katie holmes...Did anyone notice

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I don't buy into tabloid fodder. I don't know Katie and Tom, so I wouldn't know what their marriage is like.

It SEEMS to me, by looking at their pictures together, that this is a happy and loving family.

I viewed the BRAVO interview of Tom that was done a couple of years ago; it was long...approx. two hours. He seems like such a nice man. He opened up about his family's problems when he was growing up...talked about his dad's illness and his reconciliation with his dad at the time of his dad's death. He had a difficult childhood.

I think the Scientology issues so many people have with Tom somehow impair the image of Tom's personal life to the public. The public doesn't LIKE the fact that Tom is a Scientologist. I sometimes wonder if all the negative crud that gets spewed out there is simply because of Tom's affiliation with this group.

I cringed when I saw Tom's interview with Matt Lauer. Tom did a lot of damage to himself during that interview...it was a mistake. He came across as crass and just a darned know-it-all. Personally, though...and no mud slinging...I agree with what Tom said, I just didn't like Tom's attitude when he was speaking to Matt.

I think Tom feels so strongly about those issues that he couldn't contain his emotions during that interview. I understand that, because I'm like that myself. It's hard to reign yourself in when you feel so passionately about something. I honestly feel that, overall, Tom's a really nice man, but that ONE interview really did him in.

I've stated over on other threads that I used to work in the entertainment field. I've met several so-called big wig celebrities; some of them were really nice and sweet...others were incorrigible and horrid to be around. I've never heard one negative word about Tom from anyone that's ever worked with him.

Anyway...I still wish both Tom and Katie all the best in the world. They look happy and healthy...I hope their marriage lasts and hope they can truly find peace in this world, away from the prying eyes of the public and the camera lens.

What Tom has done to his own reputation has nothing to do with tabloids and everything to do with Tom! The public doesn't dislike the fact that Tom is a Scientologist, if that were the case he'd have been hated for years! What the public hates is the "negative crud" Tom "spewed" about the millions of them who have a very real disease called mental illness and/or PPD!!!!

Yeah, I cringed while I watched the interview you refer to as well (but I do not feel this was the only time Tom made himself look bad), but certainly not because I felt bad for Tom but because I could have said his lines with him, pretty much word for word- they are Scientology scripted, not Tom Cruise's passion and I have heard the same lines from my brother for years. They sound just as disgusting coming out of Tom's mouth as they do coming out of my brothers.

You said
I understand that, because I'm like that myself.

But I'm just not seeing that in your post! You are able to share your opinions without being rude and you didn't pass judgment on anyone, you also did not attempt to make anyone feel that they were stupid or uneducated. You certainly didn't attempt to place yourself above anyone else here simply to make yourself look or feel better. You did not come across as mentally unstable and I don't see your foot prints on my sofa.

I simply wish Tom would stop "spewing negative crud" about very real, life threatening diseases he knows nothing about other than what Scientology tells him! But, I, too hope Tom and Katie have a long and happy life together and I wish them all the peace in the world!

*GaSp* Imagine, all this nice stuff from someone on Psychiatric medication!
That is the perfect way to describe it: handling.
I too think this is brainwashing.

Even when my brothers wife was dying, her handler had to be at their house every time someone who is not a Scientologist came to visit with her. Prior to her illness, we simply were not allowed to visit!

It's really a very strange organization...
Tom's behavior with Katie is a perfect example of the "handling" I was trying to describe in this post- http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1527971&postcount=103.

It's the oddest thing to watch because it happens every time ya see these people (Scientologists)!

How it is decided who will be the "handler" depends on how the TR's (training routines) go (If they join together) or whoever has been in the longest. My brothers wife was the "handler" in their relationship, which means she was able to remain unresponsive and maintain the "thousand mile stare" no matter what was said or done during the "bullbaiting".... which can get pretty nasty!

This thing with Katie (major weight loss, her loss of identity, etc) is indirectly related to Tom because he introduced her to Scientology but it is Scientology that has created this new Katie, I'd bet money on it!! I have seen it happen before and it happens almost the same to each person successfully brainwashed by this cult!

Thank you for your post, as always, very insightful.

I believe Jessica Rodriguez is Katie's handler. Here's an interesting interview where Ms. Rodriguez guides Katie in her answers:

I'm just curious, and I ask this not to disagree with anyone, but because I really don't know. I'm not a big Tom Cruise fan at all & I never really liked him, but....

