KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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Ballistics experts would be able to match the pattern of striations on the bullet casing to the gun to see if there was a match. They would know one way or the other. Any serial # on the gun could also be traced if the gun had been registered at one time.

I understand what you are saying BUT, there is no actual proof JA took the gun or it was in her possession at any time. Now common sense tells us that she stole the gun and used it. The only proof would be that the gun that someone stole from her grandparents house had been found.
Losing someone we love is always hard no matter who it is or when it is.

When I lost my beloved golden a couple years back (I know, I know, to many it's "just" a dog but she was my soul mate in a fur suit and my baby) I was a grief-stricken mess for a long time. I remember sitting in traffic one day a few months after she passed, crying as usual, thinking about this and I said out loud, "yeahhhh, I am NOT on board with this whole cycle of life thing AT.ALL. Someone needs to write a stern memo to the man upstairs because this whole cancer in animals thing really needs to stop. I want my girl back, I want her perfectly healthy, and I want her to live another 20 yrs at least!" And then I stomped my foot to show I really meant it! (my golden used to stomp her foot when she wasn't getting her way)


I lost my boy (in my avatar) nearly a year ago from heart disease. He was given a year to live by the vet and he lived 2 years. I was so grateful for that extra time to love him and appreciate him.
I knew the end was near for him and I kept him on my lap almost constantly. He slept in bed with me and he had a funny thing he did every night. When he wanted to get under the covers he would scratch at my arm. I would pretend to ignore him and the scratching would give harder and harder until I lifted the blankets and he crawled under to cuddle next to me.
On the morning he died he did the same thing, as weak as he was. I held him close and knew it was almost time. I wasn't going to have him put down unless he was in pain and I knew he wasn't. JJ was such a big baby that he would let me know of any little owie. I cried and cried and begged God to let me keep him for a while longer and then I felt something and it was as if I knew that God was telling me that JJ was his pet and he loved me so much he let me have him for a while because he was such a good dog and gave so much love but that now it was time to give him back, that He wanted to have JJ with him again. My heart was broken but I pictured myself lifting him up and giving him back to his rightful owner, knowing that someday we would be reunited again. He passed away a few hours later, peacefully, sleeping on top of the couch he liked to sleep on. I was so grateful that he had no pain and he just laid down like he always did and didn't wake up.
I still miss that little guy but I know he is in good hands. And the funny thing is, now his little girl, Princess, wakes me up by scratching my arm until I lift the covers and let her crawl next to me. She never did that before, none of my dogs ever did, but she just started doing that a few months ago. She looks so much like her daddy. Even her muzzle, which has always been solid black, now has white on it like her daddy. Sometimes at night I forget it isn't JJ and then I remember he is gone and it hurts all over again.
I wish our fur babies didn't have such a short life compared to ours. It seems unfair that we only get to have them with us for a little while and it is so hard to say good bye. But we will never forget all the love they gave us and they are with us always.
I understand what you are saying BUT, there is no actual proof JA took the gun or it was in her possession at any time. Now common sense tells us that she stole the gun and used it. The only proof would be that the gun that someone stole from her grandparents house had been found.

I guess I left out one VERY IMPORTANT FACT.....Jodi confessed to shooting Travis. :blushing: Here I thought you were missing something, and it was me who was forgetting something important. Apologies:blushing:
I've not been thru the traumatic losses as many here have sometimes I feel awkward about it intrusive at times unsure what to say.. I know what brought me here was seeing in JA same aura of evil I see in 2 other women I know & ever since have been fascinated by BPD variants.. I think I'm here learn to stop this from happening to someone close to me.. maybe?

I wished we had an intuitive a psychic to help guide us to the gun.. if we did I swear Pasa Katie we'd be on a road trip right now.. I just have this overwhelming feeling is out there waiting for us someone to find it!

Idk I believe God moves in mysterious ways.. something is coming I just feel it..

respectfully snipped.

Whatever brought you to WS, I'm glad you're here. Things happen for a reason.

I wish we had an intuitive too... I'd be up for it.
oh my... can't type from crying.. ANJ - WOW! you are so wonderful.. btw, i rec'd your message before i saw where this thread had gone.. will be responding soon!

this heart of mine is 'bout to burst with all the love and caring flowing through here.. y'all are amazingly kind and sweet..

offering giant hugs to all who need and/or want them.. i am sorry for your losses and pain... oh but the strength i sense... you are the hope in this world.

BB... you've gifted us all.. :heartbeat:

Soak in the love, it is your time to come out of the cocoon and be a caterpillar then a butterfly free to fly and soar.

BBM - that says it all!!!!!!!!! Amen!
Ok, this probably is nothing, but I googled elephant and Mesa and this came up:
The Elephant Bar Restaurant, Chandler, AZ
I looked and Chandler looks like it's close to Mesa.
Seeing Napoleon all wrapped in his blankets in his advanced years reminds me of my pug's final months. ...lost her just over a year ago. Knowing that she killed Naps' "Dad" and then made comments about that dog to Flores, grrrr. My oldest son is named...Travis. Double Grrr, ms. arias.
I will watch all these links later when I get back to my computer. For now I'm at my brother's cat visiting eating triscuits and Kraft easy cheese and drinking a light Mikes hard Lemonade and watching Girls. I'm totally serious.

Totally O/T but how disturbing is Girls? I watch it..the episode with the Dr actually made me feel uncomfortable!
Ok, got that far, BUT, what is the email address of where to send the donation to?

I grabbed this info from the justice 4 Travis fb page.

Please make donations to the following PayPal email:


To send cards or cheques, please use this postal address:

Tanisha Sorenson
700 E. Redlands Blvd. STE U 304
Redlands, CA. 92373

There is also an address for those who prefer not to use Paypal.
Grieving is grieving Mad. A pet to many like me is as important as a baby yet we go into denial thinking we might outlive them but hoping we don't. I hold the loss of a pet w the same gravity as a family member.

