just the Facts

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he would perform operations on people’s fingers and reattach them on his kitchen table

That is bizarre; wouldn't it be better to reattach the fingers on the person? I mean, what's a table going to do with fingers attached to it? A table can't use fingers even if it has them, right?
That is bizarre; wouldn't it be better to reattach the fingers on the person? I mean, what's a table going to do with fingers attached to it? A table can't use fingers even if it has them, right?

I know, I know... off topic. But, honestly... I love the humor :)

The reasons we are here (WS) are the seriously tragic circumstances of these cases, and we spend a good deal of time arguing points (sometimes unnecessarily) but it sure is nice to see our humor . (jmo)

** not to distract from Redbird's post... it's an important piece of info!
Now look at the specialties...
Dr. Charles Hackett, D.O.
4427 Oak Beach Assn. 47 Larboard Ct. Oak Beach, NY. 11702-4619. Phone: 631-422-1484. Name: Specialty: Addiction, Allergy & Immunology, Anesthesiology ...
JustK, I like you very much but your accusations that CPH is lying are not based upon any solid evidence.

For starters, when a doctor does not have a private practice and is not a full-time employee of a hospital or medical facility, New York State requires that the doctor use his home address as his/her business address.

I have Googled over two dozen doctors who I personally know do not practice medicine any more and also do not maintain practices out of their homes and for each one of them their official business address is their home address. There are also dozens of websites that have copied the contact info for those doctors from the official NYS website to create physician directories. Many of those directories allow anyone from the public to claim to be one of the doctors listed (without verification of their identity) and will grant them the ability to edit/correct the details listed about the real doctor (including types of medical care that the doctor practices).

So basically, everything you see on the internet about CPH is what you should expect to see on the internet about every NY doctor who doesn't have a practice and isn't a full-time employee at a health care facility. Nothing you have posted can be used in court to prove anything about him running a practice out his house.
PS149 Thank you for clearing that up. I didn't know what to think. It certainly looked like a lie. I guess it makes sense now that you explained it. I was starting to think maybe I had been wrong about the doctors innocence.
JustK, I like you very much but your accusations that CPH is lying are not based upon any solid evidence.

For starters, when a doctor does not have a private practice and is not a full-time employee of a hospital or medical facility, New York State requires that the doctor use his home address as his/her business address.

I have Googled over two dozen doctors who I personally know do not practice medicine any more and also do not maintain practices out of their homes and for each one of them their official business address is their home address. There are also dozens of websites that have copied the contact info for those doctors from the official NYS website to create physician directories. Many of those directories allow anyone from the public to claim to be one of the doctors listed (without verification of their identity) and will grant them the ability to edit/correct the details listed about the real doctor (including types of medical care that the doctor practices).

So basically, everything you see on the internet about CPH is what you should expect to see on the internet about every NY doctor who doesn't have a practice and isn't a full-time employee at a health care facility. Nothing you have posted can be used in court to prove anything about him running a practice out his house.

No accusation was made- only linking that the phone number is a landline at 47 Larboard...and that CPH lists his specialties as those bolded above. Just posting information that can be found in an instant. It proves only that he used his home address and a landline at that address to accept calls re: his medical position. I did not pose the question; but why keep up his license if he had nowhere to practice? Correct me if this is inaccurate but is it not true that he still holds a valid medical license to practice in NYS? Are you suggesting he did house calls?
No accusation was made- only linking that the phone number is a landline at 47 Larboard...and that CPH lists his specialties as those bolded above. Just posting information that can be found in an instant. It proves only that he used his home address and a landline at that address to accept calls re: his medical position. I did not pose the question; but why keep up his license if he had nowhere to practice? Correct me if this is inaccurate but is it not true that he still holds a valid medical license to practice in NYS? Are you suggesting he did house calls?

You might not be intending to make accusation but when you write stuff like "Why lie?" it sure sounds like it.

Also, I just explained that the information posted around the internet can be updated by anyone. You are also accusin CPH of listing his specialities on that one website with no proof or verification that he was the person who input that listing.

As far as the question about "why keep up his license?", well after eight to ten years of schooling, what licensed physician ever gives up their license? All is required is a small fee and some continuing education classes every few years. For that matter, what license professional in any trade ever gives up on renewing their license when they aren't actively practicing their trade?

