Kardashians - Love 'em or Hate 'em

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What do you think about the Kardashian Family?

  • Love what they are doing

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Hate what they are doing

    Votes: 27 18.4%
  • Who are they?

    Votes: 14 9.5%
  • 15 minutes are over, go away

    Votes: 105 71.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well ..I never thought I'd be sat in the middle of an argument about the kardashians...specially here..

*flicks popcorn*

I don't have any clue what that has to do with anything that was said but okay. :)

Just the way they do business. Screw up and your fans are mad? Go be a saint and have your picture taken with people you treat like crap. I hope they don't use Lamar and Khloe for ratings, but I see "updates" and milestones, being covered for the show.

I think Lamar is not as well as they claim if they say months and months of rehabilitation, and there are those failing kidneys to deal with. I do think, as one coach has said, that Khloe is the best thing that ever happened to Lamar. I'm glad she was there when he awoke, and that she got to tell him she loved him, and I think she'll take him home and have only the best for him. And I see Rob coming around or moving back in with them. He and Lamar had a good relationship, and I'd hate if he stays away so he's not filmed making a visit. I don't think his mother would let twice crisis get away from her. Her prodigal son returned to the fold, and Lamar and him helping each other heal.

I bet Kim is mad that this has taken news away from her and her uterus.
Depends on what you consider "noteworthy" to mean.

Seriously though, it was a hypothetical situation that I gave to try and illustrate how irrational all the hate they receive is. IMO.

Moving on......

It is hard to answer the question of 'noteworthy' because I am not going to compare them to Nobel Peace Prize winners or anything...

But I will say that when my daughter was in high school, a few of her friends worked in stores owned by the K sisters. SMOOCH was a kids clothing store and DASH was women's clothing. These kids learned a lot, got paid and were trained for future jobs. They liked their bosses, who worked hard in a hand's on way in their stores.

The K sisters are very experienced Business women who work hard and have been very successful. I think it is unfair to allude to them as being prostitutes or anything of the sort. JMO
I hope Kendall keeps modeling but not make a career out of it. I hopes she distance's herself from the family. KYlie is not "Rich" Never heard of Tyra before he dated Kylie. But he's dumber than I thought if he's dating her for money when he buys her cars. And I never watch the show!!

In all honesty, the family is falling apart. The Bruce Jenner thing and leaving the show, Kendall is only on if she has nothing better to do, Khloe wants to take a long break, Scott is off (for now) and Rob refuses to be exploited by it. I doubt LaMar has any interest so this may just end the show altogether. Kanye is hardly ever on either. I think they all feel it has become to invasive - I do watch some times if nothing else is on. However, I do not bash this extremely wealthy family just because they are smarter than me when it comes to making money.
You said people would criticize them even if they gave a school to Armenia. What have they done that is really noteworthy?

Maybe not much, but I could ask many the same question - what have I done?
Oh my goodness- are you kidding me?

Just because someone is good at making money or they are smart when it comes to business does not mean they are a good person, upstanding, empathic or kind to others less fortunate. Those are the qualities I hold in high esteem.

Give me a break.

I'm sorry but these women are NOT role models by any stretch of the imagination- in my book. THAT is my problem.

Anyway, back on track with Lamar- I am grateful that most everyone believes Khloe loves him and has his best interest at heart. I will keep both of them in my thoughts and prayers.
It is hard to answer the question of 'noteworthy' because I am not going to compare them to Nobel Peace Prize winners or anything...

But I will say that when my daughter was in high school, a few of her friends worked in stores owned by the K sisters. SMOOCH was a kids clothing store and DASH was women's clothing. These kids learned a lot, got paid and were trained for future jobs. They liked their bosses, who worked hard in a hand's on way in their stores.

The K sisters are very experienced Business women who work hard and have been very successful. I think it is unfair to allude to them as being prostitutes or anything of the sort. JMO
This is what I am talking about. All of them seem to have a good business head on their shoulders.
Oh my goodness- are you kidding me?

Just because someone is good at making money or they are smart when it comes to business does not mean they are a good person, upstanding, empathic or kind to others less fortunate. Those are the qualities I hold in high esteem.