Me too.
Ok, this probably is nothing, but I googled elephant and Mesa and this came up:
The Elephant Bar Restaurant, Chandler, AZ
I looked and Chandler looks like it's close to Mesa.

I have been there, it's been a few years. I was a nice place.
Chandler is South of Mesa.

Is the lake you're thinking of Bartlett? It's up north of Cave Creek.

I hadn't thought of Lake Pleasant, good catch!

The Beeline Highway takes you to Payson, it kind of goes the other way, more to the north-east.
Once in Payson you could get on hwy 260 and go back west to I-17, go back south to Carefree Hwy then west towards Lake Pleasant, Wickenburg.

From Mesa Payson is about a 90 minute drive.


Yes Bartlett! Nah beeline could take her to Ft McDowell take Shea across idk if there's another cut across but thinking that would be the fastest low traffic way north from MESA she wouldn't have to go through town I'm thinking I'd want to not be picked up by cops traffic cameras speed cameras etc..
I just want to let you know that BB is not the only generous person here. Aside for all of you that give of your time and emotions to be advocates for victims everywhere, there are many kind people who reach out to others who are hurting that never take credit for their kindness and generosity. I was feeling down a few months ago because my birthday was coming up and I felt like no one cared and I came online and someone had made a thread wishing me a happy birthday. It meant so much to me, I will never forget the kindness that people gave me. And I have been the recipient of such a kind generous act that to this day it has affected me and helped me. I wouldn't want the person who was there for me to ever be embarrassed but at a time of great need someone was there, someone I didn't know, who gave of themselves and wanted nothing in return, to a person they didn't know. I can never thank that person enough, not just for what they did but for showing me how much kindness there is in the world. The good so outweighs the bad, even though it is easy to forget when we are introduced to such evil that some people possess. For every Jodi Arias that has crawled out from satan's hovel, there are millions of people who will come together and do what they can to fight that evil and bring goodness and light into the darkness they try to leave.
I just want to let you know that BB is not the only generous person here. Aside for all of you that give of your time and emotions to be advocates for victims everywhere, there are many kind people who reach out to others who are hurting that never take credit for their kindness and generosity. I was feeling down a few months ago because my birthday was coming up and I felt like no one cared and I came online and someone had made a thread wishing me a happy birthday. It meant so much to me, I will never forget the kindness that people gave me. And I have been the recipient of such a kind generous act that to this day it has affected me and helped me. I wouldn't want the person who was there for me to ever be embarrassed but at a time of great need someone was there, someone I didn't know, who gave of themselves and wanted nothing in return, to a person they didn't know. I can never thank that person enough, not just for what they did but for showing me how much kindness there is in the world. The good so outweighs the bad, even though it is easy to forget when we are introduced to such evil that some people possess. For every Jodi Arias that has crawled out from satan's hovel, there are millions of people who will come together and do what they can to fight that evil and bring goodness and light into the darkness they try to leave.

All this doggie loss talk in feeling soooooooo guilty cuz I just "locked" Miss No No outside to encourage her to do her Bizny in her own yard.. She hasn't in went in yard in 3 days she wants to go walk! BUT she shouldn't be walking a lot with 8 sutures in her paw!!

Waiting for path report see if her growth was cancer.. idk what I'll do when she's gone.. she's my child, my best buddy & my comfort!
Yes Bartlett! Nah beeline could take her to Ft McDowell take Shea across idk if there's another cut across but thinking that would be the fastest low traffic way north from MESA she wouldn't have to go through town I'm thinking I'd want to not be picked up by cops traffic cameras speed cameras etc..

Oh, ok you were thinking she would cross over at Shea. I was thinking you were meaning Carefree Highway from the Beeline. I'm on the same page now. :)
All this doggie loss talk in feeling soooooooo guilty cuz I just "locked" Miss No No outside to encourage her to do her Bizny in her own yard.. She hasn't in went in yard in 3 days she wants to go walk! BUT she shouldn't be walking a lot with 8 sutures in her paw!!

Waiting for path report see if her growth was cancer.. idk what I'll do when she's gone.. she's my child, my best buddy & my comfort!

hoping for good news about your fur baby!!!
I think we've all shed a river of tears this weekend. I've been touched to my very soul and feel somehow 'changed'. I just wanted to bring a little humor and kind of lift everybody up a bit. I hope no one finds either offensive. I can't get that stupid song out of my head now. I'll remember if I get arrested, and I'm left alone in the interrogation room, to belt that song out!

Me too. I'm at a loss for words, to be honest. It has been a powerful and emotional weekend.
I just want to let you know that BB is not the only generous person here. Aside for all of you that give of your time and emotions to be advocates for victims everywhere, there are many kind people who reach out to others who are hurting that never take credit for their kindness and generosity. I was feeling down a few months ago because my birthday was coming up and I felt like no one cared and I came online and someone had made a thread wishing me a happy birthday. It meant so much to me, I will never forget the kindness that people gave me. And I have been the recipient of such a kind generous act that to this day it has affected me and helped me. I wouldn't want the person who was there for me to ever be embarrassed but at a time of great need someone was there, someone I didn't know, who gave of themselves and wanted nothing in return, to a person they didn't know. I can never thank that person enough, not just for what they did but for showing me how much kindness there is in the world. The good so outweighs the bad, even though it is easy to forget when we are introduced to such evil that some people possess. For every Jodi Arias that has crawled out from satan's hovel, there are millions of people who will come together and do what they can to fight that evil and bring goodness and light into the darkness they try to leave.

Big and genuine hugs to you! Your words describe the true meaning of " paying it forward" .
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