The New York State website is loaded with the names of thousands of hair dressers, real estate agents, doctors, lawyers, insurance agents, mortgage bankers, plumbers, electricians, etc... who no longer work but still choose to renew their professional licenses that they worked so hard to earn. Every single one of those license listings show the home address/landline of the licensee as their place of business. The court is smart enough to acknowledge that this proves nothing about whether or not an actual business exists at anyone's home.

If you read the legal complaint against CPH, JR makes the allegation that CPH maintains a medical practice out of his home. Remember, despite what the media and those talking about this case are saying, it IS NOT a wrongful death case. It's classified by the court strictly as medical malpractice. I don't know if this is what JR had intended or if he didn't realize that the moment he included accusations that a licensed physician mistreated a patient at his medical practice that this case would fall under the classification of 'medical malpractice'.

JR now opened the door for a quick and easy dismissal.

The legal complaints are like building blocks. The plaintiff starts with one item that he/she beleives to be true and then builds upon that. This complaint goes something like this;

  1. CPH is a licensed physician.
  2. CPH is a licenses physician who maintains a practice at his home.
  3. CPH is a licensed physician who maintains a practice at his home where he treats patients.
  4. On the morning of May 1, 2010, SG knocked on the door of CPH who is a licensed physician who maintains a practice at his home where he treats patients.
  5. CPH, who is a licensed physician woh maintains a practice at his home where he treats patients admitted SG into his home to treat her on the morning of May 1, 2010.
  6. While treated SG on the morning of May 1, 2010, CPH who is a licensed physician who maintains a practice at his home where he treats patients, administered intravenous medication to SG to attempt to 'save her'.

Get the drift?

When you have a legal complaint based upon all of these building blocks, all that the defense needs to do is prove that one of the blocks of the foundation were flawed in order for the judge to dismiss the entire case.

In this situation, JR has built his entire pile of blocks upon three blocks-

  1. CPH is a licensed physician.
  2. CPH maintains a practice at his house.
  3. CPH treats patients at his house.

It probably took CPH's attorney an entire five minutes to read the first few paragraphs of the legal complaint filed by JR to easily determine that the entire case is flawed base upon the fact that CPH does not maintain a medical practice out of his home. If JR simply skipped that detail and left it more broad (like CPH sometimes treats patients out of his house) then he would not have given the defense attorney this escape hatch to slide through.

Of course, anything is possible when you go to court. The judge might not buy in to the argument and might allow this case to survive the motion to dismiss. The problem I already can see with defending this argument is that we are talking about events that took place in the year 2010 and prior. All CPH will need to do is supply the court with the logs from his prescription pad to show all of the patients he's prescribed medication for in the years 2008-2010 along with testimony from a handful of those patients declaring that CPH didn't maintain a medical practice out of his house.

Remember, CPH is not denying that he might have helped a friend or a neighbor on occcasion at his home when they needed first aid or medical advice. That is not what CPH needs to defend. The accusation is that CPH maintained a medical practice. Just think about your last visit to the office of your family physician and think about all of the components that define that as a practice (examination rooms, patient charts, physical examinations, immunizations, follow-up visits, all of the equipment, the staff, the billing/insurance company interaction, bloodwork/labs, waiting room, etc...) and then realize that MG's complaint is based upon her attorney's written accusation that CPH maintained an actual practice out of his home in Oak Beach.

This case is doomed.
Here is CPH'S response (court document) to the lawsuit. Haven't seen this before today.


Interesting. Does he really feel that he can win this lawsuit or have it dropped by refuting it with a lie?

This is only one of many places online where his office address is listed as his home address. Makes me wonder why he would lie. Does it make me think he is LISK...no...does it make me question his involvement in SG's death...a little.

I mean why lie?

Source of info http://.com/2013/02/28/oops-hackett-forgot-something/

@PS149...see the above comment and then see my three posts. I am not the member who used the word "Lie."
@PS149...see the above comment and then see my three posts. I am not the member who used the word "Lie."

I am SOOOOO SORRY for the confusion.

I meant to say that Justiceforever should not accuse CPH of lying when there is ZERO proof.
I am SOOOOO SORRY for the confusion.

I meant to say that Justiceforever should not accuse CPH of lying when there is ZERO proof.

