Just want to say Thanks

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
You don't know it but you were the one who gave me the link, or explained it to me, or showed me the other side of the debate. You even forgave me when my facts were wrong. You opened many doors for me. You showed me that the grey areas can be as important as the black and white. You gave me examples of caring hearts and intelligence beyond my comprehension. You are methodical, you are serious, you are impertinent, comical and genius. You are all united for the cause to seek justice for innocent children.

You, you are Websleuths. And I love and respect you. My thanks to each and every single one of you!
is there a particular case that you need help with?? If so, don't be afraid to blab it everywhere!

Not any one in particular Olive thank you so much!

I get overwhelmed sometimes with sadness when I read our archives from the decades past. So many bright shiny faces of children missing 10, 20 or even 30 years and their names seem to be lost to mainstream media but their parents or grandparents still think of them daily. So sad.

I was crushed when Caylee was found as she was, but the consolation is that she was found and she is home.

So many Caylee's (children just like her) out there that haven't been found :(
when this trial ends, I look forward to looking at all the other cases here, and reading everyones posts. I am sure that the number of daily visitors and members won't remain as strong as they have during the trial, but I hope to read your posts every chance I get. You have all shown what the justice system needs, a group bonded together to honor the victims of the evil that exists in our world. Bless each of you for your dedication during this trial, to see justice done for caylee. And thank you to the prosecution, for their dedication, and to the judge for keeping the trial fair and for maintaining his humor.
I stumbled on WS almost three years ago after hearing on
the news of a young mother who did not report her child missing for 31 DAYS. I immediately googled her name and that search led me here. This site has been an amazing way to learn and share information, thoughts, reactions and a myriad of feelings throughout this ordeal.

My husband asked me last night what I was going to do when "my" trial was over...when I no longer have to be "in court" everyday, sitting here with my WS friends. My response...I don't know. I think I will feel a little lost, a little let down. But I know where I will head...right back here among friends. Many have said it before; there will, sadly, be other missing children, unspeakable crimes and riveting cases. This has been one that has truly pierced my soul.

Thanks, RammerJammer you said the essence of my situation. This case began one short month after I moved away from Orlando after 21 years there. I was an RN case manager there, and CA's name and face were familiar to me from a certain office. I did not know her at all, but the familiarity of her name, and of my beloved Orlando, grabbed me right acterbthe 31 days did. Then, about three days into the case I warded CA in am interview with Fox. I had never seen any family member of a missing child act like she did on that interview. There was no turning back for me at that point. My family too, thinks I am obsessed, but I overheard my daughter telling a friend that I know ,ore about the case then the reporters on tv, and just ask me if they have questions!

I confess Inhave been a member of several other forums as I am by nature a crime sleuth, but Websleuths is by far the number one forum! It is the best- thanks to Tricia, the mods,
attorneys, and all of the great posters here. And BTW, RammerJammer, I have one daughter who received both her BA and MA degrees from the University of Alabama!

On a separate note, but re: this case I have an observation/opinion. I would like to know if anyone else thinks this same way. It occurred to me that Casey does indeed seem to be more pronounced in her demeanor showing inappropriate or lack of emotion. I believe this is true
because sociopaths don't feel emotion(but for themselves), but they do mimic emotion. Now Casey has been in jail for 3 years, and in her own cell. She does not interact with many people now, except the DT, and no longer has their examples of emotion to mimic. That I why she seems worse, IMO. I would love to hear Amy one else's comments on that. And,thanks to all of you who watch this trial with me daily!
Great thread! First and foremost, thanks to the mods for putting up with all the <modsnips> in spite of our anger/frustrations and not automatically handing out TO's lol. Also, thanks to our 'transcribers' who make it sooo easy for busy bees to semi feel like they're actually watching the trial. Thanks to all who give screenshots for the same reason. Thanks to you all for being my support system during this trial. It helps me to know Im not alone. I will not be leaving this site when this trial is over. Like others, I will move on to other missing/abused children cases.
More importantly, the biggest "THANK YOU" to the prosecution team for all their hard work & dedication! Thank you LDB, JA & FG. You truly are Caylees heroes! No matter the outcome! :hugs:

I believe this is true
because sociopaths don't feel emotion(but for themselves), but they do mimic emotion. Now Casey has been in jail for 3 years, and in her own cell. She does not interact with many people now, except the DT, and no longer has their examples of emotion to mimic. That is why she seems worse, IMO.

I have extensive education on both sociology/psychology and law, as well as raising a stepchild (who is adopted by both parents....my hubby and ex), who I deem a sociopath.
Very sweet, Olive. Thanks everyone! Hugs to all!!
yeah, it's hard for me to not give my real name, address, and phone number, cause I know you all would be on it in case of "accident"....but this is the www
I also want to say thank you to everyone who has contributed on Caylee's forum over the past 3 years. All the sleuthing, the posting of theories, documents pertaining to the case, transcripts, and especially for keeping Caylee's memory alive. It has been a very long 3 years waiting for justice for that precious little girl, and I hope and pray that she finally gets it when the jury votes GUILTY on all charges. I pray that Cindy, George, Lee, Mallory and all other friends and family of the Anthony's are able to have some sort of closure and to be able to move on with their lives and honor Caylee every step of the way. I feel truly sad for George and Cindy especially. Despite the various opinions that myself and others have had about them from time to time over the past 3 years, deep down in my heart I believe that they dearly loved Caylee and I think they are in an unimagineable position which I don't envy.