How do we really KNOW that Tom is Katie's "puppeteer"? How do we know that he makes all the decisions, orders her what to do, and doesn't allow her to make decisions on her own? Where does all this speculation come from? Has Katie's family made these claims? Who? Other than the tabloid trash mags that make their money based upon the the biggest dish of gossip, biggest inuendos, or biggest scoop----
Even when my brothers wife was dying, her handler had to be at their house every time someone who is not a Scientologist came to visit with her. Prior to her illness, we simply were not allowed to visit!

It's really a very strange organization...

I'm so sorry you had to experience this OneLostGrl.
Do you know if so called Hollywood stars are rewarded for becoming Scientologist?
I'm just curious, and I ask this not to disagree with anyone, but because I really don't know. I'm not a big Tom Cruise at all & I never really liked him, but....

How do we really KNOW that Tom is Katie's "puppeteer"? How do we know that he makes all the decisions, orders her what to do, and doesn't allow her to make decisions on her own? Where does all this speculation come from? Has Katie's family made these claims? Who? Other than the tabloid trash mags that make their money based upon the the biggest dish of gossip, biggest inuendos, or biggest scoop----

As I stated above, I don't think Tom is Katie's "puppeteer". However, being that she is a Scientologist, I know that the Org is her puppeteer.
As I stated above, I don't think Tom is Katie's "puppeteer". However, being that she is a Scientologist, I know that the Org is her puppeteer.

Oh, I didn't mean to imply that YOUR post said that, and I apologize if it sounded that way. I just meant.....in general. Alot of people think Katie doesn't think for herself, not necessarily just on this site, it seems to be the general consensus everywhere.
I thought so too. She looks so much older now. Katie was such a beautiful ''healthy'' looking girl too. I do like her haircut though I think she is going more for the soccer mom look now. While I don't agree with the way Tom discusses his views on things, I do have alot of the same views as him when it comes to medicating children. I am TOTALLY against it. I think it robs children of the person/adult they are to become I could go on and on about it but Yea I have strong feelings about it and i'm sorry if I offended anyone.

Yeesh, I think she looks about 10 years older between that haircut and the skin and bones.
Oh, I didn't mean to imply that YOUR post said that, and I apologize if it sounded that way. I just meant.....in general. Alot of people think Katie doesn't think for herself, not necessarily just on this site, it seems to be the general consensus everywhere.

Hey Eleven

I'm headed to bed so this will be brief. :) Did you read the interview that I posted earlier with Katie? That was from W Magazine, which I don't necessarily consider a tabloid. It's one of many bizarre articles out there, coupled with some very strange behavior (disowning childhood friends as soon as she met Tom, firing her agent and publicist, etc.).

As for my thoughts, they're purely speculation based on what I read, hear, etc. I do that a lot on here, speculate that is. :D

Have a good night, and welcome to WS!
I'm so sorry you had to experience this OneLostGrl.
Do you know if so called Hollywood stars are rewarded for becoming Scientologist?


I don't think they have many more "perks" then any other Scientologist.. however, they have much more to lose should they try to get out.
I just don't understand spiteful comments, made by public people who really don't know these people at all.

For example...I worked for an attorney who prepared legal documentation re: various personal and legal issues for high profile celebrities; one particular rag, for instance, claimed it KNEW when a certain high profile celeb got married. This was actually on their front cover.

The article was a complete fabrication! It was totally, utterly false! I knew this because I'd signed the legal/marital paperwork (notarized them actually), along with my attorney for this couple. I asked this particular celeb how he dealt with all this gossip and he said you just had to develop a thick skin and get over it. He stated it was the price one paid when you became a high profile personality. I told him I didn't think I could do it. I wouldn't mind the money, I told him, but I'd never want the fame.

You simply cannot believe everything you see in these tabloids. You can't...most of it's absolute crud.

C'mon, you guys. She's a beautiful gal...with a gorgeous baby and seems to be happy. WHY all the incessant negative comments?
She does, indeed, appear older and thinner than usual - and let's not forget, the camera adds some poundage to people - so its probably worse than it looks -
Suri appears to be a curious, active tot - but I did notice more photos of Tom hands-on with suri than Kat(e)....wasn't her time with the baby scheduled - i.e., times for nursing, play, etc. after the baby was born? Maybe that could explain the lack of bonding....
I just don't understand spiteful comments, made by public people who really don't know these people at all.