Yeah...well it certainly appeared to be a lie. It even appeared to be proof of a lie. Even I, who am under the belief that he is innocent of murder, had to look at that and wonder.
The average person, I think will say, "Why does he deny having home offices and yet puts down his home address as his office location? Hmm. That sounds like a lie!" I don't think the average person would automatically assume the reasons you gave as an explaination. I think his lawyer better make sure it's clear that it is normal practice to the jury. Even then, it still may leave them questioning, did he or did he not have a home practice.IMVHO.
Now look at the specialties...
Dr. Charles Hackett, D.O.
4427 Oak Beach Assn. 47 Larboard Ct. Oak Beach, NY. 11702-4619. Phone: 631-422-1484. Name: Specialty: Addiction, Allergy & Immunology, Anesthesiology ...

Honestly JustK, go back to that link and look what you quoted here.

The link you provided is findadoctor.medhelp.org/oak_beach-ny/charles-hackett/1147333

The only Specialty listed are Emergency Medical Services, Family Physician.

Now look below his listing. There is a drop-down menu for a new search. It has every type of specialty listed from Addiction to Veterinarian (in alphabetical order). You listed the first three specialties in that drop-down menu and quoted them as if they were CPH's advertised specialties (see copy attached).

Your innocent error is a perfect example of how the court will never see or hear about anything to do with internet directory listings as proof that CPH maintained a practice out of his house.

Case closed.


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Just a thought about CHP and the phone calls.
I was just thinking back when I was 16, 17 I dated this guy who was kind of a nerd. But he went to radio shack, bought just a regular phone....Not sure what he did but was able to make it so that we could go to people's houses and hook it up to the out side box of the house and we could then make phone calls using this persons number. And if the cops ever were to trace the phone calls it would always come back to that person's house. We of course didn't do that and tried it out at my dad's store. And it worked. We were able to sit out side and make phone calls with out anyone knowing. If a couple of teens could figure this out then I am sure a SK could.
Not saying this is what happen but these phones are easy to make, cheap, and work with any land line. If someone was really worried about covering up their tracks then I would assume to put in a random doctor with a weird phone call in the middle of all of this would be a great way to cause confusion and make more then just one path to follow well trying to figure out what happen to SG.
I thought this was a fact only thread. Guess we'll have to re-name it and start a genuine "fact only" thread.

List comment lands at random.
I am not sure why there is such pressure over pasting exact Google responses to a phone number search. The three links/or Google results I posted were the exact results that GOOGLE listed. I even gave the link to the several pages of Google results, that came up for the phone number listed to a SECOND LINE, a landline at the 47 Larboard address, associated with the private practice of the doctor in question.

This is getting obnoxious. The court will ultimately decide if there is relevant evidence to go forward with the case against D.O. Hackett.

Unless a member here was with the doctor 24/7 then he/she can not be certain that their point of view is indeed fact.

The only thing we can do here is to state the references that are publicly available.

Even if news stations pulled the original video clips with CPH speaking directly into the camera, there are members here who watched him say things that he now denies. I hope that JR has subpoenaed the raw video tapes and uses them in court to prove that the doctor did say a few things that are now being denied.

Just The Facts:
Unless you were in the house at 47 Larboard Ct or with CPH 24/7 then anything anyone reports that happened there is still supposition and not fact.
Something that is really frustrating is that links found and posted yesterday and disputed soon thereafter are gone today. It sure does seem that there is either a publicist or advocate hard at work to destroy and eliminate data that reflects badly on certain characters in question.

Rather than make the person look less guilty, IMO, the elimination of long standing public information leads one to question what more incriminating information disappeared even as early as Summer of 2011.
Something that is really frustrating is that links found and posted yesterday and disputed soon thereafter are gone today. It sure does seem that there is either a publicist or advocate hard at work to destroy and eliminate data that reflects badly on certain characters in question.

Rather than make the person look less guilty, IMO, the elimination of long standing public information leads one to question what more incriminating information disappeared even as early as Summer of 2011.

Well posting Google search results without actually visiting the links and visiting each website is not a reliable way to Sleuth a case. Google search results give bits and pieces of the text that are on each particular page (and in no particular order). The Google bots are crawling the web every hour. So naturally, the search results are going to change rather quickly.
I thought this was a fact only thread. Guess we'll have to re-name it and start a genuine "fact only" thread.

List comment lands at random.

Yes I agree. I respectfully have to ask that you rename the title of this thread.

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