Give me a break.

I'm sorry but these women are NOT role models by any stretch of the imagination- in my book. THAT is my problem.

Anyway, back on track with Lamar- I am grateful that most everyone believes Khloe loves him and has his best interest at heart. I will keep both of them in my thoughts and prayers.

Who said that they're role models? I have not seen anyone in this thread say that, nor have I ever seen or heard anyone said that period. If your problem is people looking up to the Kardashians as role models, you should fault those people (whomever they may be), or society in general. Just because some people do not think the Kardashians are devil people walking the earth, does not mean they are thought of as role models. The world's not black and white - there's a lot of gray. Give ME a break.
Oh my goodness- are you kidding me?

Just because someone is good at making money or they are smart when it comes to business does not mean they are a good person, upstanding, empathic or kind to others less fortunate. Those are the qualities I hold in high esteem.

Give me a break.

I'm sorry but these women are NOT role models by any stretch of the imagination- in my book. THAT is my problem.

Anyway, back on track with Lamar- I am grateful that most everyone believes Khloe loves him and has his best interest at heart. I will keep both of them in my thoughts and prayers.

Oh, my mistake, I guess my opinion should be kept to myself.
No, no. Sorry. I'm not sure I understand this whole situation. I don't watch the show but have read some of the articles. I have a preconceived notion of this family and the posts about the sex tape(s) or potential sex tape really stuck in my craw. I apologize!
I do not understand the "hate" for the Kardashians. I have watched their show for a few seasons. I am just really impressed with how Kris has helped each child become successful. It blows my mind that people blame them for Lamar's issues. He agreed to be on the show. Maybe he couldn't balance being on the show and doing drugs at the same time. Doesn't most families have at least one member with some type of problem? Don't we all rally around that person out of love? Why are you haters wasting your time on a thread that contains info about them? Makes me go back to the point that if you don't like or disagree with what a tv show contains turn the channel.

Ok. Let the bashing begin.

I know he was acting FOS when he< Kayne>said he was running POTUS in what ever yr. You'd vote for him?lol I've never watched a complete show, Turned it. I don't hate them, I immensly , passionately DISLIKE them ALOT. I don't post on other sites about them. But I like LaMar. I have no reason to trust this family/business when it comes to LaMar. I wonder if Kris gives Khloe a hard time about leaving the show right now and Mama won't let her .WATCH OUT KRIS the backlash will be fierce, no matter what Khloes reason's are. I suspect her reasons, not her feelings.:moo:

Don't you have to be "sound mind and body" for anything legal, like cancel a divorce? But they were going to check for brain damage right before they dropped the divorce.:thinking:

Kimmy did a *advertiser censored*, which I'm sure we are aware of the content. Kris endorsed it, probably made $$ from it.I believe that's what started them?????? And I believe Robert Kardashian knew OJ was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt!!!!!!!!!!!!:moo:
Kim went to Haiti after the earthquake, but didn't do much than look. IIRC mom went with her. It was to help gain sympathy for the hard time getting a divorce and all. Local said she treated them like lepers, and treat hotel staff as her personal servents. They stayed 48 hours and the hotel was $1000.00 a night. Nothing special. Just another photo shoot.

And they had a outdoor non garage sale( per TMZ) a couple yrs. ago. A bruhaha whether the K's gave 10% to charity, or 10% of proceeds to themselves. Personally I think they switched it the last min. to charity getting 90%. If I recall another "backlash":happydance: $$$$$$$$$$BRAINDEAD
I have to admire the shrewdness behind this family amassing a fortune with no discernible talent or contribution. Otherwise, my interest in their personal lives is minimal. Kris Humphries seems to have been a deer in the headlights victim. Scott and Lamar are responsible for the choices they made. They may have been willing participants in their own exploitation, but their being used leaves a bad taste. All MOO
Thanks Shana.....that video was pretty good. I have to agree with all TG said, especially his review of KW's fashions lol. His designs have to be the most boring & unappealing items I've ever seen.....On par with wearing potato sacks. (IMO)

"Kardashian aura of yuck!" Luv it lol!

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