Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz Breakup

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Ike said:
What is the deal with Scarlet? I don't understand why everyone seems so infatuated with her. She can be pretty sometimes, but mostly I think she's weird looking.

Is it just charisma? I'll admit the only movie of hers that I have seen is a small portion of the Black Dahlia (which I hated).

As far as the topic on hand...or in hand...whichever you prefer:

Good for Justin, I think Cameron is a psyco. She was awfully pretty in My Best Friend's Wedding, though.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, Ike! I also get annoyed when I read interviews with her. They always seem to kind of follow the pattern of:

Scarlett: "Oh Em Gee, men find me attractive! That's so shocking! Well, I'm all about artistic integrity.... and I'll do a nude scene if it's for the right part/will not be ashamed to get plastic surgery when I'm older/blah blah blah."

I think she's highly overrated and don't really see anything special about her. Cameron, while I don't like her much, is at least different. She plays a great psychobitch too, a la Vanilla Sky and Very Bad Things. :)

Why are we talking about Justin and Cameron/Scarlett though? I'll say it again.

BRITNEY + JUSTIN AGAIN! Justin will save Britney, return her to her former glory, and everything will be right in the world again. Timberlake/Spears '08 I say! Hmm, or Jolie/Pitt.

*That last bit written with tongue firmly in cheek. Although... I do believe the breakup with Justin made Britney the "off-the-walls spiraling out of control" mess that she is now. She hasn't been the same since they broke up...
I heard that Cameron Diaz is a really BIG partier and generous with all sorts of drugs for her party guests. I just never thought Justin and she fit together. Don't know the gal but was told that she owns a hotel in Hollywood (forget the name) and that certain guests get the works (which include drugs of choice).

I of course know nothing about Cameron. So, take these rumors for what they're worth. ;)
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: OMG.... I had not heard of or seen My Box in a Box - hysterical!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for that, my sick sense of humor friends will all be entertained today thanks to you guys!!!
I agree about Scarlet. I don't think she is pretty at all. And I haven't noticed a particularly Oooh la la figure on her either. I just don't get the hooplala over her even a little bit. Jolie I can see. Or Jessica Alba. But Scarlet? Pooey. I also don't get Renee Zelweger or however you spell her name. But anyway, I do think that the breakup with Justin was not good for Brit either personally or professionally. Remember that cute pic of them both dressed in denim??? tee hee. I do not think they will get back together though. I don't think Justin does swamp. And, yeah, Brit has been trash for the last several years but you can't make someone a lowlife just by breaking up with them. I think her ability to become trash was always there. And if Justin didn't want to get hitched, can you really picture him being a dad to 2 kids? I can't.
This is just another example of the hollywood relationship... most are like revolving doors, every one takes a turn sooner or later..

Granted Justin and cameron were together a while.. way longer than I would have bet on.. Cameron, dont understand why she is considered attractive, Scarlet is weird looking and wrapped up in her own appeal ( though dont get that one either) and Justin, seems like a nice guy but have trouble not thinking he is gay with that voice...( i know I know sterotypical) but hes not that bad looking... And Britney is just a mess in every way. She needs some serious help. even at that I dont know that she can resurrect her career.. I think she has done far too much damage to make a comeback anytime soon...

Wow, I am so cynical today.. better take a brake from posting for a bit...
I personally do not find Cameron attractive with her new dark hair look. I never thought that Justin was appealing. Scarlett Johannson on occasion looks attractive. However, I don't know what the hoopla is about her. Same goes for Renee Zellwegger. I think that they all must have fantastic agents, who get the media to spin them in the most positive light in order to get a buy-in from the easily persuaded public. ;)
Ike said:
What is the deal with Scarlet? I don't understand why everyone seems so infatuated with her. She can be pretty sometimes, but mostly I think she's weird looking.

Is it just charisma? I'll admit the only movie of hers that I have seen is a small portion of the Black Dahlia (which I hated).

As far as the topic on hand...or in hand...whichever you prefer:

Good for Justin, I think Cameron is a psyco. She was awfully pretty in My Best Friend's Wedding, though.
I'm convinced that the deal with Scarlett is that she is one of the few young actresses in Hollywood that looks like a woman - soft and curvy. That's considered unique in a town full of lollipops.

I don't have anything against Cameron Diaz one way or another, but I've seen pictures and I am fairly certain that crawling into bed with her would be like crawling into bed with a teenaged boy.
I NEVER thought Justin was attractive.. Not sure why he made it like he did.. His music is ok, nothing great IMO.. Cameron isn't bad.. I thought she was just adorable in The Mask ... I love that movie..:p There are pics of her where she looks great, and other pics where she doesn't..
southcitymom said:
I'm convinced that the deal with Scarlett is that she is one of the few young actresses in Hollywood that looks like a woman - soft and curvy. That's considered unique in a town full of lollipops.

That is one thing that I do like about her. I like that so far at least she hasn't starved her self into a size -4. I hate seeing actresses that do that the minute they get to Hollywood ala Lindsey Lohan and Hillary Duff.
I have never liked her much as an actress but I really loved "The Holiday". Cute movie. I am so jealous that she got to make out with Jude Law.
IdahoMom said:
I think she's beautiful. Cameron is too loud mouthed and raunchy for my taste.

Ditto. Cameron always looks like she needs a bath to me. Dirty - and not in a good way. :p :D
Jules said:
Ditto. Cameron always looks like she needs a bath to me. Dirty - and not in a good way. :p :D
Sometimes I think we were separated at birth. We are on the same wave length!:D
Nocgirl said:
I have never liked her much as an actress but I really loved "The Holiday". Cute movie. I am so jealous that she got to make out with Jude Law.

Oh I know.. YUM :p I think he is so sexy. I think it's his eyes.. he has beautiful eyes.. there is just something about him..
IdahoMom said:
Sometimes I think we were separated at birth. We are on the same wave length!:D

Completely agree!! :D :D :D Scary, huh??? :waitasec:
Nocgirl said:
I have never liked her much as an actress but I really loved "The Holiday". Cute movie. I am so jealous that she got to make out with Jude Law.

I really enjoyed that movie too. Just a fun, romantic "chick flick". I went with my daughter. Jude Law is very handsome in that movie; he IS a good actor. I though Jack Black was also adorable. And Eli Wallach.
Cameron filmed an independent film here in Maryland and used my SIL's rental home. DH and I worked on the set one day getting food and stuff together while they were filming.
It was odd that Cameron and Scarlet were both up for 'Favorite Film Star' at last night's People's Choice Awards. Cameron won. Justin won for favorite song or something like that. I was counting how many times CD said 'like' and 'you know' in her back-stage interview. It was over 20! :eek:

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