KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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Katie, I see the juror ALL arriving early today as a message to the family, not only did we not give up, we are here, sleeves rolled up, working hard, we are in, and we are in big! It is a wink and a nod, hang in there kiddos , we've got this!

I'm headed down in 10 min w reinforcements
Katie, I see the juror ALL arriving early today as a message to the family, not only did we not give up, we are here, sleeves rolled up, working hard, we are in, and we are in big! It is a wink and a nod, hang in there kiddos , we've got this!

Prayers that you are right. :seeya:
I appreciate everything you do for us, KCL. In fact, I'm very relieved and happy when you're taking care of yourself and family (love to hear about your sweet brother) You're also like sunshine for Travis' family. You posting here or keeping us up to date shouldn't even be on your list. You mere presence there is enough.
Listen peeps! Everyone is on edge waiting for this verdict. Let's not take it out on our fellow posters.

Agree to disagree and, or, move on.

Prayers for the Alexander family and that the jury reaches a verdict today, whatever it is.:please:

Did a quick check here and didn't see this picture posted here yet...

Had to share!


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Sending love and peace to Katie and the Alexander family and friends.

[I would like to follow Katie on twitter, but I don't really understand how. If someone could help me with this, I would appreciate it. If not appropriate question for this thread, apologies and I will ask on the sidebar.]
Hi everyone,

First of all a hand extended to gauntlet and my open arms for a hug. It's one of those moments going on where yesterday I walked out of a treatment at work and in to the hornet's nest of texts and rushed with no breakfast or lunch straight to the courthouse after texting one of the Alexanders and opening my mind and heart the whole way for a path of how to deal with this.

I parked my car..two of my friends one being Katie wick who I've been thru this entire trial with, came down to the street to meet me. "Tell me when you are walking" one text said. I got out of my car and texted back "walking" and they were rushing out of the courthouse and us in to each others arms, one crying and the words flew out of my mouth "we have to dig deep right now".

My role has been as best I can to hold faith for this family. As my relationships with them have developed that has gotten stronger in me. I sit in court behind them holding my most precious commodity- my faith and belief...and experience. I am not wavering now. We ran in to Aunt Heather as we came in..I ran to her and we had a huge long hug..she just kept saying "I don't know..I don't know". In a place of no words we just said "we are going upstairs to pray". The 3 of us rushed upstairs , grabbed the rest of our group , joined hands and held a long prayer/energy circle led by Katie and myself chiming in asking for us to be infused with all the prayers going on around the globe, to be filled with the deepest understanding of how to support the family, the right actions, the right words, the right tone and knowing there is a larger picture going on.

We then entered the hall filled w journalists (we are on the media and family side) agreeing not to let worry show on our faces...to dig deep in to our strength. I saw Kiefer all dressed up in a shirt and tie parading like a peacock. He's usually a rumpled mess. Why the fanfare today? I know how to ignore a person when I've reached the threshold I have so spent my time talking to people who's opinion matters to me (with the exception of one egomaniac) and stayed with my ever increasing calm as the day went by. We thought something was going on around 3:30 and that may be when the jury left I don't know. They took them down another exit so we never saw them.

We went to dinner, 2 family members joined us, we all watched Katie on dr. Drew together as we'd talked the whole dinner about her theory on the note and she did mention it on dr drew. Beth k had beat her to the punch as we had shared it w her up in the 5th floor and she got all wide eyed like she'd not considered that. That jury would have had to be deliberating for around 40-45 min to get "deadlocked" yesterday. That does not make sense to me. When I heard each one looked at the family upon leaving that also gave me a sense of calm.

Holding your fortitude in a time of chaos is an opportunity to get strong you don't get every day. I cherish that and all the growth opportunities this trial has given me.

Sometimes I come here and it's like posting in a mine field for me...I'm sure people miss things as they get deleted. I know of at least 3 posters either TO or banned because of posting crappy remarks to me. It happens. No good deed goes unpunished. Sometimes I've taken the bait hence the worm remark but Tricia's advice is sound to never ever do that..another good practice one I'm still learning. My only time out in this trial was posting an obscenity to Nurmi. I just couldn't help it. ;)

It's all part of it but in life as well so much more good outshines the negative. My life is a testament to that as is my dear brother's who has cooked dinner for me every night this week. Last night he said "if I was just cooking for myself I,would have made mashed potatoes from the box but since you were coming I made them from scratch". See what I mean?

Today I shore up,again and present my strength to this family. I will step outside of the tears in my eyes waking up this morning after a dream where Cindy was still alive on an island somewhere and we needed to,go rescue her to the reality of her being gone. It's been a long time since one of those dreams so I will call her in close today as well...as painful as it is to call in a spirit in to a life you wish they were in the flesh, but I will do it as its all I have.

