KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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KCL--have you seen the story Micheal Kiefer did on the jury questions being unsealed? He OF COURSE then shares with the public 2 sidebar conversations that he thinks make Martinez look unprofessional.

I really hate Michael Kiefer. Is that his job to be so cynical and biased? I know that's how HLN & co run their agendas, but seriously--is his "paper" happy with his contempt for the prosecutor?

:wave: Liebchen - FYI: There was some discussion of this in the Sidebar thread yesterday, yesterday evening. KCL and others chimed in with their displeasure about him there. HTH
:wave: Liebchen - FYI: There was some discussion of this in the Sidebar thread yesterday, yesterday evening. KCL and others chimed in with their displeasure about him there. HTH

Thank you! I've been taking a self-imposed vacation from the trial & I'm out of the loop! I'll check out the Sidebar thread.
KCL--have you seen the story Micheal Kiefer did on the jury questions being unsealed? He OF COURSE then shares with the public 2 sidebar conversations that he thinks make Martinez look unprofessional.

I really hate Michael Kiefer. Is that his job to be so cynical and biased? I know that's how HLN & co run their agendas, but seriously--is his "paper" happy with his contempt for the prosecutor?


Yes, thanks Quester! I got all triggered by his madness again last night. I don't know what the paper thinks about employing such a biased reporter, biased toward a MURDERER but maybe they just think his "National Enquirer" form of journalism sells papers. Blech.
Headline from a Huffpo story today: Jodi Arias' Lawyers Look To Influence Public Opinion With Message In Arizona Newspaper.

Whaaaat?!? Is that legal?

(And during the week of the fifth anniversary of TA's murder, too. Keepin' it klassy!)
Headline from a Huffpo story today: Jodi Arias' Lawyers Look To Influence Public Opinion With Message In Arizona Newspaper.

Whaaaat?!? Is that legal?

(And during the week of the fifth anniversary of TA's murder, too. Keepin' it klassy!)

The only thing missing from that headline is "Jodi Arias' Lawyers Conspire with Local Reporter To Influence....".

Which is what's really going on here. :stormingmad:

How stranger’s kindness helped create Travis fund

I am so glad this the Alexander family is getting such wonderful support from so many people. I know it means the world to them to be able to afford to be able to attend court and get justice for their beloved brother.

It is to good to see that they fully appreciate the financial support in the spirit it was given, meaning that they also feel the love and good wishes that comes with all of those donation. They are receiving (and are so thankful for) the emotional support from people who never knew Travis and will never meet the Alexanders.

It helps to know that they are comforted by the outpouring of love. There is a bond there, an unseen helping hand guiding the connections being made between people who will never meet in real life.

When the family was almost financially and emotionally depleted by all of this, there was an outpouring of support from all over the world, hoping to help support and comfort the Alexander family.

In this case, we have seen such evil in the form of JA who continues her assault on Travis and the people he loved, it truly hurts my own heart. But seeing this fund in action, knowing how the family has been able to draw strength from so many strangers, helps to ease my own heart at the injustices of this case, as well.
five years. Rest in Peace Travis. I'm counting on you having a good friend up there with you. <3


Sometimes were guided to place and question why. Your sister must have been a sweetheart, for she guided you to the Alexander family, knowing you can understand their pain and help them. She also must of been a kind soul like you. What you wrote was beautiful and had to be painful even after all this time, it must of felt like yesterday. Bless you katiecoolady
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