For example...I worked for an attorney who prepared legal documentation re: various personal and legal issues for high profile celebrities; one particular rag, for instance, claimed it KNEW when a certain high profile celeb got married. This was actually on their front cover.

The article was a complete fabrication! It was totally, utterly false! I knew this because I'd signed the legal/marital paperwork (notarized them actually), along with my attorney for this couple. I asked this particular celeb how he dealt with all this gossip and he said you just had to develop a thick skin and get over it. He stated it was the price one paid when you became a high profile personality. I told him I didn't think I could do it. I wouldn't mind the money, I told him, but I'd never want the fame.

You simply cannot believe everything you see in these tabloids. You can't...most of it's absolute crud.

C'mon, you guys. She's a beautiful gal...with a gorgeous baby and seems to be happy. WHY all the incessant negative comments?

If you don't like the negative comments on Katie, simply don't read this thread. It looks as if the majority of the people who have posted think she's too thin, their relationship is creepy/fake, and that Scientology is in complete control of Tom and he's in complete control of Katie. It's not spiteful to speculate on what is obvious. And I don't get all of my "crud" from tabloids, it's from Tom and Katie's OWN words and behavior. Quit implying that you're better than us and know better because you were on the fringes of the entertainment biz.

ETA: Also, the tabloids aren't always wrong, just because they are tabloids.
If you don't like the negative comments on Katie, simply don't read this thread. It looks as if the majority of the people who have posted think she's too thin, their relationship is creepy/fake, and that Scientology is in complete control of Tom and he's in complete control of Katie. It's not spiteful to speculate on what is obvious. And I don't get all of my "crud" from tabloids, it's from Tom and Katie's OWN words and behavior. Quit implying that you're better than us and know better because you were on the fringes of the entertainment biz.

ETA: Also, the tabloids aren't always wrong, just because they are tabloids.

I actually don't think she is implying that she is better than you, but she clearly has a different opinion. Why is yours more valid than hers? Isn't there room for differing opinions without sniping at each other about it?

Someone up thread was talking about Nicole being a strong minded woman. I completely disagree with that statement. One of my friends provided private security for Tom and Nicole and he said that while Tom certainly had his issues, Nicole was the neediest and most dependent woman he had ever met.
I actually don't think she is implying that she is better than you, but she clearly has a different opinion. Why is yours more valid than hers? Isn't there room for differing opinions without sniping at each other about it?

Someone up thread was talking about Nicole being a strong minded woman. I completely disagree with that statement. One of my friends provided private security for Tom and Nicole and he said that while Tom certainly had his issues, Nicole was the neediest and most dependent woman he had ever met.

That was the second or third post of hers, that IN MY OPINION came across as condescending towards anyone who wasn't gushing over Katie and/or Tom. I didn't say my opinion was more valid, but differing opinions seemed to bother her. She said that she "just didn't understand the spiteful comments". IMO, it's not for her to understand, she can disagree but she could stand to lose the passive-agressive tone.

Also, I was not sniping. My post was civil even though I disagree with her.
I actually don't think she is implying that she is better than you, but she clearly has a different opinion. Why is yours more valid than hers? Isn't there room for differing opinions without sniping at each other about it?

Someone up thread was talking about Nicole being a strong minded woman. I completely disagree with that statement. One of my friends provided private security for Tom and Nicole and he said that while Tom certainly had his issues, Nicole was the neediest and most dependent woman he had ever met.

Thanks MJ for saying something... I wanted to, but couldn't respond without sounding rude in return. We all may have differing opinions and insights, but it doesn't make one less valid than another.
That was the second or third post of hers, that IN MY OPINION came across as condescending towards anyone who wasn't gushing over Katie and/or Tom. I didn't say my opinion was more valid, but differing opinions seemed to bother her. She said that she "just didn't understand the spiteful comments". IMO, it's not for her to understand, she can disagree but she could stand to lose the passive-agressive tone.

Also, I was not sniping. My post was civil even though I disagree with her.

I agree with you 100% shopper. I think you said it well in both posts.

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