Kaine tells us about Terri and PPD - what role does it play in this case, if any?

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I believe these press events with DY & KH are very much planned and orchestrated with direction from FBI or other LE experts. I believe they are well coached on what and what not to say. Under such circumstances, I believe they were instructed NOT to say the names of any medications at this time in the investigation. I believe that when this case comes to trial, IF TH is the one accused, specific medications will play a huge role in the evidence. But at this juncture, I think it will only be referred to in passing so as not to muddy the waters. Imagine if KH had identified a specific AD in the interviews as one TH was taking regularly. The pharmaceutical company would have the beginning of a PR nightmare, and countless people taking that Rx would perhaps worry about being 'like TH'. That may still happen, but we won't know yet until a trial. Right now we just need to FIND KYRON. And if KH's description of TH's PPD, without disclosing the specific med, helps accomplish that by affecting public opinion into being a bit more understanding of what might have led to this tragedy, I'm all for it.

BBM In my opinion, these press events may be orchestrated by the lady who owns the church, the one who told people in a newsletter what they should and should not speak about.
You know, I had this gut feeling once I heard/read TH was a body builder, could she have been taking steroids/diet aids to get her back to her weight building days? Those drugs coupled with PPD would reek havoc on one's mind, body and soul. Didn't she think Kaine was having an affair? Could she have become paranoid with the use of those aminoacid type drugs body builders usually use to increase muscles??? Did she not feel good about her appearance??? I saw she wore the oversized shirts so I'd assume that was the case...whatever it is, I just hope and pray Kyron is alive and well with someone caring for him...JHMO

Where is Kyron???

IMO, I don't see one bit of evidence Terri was on anabolic steroids. She doesn't look like she was, not even a little bit. I would hate to see this thread shut down due steroid talk... moo
IMO, I don't see one bit of evidence Terri was on anabolic steroids. She doesn't look like she was, not even a little bit. I would hate to see this thread shut down due steroid talk... moo

Not trying to get this thread shut down. I am just speculating as everyone is..Why could this not be a possibility? What would a person look like if they took steroids??? She had been in body building competitions most don't get that large muscle mass just with weight training alone, do they??? Her weight gain after pregnancy might have been weighing heavy on her, seems she took great pride in her body building days....JMHO

Just specualtion on my part, no where did I say she was???

Where is Kyron!
I have to admit something. I had my boy in 1985. The AIDS epidemic was in full blown and not a lot was known about it and it was always fatal. I had lived in Los Angeles and dated a man I found out later was bi. After that I got married and pregnant. With all the news about AIDS coming out I became obsessed that I had it and would give it to my baby. I don't even know if there was a test yet for it. After he was born I was terrified that because of my bad choices my baby was going to suffer. I honestly thought I had gotten it from being with a bi man and passed it to my son. I started making plans to kill myself and the baby. I was going to park in the garage and turn the car on. I told no one, I was so ashamed. I felt like I was a bad person and didn't deserve such a wonderful baby and because of me he was going to suffer and die. This went on for a while before I could finally talk to my doctor about it. He assured me that chances of me having contracted the virus was very low even though I had unprotected sex. He educated me about the disease and why he was sure I didn't have it. I was afraid he would lock me up I was so fearful.
The bottom line is that after a while and due to educating myself I eventually stopped being obsesses and fearful. I don't remember if he had given medication, he might have. The point is my thinking was out of control irrational and because of my shame I kept it hiden. Thank God I never carried out my plans but I loved my baby too much. I was just fearful that I had condemned him to a terrible disease and we would both die. It seemed perfectly rational at the time. It did pass once I was aware that I had no signs and I allowed reality to come into the picture.
The point I am trying to make is how difficult PPD is. I think I may have even passed into PPP because my thinking was so irrational. I could have hurt myself and my baby if I didn't get help. It was only a few weeks thank God but I can understand how that can affect an otherwise normal person. Looking back I couldn't believe how consumed with fear I was over something that was very unlikely to happen.
If Terri had PPD or worse PPP I can see her becoming fixated on Kyron and maybe she felt there was something evil about him that she had to eliminate. I have heard other woman say they killed their baby because they were sure it was possessed by the devil or would go to hell. Terri didn't focus on her own child though but she may have focused on Kyron and a real threat to her baby. She might have convinced herself that he was dangerous and would hurt her baby if she didn't do something. I can see how it twists you mind and make you believe straight out lies and feel like you are the only one to fix this. My experience happened a few weeks after my baby was born but I can see how it could continue on, especially if she were feeding into it.
I am thinking Kaine is handing Terri a defense right on a silver platter for whatever reason. He may feel guilty for not doing more or helping more of leaving with the kids. It sounds like he is a lot of pain right now.
I'm not excusing anything Terri may have done because of these problems. She still has to be accountable for her actions. I just think that maybe Terri wasn't in control and wasn't able to get in control and had to listen to the voices that convince you to do something evil in order to protect your baby. God help her.

