the other parts of that video, says her last phone signal was received from LI)

36 days after the "911 call incident of May 1st", the killer(s) make sure the girls leave their phones behind.

That must have some implications, and I am not exclusively referring to certain Oak Beach residents. Thanks to SCPD nothing's off the table :maddening:

I don't know why Dwntwnslim is banned but I believe his above is a legit question.
emre e, if you are right about that mistake thank you for being keen.
What mistake? To the best of my knowledge both Megan and Amber DID leave their phones behind.

Am I missing something?
That's what I'd like to know. I posed a question a few days ago based on Megan and Amber having been asked to leave their cell phones behind and was questioned as to why I would assume that. I'd like to know the answer definitively. TIA
That makes me crazy!!! I cant imagine WHO would leave their phone behind at the request of ANYONE...esp. in this business. If someone asked me to do that Id either be like... NO...or I d turn off the ringeer and bring it n e way! I cant imagine what would make these woman who survive off their phones...leave them behind it makes no sense! Having said that..an idea is iggling at my brain...I gotta think it through tho...
That makes me crazy!!! I cant imagine WHO would leave their phone behind at the request of ANYONE...esp. in this business. If someone asked me to do that Id either be like... NO...or I d turn off the ringeer and bring it n e way! I cant imagine what would make these woman who survive off their phones...leave them behind it makes no sense! Having said that..an idea is iggling at my brain...I gotta think it through tho...

Im trying to imagine..what someone could say to make me do that...smh...Thinking...still thinking...Ima be thinkin on this for awhile!
Im trying to imagine..what someone could say to make me do that...smh...Thinking...still thinking...Ima be thinkin on this for awhile!

"Large amt of money plus your fave drug in exchange of non disturbance. Are we friends? Deal or no deal? I will even pick you up and bring you back for your convenience, sweet girl, so you don't have to worry about calling your bf/pimp/whoever else"....................
"Large amt of money plus your fave drug in exchange of non disturbance. Are we friends? Deal or no deal? I will even pick you up and bring you back for your convenience, sweet girl, so you don't have to worry about calling your bf/pimp/whoever else"....................

Dont really buy that tho...hell unless they were green as grass!
I wonder if the phone was plugged in the charger. Cause I've concocted something to explain this. (See theories) Maybe someone can add more insight to that.

If not, I mean the phone is not being charged, then there are a few more things to write. I'm not sure whether to write them openly. Thinking a few obscure phrases to put my idea forward. Obscure because I dont want to become a mastermind to the b..tard.
That makes me crazy!!! I cant imagine WHO would leave their phone behind at the request of ANYONE...esp. in this business. If someone asked me to do that Id either be like... NO...or I d turn off the ringeer and bring it n e way! I cant imagine what would make these woman who survive off their phones...leave them behind it makes no sense! Having said that..an idea is iggling at my brain...I gotta think it through tho...

"I work with the Suffolk County Police Department and operate an outpatient program for Phoenix House. I am reaching out to you as part of the women's services early intervention program. We have been monitoring the prostitution activities in the hotel and are going to be executing a round up early tomorrow. I can admit you to the program immediately which allows you to avoid arrest. You will only be required to stay for four days but can stay longer if you wish.

The program aims to help get women and girls off the street, our facility is located right near a beautiful beach and offers alternative therapies including dance, yoga, meditation, and art therapy sessions. It really is an amazing program and entering tonight will save you the costs and embarrassment associated with another arrest. You will have to leave your phone in the hotel and sign into the program with me before they execute the roundup or you will be arrested. You can't tell anyone where you are going, if you work with a man or driver for security tell him you have a $1500 overnight call and you can't turn it down.

Once you complete the four day program you will have the option of entering our Career Academy which offers an extensive program of vocational training for adults, only if you wish to...."

Since 1967, we have been committed to supporting individuals and families by providing a wide range of services, from prevention, early intervention, and treatment to continuing care and recovery support. Our services include treatment for substance abusers with mental health problems and programs for mothers with children. Phoenix House operates more than 20 residential and outpatient programs for adults and adolescents in New York City, upstate New York, and Long Island.
Whoever called MG claiming to be CPH said that he worked with the police and ran a halfway house to help women get off the street.

CPH did actually work for the police, and does perform patient advocacy, and treats outpatients, and the home bound.

I didn't have to stretch the truth to come up with a ruse that would work, I merely expanded on what someone told MG.

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