Headed up shortly to bring my last food delivery to the Alexanders during this horrible scary moment I hope. And to hug them all, reinforce my belief in what's right, go take care of some clients, maybe go back and out tonite. I can fall apart later...but it's not happening today.



I agree with all you said.
I don't trust certain "reporters" and refuse to be sucked into any drama created by them.

I TRUST this jury. Like you, I have had a DEEP feeling of peace about this jury, the decisions they are making and allowing them whatever amount of time they need to do so. This feeling came immediately upon the beginning of the first deliberations, and through all the surprises/rumors/concerns HAS NOT WAIVERED!

Yesterday, when the judge talked about the "deadlock" and I saw Travis' family crying, it broke my heart. Dear God, they have all endured so much! I looked for you in the gallery and was hoping you were near by for them.

I immediately began praying. Asking God to fill the entire courthouse with Travis' presence. I prayed that the family and friends would feel Travis there with them, sharing his peace, love and strength. I also prayed the jury would feel Travis' presence and be reminded of who the victim in this situation was and the tragic murder that occurred. That they would be reminded that while they have a weighty decision to make, the decision was actually already made by JA on June 4 2008.

I am SO thankful that you and others were able to gather around the family and support them. I can't even begin to imagine how much that means to them. To have a stable force when the storm is raging (even if INSIDE you don't feel all that stable...), truly priceless.

I will continue to hold the deep faith and trust that I have in this jury (and in the Ultimate Judge). This family has been through so much. Endured so much. I have NO doubt that this jury, after investing 5 months and so much time and thought into this, will do whatever it takes to come to a fair verdict.
Keep the faith - many who will never likely meet you or the Alexander Family are holding you close and sending a spiritual tsunami of love and support!
May the stars carry your sadness away
May the flowers fill your heart with beauty
May hope forever wipe away yours tears
above all
May silence make you strong

- Chief Dan George
I picture all of us around a fire, with our own unique, home-made headdresses on, with nothing but love and compassion and hope springing from our hearts singing "ya-ya"!

I heard that exact same thing. I think we now know WHY the defense team leaked the note to Kiefer and why he reported how the note read. They are setting up an appellate issue if they come back with the DP.

This is a bit disturbing.
I don't normally listen to HLN and didn't hear any of this, but there are plenty of cases where the Allen charge was upheld after being given very early on, or before deliberations (in the initial charges, as this one was). HLN is grasping for drama, IMO.

Actually, from what I've been finding I suspect she gave this Allen Charge in response to the IF question for a reason - she didn't misunderstand the question. It was answered in this way precisely to avoid any appeal issues claiming the response was coercive in any way - that is a popular appeal issue with deliberations/judicial communications and something she was trying to avoid. This note came in while the jury was still apparently reading instructions, so answering the question as she did basically repeated the initial jury charge, so no appeal issue. Just this layperson's take on yesterday, IMO.
Forgive me if this has been mentioned. What happened to the "Court Insiders thread"?
Forgive me if this has been mentioned. What happened to the "Court Insiders thread"?

It was pulled, because frankly, it was a big mess. The thread stopped being a Q & A thread and turned into a general discussion thread.

Thanks in advance for your patience. We are super busy around here. We have another huge case that is breaking. It's has anywhere from 800-1,700 people following nearly all day and many of them are new members that need help. This is addition to the rest of this BIG website.

I know everyone here (me included) are glued to the verdict watch but there are thousands of missing persons cases here. We're pedaling as fast as we can.

I am going to try to open a new Court Observers thread soon. It's simply a matter of priorities. Hang tight please. :)
All of this is absolutely correct and there is more but even though he's an unethical jaded biased poor excuse for a journalist I won't divulge or quote things said to me in private...at least not yet. It's worse way worse than you can think. I will never ever let anyone disparage a murder victim or their family to my face ever ever again. Thank you Michael Kiefer for giving me that lesson.

I think yesterday is an example of a person who's venom has matched their ego and its out of control to blatantly post that. He's been a shill for the defense all along, reporting on things in a biased way that help their cause, the Daryl brewer interview highly suspect to me, so much more. I'll just say there are people watching and interested in these shenanigans. I'll leave it at that.

Thanks for this list AFF. Xo

I suppose Michael Kiefer thinks it is noble to be against the death penalty, but OK to slam the family and friends of a victim. That man has a black heart.
Anyone know why juror questions for the judge are not read in open court?

What the harm would be escapes me
Thanks Beach, Fran, and other Mod's for all you do- we appreciate you so very much!

Peace and love~ Frigga
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