A very special thank you to Tricia for creating this amazing "home" for us all, and to all the moderators - God bless you all, I know your job is tiresome and you do it out of the goodness of your hearts. It IS appreciated every day. {{{{big hugs}}}} to everyone.
A very special thank you to Tricia for creating this amazing "home" for us all, and to all the moderators - God bless you all, I know your job is tiresome and you do it out of the goodness of your hearts. It IS appreciated every day. {{{{big hugs}}}} to everyone.

This has been a trial where someone ??? ,
sometimes thinks he is the judge.
A trial that I have been and still right now find things happening, words I have never heard being used, evidence that should come in being denied as entered.
Twists and turns and so many lies that I have prayed everyday
that this judge have the help from above to plod through it.
I have and always will think the person on trial for this crime, is indeed the last person to have seen Caylee's face.
Caylee had she not been so brutally murdered, would be
Birthdate August 9,2005
Deathdate June 16,2008

As you can see Caylee would be a 6 year old girl attending school with other children her age..

a murder trial is in progress to prove who killed her.
If anything at all is needed is for all of us to [ in whatever way you do so]
Pray for justice.
And yes I have always since joining Websleuth's a while back, have depended on everyone here, even the [ mod police] :great:
to help me [and all who come here] to understand in all the ways this site has,to understand and make sense of cases which really make no sense.

If not for the people here, I for one would be totally lost in so many cases that are covered here.
So thanks to everyone...
all are part of one big family...
Tricia is amazing for having a site where we can get a long...
and learn together..

typos are part of my persoanality :)
It occurred to me that I might have left the impression that this was is for me on Websleuths. No it is not. I will need to take a break after this case is over, but I hope we might be able to make a difference in other cases that need attention. Speaking for myself, I began to realize yesterday as testimony is winding down, what a tole the loss of Caylee, and this complicated family dynamic has taken on me as a mother, nurse and human being.
Thanks...for the support.

I have no idea who you people are...

but I love you guys and thanks for your ideas, and commentary (even dissenting) throughout this trial and mess. Thanks to the mods and Tricia who make this possible.


This is a very big trial in our nation's history. I'm glad we are keeping a record here for the future... (how many of our kids want to be attorneys?)

Thank you all for participating.

I don't post much. When I do, I try to make it pertinent. Until my b$tchiness gets the best of me. Hey, I'm female and I ovulate.

But I do love all the respected minds here.

Thanks Tricia.

Delete if necessary.

Hope it is not.

THANK YOU for putting into words what I too feel. Thanks to everyone on this board. I haven't been able to watch much but I read here to get the real time information from you and I don't know what I would have done without you all taking your time to transcribe!
I feel like we've all been so "tight" and now it's nearing the end and time to say goodbye, even though that's absurd, because we'll all still be on Websleuths, but still...

I'm so grateful to have you all to share frustrations with, and laughter.
Funnily enough, I would never have heard about Websleuths were it not for this trial and Yuri. So thanks, Jose Baez! lol

I haven't been a WSer for very long, but have followed this case from the get go. What a gift to find such a site, populated by informed, insightful, caring and (dare I say it?) funny posters. No-nonsense but fair Mods. Just a great group.

And we share a common goal....Justice for Caylee.

So, I say:
I am grateful for this forum, the mods and for all of you smart, witty, dedicated, caring people. Thank you Olive for starting this tread. I had my stupid "choked up face" on while I read the posts because I feel the same way.

I've learned so very much from all of you. Blowing many kisses your way!

After you read this, blow a kiss to Caylee. I want her to feel the combined power of our love.
This board has been and will continue to be the best place to come to.

I'll do what I have done for years once this case has been decided......... follow another one.

Thank you to Tricia and the Mod Squad for providing us such a swell gathering spot. Don't know what I'd do without Websleuths.
I :heartbeat: this thread.

I'd like to add my thanks to the administrators and moderators. I'm an IS board refugee and when the board shut down after being a member there for over 10 years, I wanted a place that had some of the similar qualities and respect for one another. I joined another board for a short time and it wasn't for me. Finally decided to try out WS and decided this would be my new home.

Thank you for adopting me. :tyou:
You don't know it but you were the one who gave me the link, or explained it to me, or showed me the other side of the debate. You even forgave me when my facts were wrong. You opened many doors for me. You showed me that the grey areas can be as important as the black and white. You gave me examples of caring hearts and intelligence beyond my comprehension. You are methodical, you are serious, you are impertinent, comical and genius. You are all united for the cause to seek justice for innocent children.

You, you are Websleuths. And I love and respect you. My thanks to each and every single one of you!


Thank you, Expecting, for expressing this so very, very well.

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