Dairy Girl, that was an incredibly brave post. Since you went first, I feel braver about sharing.

I have clinical depression. Had on and off periods of depression (maybe once a year, 2-3 months each time) from the time I was six years old. I was able to cope and compensate for it pretty well.

Then I had an infection that nearly killed me, spent a couple weeks in ICU, etc, and after that, it was like my brain was broken. All I felt was the depression and I was no longer able to cope or compensate for it. My doctor said that the illness probably did change something permanently in my brain chemistry. I went on antidepressant meds and although they don't control it completely, I generally do pretty well with it.

What I learned from that experience, though, is that I cannot trust my own mind or emotions. There are times when I have irrational reactions to things. I've learned to do a lot of reality checking and not to just accept that my first reaction is the "real me," so to speak.

Weirdly enough, I've been evaluated by four different psychologists as being a normal, well adjusted person who happens to have depression, not recommended for psychotherapy.

My point in all this, though, is that I was really very lucky. I figured out years before my brain was broken for good that when I am depressed, I cannot trust my own thoughts or reactions. I was blessed to come from a loving, stable, supportive family and to have found my terrific spouse who brings nothing but sunshine to my life.

If I hadn't been so fortunate, well, I don't know what I would have done or become. There, but by the grace of the ghods, go I.
I had PPD after my son was born. (He's my 4th child and now is 7) I was also having anxiety attacks, and at first had no clue what the heck they were until I went to the hospital because I couldn't breathe.

My Dr then put me on Effexor and it really it seemed to help. I thought I didn't need them anymore and I thought I could go off of them cold turkey.... well let me tell you that was the worst mistake I could have ever made. The thoughts I had in my head and the bad headaches were like no other. It scared me and I told my husband... the bad thoughts and headaches eventually went away thank goodness.

My point is, if she TH was on meds and she didn't wean herself off, it could have made her worse, but it still doesn't give reason for her to hurt Kyron. In no way am I defending her... I am just saying about what the meds did to me.

Also my husband had no clue what the names of the AD I had been on, but he did know that I was on something. I didn't tell him that I quit taking Effexor when I first did but he thought something was up because of my mood swings. Then I told him about my bad thoughts and headaches.

I just hope they find this sweet little boy alive. My son is the same age, and I can't imagine how his parents feel.
I'm really sorry Terri had postpartum depression. Still, to say depression equals murder is a stretch for me, and for any other mother who is coping with PPD at this time.

It's insensitive and perhaps misogynic.
Sounds to me like Kaine is helping her defense team with the hope he finds out where Kyron is. I imagine that all Kaine cares about right now is finding Kyron and keeping baby K safe. TH has the answers to the questions, helping her only helps Kaine.

From a personal perspective it doesn't sound like she had PPP. I had a relative with PPP and she could not function in any kind of way for 2 years. PPD on the other hand sounds to me like what TH had (and is what Kaine said) and that's actually a fairly flimsy defense but a help with her defense all the same.

When LE and DY said that they believe Kyron is alive, I wondered if possibly they found an unexplainable chunk of money in TH's possession and that makes them think she sold Kyron.


I was just going to type the same thing. He is helping her defense. IMO, mood swings wouldn't cause anyone to plan a murder or kidnapping. Hiring a hit man to kill your husband and taking your stepson to school, never to be seen since are not caused by any PPD or medication that may or may not have been taken. If this caused her to commit a violent act against him then they wouldn't have this hope that he is still alive. Just don't think PPD had anything to do with this.
Would he or LE not by now have checked the pharmecy records to see what she was taking and how much? It seems strange he wouldn't know by now what she was taking.

Regardless, if this information is true, what a tragedy all the way around. And the innocent Kyron caught in the middle of it all. Very sad :(
If Terri was breast feeding that would make a difference as to what AD she was put on. Most AD are excreted in the breast milk, some just a little, and some not at all. Wonder what AD she was on? moo

You are correct. I had a mild case of PPD with anxiety and hallucinations. Because I was breastfeeding I was given Zoloft, which is what many women I know who are breastfeeding are given if PPD is suspected. Zoloft is pretty mild in my opinion, but it helped tremendously. I had no side affects while weaning off of it at about 10 months post-partum.
I'm not buying this carp. If she did this to Kyron, it wasn't some erratic emotional outburst or mood swing, but a carefully planned sneaky evil plot.
I think Kaine is trying to find solace in the fact his entire life with this woman wasn't some big lie, and he surely feels guilt over Kyron's disappearance. It's easier to blame something else, something outwardly, than believe the person you loved, married, and had kids with is a liar and capable of hurting you and your child. It's easier than believing you were that blind and foolish to not see it. Not saying Kaine was blind or foolish but just that HE probably feels this way, and now he needs an explanation for the unexplainable. It gives people peace of mind to be able to find a reason for the unreasonable.
But anyway....

I agree. And I think she was putting together a defense with PPD long before Kaine said she had it. I think she believes it's the thing that is going to save her, and maybe that's why she had more confidence she could pull this off. She probably knew she had something to blame that in her mind takes the responsibility for what happened to Kyron off of her hands.

I'm not saying she wasn't sick, but I think she's going to be hiding under the PPD flag. We can see Kaine is already blaming this on the PPD, and I think that gives her hope that she still be able to get away with this. I wonder if maybe Kaine said it to give her false hope, and with that false hope she might do something stupid to give herself away or incriminate herself. She seems like the type that would cling to something or someone else to blame to exonerate herself, even something like PPD. If she truly is narscisstic, then the next thing we'll see from her is her being the poster child for PPD and getting treament for it, and she will completely blame it for anything bad she's done.

Again, I'm not saying she's not sick, but I have been wondering what in the world made her think she could do this and get away with it. I'm now thinking PPD is the answer.
How can you hide depression from your spouse??? I know I can hide a lot of moods from coworkers, friends, etc. But my spouse can definitely tell when I'm not myself. His statements make me think he was either in complete denial or their marriage was in such trouble that he was oblivious to her moods.

I can tell you from personal experience that PPD/PPP can be hidden. I was severely PPD after having my first daughter. I put on a happy face and looked like a doting new mother on the outside. But on the inside, I was completely suicidal and homicidal. I was eventually diagnosed with severe PTSD and PPD bordering on PPP after I tried to hurt my baby. Fortunately, I had a brief moment of clarity and called my husband to tell him he needed to come home from work, that something really bad had happened. He took me to get help. Part of my treatment plan was that I was not allowed to be left alone with the baby for 6 months or until my care providers signed off on it. Over the next 6 months, I gradually got better and became fairly functional for the most part. But diagnostically, I still had PPD for about 18 months.

My guess is that TH has/had PPD/PPP and started this whole plan when she was in the worst of her PPD/PPP. The PPD/PPP may have gotten better to the point where she was functional and those around her thought she was doing well, but she had already gottent he ball rolling on this grand plan. Or perhaps the people she has assiciated herself with weren't letting her off the hook. Perhaps she had made a deal with a hitman, and when they started threatening her to come up with the money, she gave them Kyron or sold him to pay the hitman.
This may have been discussed but maybe Kaine is sending a message to Terri, kind of like I understand that you had problems and it wasn't your fault? Maybe to let her guard down and be able to admit what happened?

I agree. They've been cranking up the pressure all week. Perhaps now they are trying to give her an "out" in hopes she'll come forward with information. Even if she claims temporary insanity from the PPD/PPP, at least they'd have Kyron back. I wouldn't be surprised if TH's defense attorney is trying to work out a deal for leniency in exchange for information leading to the discovery of Kyron's location.
It sure does seem like they're trying to give TH a way out. Where I am confused on this, is cannot this type of negotiation dialog be done directly with her lawyer? If it's a psych game, I don't understand how they could really be confident they (LE,FBI, etc.) have an accurate diagnosis of her mental makeup, especially given that none of them likely would have even sat down for a therapy session with her. A dangerous game indeed.

In some ways, it seems like the bio parents are operating independently of LE, and that all of this info is being directed at the public, and not at TH. If that's the case, you begin to wonder when the other shoe is going to drop from the "other side".

All JMOO, etc, etc...
AD medication would explain Terri's weight gain. Maybe she went off the meds in an effort to slim down and get back to body building and normalcy.

I'm really concerned why this was not mentioned by the family earlier. Their own guilt for not doing more? Anyone going through PPD not only needs meds and psych help but a good support system around them.

If she is still unwell, then 'ganging up' on her in public was not the smartest move, imo. Empathy and psych help from the beginning would have changed the direction of this case entirely.

Kaine doesn't know what type of medication she was on? Seriously? No wonder she was a mess!! That really pizzes me off. My hubby could tell you every psych med I've ever taken! And even what time I take them.

Theres also a contradiction from Kaine in the article:

So which is it? She was fine after 6 months, 12 months or 17 months?
What the article doesn't state, was if Desiree knew about the PPD. If she did, I cannot comprehend her actions.

This changes EVERYTHING!

It doesn't condone anything, but explains a lot!

Also brings up the question....if she was still on meds, or re-instated on meds after kyron went missing, did that affect her poly?

But playing devils advocate a lil bit here, I would think if someone was that ill, and under so much scrutiny, with bio-parents straight out blaming her, that she would have harmed herself in the last month.
Who knows. She might have, and it was swept under the carpet too.


Frankly, I'm taking what Kaine says with a HUGE grain of salt.
My guess is that TH has/had PPD/PPP and started this whole plan when she was in the worst of her PPD/PPP. The PPD/PPP may have gotten better to the point where she was functional and those around her thought she was doing well, but she had already gottent he ball rolling on this grand plan.


That reminds me of something.

People who are starting to recover from severe clinical depression are at their highest risk of suicide when they start to recover. When they are at the worst stage of depression, they may not have enough energy to come up with a plan or act on the plan.

When they start to recover, they go through a period of time where their thinking is still disordered but they have enough energy to act on their suicidal thoughts.

Just something else to think on.
I really don't mind if KH is giving TH what she needs for a defense.

If it makes her feel safer to open up about what happened to Kyron, I am all for it. The focus right now should be on finding Kyron.

There is all the time in the world to start assigning blame after he is home and safe....
And I agree with others who have said if he was "supposed to watch her closely for a six-month period" why didn't he know what medication she was prescribed? IMO, part of watching someone closely who is ill is making sure they take their medication so that they get well.

This stinks. I need to open a few windows to let some air in.

(respectfully snipped)

Considering how detail-oriented he appears to be, in addition to your point, leads me to believe he's not telling the truth here. I'm sure her meds and docs were paid for by his insurance, too.
First I don't understand why Kaine would do a interview with WW after kicking them out of the presser last week.

Kaine coming out and telling medical history at this time is just crazy... I thought that a LD could not be given to people with mental issues or if they were on anti-psychotic drugs.

Did Kaine go to the doctor with her? Who told him to watch her for 6 months?

“It wasn’t anything that was overly violent in nature,” Horman said. “It was just really erratic types of swings, from being very emotional to suddenly being very frustrated.”

Any show of violent I would not let my kids be left alone with her.

I think Kaine using sugar to get to Terri "we know your were having trouble just tell us where Kyron is....

I not buying this....I read up on PPD the mother kills her offspring most of the time and that very rare. I can not find one article where mom try to hire a hitman kill her husband because PPD. Not buying it.


Frankly, I'm taking what Kaine says with a HUGE grain of salt.

I agree, I was beginning to fall for that, but he doesn't speak for her in anything else, why speak about this now.
I'll wait to hear what Terri has to say when she is ready to talk.

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